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Angry Joe being accused of sexual harassment


These snowflakes are crayz. A man is not sexual predator only because he asked You out. You can't treat someone as rapist because he flirted and asked out lol
Women are gonna find that they are gonna have to be the aggressor in relationships going forward if this shit keeps up. Men are gonna be terrified of making any first moves, when dating life has told men for decades that men need to be the one to ask a woman out, men need to come forward, men need to make a woman feel wanted....now by acting out on the societal norms we have had imposed on us, we're being treated as criminals and rapists. It's gotten so completely out of hand that it's insane.

Women are gonna regret it when they're no longer approached and be confused why men no longer pursue them.

Is that her? Why is it always the fuck ugly ones? Who in their right mind would even want to have sex with her.

To be very clear, I'm saying in this jest, in a satirical writing voice, and I absolutely do not condone sexual assault of any kind, but if you were going to do it, would you not hit on someone more attractive?

Either that or Joe is so unattractive that even with shit loads of money and massive following he still has trouble getting laid? Not sure what to think.

In a strictly platonic sense, I've always thought Joe was handsome. Maybe a little pudgy at times, but a lot better looking than I am, that's for sure. He's probably just awkward like us emotional gamers and geeks can be.


In a strictly platonic sense, I've always thought Joe was handsome. Maybe a little pudgy at times, but a lot better looking than I am, that's for sure. He's probably just awkward like us emotional gamers and geeks can be.

Yeah back when he first started out he was much thinner. If he hit up the gym I don't see why he wouldn't become a dashing young man.
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So this and the Avellone thing count as sexual harassment/predatory behavior these days? This is such a fucking nothing burger for the most part.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
Wait. Angry Joe isn't gay?
I just assumed he was all this time.

Well, it appears he's bi-sexual, at least.

A man is not sexual predator only because he asked You out. You can't treat someone as rapist because he flirted and asked out lol

The rapid change in our culture suggests otherwise. There will come a time when it will be literally against the law to hit on a woman.

I mean, that is if she finds you ugly.
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those guys are retarded beyond imagination.

Lobster Roll raped me, it's true.


Probably. Cringeworthy? Most definitely.

Portraying him as a sexual predator and a potential sexual abuser? I don't think so.

But that's how some people are about to treat him, however.
I don't think that any of what he supposedly did would be illegal but that some of his supposed actions would certainly be immoral as they would be acts of deception and manipulation.
Was he using his YELLING tone of voice?



if he wasn't yelling this, it wasn't him. I've seen Angry Joe in action.
So, no one else thinks that anything that he purportedly did was immoral?
If that helps you, there's a lot of actually sane people here. We just don't tend to interact with the guys who classify things as "SJW propaganda" based on a headline. Makes for a much better experience. Same goes for resetera. Stay away from the nutjobs.


I don't think that any of what he supposedly did would be illegal but that some of his supposed actions would certainly be immoral as they would be acts of deception and manipulation.
If we're talking about immorality based on deception and manipulation, so many of these women need to look into the mirror and see the succubus staring back at them.


Ok, i,'m out of this game for a long time now but Joe...


(Fair question now... Not judging the girl or anything... But it wasn't better just tell the man that you have a boyfriend and wait by the hotel lobby/hotel bar? Right before the first dinner business meeting?)
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I mean is it not consicerning anyone, to live in the age of this bullshit or possibly, that our (sometimes imaginary) kids are going to live through this. I mean...it's not really fucking funny, becuase he has a large presence of the internet, someone who is "nobody", this shit could hit. But then again, maybe your are not famous, so it does not draw clicks to do this.


So, no one else thinks that anything that he purportedly did was immoral?

She is basically calling him a sexual predator in the public domain. You know how this crap goes, this can end ones life, career and reputation in an instant. Zero proof needed, we just have to trust some random person writing something on the internet.

If you want me to join you and burn someone down, i need proof not empty words. Sorry.

And this is coming from some one that can't stand Angry joe.
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Some of his supposed actions would include deceiving her into coming to his hotel room, manipulating her into enabling himself to acquire her phone number, keeping her phone and purse away from her so that she wouldn't call for help or leave a location to which he brought her (since she'd be unlikely to leave without her belongings), and attempting to guilt-trip her for supposedly using and manipulating him in order to acquire the contacts of his business associates (even though he introduced her to them without her ever asking or knowing that he'd do so).

How would any of this not be immoral?

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I look forward to the day I get to explain to my daughter how me and her mum met and first interacted, and see the look of sheer horror and fear as she turns to her mother and says...

“But Mummy, kotaku didn’t join you for your first social interaction meeting? Did you not fear for your sexual virginity? What about your rights as a woman to imprison father for assaulting you with his eyes?”
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I look forward to the day I get to explain to my daughter how me and her mum met and first interacted, and see the look of sheer horror and fear as she turns to her mother and says...

“But Mummy, kotaku didn’t join you for your first social interaction meeting? Did you not fear for your sexual virginity? What about your rights as a woman to imprison father for assaulting you with his eyes?”
I want to laugh at your joke, but at the same time, I feel sad that you're not too far from the truth.


Some of his supposed actions would include deceiving her into coming to his hotel room, manipulating her into enabling himself to acquire her phone number, keeping her phone and purse away from her so that she wouldn't call for help or leave a location to which he brought her (since she'd be unlikely to leave without her belongings), and attempting to guilt-trip her for supposedly using and manipulating him in order to acquire the contacts of his business associates (even though he introduced her to them without her ever asking or knowing that he'd do so).

How would any of this not be immoral?
I don't get your point, are you saying she's....slow? and somehow can be deceived into a sexual act?


I don't get your point, are you saying she's....slow? and somehow can be deceived into a sexual act?

It's not about her being slow or not but is about him intentionally deceiving and manipulating her. It's about him lying to her to get her to accompany him to a particular location for a purpose other than what he told her; it's about him indirectly forcing her to stay with him by withholding her property. Once again, this is all in accordance with the assumption that she's telling the truth about what happened.




Lol yeah, you're disabled all right.

What baffles me about these people is how confident they are.
It's like they think they look like super models or something, it sorta reminds me of 15 year olds who were in on trends like emo and wanted to show it off or something and had an overinflated sense of confidence in themselves because they thought they were the coolest shit ever.


It's not about her being slow or not but is about him intentionally deceiving and manipulating her. It's about him lying to her to get her to accompany him to a particular location for a purpose other than what he told her; it's about him indirectly forcing her to stay with him by withholding her property. Once again, this is all in accordance with the assumption that she's telling the truth about what happened.
She can say no to any of these actions at any point, she can make the decision to not go into his hotel.
She can say no to giving away her phone number.
She can say she's uncomfortable not holding her cellphone and purse in case he really kept them at a distance for some reason, and say she's leaving without having access to them.
If AngryJoe was trying to guilt trip her into having sex after the meeting with his business associates, she can always answer "not interested".
Again, she's in control of her actions at every moment and can make the decision to leave at any point in time.
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It's not about her being slow or not but is about him intentionally deceiving and manipulating her. It's about him lying to her to get her to accompany him to a particular location for a purpose other than what he told her; it's about him indirectly forcing her to stay with him by withholding her property. Once again, this is all in accordance with the assumption that she's telling the truth about what happened.

I remember reading something a long time ago about phones being taken of people that attend these so called Celebrity parties, the reason was, so they would not be allowed to record then post media of a celebrity acting all drunk and stupid. IT was something about trying to stop them being blackmailed in to paying money as they were afraid their images of acting like fools world ruin their perception of the way the public views them.

They said you could never be to save these days.
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I only read the chosen excerpt on Era, which I figured would be the leftist's biggest point of contention with this story... It was weird but I don't get what was that bad about it. Why would she come with him if it wasn't for this whole stardom and fake gallery shit? All he did, from what I read is make her say she's his girlfriend, becuase Joe has a complex about not getting any pussy, and had to face all the YouTube lamers at a party.

It's definitely a defamatory piece but you honestly don't have to watch a lot of Joe over the years to realize he's not getting that well along with girls.


So, no one else thinks that anything that he purportedly did was immoral?

I mean, we are only hearing her side of the story and the idea of what's "immoral" in this context will be down to the individual interpretation.

Hitting on a girl who is in a relationship might be immoral but if you don't know she's in a relationship when you are hitting on her...

At the start he is pretty innocently flirting with her. "Maybe you can cheer me up if it all goes wrong".

His way of getting her number is a bit weird and cheeky but could also be seen as creepy in another context they've already been communicating through DMs so maybe it's nothing?

He invites her to his room. She goes to his room.
She does make it sound like he drags her to the hotel but she 100% chooses to go into the room.
He invited her into the shower which IS a bit strange buuuuuut she plays it off like "you're so funny" and it's not like he comes out naked and stands in front of her.

At this point he is clearly hitting on her. Wants to bang her and is, with no subtlety whatsoever, putting out signals to see how she will react.
Maybe his "star power" has gotten him laid before so he knows he just has to make it obvious that he wants it and his "fans" will jump at the chance.
I dunno.

He changes gears after the shower thing doesn't work. Just chatting etc.
At this point though she is choosing to not make an excuse and leave so you'd have to imagine he's thinking "OK the shower thing hasn't scared her away so I was probably too forward but she is probably still interested".

I mean, surely you've been in a relationship before where you were ready to fuck but she/he/they were not ready so you dialed it back and waited for the other person to get to the same level of comfort as you? This is like dating 101.

At the restaurant. "I have to tell them you're my girl" is once again CLEARLY an example of Joe putting something out there to see how she responds.
Once again, if you've been in a relationship then you surely know that the early stages can be a bit of a "testing the water" scenario. Fucksakes it could even be saying something on a first date like "I'll pay for this one and you can pay on our next date". Again, dating 101. Millions of people all over the world doing this same routine.

OK. He isn't letting her use her phone but you telling me she hasn't the sense to just go for a piss and use her phone privately there?
Like, it IS kind of rude to use your phone at a dinner etc but he is also being a bit controlling there.
Either way she says it's been 5 hours since she contacted anyone but that could have been solved with a trip to the toilet.
IF Joe had stopped her going for a piss then sure that's super weird but nothing specifically immoral so far.

When he grabs her purse and phone, I dunno. Is this place like a club or something? Like did he give her stuff to someone to put into a locker or something. She mentions it's a party. Is he paranoid that she will take footage and share it around? From her POV this is not cool but she kind of goes along with it so I dunno.

Again with the touchy feely stuff Joe is testing the waters in my opinion. She needed to shut that shit down ages ago but she seems to be letting him do it which HAS to mean he is thinking she doesn't mind. I guess we could argue here that dating should not be this weird "beating around the bushes" dance and that dudes should just be like "OK lady I like you and I want to bang you so lets agree or disagree and hammer out a timetable for when things are going to happen."

For the next bit Joe DOES come off as extremely paranoid. Like he is letting this girl have access but he is concerned that she is going to betray him to people on social media or some shit? I dunno. I think this is where she is not telling the FULL story and maybe has led Joe on to some extent putting in a place where it's possible that he is worried about being used or something. Like chicks maybe pretend to be into him but they just want the clout of being with some minor celeb? I dunno. This whole bit is sketchy. Is he trying to protect himself or control her or is it both?

He is pissed of that she has a boyfriend and that she has basically kept that from him. He says he thinks she is using him for clout.
Personally, I think he is trying to apply some pressure because he knows he is losing her at this point.
This would seem to me to be immoral, yes. At least not cool.
However, I wouldn't say it's serious yet.

He lets her go and she gets a cab home.
He hasn't touched her inappropriately or forced himself on her.
In fact, he's tried it on with her, found out she has a BF and then has just let her make her own way home.
I thought we wanted dudes to take "no" for an answer?

He doesn't assault her or actually do anything to her.
I mean, the dude is trying to get it on with the girl and she says "no I have a boyfriend" and he says "fuck you bitch go home" and that's IT.

This is the equivalent of chatting up a girl at the club. You buy her a few drinks and you grind up against each other on the dancefloor and then she says she has to leave early with her friends or her BF will be mad. You might give her a bit of grief but in the end you let her go and enjoy the rest of your night and maybe bang a fattie as consolation.

The way she presents it you'd think he actually forced himself on her or something.
It's actually kind of disgraceful and I'd be more inclined to feel like she is behaving immorally here.
Literally doing the thing Joe seemed worried about which is that she would use him to grow her own reputation.


I mean, we are only hearing her side of the story and the idea of what's "immoral" in this context will be down to the individual interpretation.

Hitting on a girl who is in a relationship might be immoral but if you don't know she's in a relationship when you are hitting on her...

At the start he is pretty innocently flirting with her. "Maybe you can cheer me up if it all goes wrong".

His way of getting her number is a bit weird and cheeky but could also be seen as creepy in another context they've already been communicating through DMs so maybe it's nothing?

He invites her to his room. She goes to his room.
She does make it sound like he drags her to the hotel but she 100% chooses to go into the room.
He invited her into the shower which IS a bit strange buuuuuut she plays it off like "you're so funny" and it's not like he comes out naked and stands in front of her.

At this point he is clearly hitting on her. Wants to bang her and is, with no subtlety whatsoever, putting out signals to see how she will react.
Maybe his "star power" has gotten him laid before so he knows he just has to make it obvious that he wants it and his "fans" will jump at the chance.
I dunno.

He changes gears after the shower thing doesn't work. Just chatting etc.
At this point though she is choosing to not make an excuse and leave so you'd have to imagine he's thinking "OK the shower thing hasn't scared her away so I was probably too forward but she is probably still interested".

I mean, surely you've been in a relationship before where you were ready to fuck but she/he/they were not ready so you dialed it back and waited for the other person to get to the same level of comfort as you? This is like dating 101.

At the restaurant. "I have to tell them you're my girl" is once again CLEARLY an example of Joe putting something out there to see how she responds.
Once again, if you've been in a relationship then you surely know that the early stages can be a bit of a "testing the water" scenario. Fucksakes it could even be saying something on a first date like "I'll pay for this one and you can pay on our next date". Again, dating 101. Millions of people all over the world doing this same routine.

OK. He isn't letting her use her phone but you telling me she hasn't the sense to just go for a piss and use her phone privately there?
Like, it IS kind of rude to use your phone at a dinner etc but he is also being a bit controlling there.
Either way she says it's been 5 hours since she contacted anyone but that could have been solved with a trip to the toilet.
IF Joe had stopped her going for a piss then sure that's super weird but nothing specifically immoral so far.

When he grabs her purse and phone, I dunno. Is this place like a club or something? Like did he give her stuff to someone to put into a locker or something. She mentions it's a party. Is he paranoid that she will take footage and share it around? From her POV this is not cool but she kind of goes along with it so I dunno.

Again with the touchy feely stuff Joe is testing the waters in my opinion. She needed to shut that shit down ages ago but she seems to be letting him do it which HAS to mean he is thinking she doesn't mind. I guess we could argue here that dating should not be this weird "beating around the bushes" dance and that dudes should just be like "OK lady I like you and I want to bang you so lets agree or disagree and hammer out a timetable for when things are going to happen."

For the next bit Joe DOES come off as extremely paranoid. Like he is letting this girl have access but he is concerned that she is going to betray him to people on social media or some shit? I dunno. I think this is where she is not telling the FULL story and maybe has led Joe on to some extent putting in a place where it's possible that he is worried about being used or something. Like chicks maybe pretend to be into him but they just want the clout of being with some minor celeb? I dunno. This whole bit is sketchy. Is he trying to protect himself or control her or is it both?

He is pissed of that she has a boyfriend and that she has basically kept that from him. He says he thinks she is using him for clout.
Personally, I think he is trying to apply some pressure because he knows he is losing her at this point.
This would seem to me to be immoral, yes. At least not cool.
However, I wouldn't say it's serious yet.

He lets her go and she gets a cab home.
He hasn't touched her inappropriately or forced himself on her.
In fact, he's tried it on with her, found out she has a BF and then has just let her make her own way home.
I thought we wanted dudes to take "no" for an answer?

He doesn't assault her or actually do anything to her.
I mean, the dude is trying to get it on with the girl and she says "no I have a boyfriend" and he says "fuck you bitch go home" and that's IT.

This is the equivalent of chatting up a girl at the club. You buy her a few drinks and you grind up against each other on the dancefloor and then she says she has to leave early with her friends or her BF will be mad. You might give her a bit of grief but in the end you let her go and enjoy the rest of your night and maybe bang a fattie as consolation.

The way she presents it you'd think he actually forced himself on her or something.
It's actually kind of disgraceful and I'd be more inclined to feel like she is behaving immorally here.
Literally doing the thing Joe seemed worried about which is that she would use him to grow her own reputation.
When you're explaining, you're losing. *shrug*


She can say no to any of these actions at any point, she can make the decision to not go into his hotel.
She can say no to giving away her phone number.
She can say she's uncomfortable not holding her cellphone and purse in case he really kept them at a distance for some reason, and say she's leaving without having access to them.
If AngryJoe was trying to guilt trip her into having sex after the meeting with his business associates, she can always answer "not interested".
Again, she's in control of her actions at every moment and can make the decision to leave at any point in time.

Here's an analogy:

Person A walks up to Person B and punches them in the face without a reason.

Would it be logical or fair to criticize Person B for failing to dodge or block the punch? No.


I mean, we are only hearing her side of the story and the idea of what's "immoral" in this context will be down to the individual interpretation.

Hitting on a girl who is in a relationship might be immoral but if you don't know she's in a relationship when you are hitting on her...

At the start he is pretty innocently flirting with her. "Maybe you can cheer me up if it all goes wrong".

His way of getting her number is a bit weird and cheeky but could also be seen as creepy in another context they've already been communicating through DMs so maybe it's nothing?

He invites her to his room. She goes to his room.
She does make it sound like he drags her to the hotel but she 100% chooses to go into the room.
He invited her into the shower which IS a bit strange buuuuuut she plays it off like "you're so funny" and it's not like he comes out naked and stands in front of her.

At this point he is clearly hitting on her. Wants to bang her and is, with no subtlety whatsoever, putting out signals to see how she will react.
Maybe his "star power" has gotten him laid before so he knows he just has to make it obvious that he wants it and his "fans" will jump at the chance.
I dunno.

He changes gears after the shower thing doesn't work. Just chatting etc.
At this point though she is choosing to not make an excuse and leave so you'd have to imagine he's thinking "OK the shower thing hasn't scared her away so I was probably too forward but she is probably still interested".

I mean, surely you've been in a relationship before where you were ready to fuck but she/he/they were not ready so you dialed it back and waited for the other person to get to the same level of comfort as you? This is like dating 101.

At the restaurant. "I have to tell them you're my girl" is once again CLEARLY an example of Joe putting something out there to see how she responds.
Once again, if you've been in a relationship then you surely know that the early stages can be a bit of a "testing the water" scenario. Fucksakes it could even be saying something on a first date like "I'll pay for this one and you can pay on our next date". Again, dating 101. Millions of people all over the world doing this same routine.

OK. He isn't letting her use her phone but you telling me she hasn't the sense to just go for a piss and use her phone privately there?
Like, it IS kind of rude to use your phone at a dinner etc but he is also being a bit controlling there.
Either way she says it's been 5 hours since she contacted anyone but that could have been solved with a trip to the toilet.
IF Joe had stopped her going for a piss then sure that's super weird but nothing specifically immoral so far.

When he grabs her purse and phone, I dunno. Is this place like a club or something? Like did he give her stuff to someone to put into a locker or something. She mentions it's a party. Is he paranoid that she will take footage and share it around? From her POV this is not cool but she kind of goes along with it so I dunno.

Again with the touchy feely stuff Joe is testing the waters in my opinion. She needed to shut that shit down ages ago but she seems to be letting him do it which HAS to mean he is thinking she doesn't mind. I guess we could argue here that dating should not be this weird "beating around the bushes" dance and that dudes should just be like "OK lady I like you and I want to bang you so lets agree or disagree and hammer out a timetable for when things are going to happen."

For the next bit Joe DOES come off as extremely paranoid. Like he is letting this girl have access but he is concerned that she is going to betray him to people on social media or some shit? I dunno. I think this is where she is not telling the FULL story and maybe has led Joe on to some extent putting in a place where it's possible that he is worried about being used or something. Like chicks maybe pretend to be into him but they just want the clout of being with some minor celeb? I dunno. This whole bit is sketchy. Is he trying to protect himself or control her or is it both?

He is pissed of that she has a boyfriend and that she has basically kept that from him. He says he thinks she is using him for clout.
Personally, I think he is trying to apply some pressure because he knows he is losing her at this point.
This would seem to me to be immoral, yes. At least not cool.
However, I wouldn't say it's serious yet.

He lets her go and she gets a cab home.
He hasn't touched her inappropriately or forced himself on her.
In fact, he's tried it on with her, found out she has a BF and then has just let her make her own way home.
I thought we wanted dudes to take "no" for an answer?

He doesn't assault her or actually do anything to her.
I mean, the dude is trying to get it on with the girl and she says "no I have a boyfriend" and he says "fuck you bitch go home" and that's IT.

This is the equivalent of chatting up a girl at the club. You buy her a few drinks and you grind up against each other on the dancefloor and then she says she has to leave early with her friends or her BF will be mad. You might give her a bit of grief but in the end you let her go and enjoy the rest of your night and maybe bang a fattie as consolation.

The way she presents it you'd think he actually forced himself on her or something.
It's actually kind of disgraceful and I'd be more inclined to feel like she is behaving immorally here.
Literally doing the thing Joe seemed worried about which is that she would use him to grow her own reputation.

At any time she could have told him to fuck off...all those strong empowered women! She was clout chasing and wanted to be with a celebrity and have the fame which as she is one of hundreds if not thousands of willing women to do so and will sleep with him, she should have asked the question why is he with me ? to have deep chats due to her amazing personality has amazing advice to help him in his Warhammer campaign? or maybe just because she is some thot that has not been explained one of the few basic rules of life - dont go to a mans hotel room ever for any business related issue or before you are dating - the Harvey situation should have been a wake up for every women.


It's not about her being slow or not but is about him intentionally deceiving and manipulating her. It's about him lying to her to get her to accompany him to a particular location for a purpose other than what he told her; it's about him indirectly forcing her to stay with him by withholding her property. Once again, this is all in accordance with the assumption that she's telling the truth about what happened.

LOL. Mate, for our third date my ex and I bought tickets for a movie and I told her to drive over to my place first so we could get a taxi to the cinema.
I made my moves and we never made it to the movie.

You need to be careful of framing things like "forcing" and "deceiving" and "manipulating".

I didn't rock up to the first date with my wife and say "OK, I want to fuck so when's it happening".
It's all like "why don't you come over and we'll play scrabble" and "oh I really can't stay too late tee hee".
You know what I'm saying here?

The phone thing IS weird. Definitely.
However, Joe seems to be quite open with her that he is paranoid about being used.
Then it turns out now he was actually RIGHT to be worried about this one.


But what's the accusation? What exactly is Joe being accused of?! What did he do?!
I agree with you. Even if the events happened as written, there really isn't anything like a substantive accusation.
I think people under this kind of pressure often make the mistake of apologising in order to dissipate the heat. However that will generally be perceived as an admission of fault.


That's a god-awful analogy.

Like, the absolute worst analogy you could have put forward.

Shit, man. Step away from the keyboard.
You clearly don't have any sort of valid criticism or counterargument. The point is that the failure of the victim to respond does not absolve the perpetrator of guilt. By the way, it's a great analogy.
You clearly don't have any sort of valid criticism or counterargument. The point is that the failure of the victim to respond does not absolve the perpetrator of guilt. By the way, it's a great analogy.
Maybe if you were warning the person for 5 minutes the punch was coming. To further dispel this analogy, shes also had punch evasion training through years of dealing with men and being able to see the punch coming.


Here's an analogy:

Person A walks up to Person B and punches them in the face without a reason.

Would it be logical or fair to criticize Person B for failing to dodge or block the punch? No.

Here's an expansion on your analogy.

Person A & B live in a society where people often punch each other in the face and enjoy being punched in the face.
In fact the future of the species depends on people punching each other and boy do we fucking love to fuck punch.

However. There are rules and etiquette to be followed.
One cannot simply punch someone else in the face.
There MUST be consent.

However it's also not acceptable to just meet someone and say "hey do you fancy a punch in the face".
So there's like a series of back and forth interactions where people will not say "PUNCH ME DADDY!" straight away but will rather ease themselves into a situation with small steps.

So Person A might "test the water" with Person B to see if they might well be open to a punch in the face.
Then Person B will react in a way that says "Hell NO" or they could react in a way that's like "you can't punch me in the face right now but this is not a definite NO either".

You have to remember in this case that nobody got punched in the face.
Person A ultimately said "goddammit Person B, I was hoping to punch your face" and Person B said "no way" and then they both parted ways.

It's fair to criticize Person B if down the line they publicly try to humiliate and destroy Person A over a misunderstanding where Person A really wanted to punch Person B in the face but was a little annoyed and angry when it didn't happen.
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