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ResetEra deplatforms and bans Angry Joe for his TLOU2 review


Gold Member
Not surprised. ResetEra is Anti American, anti capitalism, pro socialism and full of people who'd rather advocate for SJ and identity politics over discussing gaming. People should leave that toxic waste

I browsed that site for like a minute on the 4th of July only to see a thread entirely dedicated to bashing America and capitalism. It was disturbing.
It really is. They are so misguided, I simply pity them at this point


It's your fault for giving these soy attention.

Also check that moderator's name, "The Bear". Might be part of the "Bears" lgbtq community. So no wonder.

Funny thing is though I don't remember Joe saying anything against them. Which tells me they haven't even watched his review.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Don’t platform a guy that makes jokes your don’t like in a video but constantly praise a game that comes from a company that attcks journalists, over works employees, strong arms reviewers and file false DMAC claims on youtubers.

Don’t get it at all.
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I skimmed though the thread earlier. Skill up was banned well before then it looks like.

They banned him for some of his comments while streaming the game, which in turn made them discredit the review.

Here's the one linked in that thread which they losing there shit over. I admit it's a pretty bad clip, but ban worth I dunno, unless there's more.

He's not wrong though. He keeps saying this was just a reaction to the moment during the stream, but he's also not wrong.
Joel seemed like he was killed because he was old man, whose time is over. Time to make way for the women.
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Reeeeesetera in a nutshell


While i'm no fan of Perturbed Pedro or ShillUp, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


He's not wrong though. He keeps saying this was just a reaction to the moment during the stream, but he's also not wrong.
Joel seemed like he was killed because he was old man, whose time is over. Time to make way for the women.
Please be joking.
What's happening on ResetEra and other gaming sites is EXACTLY the same thing that's happening in the wider culture, particularly right now in the political arena.

Watch Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov warned us about the silent war being waged against America (and the west in general) as part of a long term plan to destroy the west and our way of life.

Specifically NOTE, his warning @
3:38 second mark to the ideologues who promote this "...beautiful society of equality and social justice":



Gold Member
How dare you speak your mind! Hate speech! Burn him!

What a pathetic, frightened bunch of weasels, to have to resort to banning people who say something that offends them. Fragile little pussies.

50k members.
Newest member is member #73k.
=23k people banned.

So they've banned about a third of their members. Cool. I'm sure all of those people deserved it, because they are degenerate racists and sexists.

I was banned for two weeks for being a misogynist. I was never permabanned, though, so my account is still active, even though I haven't visited in like two years.

p.s. I just emailed them and asked them to delete my account. I told them they were totalitarian nutjobs. Even though I never visit, I don't want them even counting my membership in their favor.
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I haven't watched the whole review yet but one thing I'll say about what I've seen so far.

Story spoiler
He flips out over the fact that Ellie doesn't kill Abby and that the whole games story of revenge is pointless because she didn't fulfill her revenge. It's as stupid as saying the story in TLOU1 would be pointless. The aim of that 12 hour game was to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies so they can create a cure. Ellie was delivered to the Fireflies but no cure was created. OMG POINTLESS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even If don’t agree with his review (to over the top reactions for my taste and the fact I liked the game) I find this totally stupid to ban him for that.
Regarding the accusations, maybe wait for the follow up before sentencing him guilty.
You know, the thing called justice that do (sometimes) exist in the real world.
I haven't watched the whole review yet but one thing I'll say about what I've seen so far.

Story spoiler
He flips out over the fact that Ellie doesn't kill Abby and that the whole games story of revenge is pointless because she didn't fulfill her revenge. It's as stupid as saying the story in TLOU1 would be pointless. The aim of that 12 hour game was to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies so they can create a cure. Ellie was delivered to the Fireflies but no cure was created. OMG POINTLESS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop liking what I don't like.


I haven't watched the whole review yet but one thing I'll say about what I've seen so far.

Story spoiler
He flips out over the fact that Ellie doesn't kill Abby and that the whole games story of revenge is pointless because she didn't fulfill her revenge. It's as stupid as saying the story in TLOU1 would be pointless. The aim of that 12 hour game was to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies so they can create a cure. Ellie was delivered to the Fireflies but no cure was created. OMG POINTLESS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Story spoiler:

In a movie it might've worked, but in a videogame where you have to brutally murder dozens of people to get to that point, it's kind of...stupid.
If I had money I would sue Resetera for what they banned me for. They put a game that Nintendo had on the eShop on a banlist and I posted I added to game to my wishlist out of spite and they banned me saying I am promoting child porn. The game is on the eShop! I never went back it was a 7 day ban but you are pubically calling someone a pedo and making up shit as you go that mess needs a lawsuit.


Fuck Era, if anything they did Joe a favor. That place is a cesspool. It's almost like any and every person can't post without being concerned they'll be banned. It's ridiculous.

I really hope their echo chamber continues to get more and more volume. At least to the point where even more folks are like wtf is wrong with these people? Lol.

Also, what's up with people calling SkillUp, ShillUp? Ralph is by no means a shill to my understanding.


That piece of shit "gaming" forum needs to die. It has far too much power in the gaming industry, sadly because there are so many who think they actually represent the majority of gamers, when in fact they are just a very loud minority.
That's what all woke SJWs are. A screeching, loud minority of the population.

The more these crazy clowns ban prominent people in the gaming industry the better. It just helps to expose them for the crazy lunatics they are.
Them banning Joe is fantastic because it means not only is he now red pilled on who they are (if he wasn't already) but a lot of his followers should also wake up to it too.

I'm waiting for them to ban YongYea next, who is very much a centrist person when it comes to politics, so it's just a matter of time. You're either with them or against them.


He has an account here. I remember him posting a few years ago. There was a thread where some people were criticizing one of his videos and making some claims about him. Then he came in and totally schooled them all. It was hilarious.

I really hope he comes back.

Those same people have fucked off to Resetera, so it should be a much more welcoming environment here for him now.

REE Machine

He's not wrong though. He keeps saying this was just a reaction to the moment during the stream, but he's also not wrong.
Joel seemed like he was killed because he was old man, whose time is over. Time to make way for the women.
more that he got comfy in jackson, he and tommy were both careless, more so tommy. And joel was killed for his past sins, i call thst good writing that they linked so many connections


i hate joe but this is bullshit. you can’t censor and police language like this.

nothing in his review is misogynistic or sexist, and honestly, even if it was, to ban him for that would be bullshit too. it’s not a good way to run a forum which is supposed to be predicated on the rumination of ideas and debate.


i hate joe but this is bullshit. you can’t censor and police language like this.

nothing in his review is misogynistic or sexist, and honestly, even if it was, to ban him for that would be bullshit too. it’s not a good way to run a forum which is supposed to be predicated on the rumination of ideas and debate.

that’s the thing though, they’re not interested in ideas and debate. They’re interested in an echo chamber where if you don’t conform to the hive mind then you’re out.


What's happening on ResetEra and other gaming sites is EXACTLY the same thing that's happening in the wider culture, particularly right now in the political arena.

Watch Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov warned us about the silent war being waged against America (and the west in general) as part of a long term plan to destroy the west and our way of life.

Specifically NOTE, his warning @
3:38 second mark to the ideologues who promote this "...beautiful society of equality and social justice":

yeah, this is old, it has happened already in several countries. We have to thank social media for making it easier tho.
It has far too much power in the gaming industry, sadly because there are so many who think they actually represent the majority of gamers, when in fact they are just a very loud minority.
Does it really? Other than small indie developers, I don't see how it does. Most people with an actual brain know that it doesn't represent the majority of gamers at all.

Davey Cakes

Everything’s a purity test based on arbitrary criteria.

Anyone who’s watched Joe over the years knows his approach to this sort of thing. His attitude. Don’t like it, should’ve tuned him out years ago.
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I never knew how bad Resetera really was...until I did one thing:

Go pick a controversial thread. Literally any one. Now scan the first page - only the first page (just to illustrate how bad it's gotten) - and look at the bans and what they were for. This will blow your fucking mind.

For example, I think it was the AC Vahalla thread, in the first page someone asked a very innocent question...I think it was "is it historically accurate to depict females like this?" and BAM, motherfucker was banned. You now, it's a video game so I don't give a shit about historical accuracy, so make it a trans character with an iPhone for all I care, whatever. But no one should be banned for asking such an innocent question.

Seriously if anyone wants to see just how bad it's become do as I suggested; go look at the reasons people are being banned and you will be STUNNED. This is what lead me back to Neogaf. After seeing that I thought...you guys don't want discussion. You guys don't want intellectual debates. You guys just want a fucking echo chamber. Jesus.
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sigh... it's depressing to see Resetera going in the direction they are now. political viewpoints aside, they have a lot of talented people and made plenty of good threads that I enjoy. it really is upsetting that their social agenda had gotten the best of them. I never made an account on there since I know my viewpoint often won't aline with theirs and probably would get ban sooner than later. but recently I do notice that they're banning a lot more people for things that's really... farfreching, to put it mildly. I'm all for giving minorities, be it race or sexual identity, a voice and help them fight for equality, but you can't just silence everyone else just because they don't agree with you. that's what a forum is for, to present the different side of things and talk things over, and hopefully maybe even educate and change people for the better.

it always feels like a paradox for me, if you make the majority take on the ideal of the minority, would that still be the minority? why not accept that it's the unpopular opinion/idea and instead of asking for everyone to take on it, simply just ask them to accept you and allow them their own freedom and live together?


Gold Member
Sexual missconduct allegations didn't work, it seems, so they're just doing it anyway.

It's gonna backfire so hard in less than a year or two when they keep this way.


imagine thinking and having concise criticisms with something but still thought the game was ok. not on reeee u cant.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Regarding SkillUp...

Skill Up was banned OVER A YEAR AGO. I know because I tried creating a topic for his Division 2 review and the topic was removed. Admin said I could post about him while others said I couldn't. Never found out why.


Does it really? Other than small indie developers, I don't see how it does. Most people with an actual brain know that it doesn't represent the majority of gamers at all.

They have enough of a mainstream voice. They're backed by a lot of woke games "journalists" from IGN, Gamespot, Kotaku, Polygon, etc. They've forced devs to make changes in their games because of "offensive" material, and they can also blacklist certain gaming personalities they don't like. Most recently they forced the Little Devil Inside dev to make changes to one of their character designs. We know they played a hand in getting Colin and Chris's PAX panel canceled a year ago. So they do have enough power in the mainstream gaming culture to push their agenda and destroy those who stand in their way.
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