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Sony's Leadership is pretty lazy at the moment.


I don't even think its going to matter. MS is also putting more and more games on PC with a promise to continue. That being said, PS5 would be in the same situation as PS4, Sony having Exclusives and MS having multiplatofrms, so anyone owning a PC would still have little reason to own a XONE, so I think they are pretty safe as for the most part, most of what Sony makes for PS4, can only be found on PS4, that alone will drive PS5 sales.

I'm sure MS will do a better job next gen, but with them putting stuff on PC, I don;'t see me ever owning a XB in the future as suppose to just keeping my current set up of PC, PS console, Nintendo handheld.

Why wouldn’t it matter? You are assuming that majority of gamers have a PC equipped with the hardware to play those Xbox console exclusive games. It’s a moot point really, you’re in the miniority when it comes to owning a decent to powerful PC. Microsoft is simply giving gamers who prefer PC(since they have market share) to be able to play their games. They care more about moving software and keeping players engaged than moving boxes.

I think of all things to consider if Microsoft is to be more successsful or be a disaster, Play Anywhere probably won’t push them in neither direction.

Now back to Sony, I’d like them to try and improve on the success of the PS4 and not just meet the status quo because of how well they did this gen.


Gold Member
Why wouldn’t it matter? You are assuming that majority of gamers have a PC equipped with the hardware to play those Xbox console exclusive games. It’s a moot point really, you’re in the miniority when it comes to owning a decent to powerful PC. Microsoft is simply giving gamers who prefer PC(since they have market share) to be able to play their games. They care more about moving software and keeping players engaged than moving boxes.

I think of all things to consider if Microsoft is to be more successsful or be a disaster, Play Anywhere probably won’t push them in neither direction.

Now back to Sony, I’d like them to try and improve on the success of the PS4 and not just meet the status quo because of how well they did this gen.
If Sony "status quo" is more games, I think staying the coarse is perfect.


If Sony "status quo" is more games, I think staying the coarse is perfect.

More games is always better but they can’t be oblivious to the competition, Microsoft buying studios, Nintendo eating up market share in Japan and North America, along with be censorship controversy, Sony may find itself with less games and pretty much handing them to Nintendo gift wrapped.

Not bashing the censorship, it’s their agenda, they have every right to do it but I think it may play a bigger role than people anticipate. You also have Google and Amazon on the future horizon, they will really shake things up.

In other words, Sony is probably fine now and the near future but resting on their laurels I think is a mistake when your competition are making moves that some may consider game changers and the potential entrance of new players(Amazon, Google)


Gold Member
More games is always better but they can’t be oblivious to the competition, Microsoft buying studios, Nintendo eating up market share in Japan and North America, along with be censorship controversy, Sony may find itself with less games and pretty much handing them to Nintendo gift wrapped.

Not bashing the censorship, it’s their agenda, they have every right to do it but I think it may play a bigger role than people anticipate. You also have Google and Amazon on the future horizon, they will really shake things up.

In other words, Sony is probably fine now and the near future but resting on their laurels I think is a mistake when your competition are making moves that some may consider game changers and the potential entrance of new players(Amazon, Google)
MS is playing catch up and Nintendo is walking their own path as usual. If Sony produces high quality games next gen very little will change. If Apple or Valve couldn't break in the mix, neither will Amazon or Google. The censorship issue does concern me though.


Gold Member
I don't think the censorship thing will do anything for PS5. It may lead to some angry forum threads, but 99.99% of gamers don't know or care. And the number of players playing those niche anime games are low too.

You never know what will happen every generation, but since consoles now seem like BC refreshes, it'll be extremely difficult for MS to ever catch up since there is no reset button to get gamers to roll the dice on an MS or Sony new platform. People are likely more willing to just refresh to the next upgrade in the same ecosystem as long as they are happy with it.


IMO Sony is doing absolutely right. This Gen is nearly over. Why throw new Blockbusters or Brands out for a dying console if they can use them for PS5? Gamers have enough games to play. RDR2 (Online) for example can and will bond gamers for month, even years. RE2 is in the Pipeline, Days Gone, TLOU. There is already enough on the market, Gamers can spend their time with.

Me for instance, I have enough to play with my PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and Switch.


I agree with the OP's premise. Especially about the Naughty Dog dna reference. That was a perfect way to describe the situation OP.

Sony has spread the ND toolkit to all their first party devs. The result is that all their games are similar to an extent. The third person cinematic perspective single player formula isn't a bad one. Nobody being objective would say that. It's just that almost all of their games are like that. They have a few that aren't, but all their AAA money is certainly going to these very specific kinda of games, outside of GTS. Sony needs more diversity in their main lineup.

As far as acquiring developers... I'm not sure Sony has the cash to do so really. At least not on a scale that would make a notable difference. Sony is in the black these days, and making a profit, but that doesn't mean they are flush with cash. It was only a few years ago they were selling everything including the kitchen sink to stay afloat. They're in a much better place now, but much of their Playstation and insurance profits likely go to propping up many of their other divisions, which are still bleeding money.

Sony has released a AAA game about once every 6-8 months over the last few years. They came out with PSNow, but then kinda just let it sit for a couple of years. They came out with the PS4 Pro, but didn't put the same effort into it as MS with the X, They started charging for PSN, but really haven't improved it or its features.

I'm not sure I would call any of this being lazy per se. The PS4 is still lighting up the sales charts. It's beyond apparent that what they are doing is enough. They've likely reached the market saturation point as well. Why should Sony sink any more money into PS at this point? It makes no sense to do so.


Why wouldn’t it matter? You are assuming that majority of gamers have a PC equipped with the hardware to play those Xbox console exclusive games. It’s a moot point really, you’re in the miniority when it comes to owning a decent to powerful PC. Microsoft is simply giving gamers who prefer PC(since they have market share) to be able to play their games. They care more about moving software and keeping players engaged than moving boxes.

I think of all things to consider if Microsoft is to be more successsful or be a disaster, Play Anywhere probably won’t push them in neither direction.

Now back to Sony, I’d like them to try and improve on the success of the PS4 and not just meet the status quo because of how well they did this gen.

"You are assuming that majority of gamers have a PC equipped with the hardware to play those Xbox console exclusive games"

Nope. Simply pointing out that those that game on PC have little reason to buy XB, but they have many to buy Switch, PS etc The move to PC will ultimately limit how many will actually see a value in XB. This is one of the biggest reasons why Sony might not worry that much about MS as MS is making their own device less exclusive in terms of software.


I own a gaming PC, I own a PS4 and I'm buying a Switch. Switch isn't a maybe, its going to happen as I CAN'T PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING ON MY PS4, can't play it on PC, thus I MUST buy it down the line to play that.

I have no XB as those titles are already on PC, this move basically means I'll have even less reasons to ever own the platform. So that might work for MS, doesn't work for XB as a system, thus to Sony, they already know any PS console they make by default will move more units.

MORE reasons exist to buy a PS or a Nintendo system by default the a XB. MS has basically made sure of that with their recent moves. Sony has little reasons to worry about Nintendo as Nintendo is in a market to move portables....

Not sure why Sony would worry about a handheld, when they are focusing on home console.....soooooo talk to me when the top AAA titles are going to a Nintendo handheld and not a Sony home console and then we'll have a conversation, but right now they are in different markets bud, in hardware and software.

"I’d like them to try and improve on the success of the PS4 and not just meet the status quo because of how well they did this gen"

Status quo is Sony making new AAA series every gen along with established. That isn't a fluke or accident. Did you forget who sold the most home consoles combined in history and why? I mean...buddy, its MS thats now trying to finally do what Sony does, not the other way around. This is NORMAL for Sony in terms of what they do.

New series, established series, 3rd party support

That isn't a PS4 thing, that is a Playstation has done this every damn generation thing......THEY made that the norm for them while MS and Nintendo are out here trial and error, testing new things, making new set ups etc.

Sony never needed to do that, they already had a gameplan that made so much damn sense, they never moved away from it.

Anything after PS1...notice.

PS2. Jak and Daxter, Sly , Ratchet, The Getaway, Killzone, God Of War etc (all new IP)
PS3 Resistance, Uncharted, The Last Of Us, Infamous, LBP, Heavy Rain, Motorstorm etc (all new IP)
PS4. Horizon, Ghost, The Order, Until Dawn, Dreams, Detroit, Death Stranding, Driveclub, Knack etc (all new IP)

Add in a dash of returning established and you have the thing they've done every gen. So I don't know how you can question or worry about an IP you've never heard of.

Status Quo to Sony is simple, new series, established series, NO IP IS sacred enough to stay the same. Look at God Of War and GT Sport. They are the last publisher that is going to be sitting on their established IPs for a whole damn gen with their fans begging for new AAA content.
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Gold Member
I agree with the OP's premise. Especially about the Naughty Dog dna reference. That was a perfect way to describe the situation OP.

Sony has spread the ND toolkit to all their first party devs. The result is that all their games are similar to an extent. The third person cinematic perspective single player formula isn't a bad one. Nobody being objective would say that. It's just that almost all of their games are like that. They have a few that aren't, but all their AAA money is certainly going to these very specific kinda of games, outside of GTS. Sony needs more diversity in their main lineup.
I don't think they need to change. Gamers seem perfectly fine with Sony releasing SP kinds of action games along with baseball and GT, while all the shooters, sports, fighting games, RPGs etc.... come from third party.

Sony has tried doing all kinds of games, but they flame out so they quit..... Most of their other types of games get decent reviews too over the years, but some reason PS gamers don't stick with them.... instead they'll gravitate to the usual EA or Activision franchise.

Sports. Gone, except for baseball
Shooters. Gone
Arcadey racers like Motorstorm/DC. Gone
That PC division that did online MMO kinds of games. Gone
Fighting. That one off PS Allstars game. Gone
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"You are assuming that majority of gamers have a PC equipped with the hardware to play those Xbox console exclusive games"

Nope. Simply pointing out that those that game on PC have little reason to buy XB, but they have many to buy Switch, PS etc The move to PC will ultimately limit how many will actually see a value in XB. This is one of the biggest reasons why Sony might not worry that much about MS as MS is making their own device less exclusive in terms of software.


I own a gaming PC, I own a PS4 and I'm buying a Switch. Switch isn't a maybe, its going to happen as I CAN'T PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING ON MY PS4, can't play it on PC, thus I MUST buy it down the line to play that.

I have no XB as those titles are already on PC, this move basically means I'll have even less reasons to ever own the platform. So that might work for MS, doesn't work for XB as a system, thus to Sony, they already know any PS console they make by default will move more units.

MORE reasons exist to buy a PS or a Nintendo system by default the a XB. MS has basically made sure of that with their recent moves. Sony has little reasons to worry about Nintendo as Nintendo is in a market to move portables....

Not sure why Sony would worry about a handheld, when they are focusing on home console.....soooooo talk to me when the top AAA titles are going to a Nintendo handheld and not a Sony home console and then we'll have a conversation, but right now they are in different markets bud, in hardware and software.

"I’d like them to try and improve on the success of the PS4 and not just meet the status quo because of how well they did this gen"

Status quo is Sony making new AAA series every gen along with established. That isn't a fluke or accident. Did you forget who sold the most home consoles combined in history and why? I mean...buddy, its MS thats now trying to finally do what Sony does, not the other way around. This is NORMAL for Sony in terms of what they do.

New series, established series, 3rd party support

That isn't a PS4 thing, that is a Playstation has done this every damn generation thing......THEY made that the norm for them while MS and Nintendo are out here trial and error, testing new things, making new set ups etc.

Sony never needed to do that, they already had a gameplan that made so much damn sense, they never moved away from it.

Anything after PS1...notice.

PS2. Jak and Daxter, Sly , Ratchet, The Getaway, Killzone, God Of War etc (all new IP)
PS3 Resistance, Uncharted, The Last Of Us, Infamous, LBP, Heavy Rain, Motorstorm etc (all new IP)
PS4. Horizon, Ghost, The Order, Until Dawn, Dreams, Detroit, Death Stranding, Driveclub, Knack etc (all new IP)

Add in a dash of returning established and you have the thing they've done every gen. So I don't know how you can question or worry about an IP you've never heard of.

Status Quo to Sony is simple, new series, established series, NO IP IS sacred enough to stay the same. Look at God Of War and GT Sport. They are the last publisher that is going to be sitting on their established IPs for a whole damn gen with their fans begging for new AAA content.
no Bloodborne notice, 0/10


Yeah, been dominating bout 5 years, the media is paying more attention to a possible PS5 release and deliver 2 goty contenders.
But sure, theyre lazy


Microsoft is buying studios, not games lmfao. Let's see if they can actually do anything with them first before we celebrate...


I wouldn't call them lazy... just fucking stupid and arrogant as time goes on with them in the first place as usual, the amount of stupidity necessary to give the cali branch all the power of the playstation brand is really impressive.
I hope they fall on their face ps3 style again, sony is only bearable when they play catch up anything else and they are becoming dumber as time goes on.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Microsoft is buying studios, not games lmfao. Let's see if they can actually do anything with them first before we celebrate...
This post is a conundrum. How EXACTLY do you get games without studios? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck??

Sony's going to do well. I honestly expect them to take next-gen too, but not by a land slide and the PS5 certainly wont be a runaway success like the PS4. I feel like Sony is just going ham on PS5 with the timeframe they have. They will have to bring new things to the table though. Ninty isnt so much of a concern but MS is currently on a first party rampage that's shaking up the industry. Regardless of which platform you prefer, their efforts have been nothing less than impressive.

In fact I'd go so far as to say that MS will probably have the best of everything (ecosystem, online, Cloud, GP, BC, accessories etc..) MP will boon as usual and the First Party will be at least equal to the quality of Sony's studio family - and Sony will still probably eek out a win based on brand name alone - but not by much. I'm absolutely good with this. I enjoy my system regardless and could give fuck-all about console warz...

Without question, what Sony has done this gen has absolutely worked for them and I expect them to continue the current trend on SP offerings, but if they dont adapt to the changing landscapes within the gaming community as well, they risk much. Moves like the ones MS, Google and Amazon are doing arent done in a vacuum. They're game changers and the ripples can be felt throughout the industry. Sony needs to pay attention if they want to stay on top.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
I wouldn't call them lazy... just fucking stupid and arrogant as time goes on with them in the first place as usual, the amount of stupidity necessary to give the cali branch all the power of the playstation brand is really impressive.
I hope they fall on their face ps3 style again, sony is only bearable when they play catch up anything else and they are becoming dumber as time goes on.

I see no evidence of stupidity or arrogance yet. In fact this gen I really cannot fault Sony's management thus far, they've done a fantastic job of running their business in my opinion.

They are letting the product do all the talking for them, and as long as that holds up, they are golden until it the time comes to start banging the drum for the next console cycle. What's more by stepping back from the usual annual promotional season (PSX, E3), they are ensuring that the next gen campaign trail is on a time-scale of their choosing.


This post is a conundrum. How EXACTLY do you get games without studios? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck??
I'm sorry you're so confused by this rather simple concept, but you don't claim you bought eggs after you bought a chicken. You bought a chicken that will hopefully produce eggs. Basic stuff here...

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
I'm sorry you're so confused by this rather simple concept, but you don't claim you bought eggs after you bought a chicken. You bought a chicken that will hopefully produce eggs. Basic stuff here...
Apparently it isnt so simple for some it looks like - you still arent making sense and you wrote that shit. The Fuck???

The sole reason to buy game studios is for games. If you own the studios, games are a given, a guarantee - like the rising sun.

We'll just agree that youre wrong. Then, agree to disagree. Merry Christmas.


I wouldn't call them lazy... just fucking stupid and arrogant as time goes on with them in the first place as usual, the amount of stupidity necessary to give the cali branch all the power of the playstation brand is really impressive.
I hope they fall on their face ps3 style again, sony is only bearable when they play catch up anything else and they are becoming dumber as time goes on.
This post made me dumb and dumber


I see no evidence of stupidity or arrogance yet.
Well driving western style censorship measures in a already weak japan console market on japan only games and with it possibly push many small devs close to bankruptcy while losing consumers that wont be replaced with another group does not qualify as smart to me.

This post made me dumb and dumber
Are you drunk?
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Gold Member
I can agree with the top of this post but to say all the studio acquisitions by Microsoft had been b rated shit is very false. Many consider Obsidian, Ninja Theory and obviously the obvious one, Playground Games up there talent wise.
Its B-Plus man. And don't get me wrong, I dig obsidian and Ninja Theory games. Obsidian is a shell of its former self. Maybe with some funding they can get it back together to be a top tier developer. I honestly didn't know Playground games was NOT owned by Xbox already (they make great racing games), and Ninja Theory (while I love their output) are more interested in smaller more focused experiences.

None of these (except for maybe Forza), are system seller type developers, yet. They may be in the future. I don't know. We shall see, but as it stands now, the studios owned or aligned with Sony are stronger than Xbox as of today.


Gold Member
I wouldn't call them lazy... just fucking stupid and arrogant as time goes on with them in the first place as usual, the amount of stupidity necessary to give the cali branch all the power of the playstation brand is really impressive.
I hope they fall on their face ps3 style again, sony is only bearable when they play catch up anything else and they are becoming dumber as time goes on.
Why do you care whether they are "bearable" or not. You don't drink beer with a company or have a couple of cocktails. Do they offer games you want to play? If the answer is yes, then buy it. If the answer is no, then don't.
I wish they were still chasing after more small/mid-sized devs and indies. My favorite genres (fighting, puzzle, shmup) are mostly ignored by the big AAA studios including all of Sony's. Seems like they are emphasizing the "Playstation family" more and more instead of catering to me specifically, a PS4 owner. Microsoft already went down this road and it pushed me away from their brand.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Well driving western style censorship measures in a already weak japan console market on japan only games and with it possibly push many small devs close to bankruptcy while losing consumers that wont be replaced with another group does not qualify as smart to me.

No offense, but truthfully its like alienating furries. Noone cares really, especially in this current up-tight climate.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
This post is a conundrum. How EXACTLY do you get games without studios? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck??

Sony's going to do well. I honestly expect them to take next-gen too, but not by a land slide and the PS5 certainly wont be a runaway success like the PS4. I feel like Sony is just going ham on PS5 with the timeframe they have. They will have to bring new things to the table though. Ninty isnt so much of a concern but MS is currently on a first party rampage that's shaking up the industry. Regardless of which platform you prefer, their efforts have been nothing less than impressive.

In fact I'd go so far as to say that MS will probably have the best of everything (ecosystem, online, Cloud, GP, BC, accessories etc..) MP will boon as usual and the First Party will be at least equal to the quality of Sony's studio family - and Sony will still probably eek out a win based on brand name alone - but not by much. I'm absolutely good with this. I enjoy my system regardless and could give fuck-all about console warz...

Without question, what Sony has done this gen has absolutely worked for them and I expect them to continue the current trend on SP offerings, but if they dont adapt to the changing landscapes within the gaming community as well, they risk much. Moves like the ones MS, Google and Amazon are doing arent done in a vacuum. They're game changers and the ripples can be felt throughout the industry. Sony needs to pay attention if they want to stay on top.

I know you're excited for Microsoft, but you have to be reasonable instead of thinking they're guaranteed to produce good games next gen. They out SoT, SoD2 and now they're going to release Crackdown 3, which may not get favorable reviews. MS may have different genres, but most are not appealing to bring in new fans to the Xbox console. This is why it's best to wait before making this bold claims.


I would think Sony are hard at work on a next gen console that hasn't been announced yet. That's why they appear to be quiet or "lazy" (or to bring up the old favorites - arrogant and complacent!) They'll start beating their chest when they're ready.


I mean, they are a californian company now so what did you expect? The glorious days of Sony Japan are gone. They even censor japanese games now, what a joke.


The sole reason to buy game studios is for games. If you own the studios, games are a given, a guarantee
Yeah that worked out real well when Microsoft bought Rare, right?

We'll just agree that youre wrong.
Nope, sorry, buying studios isn't buying games just like buying chickens isn't buying eggs. I'm sorry you're still having so much trouble with this, good luck in all your future endeavors...
This post is a conundrum. How EXACTLY do you get games without studios? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck??

Sony's going to do well. I honestly expect them to take next-gen too, but not by a land slide and the PS5 certainly wont be a runaway success like the PS4. I feel like Sony is just going ham on PS5 with the timeframe they have. They will have to bring new things to the table though. Ninty isnt so much of a concern but MS is currently on a first party rampage that's shaking up the industry. Regardless of which platform you prefer, their efforts have been nothing less than impressive.

In fact I'd go so far as to say that MS will probably have the best of everything (ecosystem, online, Cloud, GP, BC, accessories etc..) MP will boon as usual and the First Party will be at least equal to the quality of Sony's studio family - and Sony will still probably eek out a win based on brand name alone - but not by much. I'm absolutely good with this. I enjoy my system regardless and could give fuck-all about console warz...

Without question, what Sony has done this gen has absolutely worked for them and I expect them to continue the current trend on SP offerings, but if they dont adapt to the changing landscapes within the gaming community as well, they risk much. Moves like the ones MS, Google and Amazon are doing arent done in a vacuum. They're game changers and the ripples can be felt throughout the industry. Sony needs to pay attention if they want to stay on top.

I get that you are enthusiastic about the recent Microsoft spending spree but you won't get many people who are as overly as enthusiastic as you because of there track record and it speaks for itself really , they have always had money more than every other player in the game they've had alot of studios in the past aswell be it under a different management though but still I wouldn't say they've shaken the gaming industry though I think that's just hyperbole to be honest ... Also in my opinion Sony just have to keep up what there doing bringing great games out one after another.


Neo Member
This thread is so weird to read through? How is Sony in danger if they continue to release high quality first/third person, single player story driven narratives? Are you forgetting how each of those games have been received? Even TO1886, despite the poor reviews, was profitable according to shinobi and other insiders.

How are you comparing XB exclusives to the impeccable slate of PS exclusives this gen? Again this thread is really weird. XB has more officially announced vaporware than actual AAA exclusives that push their console forward. Yes MS has 7 new studios. You forget that PS has 17 each with a history of creativity.

I can't wait for next generation to start. Why? Because the numbers will show you exactly where this industry is at. A clear and concise indication that you sell next genenration by delivering in your current generation. And on that front XB hasn't made any significant noise for over 3 years.

Do you know how long it's been since XB introduced a new AAA ip? Yes, it has been over 3 years.

And all that "PHil Spencer said" wont count for shit at launch. Some folk are in for a shock next generation.
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Neo Member
It will probably be BC with PS4. I don't see fans being too happy if they have to pay for upgraded versions for PS4 classics.

This generation every console tournament has been held on Playstation. From Fifa to COD it's on PS. You'd have to look hard to find.

Sony's investment into the E-Sports market this generation

Dragon Ball X2
For Honor
Mortal Kombat
Street FIghter 5
World Of tank
GT SPort
Uncharted 4

XBOX investment into the E-Sports market

Rainbow Six Siege
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
This generation every console tournament has been held on Playstation. From Fifa to COD it's on PS. You'd have to look hard to find.

Sony's investment into the E-Sports market this generation

Dragon Ball X2
For Honor
Mortal Kombat
Street FIghter 5
World Of tank
GT SPort
Uncharted 4

XBOX investment into the E-Sports market

Rainbow Six Siege

People say they need a competitive shooter like Gears because that's what they're lacking, but if people are playing The Last of Us Remastered Online (which was released in 2014) what does say about the popularity of the game?

There are many articles stating how Last of Us online is underrated.


I believe it's a technical shooter that relies heavily on stealth, which is why people love playing the game online. So if people play Last of Us Online just as much as Gears of War 4 or 5 online, then that means they're not in desperate need of a competitive shooter that gets a lot of eSports attention. What really matters is if they attract an audience and gamers love playing the game online.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
This thread is so weird to read through? How is Sony in danger if they continue to release high quality first/third person, single player story driven narratives? Are you forgetting how each of those games have been received? Even TO1886, despite the poor reviews, was profitable according to shinobi and other insiders.

How are you comparing XB exclusives to the impeccable slate of PS exclusives this gen? Again this thread is really weird. XB has more officially announced vaporware than actual AAA exclusives that push their console forward. Yes MS has 7 new studios. You forget that PS has 17 each with a history of creativity.

I can't wait for next generation to start. Why? Because the numbers will show you exactly where this industry is at. A clear and concise indication that you sell next genenration by delivering in your current generation. And on that front XB hasn't made any significant noise for over 3 years.

Do you know how long it's been since XB introduced a new AAA ip? Yes, it has been over 3 years.

And all that "PHil Spencer said" wont count for shit at launch. Some folk are in for a shock next generation.

You can say that again. Sounds like a few on these forums would rather walk around with blinders on - thinking Sony is untouchable. They arent. Not by a long shot. Guess we can expect you to move the goal posts around come next gen. I'll be paying attention for sure.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Yeah that worked out real well when Microsoft bought Rare, right?

Nope, sorry, buying studios isn't buying games just like buying chickens isn't buying eggs. I'm sorry you're still having so much trouble with this, good luck in all your future endeavors...
Rare is actually doing very well. They're growing and expanding now as we speak. Not sure what you meant there. And we'll just agree to disagree. To me, studios make games - they arent falling out of the sky, they dont make themselves. MS has a pretty powerful ensemble of developers (thusfar) that speaks for itself. Every single developer that's been acquired has the vision and leadership necessary to make great games. If you look closely you'll recognize that the only thing studios like NT, Obsidian, InXile, Undead Labs and Compulsion Games lacked were proper funding and resources. A creative team and vision rests with these studios in spades.

Appreciate it tho fam. I dont need luck. I'm a fucking beast - check my Avy! Happy holidays!
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Neo Member
You can say that again. Sounds like a few on these forums would rather walk around with blinders on - thinking Sony is untouchable. They arent. Not by a long shot. Guess we can expect you to move the goal posts around come next gen. I'll be paying attention for sure.

Sony could fuck up for sure. But the sell for next generation is 90% done during the current. ON that front XBOX falls flat.

Bar no fuck ups, XB has a tough sell. Power and services are available now and XB hasn't won an NPD in it's strongest market in over 2 years. ROTW and the larger market don't know who Phil Spencer or Obsidian is. Unless they're bringing ip that builds momentum XB goes into the next generation dormant. Unless of course, I'm mistaken and this worship of Phil Spencer and what he and greenberg says on twitter has resonance with the broader audience.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I have to admit that this thread is a bit disappointing because it's implying that Sony is doing a bad job and I don't think that is the case.

Now, MS is doing an exceptional job in many areas.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Sony could fuck up for sure. But the sell for next generation is 90% done during the current. ON that front XBOX falls flat.

Bar no fuck ups, XB has a tough sell. Power and services are available now and XB hasn't won an NPD in it's strongest market in over 2 years. ROTW and the larger market don't know who Phil Spencer or Obsidian is. Unless they're bringing ip that builds momentum XB goes into the next generation dormant. Unless of course, I'm mistaken and this worship of Phil Spencer and what he and greenberg says on twitter has resonance with the broader audience.
Forums like these make up a very small portion of the gaming community. I dont think it's even a blip on the radar - truth be told. You keep insinuating that Sony more than likely has nothing to worry about based on how they performed this gen. They did great this gen! Amazing in fact. But next gen is another ball game - a clean slate.

Regardless if you want to admit it or not, MS really helped Sony out in the beginning by making anti consumer moves that the general gaming pop refused to co-sign on. And they continued to capitalize on that mistake and ran the gamut from there on.

MS also learned alot of lessons this gen, the CEO is 100% behind gaming and Phil Spencer has a seat at the round-table. They also proved the have the prowess to create great hardware by fixing and exceeding all expectations with the X. GP is a game changer. Period. If you refute that, I cant even consider you a gamer. These in and of themselves are no small feat.

Xbox as a brand finally has the resources and finances behind it. This has never been seen or done before (including Sony and Nintendo) at Microsoft, and it's clearly making a big impression. I'd say we wont see anything the likes of what Phil and CO has done in the last few months, ever again. Clearly MS come to play - the gloves are off. And I can guarantee Sony themselves are nowhere near as confident in a next gen victory as you seem to be up against an awakened giant. Nevermind what new players like Google and Amazon might have in store.

Being #1 is a cool title to have. The down shot is that it also puts a target on your back. Sony isnt guaranteed anything next gen.
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Forums like these make up a very small portion of the gaming community. I dont think it's even a blip on the radar - truth be told. You keep insinuating that Sony more than likely has nothing to worry about based on how they performed this gen. They did great this gen! Amazing in fact. But next gen is another ball game - a clean slate.

Regardless if you want to admit it or not, MS really helped Sony out in the beginning by making anti consumer moves that the general gaming pop refused to co-sign on. And they continued to capitalize on that mistake and ran the gamut from there on.

MS also learned alot of lessons this gen, the CEO is 100% behind gaming and Phil Spencer has a seat at the round-table. They also proved the have the prowess to create great hardware by fixing and exceeding all expectations with the X. GP is a game changer. Period. If you refute that, I cant even consider you a gamer. These in and of themselves are no small feat.

Xbox as a brand finally has the resources and finances behind it. This has never been seen or done before (including Sony and Nintendo) at Microsoft, and it's clearly making a big impression. I'd say we wont see anything the likes of what Phil and CO has done in the last few months, ever again. Clearly MS come to play - the gloves are off. And I can guarantee Sony themselves are nowhere near as confident in a next gen victory as you seem to be up against an awakened giant. Nevermind what new players like Google and Amazon might have in store.

Being #1 is a cool title to have. The down shot is that it also puts a target on your back. Sony isnt guaranteed anything next gen.

No they aren't guaranteed a win and neither is Microsoft but let's face it most people have more faith in Sony than Microsoft and rightly so in my opinion yes Sony gained from microsofts stance at the beginning of this gen but don't forget halfway through the 360's lifespan was pretty dire aswell I wouldn't be surprised if people back then we're looking to jump to Sony when the new gen started and then with this gen Sony have consistently kept us entertained with good games and I can't see the reverse happening and suddenly people start jumping to Microsoft .

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
If Sony "status quo" is more games, I think staying the coarse is perfect.

This. As long as they're putting out great games that appeal to me, that's all I need to stick with them as my main. And that's probably true of most of the market as exemplified by them dominating in the PS1, PS2 and current generations and scrapping back to catch up to 360 by the end of last gen/early into this gen.

They'd have likely dominated (at least over 360, likely not over the Wii craze) if they'd simply been "lazy" and gone with the status quo with the PS3. Instead they got all cocky and arrogant and forced in Bluray to win the format war (largely moot now that streaming dominates and BR sales never even surpassed DVD) and drove up the price and alienated people at launch with shitty comments about working a second job to afford it and so on.

So yeah, I'm fine with them being lazy and just keeping the status quo. It's the best place to play high production value, cinematic, narrative driven games and that's most of my gaming interests these days. I don't need them to stop "being lazy" as I just want more of the same. I do want them to stop with bullshit like blocking cross play and requiring censoring of games though. But just on principle as those don't affect me personally as I don't play online games really and don't at all play the types of games affected by the censoring. But both are things that should stop.
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This post is a conundrum. How EXACTLY do you get games without studios? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck??

Sony's going to do well. I honestly expect them to take next-gen too, but not by a land slide and the PS5 certainly wont be a runaway success like the PS4. I feel like Sony is just going ham on PS5 with the timeframe they have. They will have to bring new things to the table though. Ninty isnt so much of a concern but MS is currently on a first party rampage that's shaking up the industry. Regardless of which platform you prefer, their efforts have been nothing less than impressive.

In fact I'd go so far as to say that MS will probably have the best of everything (ecosystem, online, Cloud, GP, BC, accessories etc..) MP will boon as usual and the First Party will be at least equal to the quality of Sony's studio family - and Sony will still probably eek out a win based on brand name alone - but not by much. I'm absolutely good with this. I enjoy my system regardless and could give fuck-all about console warz...

Without question, what Sony has done this gen has absolutely worked for them and I expect them to continue the current trend on SP offerings, but if they dont adapt to the changing landscapes within the gaming community as well, they risk much. Moves like the ones MS, Google and Amazon are doing arent done in a vacuum. They're game changers and the ripples can be felt throughout the industry. Sony needs to pay attention if they want to stay on top.

Can you explain to me what these moves are? If you're talking about GaaS, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. If you're talking about cloud compute, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. Touching on niche markets? VR? The whole industry is. What exactly are these companies doing different? Would love to hear your explanation.


Gold Member
Can you explain to me what these moves are? If you're talking about GaaS, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. If you're talking about cloud compute, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. Touching on niche markets? VR? The whole industry is. What exactly are these companies doing different? Would love to hear your explanation.
I don't get it either. I see similar services being offered except bc.
Yeah it was all right.

They wiped all the profits from PS2, had to sell Landmark office buildings, and used their insurance division to carry the company, and we’re on the verge of a government bailout.

All in all, not too bad. When you think about it really.

Yeah, still they had a pretty good turnaround. Just watch how things were bad for them in 2007/2008 and how the menaged to recover by 2010/2011, how they retained some mindshare and regained goodwill.
If we look at the premises and then we look at the outcome, yes, things didn't went too bad indeed.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Can you explain to me what these moves are? If you're talking about GaaS, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. If you're talking about cloud compute, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. Touching on niche markets? VR? The whole industry is. What exactly are these companies doing different? Would love to hear your explanation.

I think they were mostly meaning how focused Sony is on single player games with their first party stuff, during an era when the big profits are in MP service games.

I don't really agree there as I see that market bubble crashing eventually. Gamers only have so much time and the more people who put all/most of their time into one or two service games the less gaming time that is for other service games.

Sony has cornered a market they don't have a ton of competition in anymore, as aside from Rockstar and a few others not many AAA studios/publishers are putting out huge budget/high production value single player games. They cost a ton and are harder to monetize post launch. But having them gives people that like them a reason to choose Playstation and those who also like the service games like Fortnite, Destiny etc. can still play them since most are on all platforms.

Vs. MS who kind of has to bank on their online stuff like Halo Infinite, Gears 5 and whatever else having enough sway to pull people away from the bit third party service games or hope people have enough gaming time to choose Xbox to play their service games AND the third party ones.

It will be interesting to see where this goes in the future. If Sony's strategy fails, I'd probably be mostly done with gaming as I just have near zero interest in online games and none in endless service games (I bore of games quickly and like jumping to new ones frequently).

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It's gotten so bad to the point where this place desperately needs to split up gaming into 3 parts.

That's always been the case. Catch all gaming forums have all had more console warring nonsense than the forums (in the past when there were more active ones) that had separate areas. Cheapassgamer back when it had a lot of traffic was the best IMO. Had the separate platform areas and then a general gaming discussion are for industry wide news, sales threads and what not. A little console warring stuff was allowed in there, but at it's peak the mods did a great job of keeping the platform areas totally free of that stuff with quick bans as that was clearly not the place for discussing other platforms beyond the one that area was for.

Granted, I don't think there's anyway to split this site currently. There's just not enough traffic. It could have/should have happened back before the migration (and Era would be way better if they did it). But maybe whatever Evilore and staff are cooking up for the changes to how communites work will help if that is a shift more toward sub-reddit like communities vs. single thread communities.
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Can you explain to me what these moves are? If you're talking about GaaS, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. If you're talking about cloud compute, than Sony is moving towards that direction as well. Touching on niche markets? VR? The whole industry is. What exactly are these companies doing different? Would love to hear your explanation.
Jesus, really?

Lets not be daft now. There is a solar system sized difference when comparing these services. Sony isnt moving towards Cloud compute - that's straight up bullshit. They barely have a competent Cloud service as it stands. Sony may be moving towards GaaS but it's nothing compared to MS - you know that though.

Fuck VR - legit. Until it's cut from the "umbilical cord", it's never going to take off the way some hope it will.

Because these two companies basically [offer]the same services doesnt mean they are of equal quality. They arent. Not even close. Sony reigns with SP - everything esle is sub-standard at best. The only real feather in Sony's cap is the SP games. They're substandard with online, Cloud, BC, hardware (for now and probably next gen )even their Gamepass-esque service is of low quality. To this day they dont have one MP game in the same ranks as Gears, Halo or Froza. No way in hell they offer their 1st party games to Playstation Now day and date of release -- they cant afford to.

Their Cloud service is a joke compared to Azure - they cant afford to invest in CLoud the same way, and they lack the finances and resources of Microsoft to even begin to compete in that arena only offer a similar service (no promises) And you will NEVER see Sony invest in garnering 1st party studios on the level of Microsoft. Again, they cant afford to. The Playstation Dept may be doing well but the rest of Sony is bleeding money - they arent who they used to be in other arenas and its not getting any better. And let's be realistic -- Sony aren't an innovative company. They push, NADA! Their incredible at making the most out of being a traditional company. But when it comes to coming up with industry leading ideals and technology, - nope! That's just not Sony's bag.

No fanboy shit, just the facts.

I have no problem giving props when its due, and Sony has definitely earned them. But it resides in SP games ONLY. GaaS games have even been moving on without Sony for a while now. "B" for effort though.
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Neo Member
Your argument becomes invalid here

But next gen is another ball game - a clean slate.

I didn't own a PS3. I came to PS4 by way of Donny macs insults and to be honest, my PS purchase was as an alternative but 5 years later I'm completely locked in. Why?

I need the next uncharted.
My game of the generation is Horizon Zero Dawn
I fell in love With Gravity Rush
God Of War
pushes this hobby of ours forward.
Journey got me in my feels
My Wife loved playing through Until Dawn with me
Spider-Man had me and my friends reminiscing on what we used to read in the comics
I've been play SFV and still get a match within less than a minute
Ratchet & Clank was unexpectedly good fun
The Last Of Us is the greatest game I've ever played

And every third party game I've played has additional content exclusive to PS.

I could go on. No seriously, I could go on and on but in short, I need sequels too all those ip. And should the studios decide to move on from the ip that got me hooked, they've already proved that as a gamer, I need to stick with them. I bought an XB1S that came with Forza and gears. Two ip I've played through repeatedly on my 360. And since then, the only purchased I made there was an indie game called Cuphead. In short, IP matters! IP is what keeps people invested.

This notion that gamers look at both new/next gen consoles as a simple 50 / 50 choice is a fallacy. All of the stuff you talk about has ZERO resonance beyond the timdog types on twitter.

Back Compat
Studios that were just bought

Are not selling points. More TFLOPS is not a selling point. If they were XB would at least be in contention in it's strongest market. But even with the launch of the 1X XBOX still came in third place. Are you even aware of the fact that outside of the US a lot of gaming stores don't bother carrying the XBOX console? You litterally have to go to specialist shops, in some regions, to find an XBOX. But somehow "What Phil Spencer said" has you thinking that ip doesn't matter. And next Generation things will start on an even keel. Not realizing that PS success equates to momentum and more importantly mind share. And Sony is starting next generation with all the mind share.

What Phil Spencer says has no impact beyond these gaming forums and I think XB guys refuse to accept that because then the reality of how dire the situation is, with the broader market, will look too stark for comfort.
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To be honest around my nighbourg it's starting to talk about the next Xbox, and this happened only with the 360 (I mean the switching).I smell ther same situation.
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