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Suicide Squad: nobody likes it

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Hype gauge: Are you in or are you out?

  • I'm in

  • I'm out

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I had such high hopes for this title, the cutscene animations were top notch. But after seeing the gameplay..

I don’t care if there are GaaS elements in there as long as the gameplay loop is interesting, but this looked like third person shooter 101. Like something an amateur dev made in a couple of months by editing an Unreal Engine template.

I have this feeling that this project took a little bit too much time to develop (probably a couple of ‘back to the drawing board’ situations). Then the higher management forced all this crap in there to make as much money back as possible.
Their lead Creative Director left some months ago, which could mean something wasn’t sitting right at Rocksteady.
Looks meh as f*ck

Bored Episode 15 GIF by The Simpsons


Gold Member
Didn’t look very interesting, definitely not a game I’d buy. Not even sure if I’d try it if it came to GamePass tbh, unless it reviews outstandingly well.


Frankly the longer it goes the less the gaming community can be listened to in terms of actually paying attention to gameplay

You can clearly see Boomerang using boomerangs , on top of an anti gravity grenade and what looks like his ultimate ability. You can see Harley using her ultimate too (the finisher where she hits foes with her bat before they end up on a grenade / bomb). Deadshot, that one is rather easy its most likely his sniper rifle. Also, all the footage people saw is quite literally the 3rd mission in the game, from the looks of it there's an elemental system at play and the "villain" gear sets can be a ton of fun : the one showed (Bane) seemed to put a special condition on top of poison on targets and when your target dies, it seems to explode in an AOE thus afflicting the enemies around, turning them into potential poison bombs too

that could be great when combined with deadshot's mortar like ability for example. And if we think of I dont know potential emma frost set, poison ivy (which could be an AoE crowd control or something wilder), etc etc so yeah theres potential to be had here, I'll never understand people criticizing a genre they don't understand anything about, while laser focusing on something that died 8 years ago

Rocksteady's batman games are done. You won't get another one, just play Spiderman if you want some more since apparently getting a copy paste of Arkham in a game where bosses have 3 attack patterns at most is enough to sell 20 million copies
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Jinzo Prime

Gold Member
the one showed (Bane) seemed to put a special condition on top of poison on targets and when your target dies, it seems to explode in an AOE thus afflicting the enemies around, turning them into potential poison bombs too

that could be great when combined with deadshot's mortar like ability for example.

Anthem had mechanics like this with it's elemental combo/priming system. This might be more in depth, but the basic idea has been tried before in a third-person co-op shooter, and it apparently did not add enough to the game for success.


Yeah man, when I saw that trailer I was like

Honestly, how the fuck could they look at the spectacular failure of Marvel's Avengers and be like: "yeah, let's do that!"

They are going after a new audience. People just got to accept that.

I never planned on buying the game because I am not into co-op games but I think this game could be a decent option for people that are into these type of multiplayer games.
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The gameplay looks horrendous, they just keep shooting at the purple bits and all of the characters look like they play roughly the same. Plus the gaas focus and having Battle Pass and the Store as separate tabs in the menu - hard pass, not even gonna wait for a price drop. I don't know what the hell Rocksteady was doing for so many years, because even the graphics aren't a jawdropper like when Arkham City and Arkham Knight were first introduced.
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Anthem had mechanics like this with it's elemental combo/priming system. This might be more in depth, but the basic idea has been tried before in a third-person co-op shooter, and it apparently did not add enough to the game for success.

The main problem of the genre (looters) is that you actually need to nail a few things :

itemizations, stats and mechanics. And its incredibly complex to do, I'd argue that its probably the hardest genre to give a go to because you have to balance abilities (cooldowns, damage / utility) and stats between tier rarities and across different classes. Anthem's problem was that it UTTERLY, and I mean UTTERLY failed at pretty much all of this on top of having poor mechanics despite giving the player flying suits. Plus, the technical side of things was a disaster too in terms of performance for many. It wasn't even good for early access at launch as harsh as it sound.

Every single looter launched since at least 5 - 6 years has had or still has major issues in at least one of these categories. It took forever for Diablo 3 to find its footing (basically it took an expansion years after), Diablo 2 was in an extremely laughable state before its expansion, Destiny 1 and 2 I think its safe to say that both needed an expansion to iron everything out too. Torchlight 1 was surprisingly awesome from the get go, but 2 had issues. The Division was the first attempt at translating the genre as a 3rd person shooter experience, and in between we got the forever awesome Warframe which, lets face it, was also pretty bad at release lol (but is honestly amazing now and definitely a reference to look upon)

Grim Dawn, which can rightfully be considered as the major "foot forward" of the genre, also had issues because of its expensive itemisation / damage system (the usual, some elements were too underwhelming, minion builds were bad etc etc)

Honestly as of late only Outriders did it half correctly, and I'm saying half because 2 out of 4 classes in it were garbage tier at launch in endgame, yet everything's fine after, you guessed it, an expansion

Now, I understand that in the context of Rocksteady and the recent release of Avengers which ALWAYS played like trash from the beta, theres a certain level of disdain to be had because historically speaking, looters as a genre have been an insane roller coaster of expectations vs reality. Yet, as of now, the feedback of the Squad's closed beta has been nothing but glowing despite the showing in the State of Play. Somehow it seems that Rocksteady utterly nailed what will ultimately make or break the game on their first try.

And from what I'm seeing, it seems like they mostly focused on tried and true elemental damage system, with different traversal / shield mods, different ultimates for characters, what seems to be rather engaging conditions for gear bonuses (requires active play), and gear sets inspired by DC's vilains portfolio, which could lead to some really fun times.

Me I'm just hoping for a challenging difficulty option unlocked after the campaign is done, and worthy gear sets to collect. Also wondering if the leveling is global or on a per character basis, because I could be wrong but it seems that the former is the only good option to have in a game where you can switch from character to character on the fly in a mission without having power discrepancies while playing solo (player level / gear score). If that's the case, I hope that playing online is the way to level the heroes independently because fuck that noise

edit : I forgot the ONLY loot based game released as of late which didn't need anything but performance patches to iron out, and its Nioh 2. Its an AMAZING looter on top of having an excellent combat system
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Jinzo Prime

Gold Member
The main problem of the genre (looters) is that you actually need to nail a few things :

itemizations, stats and mechanics. And its incredibly complex to do, I'd argue that its probably the hardest genre to give a go to because you have to balance abilities (cooldowns, damage / utility) and stats between tier rarities and across different classes. Anthem's problem was that it UTTERLY, and I mean UTTERLY failed at pretty much all of this on top of having poor mechanics despite giving the player flying suits. Plus, the technical side of things was a disaster too in terms of performance for many. It wasn't even good for early access at launch as harsh as it sound.

Every single looter launched since at least 5 - 6 years has had or still has major issues in at least one of these categories. It took forever for Diablo 3 to find its footing (basically it took an expansion years after), Diablo 2 was in an extremely laughable state before its expansion, Destiny 1 and 2 I think its safe to say that both needed an expansion to iron everything out too. Torchlight 1 was surprisingly awesome from the get go, but 2 had issues. The Division was the first attempt at translating the genre as a 3rd person shooter experience, and in between we got the forever awesome Warframe which, lets face it, was also pretty bad at release lol (but is honestly amazing now and definitely a reference to look upon)

Grim Dawn, which can rightfully be considered as the major "foot forward" of the genre, also had issues because of its expensive itemisation / damage system (the usual, some elements were too underwhelming, minion builds were bad etc etc)

Honestly as of late only Outriders did it half correctly, and I'm saying half because 2 out of 4 classes in it were garbage tier at launch in endgame, yet everything's fine after, you guessed it, an expansion

Now, I understand that in the context of Rocksteady and the recent release of Avengers which ALWAYS played like trash from the beta, theres a certain level of disdain to be had because historically speaking, looters as a genre have been an insane roller coaster of expectations vs reality. Yet, as of now, the feedback of the Squad's closed beta has been nothing but glowing despite the showing in the State of Play. Somehow it seems that Rocksteady utterly nailed what will ultimately make or break the game on their first try.

And from what I'm seeing, it seems like they mostly focused on tried and true elemental damage system, with different traversal / shield mods, different ultimates for characters, what seems to be rather engaging conditions for gear bonuses (requires active play), and gear sets inspired by DC's vilains portfolio, which could lead to some really fun times.

Me I'm just hoping for a challenging difficulty option unlocked after the campaign is done, and worthy gear sets to collect. Also wondering if the leveling is global or on a per character basis, because I could be wrong but it seems that the former is the only good option to have in a game where you can switch from character to character on the fly in a mission without having power discrepancies while playing solo (player level / gear score). If that's the case, I hope that playing online is the way to level the heroes independently because fuck that noise

Thank you for the informative response. From my perspective, as someone who has very little experience with looters, I am worried about the prevalence of what I assume to be glowing weak points all over the enemies and environment. It just seems like pretty basic "shoot-the-target" stuff to me, but I didn't know that there was a beta already with good feedback. I will keep an eye out for reviews, but I'm still not to sure about this one.


I mean having weak spots to shoot at in order to destroy a reinforced tank by brainiac doesn't seem that wild to me and I'm pretty sure that you can do more damage on these with abilities. Its always the same thing with showing a looter : somehow every studio is marketing the early game where characters have trash ass gear and its always painful to look at lol, instead of just showing abilities and flashy moments like Bungie / Gearbox has been doing since forever, but then again ... its Rocksteady's first attempt. I'm giving it a bit of leeway, cuz the moment they showed the endgame gear it looked awesome tbh

Also the anti grav grenade, the melee finishers, and pretty much everything you can see in the second trailer : bombers doing what they can to keep you off the ground while you get choppers raining missiles on you mid air + telegraphed aoes / hard attacks, shielders ... seems that they lean heavily into mastering the traversal instead of it being a gimmick like in Anthem, and well im very interested to see how that plays out vs bosses

(time stamped, honestly the person they chose to speak about what the gear set does wasn't a very good pick lol)

Now I don't know if the weapon manufacturers actually give weapon unique properties (I'd expect Lexcorp to focus on tech / elemental, while GCPD on crits and stuff since its more "law enforcers" based), yet here's hoping. Also I don't know if theres a full customization system going beyond the cosmetic aspect (as in Division style where you can change scopes, mag sizes etc), yet here's hoping ²
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It looked like trash from the beginning. Now that it's live service? No thanks. What a waste of Rocksteady. They should have done that Batman Beyond game they were planning.


Game looks generic and boring as hell. And overly monotized.

I feel like this will only appeal to mega fans of the DC universe.
Gotham Knights flopped like a fish and now this next? Yikes. WBG is so happy for Hogwarts Legacy right now. Heads should roll after this.

Also LOL I just noticed today the weenie apologist clowns over on resetera think Gotham Knights was a big success commercially.
Well let's see here .Pennywise .Pennywise


Official channel


Well at least the PlayStation account has it at 5 vs 1.7…. wait that’s 17, that can’t be right lol. Holy shit that’s like a 12 thousand vote difference.

I didn’t vote cause I really have no interest in these characters. They should’ve just done Batman with a few allies vs a bunch of villains.
I’m sure this along with Gotham Knights might be going to Gamepass at some point? Then I’ll give a try.

But who know it might come in smoking hot and people can’t stop raving about it.


Gold Member
Just watched the overview now & I think it actually looks pretty damn fun myself.

I was a little under whelmed/more surprised yesterday as I wasn't expecting a third person shooter, but I've slept on it and re-watched the overview and I'm in.


Gold Member
Going up against Zelda. I predict low sales for suicide squad. I still say Arkham knight looks better visually. And is a lot more fun.


To think, this would probably be the last time I’d hear Kevin Conroy as Batman.

This also seems to be missing out on last-gen for no apparent reason. I don’t see anything groundbreaking here…

Unfortunately, this is another game I anticipated this year, by a once reputable dev, now marked off my list.
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Seems its success will depend on the need for an active player base which is quite awkward seeing the reception. But it’s like what can they do except put it out and watch it tank? They made it this far into development without anyone saying no?


Why is WB essentially putting out the same game twice? Didn't that 4 player batman game tank, and they're basically doing the same thing here? I don't get it.
Is it ok at that price? Been meaning to pick it up.
The unique gameplay of each hero along with unlocking their skill trees is the funnest part of the game. The issue with Avengers always lied within the monetization(which has now been removed even though it's too late) and the mission structure, which is pretty much like a beat-em-up where you just walk forward and fight mobs. The story mode is a fun ride that has almost the perfect length.


Man, that poll is surprising. I figured at least a decent chunk of hardcore gamers were still excited for this but I guess not.


Ok Sony, buy these guys and let them work on a single player Frank Miller inspired Daredevil game set in the early 80's, Bullseye, Elektra, The Hand, Kingpin, toss in some Punisher and Jigsaw. Daredevil by night, Lawyer by day with investigation and court drama during the day. Then move the franchise into the modern era and tie it in with the Insomniac Spider-man universe for the sequel, use born again to explain his disappearance and shadow lands to finish it off. Modern era opens up a slew of new characters like Echo.

You could retcon so many things and do some amazing world building even for Spider-man. It would be glorious.
Going up against Zelda. I predict low sales for suicide squad. I still say Arkham knight looks better visually. And is a lot more fun.
Its releasing between Zelda and Street Fighter 6 which is rough ...

But you also have to keep in mind that its a live service game and it can still have legs long after it gets released and if its a good game that gets consistent support.
I wanted to like this game. I really did, but Im getting Anthem vibes from watching that gameplay. Just mindless shooting and beating up different AI targets with no real challenge other than their health bars and attrition. Too bad because I really like the story.

Warner Bros need to go ahead and call up Sony to see how much its going to cost to have Naughty Dogg work on a Joker game. It dont even have to be exclusive, just give one of the massively talented studios in the industry a chance to work on something different from the Batman universe.


It looks horrendous. Significantly worse than Gotham Knights in almost every metric.

Every bad choice and poor execution has been made. Gunplay looks and sounds like a paintball match. Absolute no weight to the recoil, and the enemies barely react to shots. Non-heavies are shrugging off minigun fire like it's nothing, and when they eventually go down, it looks like they have canned death animations. I didn't see q single instance of ragdoll physics.

The animation work is abysmal. Individual character movements are not high quality and barely in-character, but the animation blending and kinematics are where things really break down. Every movement looks like it's being performed on ice and without gravity. These characters are slide-dashing over more distance than Megaman.

Why is Harley Quinn, a normal human, basically standing in air with no locomotive signs of gravity or vertigo? Why is she getting insane airtime from her swings to zip over 2 city blocks, and landing from a story high without so much as a stumble? How is she doing all that with a minigun on her back? King Shark is double-air dashing with no force to accelerate, but why is Deadshot double jumping with a visual effect at his feet, and not with a quick burst of his jetpack?

The graphics look worse than Rocksteady's output from 2015. Mediocre textures, terrible particle effects and awful sound design on top of it.

And writing wise, it just looks utterly stupid.
"Flash is here and he's got Luther."
"One damn thing at a time!" Because Amanda Waller apparently can't address or consider more than a single variable at once, even though that's what her entire character is based around.

"Senseless violence, I love it!" Really, Boomerang? King Shark kicking the shit out of alien invaders who have very specific plans yo hollow out the entire planet is senseless violence?

"I love our escapades." Case closed on the dialogue.

The cutscenes are not well made. At the end, Harley fully opens both doors of the cargo box, waits until Lex comes to the threshold, stares at him without a word for a solid 2 seconds, and then hits him with dialogue, to which he has a delayed, stilted response. Flash, who has already let the Suicide Squad live despite being able to kill or debilitate them all in the blink of an eye, furthers the contrivances by spinning around in a big circle for 6 seconds before Wonder Woman makes her poorly shot and choreographed entrance, with her slightly androgynous design, constantly pouting/scowling facial expression and truly AWFUL and uncharacteristic voice acting.

The Suicide Squad is an almost universally unappealing concept, and the scenario that they've come up with here is inherently flawed. "We thought it would be interesting to show this world from the perspective of the villains." No you didn't. Otherwise, you would've made us play as Brainiac. Or better yet, not have the Suicide Squad be the heroes of the day.

The design makes no sense for these characters. "Harley Quinn is the most acrobatic", apparently for no other reason than her poorly animated cartwheels. Because there is no functional difference to any of these character's mobility. The loot is ridiculous. None of these characters are gunslingers other than Deadshot. Why is there a stock GCPD weapons in Metropolis? Why is King Shark wearing a Superman suit? What the hell were you thinking with this project, and how do you think it looks making the same promises as Avengers did not a month after they announce that game's effective end?

An absolute embarrassment for Rocksteady, and a waste of Eight. Years.
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