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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Mostly out of boredom, I fell into a conspiracy rabbit hole for a minute there, then realized I could just text my brother's brother in law who is an X-Ray tech at a hospital here in NYC. I meant to do so anyway to thank him and check up on him...but yeah, it's the real deal. He sounds mortified, like he's seeing shit no one should see.
Thank you for posting this. Until you actually have somebody on the ground telling you how bad the situation is, there is a big disconnect. The situation is dire. Here's a video that echoes the same sentiment your brother's brother in law is speaking of.


Karma Jawa

If you are scared you could have it and start getting psychosomatic breathing issues, just take your temperature. All symptomatic and serious cases present with fever.

I get the same kind of panic (I've got severe allergies and have always had respiratory issues, including almost yearly URIs) and taking my temperature helps control it.

That’s not true though. Many, but not all symptomatic cases involve fever. Along with a regular cough it’s one of the two main symptoms, but you can have the virus without having both of them.


Gold Member
Are you willing for society to collapse into full Mad Max though?

On what basis will this happen?

I'm yet to see someone rationally explain to me how this post-apocalyptic doomsday scenario comes about.

People need to be healthy in order to make money. Society needs to be fully functional for people to make money. I cannot believe we are back at the point where people are saying "only old people...". Yes the elderly are more likely to die from it but without adequate treatment many people who are not in the currently established "high risk" groups are at risk of dying.

Make no mistake, society will change as a result of this. Many business sectors will never return, many people will lose (or will have already lost) money, peoples outlooks on life and other people will change, etc. However we've always found a way to regroup and move forward, even if it first means first taking a step backwards in order to do so. Give me some good reasons why that will not be the case this time. What makes this different from any other challenges we've faced throughout history?

Nobody's suggesting carrying on as if absolutely nothing is happening.

Then what's the suggestion? Just tell just the old and high risk people to stay at home indefinitely while we all go about our day to day lives as normal?


  • UK reports more than 700 deaths, mortality rate climbs to record 10.35
  • Germany reports smallest batch of deaths in 2 weeks
  • NYC reports 249 deaths in evening update
  • Spain case numbers pass Italy, after reported lowest deaths in a week yesterday deaths
  • Journalist says more than 800 health-care workers infected in Massachusetts
  • Trump warns "deadliest week" is ahead for US
  • NY reports 10k+ new cases as statewide total nears those of Italy, Spain
  • Italian government agrees on emergency business loan program
  • About 100 more New Jersey residents have died from COVID-19 than on 9/11 as state reports new cases, deaths
  • US cases of COVID-19 near 280k
  • Coral Princess reports 2 deaths, presumably from COVID-19
  • US death toll tops 7k
  • Portugal reported 638 new cases
  • Italy reports another small slowdown in cases, deaths
  • Belgium reported 1,661 new cases and 140 new deaths
  • European death toll tops 45k as France reports ~400 new deaths
  • COVID-19 pateints 'accidentally' brought aboard Navy hospital ship 'overflow hospital' docked in Manhattan
  • Cuomo authorizes medical students slated to graduate in the spring to start practicing now
  • A looting wave has struck NYC businesses
  • France says 600 soldiers infected
  • UK Health Secretary reminds Britons to stay inside this weekend
  • Pop star Pink test positive
  • India quarantines 20k people connected to Islamic missionary movement
  • Trump uses DPA act to block export of medical equipment
  • Tokyo reports more than 100 cases in a day, largest jump yet, as Japan's 2nd wave worsens


Rage Bait Youtuber
On what basis will this happen?

I'm yet to see someone rationally explain to me how this post-apocalyptic doomsday scenario comes about.

People need to be healthy in order to make money. Society needs to be fully functional for people to make money. I cannot believe we are back at the point where people are saying "only old people...". Yes the elderly are more likely to die from it but without adequate treatment many people who are not in the currently established "high risk" groups are at risk of dying.

Make no mistake, society will change as a result of this. Many business sectors will never return, many people will lose (or will have already lost) money, peoples outlooks on life and other people will change, etc. However we've always found a way to regroup and move forward, even if it first means first taking a step backwards in order to do so. Give me some good reasons why that will not be the case this time. What makes this different from any other challenges we've faced throughout history?

People who can't make rent or mortgage payments lose their homes (and don't bring up states waiving evictions you STILL have to pay what you owe eventually). This goes on more than a month or two you will have civil unrest. First people will be fighting over a loaf of bread, then the gas wars will begin.
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I'm not awful at cooking but due to my health issues anything over 15 minutes risk me fainting. Passing out while cooking would be bad for me. It happens too often already. Most of the things I really enjoyed making takes a few hours of prep and cooking time.

Canned soups are really easy and comforting - get some Campell's Chunky or Progresso. The good ones are around 400 calories a can, and it just pour out, heat, and eat. Goes great with a grilled cheese if you have bread frozen.

That’s not true though. Many, but not all symptomatic cases involve fever. Along with a regular cough it’s one of the two main symptoms, but you can have the virus without having both of them.

Technically true, but fever is present in about 99% of cases with symptoms from the last stats I saw, and if you have severe symptoms you almost assuredly have a fever because a lot of the damage is from immune response.

If you don't have a fever, you are very unlikely to have to have it, let alone a serious case. 99% can mean a large number of incidents in a large population, but individually those are odds worth trusting in.
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Gold Member
People who can't make rent or mortgage payments lose their homes (and don't bring up states waiving evictions you STILL have to pay what you owe eventually). This goes on more than a month or two you will have civil unrest. First people will be fighting over a loaf of bread, then the gas wars will begin.

Please read (as an example):

This would not be allowed to happen on a mass scale, especially not today.

Where I live they have already banned evictions for the next 2 months:

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There's a legitimate discussion to be had about the merits of the quarantine measures, however you don't start it by spouting bullshit about Bill Gates having a vaccine. That makes you look like a shit-for-brains with no critical thinking ability. If you want to talk about that we have a special thread just for you.

I never claimed he had a vaccine. He previously had a patents for things like SARS and Coronavirus, not the COVID-19. But I find it all highly suspicious, to have a exercise of a global pandemic of Coronavirus, just before the outbreak happened in China. All in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum.

Stuff like Ebola, something infinitely more deadly happened. And yet, there were no lockdowns, not even in countries where most of the cases were. We had MERS, from the Middle East, and absolutely no measures were taken. It all passed away. Now we have a danger that COVID-19 might mutate into something more deadly because people have isolated themselves. There will be other outbreaks after lockdowns anyway. Instead of attaining herd-immunity by living normally, and isolating the few vulnerable, we're playing with fire on all levels.
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Just tell just the old and high risk people to stay at home indefinitely while we all go about our day to day lives as normal?
The current approach seems to be tell EVERYONE to stay at home indefinitely. So in that case, yes?

What were doing now prolongs this thing more, not less. "Flattening the curve" doesn't reduce cases it spreads them out. That used to be the argument. But somewhere along the line that has gotten muddled and people seem to think these soft quarantines will make the virus disappear entirely and actually prevent millions of cases altogether. That wasn't the argument at the outset. When did this shift occur?
Please read (as an example):

This would not be allowed to happen on a mass scale, especially not today.

Where I live they have already banned evictions for the next 2 months:

To be evicted everywhere AFAIK in the US the landlord has to get an eviction order and have the police serve it. This can take months normally, and the courts are down through much of the US. No one is getting evicted for quite a while, even if they don't pay rent.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Please read (as an example):

This would not be allowed to happen on a mass scale, especially not today.

Where I live they have already banned evictions for the next 2 months:

I'm talking about in the US. Many states have banned evictions for the next two months. But you STILL HAVE TO PAY YOUR RENT/MORTGAGE and that means not only will people have to be paying their normal monthly rent when that two months expire but also the back pay for those two months. Many people won't be able to do that.

"not allowed to happen on the mass scale" is 100% BULLSHIT. That's propaganda because it's happening right now in the US.

In CA the mortgage eviction thing is only for select banks that Newsom was able to suck off to get on board. If your mortgage isn't with one of those banks, then you're fucked and on the street if you're out of work and can't pay.


Rage Bait Youtuber
The current approach seems to be tell EVERYONE to stay at home indefinitely. So in that case, yes?

What were doing now prolongs this thing more, not less. "Flattening the curve" doesn't reduce cases it spreads them out. That used to be the argument. But somewhere along the line that has gotten muddled and people seem to think these soft quarantines will make the virus disappear entirely and actually prevent millions of cases altogether. That wasn't the argument at the outset. When did this shift occur?

It happened when Dem governors realized they could use this as an opportunity to push their socialist agenda:



So I’m working at a care home in which 17 residents have died, and more than 70 are infected, including 27 staff who are all sick.

Today I found, in the garage, 15 masks made by 3M that are N95. I bought them years ago when I was doing some painting. I never used them, and then forgot about them.

I’ve never actually worn one before. It appears there are some legit YouTube videos showing how to put these masks on properly. Word is that most people put them on improperly?

I’m wondering if these masks can be re-used? One person on the net said these masks could potentially be re-used by putting each one, after use, into a glad bag and then leaving the bag for 15 days and then re-using the mask? Not sure if that would work or not.

Also, I have an abundance of blue rubber gloves. But what I don’t have is protective eyewear. If I walk into a place in which the virus is airborne then surely it’s pointless wearing a mask without also wearing the eyewear?

Here’s the thing:

Though Administration has denied this, I’m convinced.... actually CONVINCED would be a better way of putting it... that in the ‘old wing’ of the building, which dates back to the 1960’s, the virus IS airborne. Collectively, we the staff, have been ‘comparing’ notes, and it seems that that’s where everyone is getting sick. So far I haven’t had to go to that area yet - but that’s about to change.

Anyone here have any genuine experience with masks? I’m trying so hard not to make a mistake. Again, it’s my mom I’m worried about. Infecting myself, I mean. Or bringing the virus back home on my body or clothing. There’s so much bogus information around. You really have to sift through this stuff.

Also, I’m becoming more stable now. I’m still having bad days (usually it’s in the morning, before I actually go to work). But at work I’m surrounded by so many fearless, dedicated ladies that it’s impossible not to be influenced by them.

Also, in case you were wondering, no I’m not trained for an outbreak. I just work there. Care homes typically aren’t staffed by people with lots of ‘medical training’.

Anyway, stay safe everyone! Stay home if you can! And to those of you who are suffering you have my deepest sympathies. For relief, I just climb under a blanket and close my eyes! :)


Gold Member
Christ alive man, look at the state of the hospitals in countries where this has spread.

This is about making sure the healthcare systems (along with support systems such as emergency call lines, pharmaceuticals, etc) are not completely crippled so that people are having to be refused critical treatment/advice (whether it's COVID-19 related or not) and then dying at home or on the streets as a result.

So yeh, lets carry on as usual and spread this around while our medical professionals work 24/7 with inadequate equipment and rest. In such a scenario you'd better hope you don't get in a road accident of some sort (or trip down the stairs in your rush to get to work), you're not going to be able to get the assistance you require, if at all.

Like it or not (you might take it for granted) but readily available and high quality healthcare is a core underpinning of modern societies, and we all wouldn't be able to go about our day to day lives without it being there readily available for us.

We're, sadly, in a damned if you do / damned if you don't dilemma. Slow the spread and cripple the economy or face it head on and watch the healthcare system get overwhelmed and we suffer excess casualties - casualties that we may be facing due to other reasons if we bind the economy longer anyway. It's difficult to know how to proceed in the best way in order to minimize damages.

Sometimes in life we don't know, so we roll the dice and live with the consequences.


Gold Member
The current approach seems to be tell EVERYONE to stay at home indefinitely. So in that case, yes?

What were doing now prolongs this thing more, not less. "Flattening the curve" doesn't reduce cases it spreads them out. That used to be the argument. But somewhere along the line that has gotten muddled and people seem to think these soft quarantines will make the virus disappear entirely and actually prevent millions of cases altogether. That wasn't the argument at the outset. When did this shift occur?

Actually no, it doesn't prolong anything. If people actually adhered to the rules of stay the fuck at home then it would be almost impossible for this to spread and people who already have it would get the necessary treatment. The problem is that "only old people..." and "just the flu bro's" are still roaming about spreading this shit asymptotically. People in localised areas can then get back to normal while a wider global solution is worked on (borders remain shut).

Yes it could come back in future waves but this solution buys time, which is what the healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry desperately need right now to get a handle on this.

To be evicted everywhere AFAIK in the US the landlord has to get an eviction order and have the police serve it. This can take months normally, and the courts are down through much of the US. No one is getting evicted for quite a while, even if they don't pay rent.

But Mad Max...

I'm talking about in the US. Many states have banned evictions for the next two months. But you STILL HAVE TO PAY YOUR RENT/MORTGAGE and that means not only will people have to be paying their normal monthly rent when that two months expire but also the back pay for those two months. Many people won't be able to do that.

"not allowed to happen on the mass scale" is 100% BULLSHIT. That's propaganda because it's happening right now in the US.

In CA the mortgage eviction thing is only for select banks that Newsom was able to suck off to get on board. If your mortgage isn't with one of those banks, then you're fucked and on the street if you're out of work and can't pay.

So what you're saying is that you genuinely believe there's a scenario where your government sits back and watches potentially 10's of millions of people go homeless?

The current period of time that evictions are banned for is just the start. They have been banned now to provide immediate relief, they will be banned further in the future in order to ensure there's little chance of this "mad max" world coming to fruition. There is already talk of debts being potentially cancelled dependent of what the situation is at the end of all of this.

This is worth a read by the way:

Solutions will be found, life goes on. Some people will inevitably end up fucked, but to a point where there's mass homelessness going into the millions? Not a chance.


Rage Bait Youtuber
So what you're saying is that you genuinely believe there's a scenario where your government sits back and watches potentially 10's of millions of people go homeless?

The current period of time that evictions are banned for is just the start. They have been banned now to provide immediate relief, they will be banned further in the future in order to ensure there's little chance of this "mad max" world coming to fruition. There is already talk of debts being potentially cancelled dependent of what the situation is at the end of all of this.

This is worth a read by the way:

Solutions will be found, life goes on. Some people will inevitably end up fucked, but to a point where there's mass homelessness going into the millions? Not a chance.

That's exactly what's happening. Forgiving debt in the US is a socialist fairy tale.
Christ alive man, look at the state of the hospitals in countries where this has spread.

This is about making sure the healthcare systems (along with support systems such as emergency call lines, pharmaceuticals, etc) are not completely crippled so that people are having to be refused critical treatment/advice (whether it's COVID-19 related or not) and then dying at home or on the streets as a result.

So yeh, lets carry on as usual and spread this around while our medical professionals work 24/7 with inadequate equipment and rest. In such a scenario you'd better hope you don't get in a road accident of some sort (or trip down the stairs in your rush to get to work), you're not going to be able to get the assistance you require, if at all.

Like it or not (you might take it for granted) but readily available and high quality healthcare is a core underpinning of modern societies, and we all wouldn't be able to go about our day to day lives without it being there readily available for us.

We live in a society that doesn't want people to die. Death is something people don't want to accept, especially narcissists, who think they are God-like entities. Hence pathological risk aversion. We are asked to keep alive 83 year olds, who would've died anyway months from now. We've kept alive people whose quality of life was far below human dignity prior to COVID-19. We keep alive coma patients for sometimes, decades. Why?

Many more people die from other things as well. Last year 650.000 people died from flu and its complications alone, worldwide according to CDC.
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Gold Member
There is already talk of debts being potentially cancelled dependent of what the situation is at the end of all of this.

This is worth a read by the way:

Solutions will be found, life goes on. Some people will inevitably end up fucked, but to a point where there's mass homelessness going into the millions? Not a chance.

That would certainly be a blessing to so many. And letting it come at the expense of the fat cat banks, who have already been bailed out of their incompetence and greed, seems only just imho.


Stuff like Ebola, something infinitely more deadly happened. And yet, there were no lockdowns, not even in countries where most of the cases were. We had MERS, from the Middle East, and absolutely no measures were taken. It all passed away. Now we have a danger that COVID-19 might mutate into something more deadly because people have isolated themselves. There will be other outbreaks after lockdowns anyway. Instead of attaining herd-immunity by living normally, and isolating the few vulnerable, we're playing with fire on all levels.

Ebola is more deadly, which implies that it is less contagious (hosts die quickly).

Why SARS-Cov-2 is deadly is because a significant portion of the patients (1%-4%) will develop into pneumonia, cytokine storm (young people), complications (pre-existing conditions), yet it is highly contagious than the original SARS (the peak viral concentration in throats of those affected is achieved before any symptom, and 1000x higher than that of SARS around the same window).

Reference: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2196-x_reference.pdf


Rage Bait Youtuber
That would certainly be a blessing to so many. And letting it come at the expense of the fat cat banks, who have already been bailed out of their incompetence and greed, seems only just imho.

Most of those banks own senators and congressmen. It wouldn't realistically happen.


Hey Filth Filth , how you holding up, man? Did you recover from the virus?

Yeah im doing ok. I am just fatigued still but my lungs feel better and my taste and smell went back to normal. I still have people in my office dropping one by one and they had special cleaners in body suits go and thoroughly cleaned my desk. Every day im seeing friends family members passing away in the hospital. They are usually older and had pre existing conditions but new york is getting destroyed. Thanks for checking up though :messenger_blowing_kiss:


Actually no, it doesn't prolong anything.
Then what the fuck was "flatten the curve" in the first place. You are peddling revisionist history. Very very recent history at that.

How much longer do you these blanket lockdown recommendations will remain in place? That was and is the entire problem. It's completely open ended. Nobody has a plan. My rights don't end where your fear begins.


Gold Member
Someone pushes it with every administration. They pushed for Obama to do it.

Money rules the day. But in a broken economy where money becomes worthless or *greatly* devalued , the rich cannot continue to prosper. They do have a vested interest in keeping their rats on the treadmill. They (the rats) can't do that in a state of homelessness.
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Rage Bait Youtuber



Gold Member
Then what the fuck was "flatten the curve" in the first place. You are peddling revisionist history. Very very recent history at that.

How much longer do you these blanket lockdown recommendations will remain in place? That was and is the entire problem. It's completely open ended. Nobody has a plan. My rights don't end where your fear begins.

LMAO this isn't about rights, first and foremost it's about your health, your family's health. If you want to go and get sick then walk into your local hospital where they are treating patients without any protection. Then go and see all of your family and spread it around. Then you can then tell them you were just exercising your "rights".

The blanket lockdowns end when people stop being idiots and actually listen to the advice being given to them so that the numbers can actually decrease. As long as people dodge curfews/lockdowns then the numbers will continue to increase, which benefits nobody. There's nothing to be scared of if you stay at home :)

We live in a society that doesn't want people to die. Death is something people don't want to accept, especially narcissists, who think they are God-like entities. Hence pathological risk aversion. We are asked to keep alive 83 year olds, who would've died anyway months from now. We've kept alive people whose quality of life was far below human dignity prior to COVID-19. We keep alive coma patients for sometimes, decades. Why?

Many more people die from other things as well. Last year 650.000 people died from flu and its complications alone, worldwide according to CDC.

If left untreated, there are people in their 30's, 40's and 50's dying from this. This is also much worse than the flu (it's April 2020, so you knew that already though right...?).

People being left to die on a mass scale while states refuse treatment would cause much worse social and economic unrest than these lockdowns are going to cause.

That's exactly what's happening. Forgiving debt in the US is a socialist fairy tale.

Well let's see what happens then.

At the end of the day we are just having a speculative debate about what happens after the lockdowns end, neither of us know what is going to happen. It's just that I'd rather be optimistic instead of sitting here thinking doomsday is what's next. All we can do is take care of our loved ones and try to make what money we can at the moment (if possible) or be efficient and save whatever money we already have (if possible).

If neither then get tatooed up, grab your motorcycle and... nah, just kidding. Either appreciate the time you have available at the moment or try to utilise it to improve yourself in some way.
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Why SARS-Cov-2 is deadly is because a significant portion of the patients (1%-4%) will develop into pneumonia, cytokine storm (young people), complications (pre-existing conditions), yet it is highly contagious than the original SARS (the peak viral concentration in throats of those affected is achieved before any symptom, and 1000x higher than that of SARS around the same window).

I wouldn't call 1-4% a significant amount, as 96-99% would be completely fine. It is also less than that (0.7% I believe?).

Karma Jawa

If you don't have a fever, you are very unlikely to have to have it, let alone a serious case. 99% can mean a large number of incidents in a large population, but individually those are odds worth trusting in.

That’s definitely not true. Many people are asymptomatic, or experience mild symptoms.

Fever is extremely likely in hospitalised cases. Probably a very high percentage due to the virus developing into pneumonia. But all evidence suggests that people infected can either exhibit no symptoms, or a range of mild symptoms. The vast majority who get this will not need to go to hospital, and may not even know they’ve had it.


Gold Member
Money rules the day. But in a broken economy where money becomes worthless or *greatly* devalued , the rich cannot continue to prosper. They do have a vested interest in keeping their rats on the treadmill. They (the rats) can't do that in a state of homelessness.

This is what a lot of people fail to realise. If the average Joes all become homeless then who do the rich exploit and sell to? Who do the banks sell dreams to?

The people who have all the money aren't going to sit back and watch all their money become worthless as society crumbles around them. They can't go and live on the moon just yet.
This is what a lot of people fail to realise. If the average Joes all become homeless then who do the rich exploit and sell to? Who do the banks sell dreams to?

The people who have all the money aren't going to sit back and watch all their money become worthless as society crumbles around them. They can't go and live on the moon just yet.

The current economic conditions are unprecedented, and it's not clear what will happen to the value of money. The dollar is the world reserve currency, as long as the US is the most trusted government in economic matters, we basically have a free printing press, but the minute that changes not only will it be devalued, we have no idea what will happen. Where do you go from here, gold standard? Or a group of countries making money printing pacts where they acknowledge their ability to print X amount of new currency? Or something we've not imagined at all?
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Thanks man.

Oh boy, of course you would turn out to be a conspiracy theory spouting nut bag.

You can call me anything you want, I don't really care. Many people have legitimate questions, more than you realize. And you don't have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to understand that there is a pre-COVID-19 world, and a post-COVID-19 world that will be barely recognizable from the prior.

while I don’t necessarily agree or jump on any conspiracy bandwagons (frankly, since very little is known, I’m leaving some of those doors unlocked...just not necessarily walking through them), I do have to agree with EightBit Man that disasters like these only further widen wealth distribution gaps. We will see some of that, that I believe. I just hope when the economic rubber band snaps back, that ALL AMERICANS have opportunities to contribute and ride the wave.
Canned soups are really easy and comforting - get some Campell's Chunky or Progresso. The good ones are around 400 calories a can, and it just pour out, heat, and eat. Goes great with a grilled cheese if you have bread frozen.

OMG I've lived on Campbell's soup for ages now just took a break because I wanted to do pasta for a while yup it works when you need to live that dorm live lol


Edit (needed separate post since > 5 min) : posted early. Now that I’ve caught up on reading I certainly don’t share EightBit’s stance. I meant I’m leaving many doors unlocked as it pertains to China. Still a lot to discover after the dust settles on this whole thing.
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We live in a society that doesn't want people to die. Death is something people don't want to accept, especially narcissists, who think they are God-like entities. Hence pathological risk aversion. We are asked to keep alive 83 year olds, who would've died anyway months from now. We've kept alive people whose quality of life was far below human dignity prior to COVID-19. We keep alive coma patients for sometimes, decades. Why?

Many more people die from other things as well. Last year 650.000 people died from flu and its complications alone, worldwide according to CDC.

Wow...hard to believe in a high civilized country there are still people thinking this way...
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Wow...hard to believe in a high civilized country there are still people thinking this way...
The shoe has never been on the other foot for people like this...that’s all.

sometimes folks need perspective. We all have our moment in life at some time, one way or another.

Just narrow thinking.
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Wow...hard to believe in a high civilized country there are still people thinking this way...

So, people who were once full of life and healthy and are now "vegetating away" because they must be kept alive for the sake of it, is respectful of human life? I've seen it happen in my own life, and believe me, you don't want to see that happen to young people close to you. You think it is respectful towards young people, who are least likely to attain complications or die, to sacrifice their future for a small portion of old people who are at the end of their life?

This society is hypocritical and unforgivingly biased. Where's the worldwide mourning of those who died of the flu? Or heart problems? Or smoking? Or because of sugars? Or alcohol and substance abuse? Where was the love of our fellow people, who have been relegated to living on the streets?

Modern society respects neither the living, nor the dead.
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Gold Member
This is what a lot of people fail to realise. If the average Joes all become homeless then who do the rich exploit and sell to? Who do the banks sell dreams to?

The people who have all the money aren't going to sit back and watch all their money become worthless as society crumbles around them. They can't go and live on the moon just yet.


The farmer can spend all morning carefully attaching the yoke to his ox, but when he looks down and sees a broken leg, he knows his field will not be getting plowed.

Money has no inherent value, it's only a concept, an idea. It derives value from collective agreement. When a significant portion of that collective cannot participate in that agreement, the concept loses its meaning. Then the rich man and the poor man find themselves in the same state.


Gold Member
We live in a society that doesn't want people to die. Death is something people don't want to accept, especially narcissists, who think they are God-like entities. Hence pathological risk aversion. We are asked to keep alive 83 year olds, who would've died anyway months from now. We've kept alive people whose quality of life was far below human dignity prior to COVID-19. We keep alive coma patients for sometimes, decades. Why?

Many more people die from other things as well. Last year 650.000 people died from flu and its complications alone, worldwide according to CDC.

We live is a society that is so afraid of mortality that it's treated almost as something unnatural, when nothing could be further from the truth. Facing death, dealing with death is not an unhealthy approach - quite the opposite actually.


We're all going to die. Many will die for dumb reasons, causes, or accidents. But considering the collective good, while a difficult position, is not without merit. No one wants to be in a position to say you get to live and you have to die, but life is full of touch choices. You can still be compassionate while facing gut-wrenching problems and making lesser-of-two-evils decisions.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
This is what a lot of people fail to realise. If the average Joes all become homeless then who do the rich exploit and sell to? Who do the banks sell dreams to?

The people who have all the money aren't going to sit back and watch all their money become worthless as society crumbles around them. They can't go and live on the moon just yet.
Most revenue nowadays is made by producing capital. In the olden days producing capital would be a horse, or a car. A typewriter, etc. That capital represented a minor portion of production, but today most production is made by capital. Machines, Intelectual property, land, etc..

I know this can be a little surprising all of a sudden, but the reality is, the ones at the top don't need us all that much anymore..

Karma Jawa


The farmer can spend all morning carefully attaching the yoke to his ox, but when he looks down and sees a broken leg, he knows his field will not be getting plowed.

Money has no inherent value, it's only a concept, an idea. It derives value from collective agreement. When a significant portion of that collective cannot participate in that agreement, the concept loses its meaning. Then the rich man and the poor man find themselves in the same state.

Very true.

The 1% can live in their luxury mansion, but without the gardeners, the cleaners, the plumbers, the electricians, the builders, the energy suppliers, the postmen, the pool guy, road maintenance, doctors, vets, banks, and all the other services that make the billionaire lifestyle possible, they’re fucked.

Society collapsing is the great leveller. Billionaire mansions will be crumbling shells with no security guards to fend off the masses.

It’s going to be fascinating to see how the world deals with this economic crisis. Personally I think that eventually there will be an agreement between countries to just take the hit and let millions die.


Does anyone remember back in the late 90s, there would be this psa style commercial during cartoon hour on the WB during the afternoon, Where this white guy would rap about" the population is growing much to fast and it needs to be slowed", and not to take the earth for granted?

It does kinda feel like that was alluding to population control.


Gold Member
Very true.

The 1% can live in their luxury mansion, but without the gardeners, the cleaners, the plumbers, the electricians, the builders, the energy suppliers, the postmen, the pool guy, road maintenance, doctors, vets, banks, and all the other services that make the billionaire lifestyle possible, they’re fucked.

Society collapsing is the great leveller. Billionaire mansions will be crumbling shells with no security guards to fend off the masses.

It’s going to be fascinating to see how the world deals with this economic crisis. Personally I think that eventually there will be an agreement between countries to just take the hit and let millions die.

The greatest con of all-time has been convincing the slaves to fight each other for their chains of confinement, oblivious to their own bondage. Money, absent any real value, is most often used as a vehicle of oppression in favor of those who have no physical needs.

We live in a world where we see great inequality and disparity. And the gulf grows exponentially. Everyone can see it. How did it come to be? Can anyone say with any honesty that the person with billions in the bank has that much relative (intrinsic) value compared to the man living on the street?

Of course without money a different measure of control - force - will be applied by the strong upon the weak. There is really no escaping the realities of survival.


Neighbours from Hell
Does anyone know why scientists say ordering out food shouldn’t be a concern because there’s no evidence it is transmitted via food?

If it can be transferred from touching a surface with the virus on it and then putting your hands in your mouth, then why couldn’t be it transferred if a cook in a restaurant put the food in a container with the virus on his hands and then you put that food in your mouth?

I want to believe the scientists I’m sure they have a reason for putting this information out there, but then again they also have been lying about masks, so....
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