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Elden Ring might be one of the most overrated games ever!


What time is it?
It's a great game but it is still probably my least or second least favorite Souls game. The world is just too big for the amount of content the game offers. Far too often you'll open a chest to get a consumable or you'll get the next tier of an equitable that would normally be reserved in new game+ in previous titles. Bosses repeat far too often and there is very little variety to the side dungeons nor are the designs/layouts all that interesting. I'm also not sure I'll ever want to play through it again, it's just so big. While it's a far more interesting open world than most of the AAA offerings on the market today, I'm just not sure a Souls games needed to be an open world. I much prefer the structure of the other entries.




90 Hours in and only just approaching Altus Plateau and I can't say I agree about the open world exploration being boring. The level design of each area is more than interesting enough to keep me invested to try and 100% each region before I move on. There's more than enough spacing to encounter a field boss, or time specific field boss, a dungeon, NPC's, forts, castles, rare items, armor set, church, etc. That said, I do not seek solely for some reward, sometimes the scenery I encounter is a reward and lore depending on the above.

Dungeons are recycled in various ways, which sucks but I knew they'd have to recycle it given the size. But they made the distinction with Legacy Dungeons and Mini Dungeons, so it was a given, that said the reward at the end is worth it lore wise or other and the fights are nice and qucik. I want to adventure and I get the feeling of adventure. Definitely hoping they give different designs and puzzles in the future because only some of them have it so far sadly, but it doesn't bother me enough.

As for bosses, I actually don't think they are fast or aggressive enough. This is nowhere near close to Guardian Ape or Great Shinobi Owl in terms of keeping you on alert, they can push this back to Sekiro levels and I wish they did. Now that would make heavy wielding weapon battles sweaty, but they're still a spectacle.

There are certainly various things they can improve on in a new game, but exploration is not it for me.
They should add more dragons, not enough dragons to kill.


It's a great game but it is still probably my least or second least favorite Souls game. The world is just too big for the amount of content the game offers. Far too often you'll open a chest to get a consumable or you'll get the next tier of an equitable that would normally be reserved in new game+ in previous titles. Bosses repeat far too often and there is very little variety to the side dungeons nor are the designs/layouts all that interesting. I'm also not sure I'll ever want to play through it again, it's just so big. While it's a far more interesting open world than most of the AAA offerings on the market today, I'm just not sure a Souls games needed to be an open world. I much prefer the structure of the other entries.
Yeah, I think this one would probably be around the same level of enjoyment that I had with Dark Souls 2, although for very different reasons. I had fun with it, but could have been so much better. And I also think the more close environments worked best for the franchise... it even makes everything way more tense. Every time I left a bonfire in Dark Souls, I had that urge to find a shortcut before encountering some crazy enemy along the way.

what a long OP just to have such a shallow understanding of the game.
Just because you make a long post, it doesn't make it an insightfull opinion about the game.
Just like this reply is 3 lines already and i'm basically just sayin "OP is trash and dumb to read" but in nicer words.
You also typed too many words for someone who had nothing to say.
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The boring mini-dungeons, the reuse of bosses and no iteration whatsoever in the combat gameplay, is what has lead me to be rank Elden Ring as better than Demon's and Dark Souls 3 and 1, but pales - by a wide margin - to the joy of build discovery in Dark Souls 2 and the combat and encounters of Bloodborne. I'd rather run a Chalice Dungeon than the stuff we get in Elden Ring.

Can turn those off, just like you can not use the markers in ER (and let's be honest, ER's map also heavily tells you where points of interest are; it takes you reading the map but it's still there).

. . .followed up by the even edgier take of "You don't like something I don't so you must just be looking for attention." It's got an insult AND self-congratulation all in one!

If it didn't, you really wouldn't be able to call it "overrated" now would you? The criticism - intrinsically - acknowledges that something is overwhelmingly well received.
It's just your assumption, and based on your opinion, and it's evident many other gamers and media do not consider it overrated, and they just expressed their honest opinion. We could continue for hours, and nothing would change.
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Is it a 10/10 or a 95 metacritic? Hell no, the shitty performance alone makes this a 9 at most. Still, saying its boring compared to Far Cry and Ass Creed says to me you have open world burnout. Which is understandable. But saying its barren is flat out incorrect.

I expected an open world Dark Souls, thats what I got. That meant danger and offering a sense of discovery unparalleled by other series. It has a lot of different biomes and each have their own way of being dealt with. Exploration always gives you some sort of equipment or item. Are dungeons recycled? Of course Are all bosses good? No. Its just a byproduct of being open world. All its content wont be amazing, but the sum of its parts makes it better than most games on the market.

I agree with you that its overrated but youre trying too hard with your criticisms.
Do you usually trace an entire person profile like this? Are you sure you're not describing your own life by accident?

The thing is, I did not call the game shit. It is a good game, but probably the least good one from the entire Souls franchise.
Yeah pretty positive it's not me. I work for myself, people work for me and I make a lot of money and have power. Keep shitting the thread though you lousy basement dweller.

You are just here to get a rise out of people. Want me to hire you as a social media poster? You can post controversial game opinions on our YouTube and Instagram to get people riled up and boost the algorithm. You'd be good at it. I'll pay your 3K a month. <3
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Gold Member
I respect your bravery and opinion, even though it's wrong.

For some background, I have never been a huge DS fan but I've played a ton of AC, Far Cry, most open world games.

When my friends and I (who are also total newbies to the DS genre) enjoyed nearly everything about what the game offered vs. the other open world games that kind of tells you something.

As someone stated earlier, you can not like the game and at the same time it doesn't mean that it is overrated. It just means that it wasn't for you.

For us, the best part was the exploration, just wandering around to find some loot or encounter that isn't obviously marked on the map but is actually drawn on it was very cool. Made us actually look at it like some treasure map and even hypothesize about places and things that might come in the DLC. That sort of 'Goonies' feeling has been lost in most games, imo.

In any case, it is evident to me that it isn't just media that's enjoying this game but also real life people around me who thoroughly enjoy it and that doesn't really support your opinion that it is overrated.


You're one of those carrot on a stick people huh? Need an attaboy' to feel like they accomplished something?

Maybe stick to Far Crys much more rewarding and non cut and paste exploration if you can't see what Elden Ring does so well.
Good Lord. Some of you can't read a criticism without assuming the worst in people? I think it tells more about you than who you're pointing your finger at. Also, point out to me where I complimented Far Cry in this thread.
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People who come at elden ring for recycling it’s enemies and settings need to give examples of games with more unique content. The Witcher, Botw,Skyrim? Because if elden rings recycled content is a problem it means every open world game is a problem to you cause it has the least recycled content in the genre. Almost every where you go you have you have unique enemies to the area. And the game has over 100 bosses. Many of them are recycled but if you fought each boss only one time is has more unique bosses than most games deff grunt enemies. The recycled content argument is weak.


I loved it but I thought the exploration was kind of ruined by the horse… you are so fast you can just run through everything and just pick up items.. anything other that just rushing around feels really stupid


What time is it?
The recycled content argument is weak.

Not really. A lot of the bosses in Elden Ring are used ad nauseum which is something you'd see in a character action game. Except Elden Ring ring compounds the problem because it's not a linear action game that is over in ten hours. I don't know how many times I was presented with the Watchdog, Tree Spirit or Wrynn bosses. "Guess the reused boss" became a running joke with my co-op partner. More games need to let their open worlds breath and get away from the urge to give players content every ten paces. It's why I appreciate SOTC so much. Less is more.
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I think it is overrated too. It's a good game, but not the best ever. The story is awful and the caves are on Oblivion levels of copy and paste. However, the exploration is fantastic and the level design is top notch.


I wouldn't say its overrated, perhaps to each individual's opinion. For me it was a disappointment because in going open world in stretched out what would normally be a more compact experience with great level design. Instead it just dragged on and on with the occasional difficulty spike which suggested going somewhere else for a bit. I don't hate the game, its good but I've realized that I'm tired of the base Dark Souls experience. I've played other competitors that offer better storytelling and especially character creators(Nioh 2, Code Vein) with fun twists to the formula. My friends had a blast with Elden Ring though, they spent much more time with it in co-op than I. I ended up dropping the game. Personally I found other Souls titles more fulfilling, and sadly I'm not onboard with the story and goofy body horror in ER. For me it felt like Dark Souls 4 with worse lore.

I'll eventually come back to it when the fancy catches me. I respect your opinion OP. I also see why others love it. It does offer a sense of discovery which is sorely lacking in games, much less any form of entertainment these days which is a crying shame.


Nah that title goes to BOTW.
In contrast to ER BotW really has boring exploration with lame rewards.

As someone not having enjoyed From Software's previous games (yes, the community beloved BB included) except for Sekiro, I'm thoroughly enjoying Elden Ring. It's really refreshing to experience old school open world design nowadays. It's one of the games I've played the most this year.


Gold Member
It's okay to dislike something.
What you call overrated might be underrated for someone else.
Just move on.
Prompting Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek
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let me guess you are one of those people that think forbidden west is a masterpiece ?
No, his one of those people who doesn't understand good game design and world building and prefers an inferior experience.

But hey, when you are a mediocre individual with no standards it's a normal thing to accept inferiority. Because then that's what you deserve at the end of the day when you don't have a set of high standards.

I wish I learned that earlier because my quality of life is now much higher cause I started to weed out people who were impacting my life negativity and only accepted those who deserve my valued friendship and care.
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It's the best game I played in years. In fact, and I have two friends with the same problem, after beating it, we can't enjoy any other game, all seem like trash. I hope this feeling will pass soon because Elden Ring destroyed my hobby.
Not really. A lot of the bosses in Elden Ring are used ad nauseum which is something you'd see in a character action game. Except Elden Ring ring compounds the problem because it's not a linear action game that is over in ten hours. I don't know how many times I was presented with the Watchdog, Tree Spirit or Wrynn bosses. "Guess the reused boss" became a running joke with my co-op partner. More games need to let their open worlds breath and get away from the urge to give players content every ten paces. It's why I appreciate SOTC so much. Less is more.
Its a weak argument because elden ring has 140+ unique enemy types, far more than most open worlds. The reused bosses exist but name a single game that has a high variety of enemy types where they are all unique. Its a weak argument because its basically saying its biggest strength over most other games of the same genre is a weakness cause theres some reused content. The reused content is only an addition to the already packed base content, not a must like some games make their reused content.


The nicest person on this forum
It's the best game I played in years. In fact, and I have two friends with the same problem, after beating it, we can't enjoy any other game, all seem like trash. I hope this feeling will pass soon because Elden Ring destroyed my hobby.
I LOVED Elden Ring but I can never understand this type of mind set, there are variety of different games that give me different type of satisfaction, one game doesn't ruin other games who have very different type of gameplay.
It's the best game I played in years. In fact, and I have two friends with the same problem, after beating it, we can't enjoy any other game, all seem like trash. I hope this feeling will pass soon because Elden Ring destroyed my hobby.
Same, ive been trying to find smth else to play but nothing is giving the same level of satisfaction. I'm trying sniper elite 5 and it just feels meh.


I have been playing the game for quite some time now, but I expected so much better specially given how well received it was. It has so many flaws that would never have a pass for pretty much any other 3rd party franchise, that I can't even comprehend how it has been so highly regarded.

First, the main issue: The open world exploration SUCKS TREMENDOUSLY! I haven't been that much bored by exploration for so long. Not even Far Cry and Assassin's Creed have been this boring to explore, and I do consider them quite boring nowadays. There's no reward to wander around the map, other than that sense of finally finding a cave with some sort of decent level design to go through and fight a boss. The open world is basically a huge useless HUB which you need to traverse to find the actual content of the game.

And talking about caves, good Lord, they were definitely not ashamed at all to recycle content. I have been in pretty much the same catacomb numerous times. Dungeons with extremely similar looks and patterns: you get into a cave, rest at the state of grace, go down stairs and find a locked door, then make your way through this little dungeon, pull a lever, come back to the start, the door is open, fight the boss. Also, the boss might be one you have already fought like 3 or 4 times already before, with slightly variation of attacks and carrying a different weapon. Still, it's already MUCH better than wandering that barren open world.

I'm also under the impression that From Software can't figure out anymore how to make the game more challenging to it's players other than making bosses faster, with extremely high poise, and with big combos that will lock you until they manage to break your defense and fuck you up. This is the "easiest" Soul game because you basically need to kill dozens of optional bosses in order to overpower the main ones.

Also fighting with big and slow weapons is a chore now, because the window you have now to damage the bosses is minimal before they restart their combo cycle. The balance that the previous games used to provide is pretty much gone.

And I won't even talk about the graphics and performance, this game runs worse in my computer than a lot of others that looks way better. But this is no surprise, and it's something that I can ignore as long as I'm having fun with the game.

But anyway, Elden Ring is like two steps backwards compared to all their previous games. Up until now, I always praised the level design of any Souls games, Bloodborne and Sekiro; but it is almost nonexistent in ER. After what they've done to Sekiro, I believed From Software was gonna be able to deliver their best next Souls game, but instead they gave me an unbalanced Boss Rush game with a useless and boring open world hub.

Disappointed Kevin Sorbo GIF

I have been playing the game for quite some time now, but I expected so much better specially given how well received it was. It has so many flaws that would never have a pass for pretty much any other 3rd party franchise, that I can't even comprehend how it has been so highly regarded.

First, the main issue: The open world exploration SUCKS TREMENDOUSLY! I haven't been that much bored by exploration for so long. Not even Far Cry and Assassin's Creed have been this boring to explore, and I do consider them quite boring nowadays. There's no reward to wander around the map, other than that sense of finally finding a cave with some sort of decent level design to go through and fight a boss. The open world is basically a huge useless HUB which you need to traverse to find the actual content of the game.

And talking about caves, good Lord, they were definitely not ashamed at all to recycle content. I have been in pretty much the same catacomb numerous times. Dungeons with extremely similar looks and patterns: you get into a cave, rest at the state of grace, go down stairs and find a locked door, then make your way through this little dungeon, pull a lever, come back to the start, the door is open, fight the boss. Also, the boss might be one you have already fought like 3 or 4 times already before, with slightly variation of attacks and carrying a different weapon. Still, it's already MUCH better than wandering that barren open world.

I'm also under the impression that From Software can't figure out anymore how to make the game more challenging to it's players other than making bosses faster, with extremely high poise, and with big combos that will lock you until they manage to break your defense and fuck you up. This is the "easiest" Soul game because you basically need to kill dozens of optional bosses in order to overpower the main ones.

Also fighting with big and slow weapons is a chore now, because the window you have now to damage the bosses is minimal before they restart their combo cycle. The balance that the previous games used to provide is pretty much gone.

And I won't even talk about the graphics and performance, this game runs worse in my computer than a lot of others that looks way better. But this is no surprise, and it's something that I can ignore as long as I'm having fun with the game.

But anyway, Elden Ring is like two steps backwards compared to all their previous games. Up until now, I always praised the level design of any Souls games, Bloodborne and Sekiro; but it is almost nonexistent in ER. After what they've done to Sekiro, I believed From Software was gonna be able to deliver their best next Souls game, but instead they gave me an unbalanced Boss Rush game with a useless and boring open world hub.

Disappointed Kevin Sorbo GIF

Edit: And because of this, some people in this thread traced my profile. A lowly degenarate that spend the day playing and praising Far Cry, Assassins Creed and Horizon, at my mother's basement, requiring for attention. The game might disappoint, but the hardcore fanbase never does.

tom hiddleston help GIF


What time is it?
Its a weak argument because elden ring has 140+ unique enemy types, far more than most open worlds. The reused bosses exist but name a single game that has a high variety of enemy types where they are all unique. Its a weak argument because its basically saying its biggest strength over most other games of the same genre is a weakness cause theres some reused content. The reused content is only an addition to the already packed base content, not a must like some games make their reused content.

Because you disagree with something doesn't make it a weak argument. No one is arguing that Elden Ring doesn't have a ton of variety in content. The recycling of some of that content (optional bosses and dungeons themes/layouts) becomes very tedious. Just because you have more of something doesn't mean you shouldn't be criticized for falling into tropes of other games in your genre. I also don't feel like enemy variety is anywhere near the biggest strength of Elden Ring, but that's a different conversation.
Because you disagree with something doesn't make it a weak argument. No one is arguing that Elden Ring doesn't have a ton of variety in content. The recycling of some of that content (optional bosses and dungeons themes/layouts) becomes very tedious. Just because you have more of something doesn't mean you shouldn't be criticized for falling into tropes of other games in your genre. I also don't feel like enemy variety is anywhere near the biggest strength of Elden Ring, but that's a different conversation.
Tedium makes it sound like its mandatory when its skippable optional content. If you want to 100% the game sure its tedium but thats the only reason you HAVE to do any of it. I say its a weak argument because the flip side is it need a variety of more content when its arguably the most content rich open world game in the past few years. Theres no example of a game with more unique content than elden ring in the open world genre outside of MMOs, so the flip side of the argument doesnt exist.

Mister Wolf

Good game but too difficult for me to enjoy. I'm the one that's changed as I've managed to enjoy beating Dark Souls 1 and 2 in the past. By the time I got to 3 the formula has lost its luster.
I personally gave the game a 7. What Op says about the dungeons and caves is 100% accurate and it's shocking fans ignore these issues. What OP doesnt say is that while the huge map is not that cool to explore it does lead to several amazing castles and underground levels that are absolutely incredible in level design. Bosses are rehashed and repeated a ton of times was also a huge negative and the story was absolute garbage. Whoever was in charge of naming the characters was a fucking idiot. Other than that, gameplay is easier, but still just as good. Technically it's a pos but it does have some nice artstyle. 10/10 score for it are as always hyperboles and you should never ever trust any critic, especially those that give perfect scores.


Gold Member
Good game but too difficult for me to enjoy. I'm the one that's changed as I've managed to enjoy beating Dark Souls 1 and 2 in the past. By the time I got to 3 the formula has lost its luster.
I don't think it's your fault, part of where it goes wrong is not being able to balance well in an open world game. It's the same reason other games scale with you, because otherwise you end up with this. And that would be fine if enemies weren't also so aggressive and hyper armoured, which is a bad combination. It's why so many people get funneled into the same high end/cheap builds like Rivers of Blood spam or Bloodhound's Step on collosal weapons, because it counteracts the unfair advantage the enemies have.

I still think DS1 was the best balanced game. They ran out of time and money by the end, sure, but overall it's a very clear design philosophy and it sticks to it the best of all the games
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