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Was Wolfenstien TNC rewarded in review scores for its SJW agenda?

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You're the same kinda person who'd get upset when people try to change "fireman" to "firefighter" and argue that "man just means human!". Which you'd be totally correct in saying, but it works both ways. Grace is talking about mankind's capability for cruelty, not "people with dicks are evil".

The main person Grace has beef with in TNC is a woman, not a man. She constantly berates that woman for being a Nazi (since she's a defector) and then the character (and thus the writers) calls Grace out on her behaviour later on. It actually criticises Grace's blanket "white is evil" approach and makes the case that it's not the right way to look at it, even when you're surrounded by mostly evil white men. Shit, he has a baby with a white man and is at her most vulnerable when losing him. I don't know how all of this somehow went over your head, did you actually play the game to the end..?
Let's face it, it's SJW lingo. I just gave one example that's nothing compared to the other crazy things she's said.

But let's forget my point about the marketing campaign, and the fact that the developers themselves are SJW's and Grace is the perfect poster child of their beliefs.



This is from Youngblood apparently.


Sweden is big on welfare, I wonder if they have some intellectual disability program for these fine people.
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TNC was not fun. I don’t know it just felt awkward and stupid. BJ became an insufferable, mopey bitch full of regret and angst. It’s like you have an imaginative, fun premise, why are you playing this crap dead serious with pulp fiction type violence? SJW stuff aside I’ll play a game if it is fun.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
TNC was not fun. I don’t know it just felt awkward and stupid. BJ became an insufferable, mopey bitch full of regret and angst. It’s like you have an imaginative, fun premise, why are you playing this crap dead serious with pulp fiction type violence? SJW stuff aside I’ll play a game if it is fun.

It was super-over the top fun for me. I loved it.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Let's face it, it's SJW lingo. I just gave one example that's nothing compared to the other crazy things she's said.

But let's forget my point about the marketing campaign, and the fact that the developers themselves are SJW's and Grace is the perfect poster child of their beliefs.
I'll go along with the marketing rubbing the anti-PC crowd the wrong way. But Grace being a poster child. Sorry, dude but no way.

In the fictional white supremacist world that she is a character in, her attitude is perfectly just.
In that fictional world, the jew killing Nazi's have allied themselves with the white supremacist groups such as the KKK and done other horrible things to non-whites. Her entire race is on the brink of elimination in which which Americans have been willing to turn a blind eye to and worse some factions have actively participated in. The new german government has proclaimed that white is the superior race and if you're not with them you're against them. Dude, what the fuck should her attitude be?

It would be even be more ridiculous to have her not be somewhat angry.

So yeah, her attitude is a little justified. Over the top at times? Sure, just like everything else in the entire game.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, how would you have written Grace?
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Let's face it, it's SJW lingo. I just gave one example that's nothing compared to the other crazy things she's said.

But let's forget my point about the marketing campaign, and the fact that the developers themselves are SJW's and Grace is the perfect poster child of their beliefs.

You really need to stop looking into Clown World as you clearly are becoming Clown World.

Grace is not a "perfect poster child of their beliefs" and you are greatly taking things out of context when you refer to her as such. She is the product of her environment, that environment being a heavily racist, white supremacist, "master race" that pushes genocide as the go-to option. Her actions, over the top as they may be, are perfectly in line with 99% of people.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit

I have not seen any "anti-trumpism" outside of one reference to a wall. Which isn't really "anti-trump" as I know plenty of Trump supporters who think the wall is a dumb idea.
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I played New Order on PS4 and couldn't enjoy it due to my shitty handling of console controllers. I might give it another shot on PC. My biggest issue with the new Wolfenstein is BJ being made into a sentimental huggable teddy bear and all the borderline horror occult stuff replaced with Inglorious Basterds-style humor and characters. I just saw those BJ childhood cutscenes for the first time and hearing about the bad combat and story in New Colossus, I've lost all my interest in the franchise.

I also wish developers would overcome the dead eyes-syndrome on their character models until they try to make movie-like cutscenes. The sex scenes especially are fucking cringy and add nothing to the game.
I just finished TNC and I agree with highrider highrider .

For me this game just isn’t very fun. I had to force myself to keep playing. As I said earlier, I don’t think it’s SJW, it just jumps the shark, twice. I have no interesting in Youngblood

What a letdown. TNO and TOB were fun as hell.

Scotty W

Gold Member
Folks who want to argue about it being "forced" in a game, must consider by that logic all views are "forced" in works referencing real life.

A game set in New York, a Jewish person walks buy "must be an agenda"
Person of color "must be an agenda"
Homeless person "must be an agenda"
Italian person "must be an agenda"
Homosexual person "must be an agenda"
Asian person "must be an agenda"
Guy folds pizza slice "must be an agenda by the thin crust pizza industry to push their THIN CRUST

Sorry for the bump, but I have been playing for a few days.

What I have quoted evades the issue. Just having a single identity is not an agenda. But having ALL the sjw concerns is an agenda. There is an ‘Intersectional’ agenda in this game.

Fatphobia, with the fat Nazi daughter girl.
Homophobia with the same girl and the reference to the decapitated head eating her out- in relation to the secret desires in her diary. She is later told “You can love anyone you want now”
Toxic Masculinity is explicitly called out by Grace.
Grace, as Malcom X has pointed out, seems to be modeled after Angela Davis a Marxist revolutionary and the student of the godfather of the sjw worldview, Herbert Marcuse.
Animal Liberation, as in the episode with the pig.
The comment about fucking whites.

With the childhood cutscenes as well there seems to be a kind of Intersectional construction of his Father: he is a wife beater, he is an anti-semite married to a Jew, he forces you to shoot your dog, and he wants to stop an interracial love affair. Are they making a checklist?

It is interesting that giving BJ these parents, they are literally making him/you an intersection between white American and Jewish, which maps neatly onto the story of the game itself, but has the structural effect of intersecting and conflating white America with the Nazis. Moreover, by bringing in the sjw agenda above, they play a neat dialectical trick, whereby all these concerns, fatphobia, animal rights become associated with opposition to Naziism. So, if you disagree, you are the Nazi.

The defensive posturing around this game is interesting. “It is just a work of imagination.” As if anyone disagreed with that, the problem is that it is trying to manipulate YOUR imagination, using those now very familiar tricks of intersectionalism and conflating your opponents with the Nazis.
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I have not seen any "anti-trumpism" outside of one reference to a wall. Which isn't really "anti-trump" as I know plenty of Trump supporters who think the wall is a dumb idea.

The whole advertising campaign for the game was built upon the slogan “Make America Nazi Free Again” which was absolutely a play on Orange Nazi Drumpf’s election slogan “Make America Great Again.”


The whole advertising campaign for the game was built upon the slogan “Make America Nazi Free Again” which was absolutely a play on Orange Nazi Drumpf’s election slogan “Make America Great Again.”
We definitely need more games where you kill a load of communists. It's advertising slogan could be "make America Commie free again".


The 2nd game felt stupid and the long cutscenes where boring, characters where annoying and the whole tone of the game felt silly compared to the 2014 game. Plus the final scene was pure cringe. Look up a comparison between the endings of both games, it's as if they hired some twitter warrior to write the scene.


Does one have to be "woke" to fight Nazis? Read your post again and try not to act surprised when people leave right-wing parties all over the world.


The map designs were kind of boring and the game has a really weird difficulty curve. It wasn't bad but did feel like missed potential coming off the first game where nobody had expectations.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I'm sorry, but did you just refer to fighting Nazi Germany as "an SJW agenda?" Like literally WWII veterans are SJWs?

I swear some people are losing their goddamn minds over this culture wars shit.
If you actually played the game you'd know what people are referring to


Wolfenstein TNC always felt wildly overrated for what it actually was. I think it's because the plot was executed so well (which is rare in gaming, let alone shooters) and the graphics were insane, because the game itself was shallow, repetitive, clunky, and full of difficulty spikes.

Scotty W

Gold Member
I'm sorry, but did you just refer to fighting Nazi Germany as "an SJW agenda?" Like literally WWII veterans are SJWs?

I swear some people are losing their goddamn minds over this culture wars shit.

Sigrun’s Diary:
I've been crying all night, mother embarassed me terribly today! and only two days frim my 15th birthday.

There was a ceremony for the league, I was standing in line with the rest of the girls. Mother was standing next to me, like everyone else’s mother. This may sound very silly, dear diary, but I had no idea there was a celebrity visiting the ceremony! Then I saw this little man, a very, very small and slouching man, at the end of the line shaking hands with girl of the league, and I saw that he was coming towards mother and me.

Mother looked at me and whispered:

“Sigrun. Suck your cheeks in. Like this.”

Then she made a stupid face and ducked her cheeks in. Dear diary, she looked very silly indeed. And I said:

“Why mother?”
“Because you are obese. Suck them in.”

I know how she gets when I disobey her. Calling me names. Commenting on my weight, which I am honestly struggling with every day. So I tried, very, very hard, to do what she said. I don’t think it was working very well.

Anyway, the tiny man shaking hands stopped in front of me, looking straight into my eyes and I looked up into his squinting, strange eyes and realized I was standing before the Fuhrer himself! At first, I was mortified. I just looked at him like an idiot. Then I felt my mother kicking my leg, very hard. So I threw my arm up in a salute and shouted: “Heil Hitler!” as loud as I could.

And he gave me a strange smile and casually salute me back. It made me relax a bit. And then he said;

“ A bit plump around the cheeks are we?”

I thought I was going to start crying. Then he looked over like she was going to strangle a goose. I’ve seen that look many, many times.

“Heil Hitler!” Mother said, repeating the procedure. The Fuhrer said:

“You have a beautiful daughter Obersturmbannfuhrer Engel. But remember. An unhealthy body is a sign of a weak mind. I suggest you send her to a weight loss clinic before her health degenerates further.”

Or something like that. And Mother said:

Yes, mein Fuhrer. It’s just a teenage phase.”
“Yes, yes.” He said, immediately losing interest in me and mother and continued down the line of girls.

Mother looked at me. I tried to suck my cheeks in, but now I started crying quietly. So she slapped me. A quick sharp slap across the face. I started bleeding from the nose.

Anyway, that was my day. I think I will listen to some music now before I go to sleep.

(Sigrun has drawn a great number of hearts and eyes with tears pouring out of them at the end of the journal entry.)

Intersectional fat activism. Sjw pity porn. In Wolfenstein. Disagree and you are Hitler.

All through this thread people keep using the same mot and bailey tactic:

A: I have a problem with the sjw propaganda in this game.
B: Why do you have a problem with shooting Nazis?
A: I don’t- that’s why I play Wolfenstein. I just have a problem with the sjw propaganda.
B: So you support the Nazis?

etc etc ad infinitum


What time is it?
I never understood the love for TNO. Granted, TNC is worse but they both had the same feeling to the gun play which wasn't satisfying in the least.


Gold Member
The map designs were kind of boring and the game has a really weird difficulty curve. It wasn't bad but did feel like missed potential coming off the first game where nobody had expectations.

Just started TNC and the character models are a downgrade from TNO, and although I've only played the first level the map design doesn't seem great (like you mentioned).
Something about the gameplay also doesn't feel quite right, compared to the TNO and TOB. Switching weapons seems to be a bit clunkier.
I never understood the love for TNO. Granted, TNC is worse but they both had the same feeling to the gun play which wasn't satisfying in the least.
It came right at the start of a new gen, and was the first modern AAA FPS to borrow some stuff from the golden age of FPS.

Personally i found TNO very uneven and like you said the gunplay was weirdly inaccurate for a game that wants to do away with ADS, the story and dialogue (especially BJ's monologues) were very fucking painful to listen to and cringy as fuck and I AM A JRPG ENJOYER!™.

TOB was better because it had a faster pace and more occult themes which is more in line with series heydays of RTCW.

TNC is straight up worthless and i bought it new for 19.99 3 months after release, even when you ignore the shit story and dialogue, the game is even WORSE than it's predecessor in every department! Cutscenes are longer and even MORE uninteresting, the level design is the 09 CoD clone FPS trash-tier and the leveling system is un-needed and very boring!
I tried to play this game 3 times since 2018 and i always stop mid way through.

Id was back on top with DOOM 2016 and brought back some of the magic of the golden age along with the various retro indie throwback FPSs so the impact of TNO was lessened and forgotten (kinda like the original WS3D if you think about it) when better games started to come out.
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What time is it?
Id was back on top with DOOM 2016 and brought back some of the magic of the golden age along with the various retro indie throwback FPSs so the impact of TNO was lessened and forgotten (kinda like the original WS3D if you think about it) when better games started to come out.

Doom 2016 nailed the gun play. I just hated all the trappings around it that slowed you from getting into the next encounter. I don't mind collectables and challenge rooms but having those unlock weapon, character and skill upgrades was just something I didn't want in a Doom game. Eternal turns all that bullshit up to 11. I don't think I have ever had as much of a love/hate relationship with a game ever.


I never understood the love for TNO. Granted, TNC is worse but they both had the same feeling to the gun play which wasn't satisfying in the least.
For me it BJ Blazkowitch with his story in Poland and holding 2 auto shotguns and blowing nazis into dust.


Did not play TNC.
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Doom 2016 nailed the gun play. I just hated all the trappings around it that slowed you from getting into the next encounter. I don't mind collectables and challenge rooms but having those unlock weapon, character and skill upgrades was just something I didn't want in a Doom game. Eternal turns all that bullshit up to 11. I don't think I have ever had as much of a love/hate relationship with a game ever.
Dude! I started playing Eternal on my PS5 before the patch dropped Yesterday, and that's my exact feelings for the game so far (I'm playing on Ultra Violence and I'm at the 3rd priest's hideout in Sentinel Prime/AKA mission 8) but i'm leaning to the love side right now (unless they don't fix not having me continue from my PS4 save file) since i got all the weapons and settled into the game's groove.


What time is it?
For me it BJ Blazkowitch with his story in Poland and holding 2 auto shotguns and blowing nazis into dust.


Did not play TNC.

I can understand the appeal but I just don't think they nailed the feel which is hard to describe. Compare that to any of Doom's shotguns and they just don't seem to have the heft or impact.


I know this thread is 2 years old, and yes, TNC was slightly worse than TNO, but there was no "SJW agenda" to the game - unless your argument is that selling the game on the fact that you get to kill Nazis is "SJW".

Nazis are bad. Fascism is bad. It's fine to market your game on wiping them out.


I can understand the appeal but I just don't think they nailed the feel which is hard to describe. Compare that to any of Doom's shotguns and they just don't seem to have the heft or impact.
Well, that's the only gif I found. I found the shotties powerful and impactful after upgrade. Literally turning nazis into minced meat from up close!

Scotty W

Gold Member
Well, that's the only gif I found. I found the shotties powerful and impactful after upgrade. Literally turning nazis into minced meat from up close!
I find the guns don’t have much personality- except for the shotgun. Compare with something like Quake 1, and it is clear.

Movement in general is not that great. It feels like there are invisible walls everywhere, so that I can’t go places it looks like I should be able to go. And the design of the central hub is totally atrocious. What were they thinking?

If the game didn’t have the story dragging it down I would rate it about a 7.5.


I find the guns don’t have much personality- except for the shotgun. Compare with something like Quake 1, and it is clear.

Movement in general is not that great. It feels like there are invisible walls everywhere, so that I can’t go places it looks like I should be able to go. And the design of the central hub is totally atrocious. What were they thinking?

If the game didn’t have the story dragging it down I would rate it about a 7.5.
Level design is not good, this is where we can agree.

Wait, 7.5 on 10? That's actually great.👌


I don’t think it has an agenda but it was kind of marketed that way. I do think it was a bad game unfortunately. Personally I’m not looking for a heavy, story driven experience in a Wolfenstien game. The violence and torture stuff seemed kind of incongruous as well. It was like fuck man I’m not trying to learn about these mufukkas inner demons and shit.
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I honestly thought that The New Colossus was a just a better game overall than The New Order, mostly thanks to a better story and narrative.

The New Order setting was excellent, that I felt that wasnt really that explored.Seeing people being subjugated by the Nazi and how their lives changed because of that would have been amazing, but The New Order baraly adresses that other than saying(but not showing).And the New Collosus basically adresses that issue, which was my biggest criticism with it.

SJW ruined alot of games, including the Last Of Us 2.The New Colossus was not one of them.

Scotty W

Gold Member
I don’t think it has an agenda but it was kind of marketed that way

Kind of?

An employee from Bethesda told IGN: When you have an opportunity to take a public stand against Nazis emerging in America, that’s an opportunity that shouldn’t be passed up," Hines said of the marketing decision.

Republicans are Nazis…though, confession, when the tweet was made I did kinda think that they were. How the turn tables
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