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Developers hate Series S

Codes 208

Gold Member
Series S should have been 5TF+ GPU, identical CPU clock and have 12GB GDDR6 @ 336GB/s. Then scaling down would have been more straightforward. As it is though it's bordering on a feature-breaking gulf.
It shouldve used the one x as a template and improved upon, not nerfed. Yes it has a newer, faster architecture, but it was gimped to the point that it couldnt even run 360/xb1 games with the one x improved modes. That was already a bad sign.

And it still bugs me that ms looked at this and said “lets give it another 500gb and charge an extra $50 and call it a day” with the new one coming out next month instead of actually re-launching an improved version (or even a set of new pro consoles). Ffs, for $350 i’d rather just buy another switch oled or pay an extra $50 for a ps5 DE or steam deck


Likes moldy games
Yep same thing with developers and platforms. If they have a platform that they hate they should just abandon it if it makes sense for them to do so.
Its not that easy though is it for them to do that. It's up the owners. As individuals they can move on as it just comes across as someone moaning at work. If it is that bad they could move onto something else like I did.

Love your work and you'll never work again.
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The S is a great machine for low income families and I don’t see Phil getting near enough credit for actually putting out a budget console during times as difficult as these. Most families can’t afford a PS5 or a X so yeah MS should stick to their guns on this parity thing. If devs don’t like it, fuck em.
Low income families should spend more time working so they don't have to buy a shitty console.

Have you applied for a job at Larian yet?
I would love to make games but I get paid much more and work much less at a fortune 20 company.
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The devs with the problem should say to MS we’ll develop for the Series X but any time and expense required to get the game to run at an acceptable level on the Series S will be supported by MS, if that’s a problem skip the Series consoles.
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So Microsoft decided to not have the Game of the Year skip its consoles. Well played.
Latina said it will come to Xbox, it will be the version will most of the bugs fixed etc. Just a bit later.
goty? Are you crazy? If this wouldn’t be turn based I would be all over it, but I cannot stand turn based games.


Latina said it will come to Xbox, it will be the version will most of the bugs fixed etc. Just a bit later.
goty? Are you crazy? If this wouldn’t be turn based I would be all over it, but I cannot stand turn based games.

Second highest scored game on OpenCritic. Yeah... I think it has a good chance of becoming GOTY.


This isn't a game lobby with friends. This is a professional environment and this guy says he's a member of the press.
Wouldn't that be more of a reason to be open about it? I'm potentially one hotkey away from getting a dozen people fired. To discuss these matters in private on an event would seem very logical to me.

Heck, even I had people on the outside complain on my request for jobs I had in the past. It worked.

Still not saying it's true but I fail to see how it doesn't make any sense.


Gold Member
Second highest scored game on OpenCritic. Yeah... I think it has a good chance of becoming GOTY.

Not anymore

This contrarian managed to tank the score all by himself yesterday. Just after making sure to give armored core a perfect mark. The sad news is I feel given the review its warranted, but oh well.
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Gold Member
Yep, I have been doing software and infrastructure architecture for many years. Doesn't mean I can waltz into Epic and help them optimize Fortnite, lol.

Although, Tim, if you are reading, make me an offer! 😉

If I went back and took some refresher courses in math and physics along with some game dev classes then maybe I could step into a studio like Larian as a novice developer. Thanks......but after 20 years I really don't feel like starting over. Either way, this chatter was just nonsense designed to minimize the issues Larian was facing with XSS by a guy pretending to have all the answers. Shouldn't be taken seriously.
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Microsoft need to let Series S versions cut features or let developers make games just for Series X.

They also need to be open and let owners know that they arent guaranteed all games or parity going forwards.

Bring the Series X down in price and bring out a Pro model.
If they run a deal where I can "upgrade" by trading in my Series S for Series X for free (even if it's a digital-only Series X) then sure. Otherwise I'm selling my Series S and never touching Xbox ever again.

They made their bed now they have to lie in it. This is not like different versions of iPhone. Microsoft very clearly marketed Series S and Series X as one generation. They cannot go back on that.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Wouldn't that be more of a reason to be open about it? I'm potentially one hotkey away from getting a dozen people fired. To discuss these matters in private on an event would seem very logical to me.

Heck, even I had people on the outside complain on my request for jobs I had in the past. It worked.

Still not saying it's true but I fail to see how it doesn't make any sense.

Maybe I've got I wrong but when I go to industry events, I never bad mouth other companies, people I know or products that people around me might be invested in in some way. Aside from it not being very nice, news travels fast and most industries are made up of fewer people than people often think.


Just want to share how much love I have for the ever evolving narrative.

- Series S is brilliant value option that will skyrocket Xbox sales. Watch out of India!

- The hardware is actually more advanced than PS5 in some ways and will give it a run for its money, RDNA2 + faster CPU, that’s right.

- The games will look like Series X just at 1440p.

- Series S IS NOT holding back anything. Scaling is as good as flipping a switch in the API.

- Devs have no problem with S because of PC.


MS is going to take the series S out of the market or allow devs to simply delay their games on it. Good on MS for no feature parity. 1080p at half the framerate? Sounds good to me. Devs hate it? Listen listen listen, WE ALL KNEW Series S was going to be a terrible little piece of shit guys, it’s unfair to criticize MS for putting a piece of shit on the market, it’s not fair what could Phil Spencer have done? They had to do it. Series S owners knew what they were buying, nobody was mislead, Phil Spencer said it himself when it was announced “Series S is for the broke, cheap ass gamer who doesn’t want to invest on quality products or games, and at some point in time you will regret paying for this garbage”. It was the plan all along!
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If I went back and took some refresher courses in math and physics along with some game dev classes then maybe I could step into a studio like Larian as a novice developer. Thanks......but after 20 years I really don't feel like starting over. Either way, this chatter was just nonsense designed to minimize the issues Larian was facing with XSS by a guy pretending to have all the answers. Shouldn't be taken seriously.
Yeah, but it was just amusing. There is a huge difference in requirements in disparate fields and thinking that you know it all because say you have been working on writing code on software project in a Corp somewhere is silly.

To be fair there is no way I would want to work in game industry considering the hours and pay. It's kind of ridiculous as compared to regular private sector development and IT jobs.


Gold Member
As someone with both a Series S and X, and likes the S for what it is. What I never ever thought it was, was a system that would not be holding back games, because you always have to design around the lowest denominator. It defined the gen as games that can run on S, plus higher settings on X. The entire "just design the game you want then lower settings for S" narrative was always a farce. If you want your title to be multiplatform, as in on PS as well -then S is holding back PS games at that point as well.

They got away with it because this gen had an unusual value proposition for a cross-gen box masquerading as a new system. Now that the gen is picking up, and they want a PS5 game. Reality sets in pretty quick.

If I had actually bought the S as my main system with real money, believing the corporate BS, I'd be pretty pissed right now. I just got a deal on one and ended up surprised what a good little X sidekick it makes.


Maybe I've got I wrong but when I go to industry events, I never bad mouth other companies, people I know or products that people around me might be invested in in some way. Aside from it not being very nice, news travels fast and most industries are made up of fewer people than people often think.
You're not from the press though. And nothing you say or do could even make the slightest dent in the way these companies function. That guy probably could, as you and I are here on NeoGaf discussing this very matter :messenger_winking:

I wouldn't be bothered about doing not-so-nice things towards big companies with terrible management. Your nice-being is likely doing more bad than good. But to each their own I guess.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
You're not from the press though. And nothing you say or do could even make the slightest dent in the way these companies function. That guy probably could, as you and I are here on NeoGaf discussing this very matter :messenger_winking:

I wouldn't be bothered about doing not-so-nice things towards big companies with terrible management. Your nice-being is likely doing more bad than good. But to each their own I guess.
No offence intended, but what did you understand the words that I typed to mean?
Xbox Fanboys still in denial it seems


Imagine being an adult, doing your job every day,

THEN you go to Twitter and have to deal with manchildren talking shit about your work, saying things they know nothing about.

Another one


Guess those engineers Microsoft sent over didn't really like the s either.
Animated GIF


I doubt the PS5 is as weak as the XSS. Plenty of comparisons prove that wrong.
Saying that "PS5 is as weak as the XSS" is exactly the same thing as saying "XSX is as weak as the XSS". Both beyond idiotic statements. Call an ambulance if you see someone running around uttering such gibberish even if it's you.
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Saying that "PS5 is as weak as the XSS" is exactly the same thing as saying "XSX is as weak as the XSS". Both beyond idiotic statements. Call an ambulance if you see someone running around uttering such gibberish even if it's you.

Both systems are definitely a lot more powerful than the XSS. I always thought it was dumb how some compared the premium ones to the XSS.


Marlboro: Other M
I'm pretty sure you hate modern gaming BECAUSE of the fact you play on an Xbox. Might just be a thought.

Not even joking. It's always the Xbox/Western AAA centered people who are shouting at the rooftops about how gaming is dead, clinging on to the same washed up studios of DIce, Ubisoft, Activision and whatever else while PC players are enjoying BG3, PS owners Spiderman 2, and Switch owners TOTK.
Jeez... don't expect much then

Hate gaming? I wouldn't get a entire console when I already have a PC if I "hated gaming".

It's quite the other way around. Every time you see someone hating gaming, it's either PC players complaining that nobody competes with Nvidia, "next gen" owners complaining graphics aren't impressive or not 60 fps locked, or switch owner's frustrated Nintendo didn't tried to produce a $1000 handheld with years old soc but with a no bezel 1080p screen yet.

Actually, I love the series s. Since you are such a hate free guy, you love it too, right?
I personally don't know why people are obsessed over pc specs because those are complete nonsense most of the time. There are games that run fine on hardware lower than minimum specs and games that run like shit on recommended specs. I don't pay any attention to this shit unless they are super detailed (like how it runs, resolution and framerate).

Developers don't do that shit, at all. Many PC games don't have any optimization or something is done only for newest hardware from each vendor (so rDNA3 and ada right now).

Games are made for the lowest common denominator, usually it's some console (series s right now) so minimum specs should be somehere above that level of hardware (PC overhead etc.), that's it basically. Then they add some extra stuff to kill high end GPUs on the best settings.
There are many lower speced PCs than XSS.
There are GPU cards with less RAM. There are CPUs with less cores. There are PCs with Mechanical Hard Drives.
The Switch 2 will likely be slightly less powerful than the Steam Deck, and will sell like hotcakes. Enjoy your lowest common denominator when it sells 10 million units on day 1.


There are many lower speced PCs than XSS.
There are GPU cards with less RAM. There are CPUs with less cores. There are PCs with Mechanical Hard Drives.


Developers don't care about this stuff at all, once they jump from Xbox one being the lowest common denominator to series s minimum specs wil be set around this console.

SSD are at least recommended for most new games.

You can see for current gen only games that requirements are much higher then for cross cen ttitles.


The Switch 2 will likely be slightly less powerful than the Steam Deck, and will sell like hotcakes. Enjoy your lowest common denominator when it sells 10 million units on day 1.

Switch sold millions of units from day one and barely any "big" games got ported for it.

Most Nintendo consoles sells on Nintendo games.

Developers don't care about this stuff at all, once they jump from Xbox one being the lowest common denominator to series s minimum specs wil be set around this console.

SSD are at least recommended for most new games.

You can see for current gen only games that requirements are much higher then for cross cen ttitles.
It means the amount of times devs have to take to make their games run well on all the different brands and powers of CPUs and GPUs and RAM amounts and types is far greater than one extra series console which is set up as a direct profile on the GDK.
To think otherwise is either plain wrong, or a reason to troll xbox.


Gold Member
It means the amount of times devs have to take to make their games run well on all the different brands and powers of CPUs and GPUs and RAM amounts and types is far greater than one extra series console which is set up as a direct profile on the GDK.
To think otherwise is either plain wrong, or a reason to troll xbox.

None of which is even the point. XSS needs more RAM than it has for split screen. That's really the only issue here. Devs have been supporting multiple configurations of hardware for decades. I think they have figured that out by now.
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Gold Member
It means the amount of times devs have to take to make their games run well on all the different brands and powers of CPUs and GPUs and RAM amounts and types is far greater than one extra series console which is set up as a direct profile on the GDK.
To think otherwise is either plain wrong, or a reason to troll xbox.
Pretty sure most devs on PC don't go though every possible permutation and code somethting specific for it. They target some basic specs from say intel/AMD/nVidia and if yours are too different and the game doesn't perform as well as you'd expect, tough luck. Complain to your specific ventor about new drivers with fixes.
Something thay keeps popping up, is the series s is not powerful enough to run split screen which is not true, fortnite and MW 2 for example run slipt screen nicely on the S. The case here is that the series s likely doesn't have enough ram to run Bg3 in split screen, essentially having to run the game twice which I think is not too bad considering how demanding the game is on pc.
Also the halo infinite split screen thing I doubt series s is the issue there as xbox one is the lowest hardware halo has to run on.


Series S is weak but tbh, there is no reason devs can't just slap 720p30 on most their games and just call it a day.
You know, make xsx version and downgrade S version however possible just to release on X


Series S is weak but tbh, there is no reason devs can't just slap 720p30 on most their games and just call it a day.
You know, make xsx version and downgrade S version however possible just to release on X

720p low a whopping 15+ gb of memory usage

practically same ram usage as it would have if you run the game at 1440p or 4k ultra.

you cannot scale a game's "logic" memory use by turning down resolution. the only problem is the memory.

so in other words, if you have "8 gb" ram on PC, you won't be able to make hogwarts legacy compliant with your system even at 300p lowest absolute worst settings. the game is simply designed for 16 gb ram in my (PC). just a food for thought.
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720p low a whopping 15+ gb of memory usage

practically same ram usage as it would have if you run the game at 1440p or 4k ultra.

you cannot scale a game's "logic" memory use by turning down resolution. the only problem is the memory.

They really dropped the ball huh


It means the amount of times devs have to take to make their games run well on all the different brands and powers of CPUs and GPUs and RAM amounts and types is far greater than one extra series console which is set up as a direct profile on the GDK.
To think otherwise is either plain wrong, or a reason to troll xbox.

Games are developed first and foremost for consoles, they need to make it work on that hardware. PC version is way less important for majority of developers/publishers and many times even the highest end hardware don't run new games smoothly, they don't even bother to optimize their games at all (plus buggy as fuck). You really think they think about 1060 owners when developing new UE5 game? Immortals (of something) run 20+ fps in this GPU (the most popular GPU on the planet).

When new consoles are released PC requirements go up too, this has always been the case and PC players needs to upgrade their hardware every time this happens. This time "thanks" to series s this upgrade is not big at all because devs have to fit their games to run on this console (that is barely twice as good as PS4) THATS WHY people are complaing that this console holds back entire industry.
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