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At this point Xbox Series X games better blow everyone's minds!


Gold Member
If that's true for you then you just happen to dislike almost every sony game shown. Most people seemed pretty blown away by the sheer amount of games and exclusives and variety at the Sony event. So no it's gonna take more than that by a mile.
Sony only showed one gameplay trailer and mostly in engine trailer for their big guns and people didn't liked that a lot even if the games are promising.

If M show long gameplays of their bigger games they already did better than sony, not in terms of quality but in terms of showing fucking something to talk about that it's not a tech demo.
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When this thread first popped up I skipped it cause I didn't really think MS needed to do much since they had set the expectations pretty low (with everything being cross-gen)...but now, hearing how they're talking up the power advantage more and more what seems like every day, I mean yeah they better show it.

The narrative has always been that Sony has the better first party studios, and considering what they're doing late gen for the PS4, that narrative is stronger than ever. If MS keeps harping on the graphical superiority of their box but is unable to show it, I think the narrative that they're blind drivers of the worlds fastest race-car could start to take root not just on forums but among the general consumer. I think they'll pull it off though, Spencer isn't the idiot Mattrick was, I doubt he would have been as openly confident and cocky to the media (and allow his minions to be) if he didn't know they had some guaranteed zingers.


Gold Member
what people ? you?
Dude no need to be caustic, if you enjoyed seeing tech demos for a console that launches in less than 6 months, good for you, but don't judge who think that this is not enough to score a 10 out of 10 for the sony reveal.

People who want to see more at a fucking reveal are not morons or people with shitty taste, they are just gamers curious to see what the new consoles can do and i personally wipe my ass with in engine trailers, no matter how similar is gonna be the graphic.

Horizon1 is my gotg and ps5 is the only console that i'm gonna buy but i can still have some critical sense.

It's funny how microsoft was blasted when they showed a lot of in engine trailer but sony get a pass just because...
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If the consoles are as powerful as they claim, still having to resort to GCI and rendering tricks is pretty disappointing.

They can be powerful, but games still are labour intensive and have set budgets. Many of the items on display are superfluous and will therefore not be in the final product.

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
No matter how good the games on the XseriesX will look, they will never be as good looking as me.


I hope the next halo is fun and refreshing. The first one was a masterpiece at the time. Ai, the setting, the music. It was really something. I feel after that they never really got to that level. But Ms is setting the bar really high with all the talk about power, framerate and emersion. What can a 2tf more powerful system bring to the table? Bring it!


Best in-engine trailer, don't get a head of yourself

Agree with OP tho

I think this is up there



I think this is up there


Again, not really ingame tho right?

Excited to see what xbx has to show, even tho I have no interest in buy an xbx.

I wanna see a big shooter (other than halo) not seen any next gen shooter yet really.

I guess halo we can compare this gen and last gen easily


Again, not really ingame tho right?

Excited to see what xbx has to show, even tho I have no interest in buy an xbx.

I wanna see a big shooter (other than halo) not seen any next gen shooter yet really.

I guess halo we can compare this gen and last gen easily

It’s not direct gameplay, but it will be a cutscene equivalent/replay.
Just comparing with what we’ve seen from HB2


Gold Member
I think all the focus on tech-based console warrioring and "how things look" is silly. Come next gen, it's going to be very hard to tell a significant difference between the two platforms. Sure, you'll have the nitpickers and the guys with microscopes and fine-grained analyses, demonstrating that one version is "superior" to the other in some technical way, but in actual real world experiential terms, there won't be significant differences in the overwhelming majority of third-party games. Both machines are very powerful. Real, tangible differences will be the exception, not the rule.

Not to mention, it's going to be a long generation, with lots of games. Hyperventilating about early release trailers is kind of like you're having a premature ejaculation when confronted with a pretty next gen. Just settle down. A lot of it is just PR and carefully curated presentations anyway.

Focus on the games themselves. Do they look fun to play? Forget whether your consoles' games "look better" than the other guys. Do the games look fun to play? That's all that really matters. Personally, some of the games I liked best at the PS show did not have cutting edge graphics. I don't care.

But I know the tech-obsessed guys will continue to jockey for competitive position. Carry on. I just can't relate. I think that focus just drains the fun out of gaming.
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For me to consider Xbox series x day 1 they have to show me five new IP
For me to buy XSX day 1 i need 8 new ips and only 5 have to launch within the 1st year
They have to show. Why the 12 teraflops is the difference
Im getting ps5 day 1 because of Spider-Man
XBox doesn't have a single reason at the moment 4 day one purchase for me and dont @ me with halo i can play that on the X
For me to consider Xbox series x day 1 they have to show me five new IP
For me to buy XSX day 1 i need 8 new ips and only 5 have to launch within the 1st year
They have to show. Why the 12 teraflops is the difference
Im getting ps5 day 1 because of Spider-Man
XBox doesn't have a single reason at the moment 4 day one purchase for me and dont @ me with halo i can play that on the X
You are getting the ps5 for a spin off game that could pass off as dlc but you need a gazillion new ips to consider an XSX ? Great logic.
Anyway Microsoft will show what true next gen is all about and yeah they will do it with cross gen games that will look better than anything Sony has shown thus far.


First ask yourself; did Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7, Ratchet & Clank, Returnal and Spiderman honestly 'blow your mind' or 'look like they skipped a gen'?

Then ask yourself; if MS showed the same quality but at double the frame rates + better resolution, would you give them credit?



You are getting the ps5 for a spin off game that could pass off as dlc but you need a gazillion new ips to consider an XSX ? Great logic.
Anyway Microsoft will show what true next gen is all about and yeah they will do it with cross gen games that will look better than anything Sony has shown thus far.
You're 100% correct they have to be overwhelmingly great what else is there they haven't announced any new ips in years
As for sony i like Spider-Man my favorite superhero im a simple man


Ellie's face model looked as good as senua's. I'd argue higher poly count but senua's texture takes the cake.

The second shot...I don't see how that helps your argument. HB's foliage is much more detailed, lush, and the lighting is A1. It looks like HDR. There are way better pics from TLOU2 that would trash HB2's

Wait....HB1 had foliage? Did we play a different game? Currently playing it on my PC.
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