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TLOU2 Haters and Detractors are review-bombing Metacritic. The Salt rises!

I love how all those "defenders of legitimate criticism" blatantly come out in this thread exposing their clear bias.

You may not like it as much as the first one, or not agree with some choices in the story but it is a better story than 99% of games out there. The only difference is that in this one there's a prominent lesbian character and no woman is half naked or sexualised in any way so if you ever find yourself saying things like "it took me out of the experience because a girl can't do that...", "two strong women characters banter is not appealing" then yeah, you're in dire need of reevaluiating your biases. And don't go around saying stupid things like "but what abour real people who hate the story, we need to look at the score seriously"! This is concern trollling of highest caliber. 99% percent of these "revews" have barely scribbled text to justify the score and came out before anyone could finish the game - this minority of botters and incels review-bombing and feeling so satisfied from "shoing it to those SJWs" requires pity (you just know it's true, right? you can see these poor people smiling seeling the score bombed) Pity is also required for those who deflect and pretend to be enlightened because they "are not sawyaed into liking the popular game" and millions of people are just sheep cause they are brainwashed by the media and are forced to play through SJW agenda and a bad story.

FYI, it's not that hard to see your shtick: see - you already hate Ellie/Abby/Dina looks and concept and you hate the lesbian story even before the start of the game. Alternatively you read the leaks about lesbian/transgender character and story beats that may or may not be true - oh no, this is too much, SJW agenda which assaults my masculinity! But you think you need to be smarter than that. So you start looking extra hard at every story beat to disagree with from a minor joke to a characterisation which you then interpret it the way that suits you to say that this totally pulled you out of the story and it sucks and therefore the game sucks but you're not a bigoted asshole. Or even less effort just say: wait until you hit unidentified part "sometime later" in the story to see how bad it is? Can't say which part cause spoilers! Saved, you fooled us all and saved us from this disaster which had 95% critic score! Only not really: it's just that transparent and sad.

If you wanna hate the game, this is pretty much judgment free area: just admit you only play as a woman to stare at her ass all the time or have her being saved or romanced in the way you want but woe be if she's slightly manly or capable! Have some balls to admit that this game bothers you because it doesn't allow you to go hetero or have a woman body-type that you prefer and then go back to something like CoD. Or maybe go stare at Chloe's ass in UC:LL while she kills and kicks ass of 100s of soldier-men while complaining about Nadine being too SJW for kicking Nate's ass. Admit that strong women bother you and you can't relate to their problems just like you couldn't in TLJ. (/yeah let's trigger TLJ haters as well, that'll be a nice combo)


I love how all those "defenders of legitimate criticism" blatantly come out in this thread exposing their clear bias.

You may not like it as much as the first one, or not agree with some choices in the story but it is a better story than 99% of games out there. The only difference is that in this one there's a prominent lesbian character and no woman is half naked or sexualised in any way so if you ever find yourself saying things like "it took me out of the experience because a girl can't do that...", "two strong women characters banter is not appealing" then yeah, you're in dire need of reevaluiating your biases. And don't go around saying stupid things like "but what abour real people who hate the story, we need to look at the score seriously"! This is concern trollling of highest caliber. 99% percent of these "revews" have barely scribbled text to justify the score and came out before anyone could finish the game - this minority of botters and incels review-bombing and feeling so satisfied from "shoing it to those SJWs" requires pity (you just know it's true, right? you can see these poor people smiling seeling the score bombed) Pity is also required for those who deflect and pretend to be enlightened because they "are not sawyaed into liking the popular game" and millions of people are just sheep cause they are brainwashed by the media and are forced to play through SJW agenda and a bad story.

FYI, it's not that hard to see your shtick: see - you already hate Ellie/Abby/Dina looks and concept and you hate the lesbian story even before the start of the game. Alternatively you read the leaks about lesbian/transgender character and story beats that may or may not be true - oh no, this is too much, SJW agenda which assaults my masculinity! But you think you need to be smarter than that. So you start looking extra hard at every story beat to disagree with from a minor joke to a characterisation which you then interpret it the way that suits you to say that this totally pulled you out of the story and it sucks and therefore the game sucks but you're not a bigoted asshole. Or even less effort just say: wait until you hit unidentified part "sometime later" in the story to see how bad it is? Can't say which part cause spoilers! Saved, you fooled us all and saved us from this disaster which had 95% critic score! Only not really: it's just that transparent and sad.

If you wanna hate the game, this is pretty much judgment free area: just admit you only play as a woman to stare at her ass all the time or have her being saved or romanced in the way you want but woe be if she's slightly manly or capable! Have some balls to admit that this game bothers you because it doesn't allow you to go hetero or have a woman body-type that you prefer and then go back to something like CoD. Or maybe go stare at Chloe's ass in UC:LL while she kills and kicks ass of 100s of soldier-men while complaining about Nadine being too SJW for kicking Nate's ass. Admit that strong women bother you and you can't relate to their problems just like you couldn't in TLJ. (/yeah let's trigger TLJ haters as well, that'll be a nice combo)
nice strawmanning.

loved the concern trolling part too.


Did you click on NeoGaf instead of ResetEra by mistake or something?.
lmao right? SJW trash coming in here thinking they are welcome.

boy, this aint SJW land. we will NOT bend to your SJW communist bullshit. WE do not give a shit about your gay lesbian bullshit agenda


I honestly don't take anybody who uses the word cuck or cuckman seriously. Say what you want about the guy but he does have some balls.
Bitch I've never reviewed a game on PSN, I've never even read a review on PSN, does anyone use that shit?
I would argue if the people hating it or trying to send a message that they would do it anywhere they can with PSN in order to read a game you have to own it with metacritic you don't. There's still a level of illegitimacy to reviews on PSN because pre-purchasing a game means you can score it prior to even being able to play it but it's still a barrier for entry to score the game requiring a $60 investment at least at first.


I would argue if the people hating it or trying to send a message that they would do it anywhere they can with PSN in order to read a game you have to own it with metacritic you don't. There's still a level of illegitimacy to reviews on PSN because pre-purchasing a game means you can score it prior to even being able to play it but it's still a barrier for entry to score the game requiring a $60 investment at least at first.

But nobody cares about PSN scores, I've never even seen someone quote a PSN score. I'm fairly sure a lot of people don't even know they exist.
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But nobody cares about PSN scores, I've never even seen someone quote a PSN score. I'm fairly sure a lot of people don't even know they exists.
The same could be said for the metacritic user score the only reason we're discussing it is because of the phenom of thousands of people rating a game the second it becomes available to rate at this point 17000 + people. The last of us in The last of us remastered combined have somewhere between 18 and 20000 user ratings on metacritic over the course of seven years and this game is going to surpass that before it's been available for 24 hours. even on a notoriously untrustworthy site like metacritic this is a bit beyond the pale.


He's laying into Cuckman right now lol
"The way this is going, you're gonna be playing fucking karen!"
oh boy

edit: seems he knows already lol, but its funny because he's managing to describe exactly what'll happen afterwards, thats how predictable this game is
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Gold Member
The same could be said for the metacritic user score the only reason we're discussing it is because of the phenom of thousands of people rating a game the second it becomes available to rate at this point 17000 + people. The last of us in The last of us remastered combined have somewhere between 18 and 20000 user ratings on metacritic over the course of seven years and this game is going to surpass that before it's been available for 24 hours. even on a notoriously untrustworthy site like metacritic this is a bit beyond the pale.
Getting out trusty MS excel I did some math.

With the current user score at 3.3 across 18000 votes, this game would need the next 40000 votes to be 10/10 to get a good rating of 8/10.



The same could be said for the metacritic user score the only reason we're discussing it is because of the phenom of thousands of people rating a game the second it becomes available to rate at this point 17000 + people. The last of us in The last of us remastered combined have somewhere between 18 and 20000 user ratings on metacritic over the course of seven years and this game is going to surpass that before it's been available for 24 hours. even on a notoriously untrustworthy site like metacritic this is a bit beyond the pale.

That's simply not true.

Metacritic scores are quoted all the time, hell publishers put it on their marketing, they're talked about all the time.

Nobody talks about PSN scores.


Angry Joe started this gen by "Fuck you we got your money" on MS, he ended it with "fuck you in the arse we got your money" on Sony. Poetic justice, universe is in balance now lol


Watching the stream now.

The group of them look bored as shit watching these endless cut scenes.
I know how they feel. When I was in the high school, me and group of my classmates went to cinema to kill time. I saw a great movie poster and was somewhat ok on spending 90 minutes watching some action flick. Turns out my classmates bought tickets on some random C tier trash comedy because girls from our group wanted to see it. Damn, It was a torture lol.


Watching the stream now.

The group of them look bored as shit watching these endless cut scenes.
"This game without Neil would've been incredible" I fully agree with him, i can only feel sad for the employees at ND.
The graphics, production, level design, its all incredible. Creative direction is what ruins this game, Neil just isn't a good writer, at least not without someone holding his reigns.
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From streams, comments in the OT and else where, starting to sound like people are having legitimate issues with this game. Like reality is catching up with the spoiler thread.
That's simply not true.

Metacritic scores are quoted all the time, hell publishers put it on their marketing, they're talked about all the time.

Nobody talks about PSN scores.
I feel like you're conflating the critics score on metacritic with the user score. Metacritic is notorious for users review bombing games.


The same could be said for the metacritic user score the only reason we're discussing it is because of the phenom of thousands of people rating a game the second it becomes available to rate at this point 17000 + people. The last of us in The last of us remastered combined have somewhere between 18 and 20000 user ratings on metacritic over the course of seven years and this game is going to surpass that before it's been available for 24 hours. even on a notoriously untrustworthy site like metacritic this is a bit beyond the pale.








I put Reforged last on purpose.



Can you see it?

TFA had 234,295 user reviews
TLJ had 219,436 user reviews.

Apparently TLJ was review bombed.
I'm trying to figure out what point you're making there you seem to be ignoring the part where it's amassed this number of ratings without being out for a single entire day
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From streams, comments in the OT and else where, starting to sound like people are having legitimate issues with this game. Like reality is catching up with the spoiler thread.
Spoiler thread tried to warn ppl. Damn fools never listen to the time travellers from the future :(


"This game without Neil would've been incredible" I fully agree with him, i can only feel sad for the employees at ND.
The graphics, production, level design, its all incredible. Creative direction is what ruins this game, Neil just isn't a good writer, at least not without someone holding his reigns.
Cuckman is a bit of a genius if you think about it. He wrote exactly what the cuck media would lap up, and they did, hook, line, and sinker.


Cuckman is a bit of a genius if you think about it. He wrote exactly what the cuck media would lap up, and they did, hook, line, and sinker.
Thinking about it that way, its true. Not everyone would manage to
insert so many social media worthless talking points into one game.
. He just failed to realize no good writer does it because its stupid.


Thinking about it that way, its true. Not everyone would manage to
insert so many social media worthless talking points into one game.
. He just failed to realize no good writer does it because its stupid.

Win the heart and mind of the fake game journalists but risk losing half your consumer audience in the process. I am sure he will regret his decisions when the fans weigh in. Game of Throne series finale redux incoming..


You should only be able to review it if you are verified to own the game and put in a certain amount of hours. Their system is broken.


Win the heart and mind of the fake game journalists but risk losing half your consumer audience in the process. I am sure he will regret his decisions when the fans weigh in. Game of Throne series finale redux incoming..
I'm kinda curious about what'll happen if a TLoU3 gets announced. Or any new ND game for that matter. I don't think TLoU2 will flop but damn ND's reputation is in the mud right now. Previous controversies don't help their case either (imagine forcing your employees to see snuff videos and pics 'for the sake of art' and the result is some shallow story that tries to make points the majority of people fully understand anyway).
I can only imagine Druckmann thinks their audience are stupid people who never saw stories with dark themes before.


Oh shit FIFA got review bombed? Why? Is there a lesbian player on ManU?

That wasn't my point, it's all games that either sold tens of millions of copies, or didn't sell as well but were highly anticipated.
Death Stranding was Kojima's epic return, for example.
Fifa 20 sold tons but didn't get bombed, nobody cares, it's lowest common denominator.

I am not sure, because there's exceptions


but it probably depends on a combination of factors: how controversial the situation is, how anticipated the game, how far removed from reality the reviews are.
I bet if they gave Death Stranding a 94 it would've had a bigger and worse user score.


So is it a rule that we must hate current games journalism unless they give good reviews to our favorite platforms exclusive or that the games political view aligns with your own.

Please be consistent..
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Not unless review sites have become a branch of the government....

That's not how it works.

Would a site be allowed to delete,restrict, or censor comments from blacks, gays, or other minorities posters? So why does a popular site get to delete,restrict,censor comments because they support MAGA, family values, or condemn woke culture? You are just advocating for segregation, except in your mind, it's okay if it's "alt right racist".
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That's not how it works.

Would a site be allowed to delete,restrict, or censor comments from blacks, gays, or other minorities posters? So why does a popular site get to delete,restrict,censor comments because they support MAGA, family values, or condemn woke culture? You are just advocating for segregation, except in your mind, it's okay if it's "alt right racist".

That's literally how it works. The 1st protects you from the government not some website that you want to whine on.



"If, however, the actor is a purely private entity or individual, the forum and subject matter of the speech become largely irrelevant – the First Amendment simply does not apply to censorship by non-state actors regardless of the forum or content of the speech."

Maybe actually read the Constitution at some point?


FIFA 20 has a user score of 1.1/10. Ya. 1.1. And FIFA 19 and 18 aren't much better with scores about 2/10 and 3/10.

When was the last time you saw gamers who buy FIFA (10-15 million+ copies every year?) complain about the user scores?

Who cares. If you like the game, just enjoy. I liked Call of Duty WWII. It's got a 4/10. So what?

FIFA and Madden are the worst games of all time literally. People who buy those games have ruined them just by giving EA money. The person who won the Madden tourney didn't pass the ball once through the whole tourney had a punter at QB, Calvin Johnson at free safety.

EA is gross they won't even give FIFA or Madden players real bodies they are all generic with the face scanned. The game play in Madden and FIFA is god awful and there aren't enough animations stupid unrealistic shit happens all the time.
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"If, however, the actor is a purely private entity or individual, the forum and subject matter of the speech become largely irrelevant – the First Amendment simply does not apply to censorship by non-state actors regardless of the forum or content of the speech."

Maybe actually read the Constitution at some point?

You don't seem to understand. This notion of 1st amendment only applying to government actions is no longer valid. Social media and I would argue the internet is becoming the new public square. There are pending cases, one of them from president Donald Trump, which is arguing that social media/internet platforms are discriminating against conservatives. We will see what the court decides, but I am guessing, they would want all reasonable opinions to be heard.
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