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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom


By itself lots of cool scenes. If it was some trash fantasy show, thumbs up, I guess? But for GoT it was awful.

Varys - his character was assassinated, not executed. The fact that Danny ends up knowing every last detail, like she's the master of whispers, just added insult to injury.

Tyrion - my favorite character in the books and the first half of this show. Like so many Male characters, lobotomized for the 'greater good'.

Euron - watch out! The dragon is going to stage a sneak attack... from the air! No, literally, I actually started to think the surprise was going to be the dragon could swim underwater and burst up in the middle of the fleet. Oh, and then he washes up on shore. For no reason. Perfectly timed with Jaime. Like a bad soap opera.

Jaime - trash death undermining his arc.

Cersei - trash death. They could have at least left her trapped in a small basement room with jaime's corpse to starve to death... it wouldnt have been as good as an arya kill, but it would have been acceptable

Arya - the ash/battle makeup was great. 30 minutes of dodging rocks wasn't. Giving her a rando family to save to give her motivation to kill Danny was underwhelming.

Jamie should have died at Winterfell. Ayra should have worn his face to kill Cersei.

The hound - sure, whatever.

Danny - they could have established the same madness by having her just hit the castle once after the bells. This would cause the lannisters to pick up their swords and fight a bit more, and subtly let Tyrion and Jon know they made a terrible mistake. But no, razing your city and castle to the ground after you are victorious makes sense too, right? Once again, the writers just wanted sa spectacle.

Golden company- pointless.

Jon - why were you brought back to life again?l

The white horse. Right.

I'm scared to watch next episode. I have a growing fear they're giving Sansa the throne. Tyrion executed, maybe Jon. Arya kills Danny wearing... Jon's face? I dont know. I dont care.

My wife gave up on the show e3. She just reads a book now while I'm watching it.
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Only complaint about the episode was I wanted Arya to whisper Daenerys while getting on that horse. New list, would of been perfect.

Aw well, episode was great as usual anyways.


Rodent Whores
On inside the episode, D&D say that Dany sees the Red Keep, the place her family build and what was taken away from her....so she decides to burn the fucking thing to the ground? WTF is this dumb ass shit.


Rodent Whores
I have to assume that there was some dishonesty with Jamie.

He may have said and acted like a dick but, he may just be trying to convince his sister to leave King’s Landing. To avoid more bloodshed. It may not be to rejoin her.

His arch would be made completely unless if he does. I don’t think they can fuck up that bad.

Don't understand all the bitching about Jaime taking off to Cersei. He ain't going there to romance her.



The greatest episode since Red Wedding.

1. Danny finally scrapped council that lead her from defeat to defeat. Killed Eunuch who clearly said he doesn't work for her and gave Tyrion lashing showing he has failed at his job mulitple times and creates only problems now.

2. She finally decided to roast kings landing as she should from start. But back then she would still have 3 dragons and most of her army. Thankfully she isn't idiot anymore.

3. Good response to bells. No need to take risks in street fights just fucking clear everything. People who were dumb enough to be in city have only themselves to blame.

Unfortunately i think this is just setup for next 2 dumb episodes. Reason: She didn't kill Snow instantly. She should. He lies to her Queen and guaranteed rebellion against her.

The bold move would be to have next 2 episodes seem like Danny won't win but the idiots who run this show have shown multiple times that they can't write for shit on their own.

It would be good show for moral-fags. Winners write history.
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Gold Member
Outside the context of the story that was a really impressive episode. I'm so disappointed though...

The Uchiha would be proud.


Love this episode.

This is peak George R.R. Martin with Daenerys' conquest and each step that brings her closer to the throne after each recent loss or betrayal of her most trusted and valued advisers. See a lot of people comparing this subversion of expectations to The Last Jedi, but no. Disney would never let Rey turn to the dark side. Their ideal Star Wars series couldn't dare have Holdo, Rey or Rose make terrible decisions driven by raw emotion and a lust for power. Dany endured so much inching closer and closer to the iron throne only for her to potentially lose the title by default due to Jon's true lineage. And I can see this all unraveling because you know Jon couldn't keep this revelation to himself and had to tell Dany and his family. You knew Sansa wouldn't keep the news to herself. You knew Tyrion would not bring himself to admit his Queen was capable of this when Varys forewarned this outcome. Each character played their part that ultimately lead to this decision. And now that the Mother of Dragons has embraced the role of Mad Queen and went to the point of no return the iron throne is just about guaranteed to be hers since she has them all through fear and still has her army of Dothraki, Unsullied and the last remaining dragon at her disposal. You can be sure she will not compromise her place as Queen by letting Jon Snow live. Same goes for the Starks (especially Sansa who she knew had told Tyrion because she clearly has her own spies reporting to her). Hell, Tyrion isn't safe since news will come out that he set Jamie free and she did warn him that his next mistake will be his last. Be very weary of what happens going forward. Only Stark I feel confident in surviving is Arya.
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I do understand the criticism that the show does feel a little rushed and that characters maybe appear to be acting slightly out of character at times because the rushed pacing of the show now means that we as an audience miss out on key scenes that build towards the eventual outcome/character turn.

That being said, they have been building towards Mad Queen for many seasons now. Danareys has proven time and again that her heart is in the right place... Until she is challenged in some way. Once she is challenged it's her way or death and they have also been doing a decent enough job recently of showing her growing paranoia and real desire for power at any cost. Jon broke her heart as well which was clearly the final straw for her.

I don't think Danareys turning was much of a surprise at all and if you're going to go through with the Mad Queen then you might as well go all out and watch her burn it all to the ground.
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Rodent Whores
That being said, they have been building towards Mad Queen for many seasons now. Danareys has proven time and again that her heart is in the right place... Until she is challenged in some way. Once she is challenged it's her way or death
Why is it then when everyone else does "my way or death" it's the status quo and fine, but when Dany does it, it's oh noes Mad Queen!

Additionally, how are fleeing peasants challenging her in any way?
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I do understand the criticism that the show does feel a little rushed and that characters maybe appear to be acting slightly out of character at times because the rushed pacing of the show now means that we as an audience miss out on key scenes that build towards the eventual outcome/character turn.

That being said, they have been building towards Mad Queen for many seasons now. Danareys has proven time and again that her heart is in the right place... Until she is challenged in some way. Once she is challenged it's her way or death and they have also been doing a decent enough job recently of showing her growing paranoia and real desire for power at any cost. Jon broke her heart as well which was clearly the final straw for her.

I don't think Danareys turning was much of a surprise at all and if you're going to go through with the Mad Queen then you might as well go all out and watch her burn it all to the ground.

This is part of why I feel people are complaining. Before season 7 it was complaints that the show was dragging and creating too much build up with no pay off. It might have been a mistake for HBO to shorten the final season to six episodes even though this recent one was about 1 hr 40 min and might as well have been a movie. But now people wanted the final battle with the white walker to last more than an episode. King's Landing as well for that matter. Not sure we needed more episodes to resolve every complaint, but it certainly would have closed the argument that the show rushed it's final stretch.

Why is it then when everyone else does "my way or death" it's the status quo and fine, but when Dany does it, it's oh noes Mad Queen!

Additionally, how are fleeing peasants challenging her in any way?

Killing a deserter or rogue brother of the Night's Watch is one thing. Creating 9/11 times a hundred?
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I really enjoyed the spectacle of the episode. The utter destruction Drogon caused was really something. I knew dragon fire was hot, but I didnt realize it had enough blunt force impact to blow out castle walls etc so easily. It looked very cool anyway.
I think Danaerys betraying/failing Tyrion and Jon by slaughtering all those innocents makes for a very interesting plot twist, though I dont really understand her motivation. Sure she is probably getting impatient chasing the throne, is angry about her dragon who got ballista-ed, Missandei getting the chop and wanted to prove Cersei's theory about her being soft, incorrect, but even so, incinerating innocent women and children seems too drastic and out of character for me. Maybe the show promoting Dany in previous seasons as benevolent and now demonstrating what a monster she is, is its way of telling the audience how quickly some people can turn from good to evil? ...Or maybe its just not the best writing?
Now I have to wonder if Dany will kill Jon and Tyrion, because surely she'd assume she's lost their support after that bloodbath she carried out and would now have to expect them to work against her?
It's not even a show with a plot anymore. That was literally an hour of CG dragon pornography wanking over Dresden/911 imagery... I was seriously expecting that kid to have flesh stringing off her like that 'Nam village napalm footage.
This was cut between a scorcese stabfest with the unsullied, a retard yelling "I fucked your wife!" and a dude having his eyeballs pushed in. :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Thank god this is over soon.


I really enjoyed the spectacle of the episode. The utter destruction Drogon caused was really something. I knew dragon fire was hot, but I didnt realize it had enough blunt force impact to blow out castle walls etc so easily. It looked very cool anyway.
I think Danaerys betraying/failing Tyrion and Jon by slaughtering all those innocents makes for a very interesting plot twist, though I dont really understand her motivation. Sure she is probably getting impatient chasing the throne, is angry about her dragon who got ballista-ed, Missandei getting the chop and wanted to prove Cersei's theory about her being soft, incorrect, but even so, incinerating innocent women and children seems too drastic and out of character for me. Maybe the show promoting Dany in previous seasons as benevolent and now demonstrating what a monster she is, is its way of telling the audience how quickly some people can turn from good to evil? ...Or maybe its just not the best writing?
Now I have to wonder if Dany will kill Jon and Tyrion, because surely she'd assume she's lost their support after that bloodbath she carried out and would now have to expect them to work against her?
All of those reasons are just pieces of the over all puzzle. Sure she is mad that Cersei lied about aiding the battle at Winterfell. Mad that she lost Jorah. Mad that she lost another Dragon. Mad to see The Mountain kill Missandei. Mad that Jon told Sansa the truth about his lineage instead of keeping it a secret and in turn learning that Varys was already plooting to have her overthrown by Jon.

All of it are just pieces. The big picture for her was the iron throne. She feels it's her destiny. She is the Mother of Dragons, after all. Unfortunately that means jack and shit if Jon has the actual birthright to it. Even if he refuses, he will always have that right. Sansa and Varys would always make steps to ensure that. Dany tried to earn Jon's love for that reason, but the truth has made Jon turn away from her romantically. So, as she said, "it's fear then". If she can't earn their love. She must have them fear her instead.

Dany didn't expect the bells to ring either. Didn't expect Cersei and King's Landing to give up so quickly. Cersei and her people never backed down until this point and in a way Dany was anticipating more resistance. But She wanted a fight. So did Missandei before she died (hence her final words). So did Grey Worm (hence continuing the siege). Dany wanted to show her raw, unwavering power. She was not going to just stop. She needed to make an example. And so she let the lust for more power consume her and followed the point of no return. And now that she has, she isn't going to let a dwarf or a nephew posing as a bastard get in her way.


Can't wait for Danny to die in the next episode via Snow and/or Arya as Snow.

Bish lost her mind.
That won't solve anything. Even if she dies she has a dragon, unsullied and the dothraki who I doubt will bend the knee. Expect more slaughter to follow till there's a last one standing.
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Taking King's Landing the Tyrion way would leave the entire Lannister army intact to go 'we never got defeated, it was treason and the Golden Company running away' to rebel in a year or two.


That won't solve anything. Even if she dies she has a dragon, unsullied and the dothraki who I doubt will bend the knee. Expect more slaughter to follow till there's a last one standing.

She's going to die for sure, this was the perfect setup in this episode for her impending death along side Grey worm. Which is the bittersweet ending the creators pointed to. Plus, the leaked deleted reddit spoilers were on point with about 90% of the stuff so far. Also, unsullied isn't an army anymore nor is the Dothraki. Not after the last battle. Her army mainly consist of the North now which is why Danny is paranoid. So my guess is unsullied/dothraki just move on or die in her honor. In any event, Snow has never forced someone to bend the knee unlike Danny. What happens to the dragon after she's dead? Who knows, but wouldn't be surprised if Snow is involved one way or another. It's going to be a Starks/Snow ending no doubt.

Edit: though the series finale trailer does confuse me, it's like they keep upping the unsullied and Dothraki numbers out of nowhere after most of them have already died lol.
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Gold Member
It could've been a powerful final season, with competent writing behind it and more screen time.

I think this is the most pertinent point. In isolation, or from a very loosely outlined plot there's no real problem with the course the story has taken, it's all in the delivery. But I don't blame just this season either.

My first gripe is Arya. I mean we're a few seasons ahead of all her training and emergence. It's not right that I still feel the waif is, and was many more times skilled and accomplished, considering she only had about 40 minutes screen time in total. I have no objection to Arya's arc if she is destined to kill the NK and anyone else (be it Dany or Jon). Aside from a few little flourishes like with Brienne or Walder Frey, I have no belief that she is on the same level of Syrio let alone Jaqen. And the scenes like in this episode where she is running round like a child in KL do nothing for her. The schizophrenic nature is worse than a bad cutscene in a B-tier RPG.

Dany was foreshadowed a lot previously, when she said she would eradicate tyrants - whatever it takes. I'm also not clear who rang the bell? I thought Jaime was on his way to do it, as the command hadn't come from Cersei. Then the people were crying out for it be rang, but I'm still not sure. Do we assume some random soldier/person decided to let it ring out? In terms of razing the city, I can believe that. Dany sat there with restraint and I know we have the stupid commentary from the director's but I thought she was wrestling with the thought of whether the bells were real or another of Cersei's tricks. She could have flown straight to the Keep and just decimated the towers, but she deliberately chose to annihilate the city itself, which to me seems more credible as disbelieving the bells. She waited for them, heard them and then had to make a decision (which is why I thought it was hinted at Jaime's purpose).

The fleet and scorpions were always going to be a difficult sell. I think this is another problem they made for themselves. The series has always been grounded in realism. It's foregone the fill-in gaps of battles and outcomes. In reality we're meant to watch that scene, get a feeling for how Dany had learned from the previous encounter and just watch the 'highlights'. This is paradoxical to everything that's come before. Overwhelming odds usually mean one outcome, and it was the same problem with AotD. The viewers have been presented with certain truths within the series. If Euron's fleet wasn't a ridiculous number of ships and was instead thirty or so, then the scene would be better received. Tactically the play was fast, destructive and flanking/height abuse making it difficult to reposition the scorpions.

It was no mistake that Grey Worm also saw Jon holding back during that advance. It also shows how madness spreads - what else spreads? Fear. By which Dany is to rule. It was also clearly reiterated that Grey Worm and Dany can speak Valerian so I think Grey Worm is going to root out Jon in the next episode. Varys finally got his comeuppance, I think the rules have changed in the Game he was playing and he hasn't respected them. Again, this is Dany's arc to root out the tyranny and secrets/corrupt politics of KL. Tyrion knew his act meant certain death but freed Jaime anyway. I'm not really sure what the purpose of him is now. Maybe the last remnant of the old ways.

Cersei and Jaime's death was really underwhelming. Cleganebowl was weird. The Mountain was a tougher foe than the NK essentially. The director's pretty much have these scene's or storyboards in their head that are limiting/driving the cinematography. Considering what they were going for, that scene should have been a lot more intimate and gritty. And the choice to end the fight via fire (and not fall damage) should have been more evident (e.g. igniting wildfire or something).

Jon has shown that he follows no title. He follows himself. Grey Worm followed his queen (also driven by the loss of Missandei), he did drop weapons at surrender but when his Queen advanced, he did too. Jon did not.

Having said all that, I do get the sense that the show is in a no-win position. I think people have already made their minds up that the show is on a downwards spiral and looks for each little nitpick to re-iterate 'I told you so'. It's changed in tone, style and delivery but it's still the best fantasy show in many a year. Plus, you're never going to get consensus on good endings in these kind of ensemble cast shows, where some are sacrificed cheaply and some endure to the end game against insurmountable odds.

Speculation for the ending? If Dany is to die then it needs to be someone close. Tyrion is gone I think. I can see Jon being called into a room with Dany/Grey Worm and Jon being killed. Arya takes Jon's face and reappears in the castle. Dany thinks he has come back to life again and lets him get close. Arya kills her. Gendry, Robert Baratheon's heir sits on the throne with Arya at his side carrying the Stark/Baratheon baby. Peace is brokered again with a Baratheon in the South and Stark in the North.


S8 is the most disastrous thing I've ever seen on TV. I'm sure Dexter was worse but just I dropped it before the final seasons.

Terrible writing and the character assassination was worse than Dany killing innocent people right and left.
"see how bad Daenerys is!! muahahaha"

Dragon fire just blowing up stuff now? Castle walls? Really? It was like a hot knife on butter. Why did she need an army?

Where is Bron?
What has Cersei done this season?
How did Euron show up right where Jaime was?
How did Arya survive?
How could Jaime walk after being stabbed in the fucking belly?
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This director is something else. Absolute a incredible episode once again.

1) Varys

Perfect ending personally. He tries to push for a better solution. John refuses, the dwarf needs to betray him to stay alive himself and get any opening with the queen to save the city and that was it.

Varys was right after all, which makes his char even better. He tried his best sadly the leaders simple refused.

2) Jamie

Probably one of the most emotional scenes that i experienced in the series. Absolute fantastic dialogue with tyrion. Tyrion being heavily inspired by varyn resulted in him trying to save the city for the last possible time. But at the end he realizes he's not the ruler but just a advisor.

His meet up with his sister and the fight before hand was interesting and probably the best he possible could have hoped for. Dying there with his sister and his unborn kid was probably his only really last wish after he failed to escape. Well done here

3) Cercei

Refuses to see how the things really are, the moment everything falls down on her she refuses to give up her power until she realized there is no way out anymore and she's trapped.

However the death was solid, it wasn't forfilling. It would have been great if we could have seen her in chains infront of the dany. However at the other end we already saw this before with the religion nuts so it was not really needed and they can focus on the next episode that finishes everything off.

So again solid ending for her i guess

4) Dany

Very well played this episode

Her dragon, the fight, her absolute hatred for that kingdom went to such a boiling point that she couldn't restrain herself anymore. Everything let to here and her hate was 10 times as hard. When she heared the bells she didn't feel like the fight was over she wanted to see her burn and everybody that supported it.
This got even more confirmed that the black guy started the fight with the lannisters as he felt probably the same rage now imagine danny's.

However it think its a nice conclusion towards her arc, she probably is on the chopping block in the final season now everybody is going to be against her.

Also very well played, the dragon the fire, the destruction was absolutely insane to the point that you really realize how insanely strong her dragon is, much like the one of her dad.

5) John snow

Refuses to play ball, stays passive, has no opinion. Incredible weak leader that betrayed dany even while he keeps telling her that he supports her. Probably because she loves him and knows she's her blood line she spared him. With sansa knowing johns real roots she's a big threat for her and most likely that's what the end episode is probably going to be about.

6) Tyrion

Failed the entire season, does stuff behind the back of dany and got his varyn buddy killed as result. His conversation was absolute fantastic with his brother jamie. He got another chance from dany to proof himself even while he tought after varyn getting killed that he was going to be next on the chopping block.

I loved how he much like varyn always cheers for the people and tries to do whatever he can to save them.

Well done this episode.

7) greyjoy

Some fanfare end fight, that honestly wasn't much interesting. He could have died on that ship and be done with it. No much interestingthere.

8) Hound and his brother

Fan service i guess. Hound should have been dead already for a while. He steared arya way from the queen which probably results in her moving after dany next.

9) Arya

Clearly set up for next episode and well done at that.

She wanted to go for cersei, but after the dragon wend to destroy everything she realized getting out alive was probably a thing she should be focusing on as she was doomed either way. A good solution to how john gets on the throne or even appoints sansa or any of his family members while he moves back to the north or even breaks the chain by dismantling kingdom entirely.

The next episode is going to be spend on her for sure.

10) the fight itself

Well done, the director took back control ( best director of game of thrones for sure ) over the absolute disasterious last episode that made a joke out of game of thrones.

he introduced that the AA guns had a weakness again which was always the case an did a well worked out tactic to get control over the city.

It's just sad that the last episode director messed up so badly with how he portrayed the kill of that dragon and kinda ruined the show because of it for most people



Absolute fantastic episode, they should have done all 6 episodes by this director to be honest.


Rodent Whores
Demonstrates kindness to a condemned slave, acknowledges the horrors of war, but resolves to do it without harming innocent people.

Targets the slavers, spares the innocents, frees the slaves.

Season 8, Episode 5:



Rodent Whores
Killing a deserter or rogue brother of the Night's Watch is one thing. Creating 9/11 times a hundred?
That's not what we're talking about. Read it again. We're talking about her previous actions that would foreshadow her character becoming someone who would commit 9/11 times a hundred. But no, in the short time we are rushing to end the series, her heel turn doesn't make any damn sense.



Can't wait for Danny to die in the next episode via Snow/Starks. Perfect setup in this episode for it.

Bish lost her mind.

If Snow will get throne and Danny dies after this episode it will be Disney level bad.
But it totally expect it and i agree this is setup because i fully expect this to be bad writing on their own turning out be great writing unintentionally.

Also lol about people expecting her to be some sort of "good" queen. Remember iron fleet ? You know, those bunch of rapist pillagers ? They were Danny allies until they got fucked. Same with southern vipers.


S8 is the most disastrous thing I've ever seen on TV. I'm sure Dexter was worse but just I dropped it before the final seasons.

Terrible writing and the character assassination was worse than Dany killing innocent people right and left.
"see how bad Daenerys is!! muahahaha"

Dragon fire just blowing up stuff now? Castle walls? Really? It was like a hot knife on butter. Why did she need an army?

Where is Bron?
What has Cersei done this season?
How did Euron show up right where Jaime was?
How did Arya survive?
How could Jaime walk after being stabbed in the fucking belly?

Bron is hiding, he's sitting out the fight to claim his rewards. He indicated that earlier on
Cersei, can't do anything other then prepare for a clash.
Euron, check last episode they all swim to the nearest sand area which was that place. What was jamie doing on that place? yea there you go.
Arya, why would she die?
Arya could walk when getting stabbed in earlier seasons, guess you don't die when being stabbed in the belly. takes a few hits.

U clearly never readed the books all the targaryens ever needed where dragons that's how they ruled the lands. The problem with dragons is you have to burn the place down if the rule doesn't "bend the knee". that's why you got army's.

About blowing walls up, they had no issue's in the past doing that with there biggest dragon. read burning of harrenhal.

Also tactic.

Seems to be loads of people simple can't connect the dots and therefore fail to see what is served. It's kinda funny to read tho.

Demonstrates kindness to a condemned slave, acknowledges the horrors of war, but resolves to do it without harming innocent people.

Targets the slavers, spares the innocents, frees the slaves.

Season 8, Episode 5:

Almost like nothing happened in between? did you just watch 2 episodes and called it a day?
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Demonstrates kindness to a condemned slave, acknowledges the horrors of war, but resolves to do it without harming innocent people.

Targets the slavers, spares the innocents, frees the slaves.

Season 8, Episode 5:

Young and stupid chick thinks love will solve problems
Believes her advisors proceeds to lose most of her army and 2 dragons making it almost impossible to conquer seven kingdoms without using her Dragon for real.

Danny finally realizes that history is written by winners and moral-fags are the ones who end up dead. Proceeds to send message to everyone else that she doesn't need anyone to rule by burning down Kings Landing and Varys.

Danny has grown up while MCU fans are still kids watching Game of Thrones.

You know who was also idealistic ? That dude from Red Wedding.

Seems to be loads of people simple can't connect the dots and therefore fail to see what is served. It's kinda funny to read tho.

Pretty much. Danny could win from get go and whole conflict would be long gone. Instead she relied on council support that lead her from one defeat to another and when she finally said enough she actually achieved victory (burning down gold convoy). It is clear that her advisors were shit to much caring about their own feeling instead of goal before them.

Like you said there is a reason why her family ruled. It only took literal mad king to fail at that.
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Rodent Whores
Proceeds to send message to everyone else that she doesn't need anyone to rule by burning down Kings Landing and Varys.
Obviously she doesn't need anyone to rule, she just killed them all lol. Or maybe we'll do an episode 4 when half the Dothraki and half the Unsullied magically reappear after getting annihilated by zombies in the last episode. Maybe half of King's Landing will magically reappear next episode.


That's not what we're talking about. Read it again. We're talking about her previous actions that would foreshadow her character becoming someone who would commit 9/11 times a hundred. But no, in the short time we are rushing to end the series, her heel turn doesn't make any damn sense.

Holy shit, we've absolutely seen Dany reveal the dragon side of her nature throughout the series. Even way back in season 2 in Qarth, she was banging on about her destiny to take the Iron Throne by fire and blood: -



Why is it then when everyone else does "my way or death" it's the status quo and fine, but when Dany does it, it's oh noes Mad Queen!

Additionally, how are fleeing peasants challenging her in any way?

True, Danny isn't any different from the other power hungry potential tyrants that think ruling is their divine right. Stannis went 'mad king' and was willing to burn his own child in pursuit of fulfilling his 'destiny', Cersi went mad queen and was happy to wildfire everyone to death to secure her families legacy. Danny acting the same way makes sense. She starts her journey sincere but quickly learns that she can't behave that way if she wants to take the throne and has to play the game like everyone else. She has always been about the throne, it makes perfect sense that she would eventually end up like this, especially once she started suffering losses.

The peasants were an acceptable sacrifice to cement her rule through fear. The peasants should have turned on Cersi or fled the city if they didn't want to burn. They deserve to be punished in her head maybe? Or were a worthy sacrifice to bring a long term end to this war.


Rodent Whores
Holy shit, we've absolutely seen Dany reveal the dragon side of her nature throughout the series. Even way back in season 2 in Qarth, she was banging on about her destiny to take the Iron Throne by fire and blood: -
Holy shit we've absolutely seen Dany give context to how she will take the Iron Throne by punishing her enemies, sparing the innocents, and breaking the wheel of tyranny, as I also demonstrated in those other two clips I posted above.


Holy shit we've absolutely seen Dany give context to how she will take the Iron Throne by punishing her enemies, sparing the innocents, and breaking the wheel of tyranny, as I also demonstrated in those other two clips I posted above.

How many masters did she crucify again? 🤔


Rodent Whores
Danny acting the same way makes sense. She starts her journey sincere but quickly learns that she can't behave that way if she wants to take the throne and has to play the game like everyone else. She has always been about the throne, it makes perfect sense that she would eventually end up like this, especially once she started suffering losses.
It may make sense in the context of a broad outline of where you want the characters to go in their arc. However, the way they went about it in the span of 2 episodes does not make sense.

The peasants were an acceptable sacrifice to cement her rule through fear. The peasants should have turned on Cersi or fled the city if they didn't want to burn. They deserve to be punished in her head maybe? Or were a worthy sacrifice to bring a long term end to this war.
According to D&D, she saw the Red Keep and snapped. 🤷‍♂️
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