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Was Wolfenstien TNC rewarded in review scores for its SJW agenda?

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Oh just fucking stop it already. There’s no SJW agenda in any goddamned wolfenstein game you simpering moron. People need to stop trying to make up something that doesn’t exist for fucks sake. It’s not helping your credibility.
Seriously? There's all kinds of SJW lingo in the game, especially from one of the main female characters...


I'd just HATE to think this was put on a pedestal for anything other than the actual game itself. That's a slippery slope.

I am sure that has been happening in all forms of media for a long time.

People always talk about movies that are "Oscar Bait" and I'm sure most people have at one point or another checked out something that came highly recommend only to realize they'd been duped into basically sitting through a lecture or sermon disguised as entertainment.

It'll keep on happening so it's definitely worth keeping an eye out.

I think that 10 years ago people look at the Wolfenstien Youngblood trailer and think "woah, that looks amazing".
In 2019 there is a lot of baggage that comes with that and I'm not sure what the solution is.

Even take something a bit more blatant like Captain Marvel. I think nobody even bats an eyelid if that comes out in the 80s or 90s. Like, as if there was never media with blatant pandering before.

Now it just seems a bit more like games, movies, comics etc are "taking sides" but then I am not even sure what the "sides" really are in that context.

Maybe just that media is becoming too preachy or something? I dunno.

Either way I don't think it applies here. This game is pretty out there and, as JareBear: Remastered JareBear: Remastered already said, there are a couple of "Jump the Shark" moments that make me think that the writers were just having fun and doing whatever the hell they wanted. Not really pushing any agenda.





GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Statement One - "I feel like this game is trying to conflate modern political views, specifically Republicans in late 2010s America, with Nazis and is also trying to push modern identity politics and associated ideologies into the game."

Statement Two - "Killing Nazis is an SJW agenda".

My original post:
Let's say you do agree with statement 2: Ok fine. But please provide some examples. Whenever they are asked to do so, either they don't respond or say that your are blind if you can't see it. And most importantly I never, not once, have gotten one suggestion of how or different to make the game that wouldn't upset them. What they would take out, what they would change, etc. None of that. It's just outrage.

I am a very middle of the road person, and I am just trying to be entertained and not look for reasons to be offended, because no matter what you say, no matter what view you have, somebody is going to be offended.
If that makes me ignorant or blind then so be it.
And this post here proves my point:
Did you even play the game? I don't know how anyone could say this if they had played the game unless they are SJWs. Even the game's advertising was SJW ffs.
I played the game twice. It was not SJW in the slightest. Someone brought up the marketting. OK. fine. I'll go with that, but the game itself no way.
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id hasn't made a Wolfenstein game in over 25 years. Bethesda owns this franchise and reaalized that id was better served working on Doom.

But what I find laughable is the notion that "Wolfenstein" as an IP has any kind of value or content whatsoever. The original games were mindnumbingly empty as far as narrative content (intentionally; because that wasn't the point), and really were just an extended kind of joke as far as the Nazi battle. The only "identity" of the games was innovative gameplay for their time; so to try and pull the world / narrative forward as some kind of quality IP without the original developers is just nonsense. Of course the franchise has been worthless since Id Software... because it quite literally is nothing at all, except some old engines and gameplay ideas from a creative team who no longer has involvement. Let Wolfenstein be a thing of the past, unless Id feels like reviving it with genuine gameplay ideas.
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Boss Mog

I played the game twice. It was not SJW in the slightest. Someone brought up the marketting. OK. fine. I'll go with that, but the game itself no way.

Did you watch the video posted earlier in the thread that clearly highlights all the SJW and feminist propaganda? If you don't think that's SJW then you have a different idea of what constitutes SJWism than mine, and therefore we can never be on the same page on an issue like this.
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TNC is a decent shooter with some mildly amusing dialogue that is otherwise not particularly interesting. While there are some progressive identity conceits in the makeup of the resistance in the game there's not much of substance to get worked up about. It's a dumb b grade fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously.

My only two concerns with Youngblood are 1) is the shooting fun; and 2) is the dialogue funny


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Did you watch the video posted earlier in the thread that clearly highlights all the SJW and feminist propaganda?

I did and I see it as a pathetic fishing expedition grasping at straws. You can just as easily argue that the game was anti-SJW with it having a big masculine white dude gunning people down.

If you don't think that's SJW then you have a different idea of what constitutes SJWism than mine, and therefore we can never be on the same page on an issue like this.
You are correct and I could not be more proud of that fact.
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always chasing the next thrill
Did you even play the game? I don't know how anyone could say this if they had played the game unless they are SJWs. Even the game's advertising was SJW ffs.

2:49 if timestamp is broken.
it's pretty fing obvious what their message was from that shitty add campaign.


I did and I see it as a pathetic fishing expedition grasping at straws. You can just as easily argue that the game was anti-SJW with it having a big masculine white dude gunning people down.

You are correct and I could not be more proud of that fact.
To say you often say you dont care about this stuff, and it doesn't bother you, you sure do like to defend SJW's and their agenda, with tons of posts as well. You're always doing it whenever there is a SJW/PC agenda related thread. You also always do those sarcastic high ground posts, those annoying ones.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
To say you often say you dont care about this stuff, and it doesn't bother you, you sure do like to defend SJW's and their agenda, with tons of posts as well. You're always doing it whenever there is a SJW/PC agenda related thread. You also always do those sarcastic high ground posts, those annoying ones.
I do get a kick out of showing the anti-SJW crowd that they are literally the exact thing as the pro-SJW crowd.

I get a bigger kick out of how you guys won't provide examples of the game being clearly SJW, but instead just keep repeating that its SJW over and over.
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2:49 if timestamp is broken.
it's pretty fing obvious what their message was from that shitty add campaign.

Yeah lol never played the game or even the first one but it was obvious it was catering to the current gaming media's need to virtue signal. Kinda like when you would write a report and toss in a few nuggets of things you know the teacher gets emotional about. Who knows if this is the thing that made the game worse but ultimately when you designed a game around a story and not the other way around the gameplay will always be affected.

The one problem I have with the commentary of this clip is it seems that only certain people need to feel uncomfortable. At the end of the day when you're dealing with these issues everybody's preconceptions need to be challenged. If you are picking out only a single group then it's a lecture not a discussion.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Right back at you, with your 50 posts on the subject, a subject you dont care about and doesnt bother you.
I said the game didn't bother me, but I do get a kick out of exposing the anti-SJW crowd as being the exact thing they claim to hate.

Real talk:
All I have literally asked from those of you claiming the game has an SJW agenda is to provide examples. THat is literally all I have asked. Mostly nobody bothers to respond or if I do get a response, it's either "watch the video" that sounds like tinfoil hat territory or I get "if you can't see it you're blind."

You're right I can't see it.

Enlighten me, with your own words and not some video. I have already conceded that I can understand how the marketing could have rubbed people the wrong way, but the game itself I don't see it and I am challenging you to show examples and I'll respond.
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Like i said in the other thread, the game really isnt worth all this spent energy, whether you see SJW agenda stuff or not. Its just a slow boring game, with unlikeable characters, terrible writing, and arguably the worst hub area ever put into a game.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Like i said in the other thread, the game really isnt worth all this spent energy, whether you see SJW agenda stuff or not. Its just a slow boring game, with unlikeable characters, terrible writing, and arguably the worst hub area ever put into a game.
I don't necessarily disagree with you on this. My issue was with the districts being used to artificially extend the length and lack of New Game+. I never had a desire to finish it.

Not sure I agree on the worst HUB. The worst HUB in existence for me was in Thief (2014). Of course that was not a great game, but I played it because it was a first person game on new consoles.
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Are people ACTUALLY saying that though?

Might as well throw radewagon radewagon and The Wise Old Man The Wise Old Man in here too since they are also running with this weirdly twisted take.

There is, I think you would agree, a difference between the following statements. (Neither of which I agree with, for what it's worth)

Statement One - "I feel like this game is trying to conflate modern political views, specifically Republicans in late 2010s America, with Nazis and is also trying to push modern identity politics and associated ideologies into the game."

Statement Two - "Killing Nazis is an SJW agenda".

It is pretty clear from reading the thread that the points people are making are more or less in line with Statement One and people feel that it is a negative aspect of the game. As they see it at least.

So how does that become "SJW dogwhistles" or "killing Nazis is an SJW agenda"? Just seems like you have to go pretty far out of your way to make that connection.

Lads, you are so transparent. I just don't understand why you do it.
Would it really hurt that much to represent people fairly here?

I disagree that the game has an SJW agenda (at least I did not notice it) but I can express that disagreement without this hyperbolic, disingenuous crap that you, especially mckmas8808 mckmas8808 , are pushing here.

It's just a really shitty way to engage people, in my opinion.

It actually does kind of support the idea that "SJWs" would try to claim a game like this as representative of their views because anyone who says "well hang on I really feel like X, Y and Z in the game is too on the nose or panders too much to a certain crowd" can be dismissed with a pretty dishonest and shitty "whaaaaaat!? You are saying killing Nazis is an SJW agenda!? Nu-uh it's an American birthright!"

If the game does not have any SJW agenda AT ALL then how come there's so many people rocking up to the thread to try and twist some viewpoints into basically "so you're saying killing Nazis is bad".

I don't even understand really why you would do that.

That's a whole lot to extrapolate from my very short comment. Anyway, here's what I meant by my "SJW dogwhistle" comment. First off, it was in reference to the thread's existence and not so much the specific ideas from specific users.

Let me explain...

It just feels like this whole topic is a dog whistle. "SJW agenda" is even in the thread title. It's like a billboard that says, hey guys, come to this thread so we can hear our echo chamber discuss how much we despise that gaming isn't what it was like when we were kids. Y'know, the good ol' days when we didn't have to be confronted with ideas and opinions that challenged our preconceived understanding of the world. Back when men could be (white) men and women could be the agency-lacking overly sexualized objects of our desire. Back when journalists knew their place and didn't address differing aspects of gaming culture and only hyped or reviewed but never critiqued the social impact of design choices.

And look, I know it's not actually that. Even my last paragraph... guh. It's just so mean and it stereotypes people. But it's all part of this us vs. them crap. Let gamergate die and let the SJW thing die too. Just speak plainly and thoughtfully and express what you mean instead of relying on buzz words that signal a thought process that carries an insane amount of baggage.

Or go to the politics section where that kind of thinking is more, I guess, appropriate.

Fox Mulder

I don’t know about SJW Agends, but I’m just now playing this game via Game Pass and there have been two moments so far where I’ve almost had my jaw drop with what I can only describe as “Jump The Shark” syndrome.

It’s not a bad game, I’m just having a little bit of a tough time getting through it. Not as hooked as I thought I’d be.

It's supposed to be dumb fun. The first game already had you using magical Jewish technology to fight Nazis on the moon. The sequel pushed it a bit further but I liked it. I like lots of dumb movies and games.

There's no doubt that Bethesda at least used the Trump outrage and punching Nazis thing at the time to help push the game on social media. I don't think the actual game is full of SJW agenda myself though.
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Was Wolfenstien TNC rewarded in review scores for its SJW agenda?

In my paralell universe it is called Wolfenstein. How strange and terrifying :lollipop_frowning_mouth:
Did you even play the game? I don't know how anyone could say this if they had played the game unless they are SJWs. Even the game's advertising was SJW ffs.

Played it, completed it, and liked it (although not nearly as much as the previous one).

Nazis taking over America isn’t an idea thats specific to SJWs. Both political sides would argue that the other side is “fascist” (although i hate how the word nazi has been misappropriated).

Again, it’s not an SJW agenda driven game. It’s just a wacky and fun romp. Life is annoying enough without people injecting political outrage into every single piece of media out there. It’s a game for fucks sake, not a rosarch test for your own brand of beliefs.


I didn't realy notice too much of an SJW agenda necessarily.

And I thought the controls are fine. On the whole I had just as much fun with TNC as I did TNO.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Played it, completed it, and liked it (although not nearly as much as the previous one).

Nazis taking over America isn’t an idea thats specific to SJWs. Both political sides would argue that the other side is “fascist” (although i hate how the word nazi has been misappropriated).

Again, it’s not an SJW agenda driven game. It’s just a wacky and fun romp. Life is annoying enough without people injecting political outrage into every single piece of media out there. It’s a game for fucks sake, not a rosarch test for your own brand of beliefs.
Because of the subject matter, there is literally nothing this game could have done that would not have opened itself up to attack and almost every argument in the game for one side could also be seen as the other.

For example (and these are intended to be TERRIBLE):
1. The game has an outspoken black woman with an afro in it.
SJW argument: She is a part of a white privilege culture trying to paint black women as obnxious and unreasonable
Anti-SJW argument: She is just in there as trophy to appeal to diversity

2. The pregnant bare chested women with guns scenes
SJW argument: these male chauvinists are just trying continuing to sexualize women in games.
Anti-SJW: It was nothing but a feminist forced "girl power" moment

Again, those are not intended to be good examples, but trying to show how things can be framed either way for those desperately looking.
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Was Wolfenstien TNC rewarded in review scores for its SJW agenda?

In my paralell universe it is called Wolfenstein. How strange and terrifying :lollipop_frowning_mouth:
Shit, we've all been had. You got us, OP! :messenger_grinning_sweat: Well played.

(I also hope the typo on parallel was intentional)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is kind of what I was getting at where it seems like there is sometimes a rush by people to "claim" a particular piece of content for their "side".

So while the media itself might actually be not that controversial, and probably would have gone "under the radar" without anybody noticing 10 years ago, people are on the lookout for hidden agendas and dog whistles.

Captain Marvel is "ours" and Alita Battle Angel is "theirs" and things like Game of Thrones is kind of interesting because people don't know if certain events cause the show to be "theirs" or "ours".

Even Sekiro fell victim to this with the "difficulty" debate often being framed as a "toxic gamers" versus "inclusion advocates" when I am pretty damn sure FromSoft never said "make the game difficult because GamerGate like that". :)

I think The New Order came out in early 2014 and so it managed to miss the boat on all of this bullshit.
By the time The New Colossus came around this kind of nonsense was in full swing and it shows.

I always thought these games would appeal more to the "right" to be honest. Big angry masculine dude using cool guns to tear through enemies. Seems almost anti-SJW overall. Even breaking him down in Part 2 is in line with most media that ends up showing the big dudebro has a sensitive side... so I dunno.

Either way I do think that the mainstream gaming press tried to "own" the game and tried to warp it into something that made a statement agreeable with their own political beliefs and thoughts on "Trumps America".

That is, until they realized the game was kind of difficult and the easy setting made fun of the player. :)

The whole bolded is why this conversation has and will always confuse me. I don't try to claim pieces of content for a side. I honestly think that's wack. There're a few moments in time where something is completely for a side, but it rarely happens in the video games space. I don't think it's fair to make the "mainstream media" all leftist either though. Also dudebro games aren't a thing for the "right wing" in America. Millions of liberals thinking people love those same dudebro games. Dudebro content goes all the way back to Clint Eastwood movies in the 60s. We call it dudebro because it's for dudes lol.

But overall I think that's your point. Certain "sides" want to claim something and anything opposite of that must be the "OTHER SIDE"! It's all stupid and dumb.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I enjoyed TNC for the most part but it was the two story parts that were simply outrageous to me that made me enjoy it less than The New Order. The New Order is still the best game of the three. Will see how Youngblood is when I play through it this weekend.


I loved TNO and it was my GOTY that year, platinumed it, bought the DLC and was left wanting more. It felt so silky in the hands, like a shooter from yesteryear - lots of fluid running and gunning and hip firing - perfect.

I only played a couple of hours on TNC as I was so turned off by the controls and the unbalanced difficulty. I couldn't believe it! WTF had they done to the perfect controls, now it felt like I had to 'aim down sights' like a COD game. On top of that I was getting blasted away every few seconds on a low difficulty level. I tinkered with the sensitivity in options but couldn't get anything satisfactory. So I abandoned it.

TNC in my mind (only 2-3 hours of play mind you, so a little unfair) was undoubtedly the inferior game. So why the significant disparity in the review scores, using Metacritic just quickly...

The New Order 79
The New Colossus 87

So was TNC rewarded in its review scores for the SJW agenda that a lot of gaming outlets have without question adopted? I would hate to think so, this means (in my mind) an inferior game had been rewarded for shoehorning in a narrative which really has no place in gaming.

Unless of course people think TNC has better mechanics than the first game (very hard to believe). I didn't experience much of the story, and I would have let it go over my head or skipped it if it was overbearing, but I hope reviewers didn't give this a more glowing review than it deserved, especially compared to its predecessor, for bullshit non-gaming reasons.

I didn't even read any reviews for this game as the original was so perfect, I pre-ordered it immediately, and I want to make clear I found the game awful for its mechanics, not the story, which I didn't really experience. But this occurred to me and it is a bit worrying considering its ability to warp review scores - and much more worrying - actual games!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Yeah lol never played the game or even the first one but it was obvious it was catering to the current gaming media's need to virtue signal. Kinda like when you would write a report and toss in a few nuggets of things you know the teacher gets emotional about. Who knows if this is the thing that made the game worse but ultimately when you designed a game around a story and not the other way around the gameplay will always be affected.

The one problem I have with the commentary of this clip is it seems that only certain people need to feel uncomfortable. At the end of the day when you're dealing with these issues everybody's preconceptions need to be challenged. If you are picking out only a single group then it's a lecture not a discussion.

What was this "other" side that you speak of? It's a fantasy game, where the Nazis won and teamed up with the KKK in America. Even in the game,you can see that this team-up isn't 100% solid (between the Nazis and KKK). From memory,the Nazis viewed the KKK as less intelligent than them but used or needed them to push their personal agenda.

So who in particular are you thinking about that needed to be challenged, but wasn't by this game?


What was this "other" side that you speak of? It's a fantasy game, where the Nazis won and teamed up with the KKK in America. Even in the game,you can see that this team-up isn't 100% solid (between the Nazis and KKK). From memory,the Nazis viewed the KKK as less intelligent than them but used or needed them to push their personal agenda.

So who in particular are you thinking about that needed to be challenged, but wasn't by this game?

Please watch the clip. They ardress who they are trying to challenge. As far who I feel should challenged, everyone involved in the story. So if it's about black and white issues in the US, a one sided perspective is bullshit. Especially considering the lack of skill most game developers have in relaying it, heavy handed is an understatement.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Please watch the clip. They ardress who they are trying to challenge. As far who I feel should challenged, everyone involved in the story. So if it's about black and white issues in the US, a one sided perspective is bullshit. Especially considering the lack of skill most game developers have in relaying it, heavy handed is an understatement.

I did watch the clip. The game isn't about "just" black and white issues though. That's the beauty of the story in the game. That was only played a part of the story. BJ was so caught up in killing Nazis that he didn't consider the fact that a revolution in America has been happening for decades already. BJ actually believed that "HE" was the one starting the revolution!😂😂

When I saw that part in the game I laughed out loud in real life. Grace was like, "really dude you starting a revolution to push back the Nazis and KKK we been doing that." And apparently, people in general (in this thread obviously) didn't realize that women like Grace existed in America in the 60s.
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I am a virgin
The only reason these companies are doing any sort of "SJW," (ick...I said it) campaigns is because it gets them money
You could change that to "Scat Porn," and a company, and on a larger scale, industry, would be slinging (Hehehe.....) 2 Girls 1 Cup videos online all day

Let them do their "SJW," shit, it's the current market trend, it's what people are talking about
Your game has what people are talking about in it? People are talking about it because of that? Sounds like the product is doing what it's supposed to

Choice is with the person whether or not to care, roll their eyes or take up arms about it, etc.

Personally, I just roll my eyes at any pokes at current societal standards.
I don't care enough about 1 entertainment software's view point on societal standards, they're a fucking entertainment software company. Maybe if they were my local governing body and trying to enact policy changes, sure, I'd care, but this entertainment company ain't doing shit but making entertainment, so no reason to care.

You're not going to care if you understand they don't have an actual effect on yourself, and then come to the further realization that it's the equivalent to blowing smoke with no fire since these companies can't really make any meaningful changes anyways.

They're just going to stand on their soap boxes anyways shouting the current market trending thing anyways; wanna know what most people do to people shouting around on a soap box?

Ignore them.

On an unrelated note:
I didn't even read any reviews for this game as the original was so perfect, I pre-ordered it immediately
Well, that's your first problem


I don't think TNC has an SJW agenda. Rather, I feel it scored higher due to when the game was released. In an era where the mainstream media is desperately trying to convince people that modern America is somehow Nazi Germany, the idea of a game about Killing real Nazis woul obviously get a lot of praise from critics.

Airbus Jr

Im at the breaking point of event with these SJW fight

That im so tired of it and i will gladly acept myself to be turned into an esquisite beautiful pageant ladyboy if our fellow at Resetera demanded it
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I think the secret is to just do what you think is right. Your actions won't influence the course of history. You shouldn't be tired of making the choices you want to make.

Sorry if it doesn't make any sense. It is the hottest day of the year here and i drank some alcohol.:lollipop_tears_of_joy:
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It's more like they under-appreciated the first game rather than giving the sequel better score because of "SJW agenda".
It's like when Famitsu gave Demon's Souls a bad score but completely changed their tune with Dark Souls because of positive reception of the former.


I liked it better to be honest. I don't think either game is great and personally I liked Doom, Shadow Warrior 1 and Titanfall 2 A LOT more, but purely from a gameplay perspective I liked TNC a bit more because it felt like there were less bullet sponges. The Story was more enjoyable in the first one though, the sequel has some moments were it goes from over the top silly to just jumping the shark.

As for the SJW stuff I don't think there was much of it in it and I wouldn't call it "SJW propaganda". There were a few eye rolling lines that might come across as woke, but overall I think it was more the usual SJW sites trying to twist the game into some sort of message more than the game or dev going out of their way to do so.

In that sense I guess it might have gotten a more favorable view from some people but more because of some "critics" attaching their personal views to the game rather than the game trying to pander to them
Like what? Just give me one example.
I gave you an example, but I'm going to say Grace Walker, to be specific as that's who I was talking about. She's very racist/anti-white.

But seriously? Come on. The whole marketing campaign was nothing but modern SJW lingo and rhetoric.
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I gave you an example, but I'm going to say Grace Walker, to be specific as that's who I was talking about. She's very racist/anti-white.

But seriously? Come on. The whole marketing campaign was nothing but modern SJW lingo and rhetoric.
Fuck Nazi is now a SJW agenda? lol


It's more like they under-appreciated the first game rather than giving the sequel better score because of "SJW agenda".
It's like when Famitsu gave Demon's Souls a bad score but completely changed their tune with Dark Souls because of positive reception of the former.

That's one possibility but this is a general rise in review scores, across many sites. Just can't see the reason for the better scores when it is a considerably worse GAME - only other reason then could be non gaming elements i.e. story.


i LOL'd when they tried making Far Cry 5 into a political game about killing white people, then when it came out, and was all about shooting guns in a militia, just like every other Far Cry, they complained it was a pro 2nd amendment game. just utterly clueless and not worth even paying attention to, most of these journalists.
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That's one possibility but this is a general rise in review scores, across many sites. Just can't see the reason for the better scores when it is a considerably worse GAME - only other reason then could be non gaming elements i.e. story.
You thought it was worse but these reviews didn't see it that way.
Besides, if "SJW agenda" is the reason why it reviewed better, shouldn't the new one be reviewed better than 77 on MC as well?


Like i said in the other thread, the game really isnt worth all this spent energy, whether you see SJW agenda stuff or not. Its just a slow boring game, with unlikeable characters, terrible writing, and arguably the worst hub area ever put into a game.

I was literally just about to post this same thing, as a player who loved TNO, I had to force myself to finish TNC, hated almost everything about it.
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I gave you an example, but I'm going to say Grace Walker, to be specific as that's who I was talking about. She's very racist/anti-white.

For the record, you would be pretty goddamned racist too if you were a black person living in Nazi occupied New York in an alternate 1961. That’s how war works, you demonize the opposition, often racially.

Want me to recite some of the names American soldiers had for the Vietnamese during that war?

So why exactly do you continue to think that Grace is embodies SJW values? I really don’t understand.
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