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Planned DLC content for SFxTekken found on the original disc


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
It has been confirmed that there will be no disc update. People saying they are going to be waiting for super SFxTekken are going to be waiting a literal eternity.


We recommend filing this one under "Things to take with a grain of salt" in your PR filing cabinet, but Capcom veteran and long-time Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono has told Gematsu that there will be no boxed versions of any future Street Fighter X Tekken updates: "I would say that you don't really need to worry about a new version of the game coming out. If we choose to update the game, it will be done in the same fashion as Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition."

Edit: Of course Ono could be trolling but I think they realized that its more profitable for them just to do DLC. No need to press, package and ship discs if your game can support DLC.
I think it was confirmed that no disc update was confirmed. I think it'll be all DLC and patches at this point for Street Fighter x Tekken.

If that's the case I will have to wait for this game to drop to at least $30 to offset the DLC costs. Even though there will be $80+ of DLC when you factor in costumes and characters


It has been confirmed that there will be no disc update. People saying they are going to be waiting for super SFxTekken are going to be waiting a literal eternity.
Didn't they also say they were going to keep updating Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to then bring out Ultimate a while later, completely abandoning the regular version? I'm not into fighting games but wasn't there something like that?


Isn't that just an issue of semantics?
As is all false advertising.
I'd regard those who think that there's any difference in real, pragmatic terms between that and other forms of DLC distribution in a similar light.
As mentioned previously the fact that specific way of distributing makes it easy to unlock is somewhat of a problem. The Hot Coffee precedent established locked on-disc content as effectively being what people bought, so there's actually a legal argument to be made for unlocking it without paying, especially since no efficient step has been taken to prevent its unlocking. It's not like, say, Unreal Engine games where all of the content's routinely encrypted to prevent modification.


Setec Astronomer
A lot of folks seem to not realize there's room for both kinds of customer. The people who are a bit more casual and can wait for a fighting game to cook for a while before deciding its time to jump on, and the hardcore who do actually get real value out of being there on day 1.
Capcom are pretty much crack dealers. Yes, they're shady. Yes, they overcharge. But damn if the product isn't amazing to some people.

Including me. :(


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
If that's the case I will have to wait for this game to drop to at least $30 to offset the DLC costs. Even though there will be $80+ of DLC when you factor in costumes and characters

Does anyone pay full price for games in any more? Even on release date. You can get credit and discounts all over the place for new games now.

I ended up paying 27 dollars total for mine from newegg.


Oh lord. You've given them ideas.

Crazier is you would have a defense force for it. "Well I'm ok with that because see they have fiscal timelines to adhere to for tax holidays plus the bandwidth usage from players clearly skew in this graph so please you poor company take more of my money"


DLC pricing really blows my mind. Rather, it blows my mind that people actually buy DLC at the typical price point. It's like any price below $10 shorts the circuit and makes them think, "it's basically free!"

That's fundamentally my problem with Steam sales. My poor wallet!

I suspect that DLC *is* overpriced - relative to the budget for development, compared to the budget for developing the associated game - but offers profit margins more in tune with how things were in earlier generations, while the profit margins on the actual game have got slimmer and slimmer.

(But that's just a suspicion; I've never been privy to any budgets/revenue directly. Although I have been privy to some discussions about plans for future DLC)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
However, I have never purchased a costume pack for any Capcom game. Yall can keep that. Not interested in playing dress up with my characters.

I'll pay a reasonable price for some characters though.


Setec Astronomer
Actually, on second thought, it probably is more about Sony moneyhatting than anything else. Except the Vita version got delayed so now the time exclusivity has turned out even worse.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Didn't they also say they were going to keep updating Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to then bring out Ultimate a while later, completely abandoning the regular version? I'm not into fighting games but wasn't there something like that?

They may have alluded to something like that, but it's generally thought that the Japanese earthquake upset everyone's plans. Companies shut down work, and production on projects for a while, and the economy went haywire.

The general scuttlebutt over MVC3 seems to be: Capcom management was unhappy with the low sales of Jill and Shuma DLC, then the Earthquake hit and stocks fluctuated. The brass told the MVC3 team they were cancelling funding for DLC expansions, and they could either finish up the characters in progress for a disc update or end development and move on.

So we got a rushed disc update 9 months after MVC3 had launched.

Whether or not you believe there is a chance they're sincere with their intent for SFxT comes down to one's level of Capcom paranoia. Obviously, for some people there will be infinite paranoia so they won't believe it's possible even if that turns out to be the case.

FYI, there were tons of people who refused to believe that Arcade Edition for SSFIV would be available as reasonably priced DLC even after the leak AE trailer that said it was downloadable content.

Actually, on second thought, it probably is more about Sony moneyhatting than anything else. Except the Vita version got delayed so now the time exclusivity has turned out even worse.

Yep, this is the pink elephant in the room. Sony appears to have paid for so many specific perks and release schedule modifications for content, that I'd be suspicious much of this is due to their meddling.
From capcom's perspective, they probably don't see any difference. DLC is planned along with the whole game, they finished it with the rest of the game, so why not save time and space and put it on the disc?

It sucks, but we'll only see this more in the future. Not like I'm gonna boycott the next huge capcom fighter.
i have a simple question .. those characters ...they are unfinished , right ? it's missing sound effects, moves & dialogs , right ?

If i'm right , then what is the problem exacty ? that they need 3 to 4 months to finalize and do a rebalance for the whole cast ?

I'm confused ..How many street fighter 2 versions are out there ? How many rebalances ?How many version with tweaks ?
"It's on the disc" ..ok but it's still Miles better than This stupid blank(dampierre) i have on my Soul 5 roster..
Some of you should learn to differenciate "in dev content" and "cut content".
It has been confirmed that there will be no disc update. People saying they are going to be waiting for super SFxTekken are going to be waiting a literal eternity.


Edit: Of course Ono could be trolling but I think they realized that its more profitable for them just to do DLC. No need to press, package and ship discs if your game can support DLC.

*puts through Capcom translator*

oh crap, he's actually confirming there will be a future disc update!


As is all false advertising.

As mentioned previously the fact that specific way of distributing makes it easy to unlock is somewhat of a problem. The Hot Coffee precedent established locked on-disc content as effectively being what people bought, so there's actually a legal argument to be made for unlocking it without paying, especially since no efficient step has been taken to prevent its unlocking. It's not like, say, Unreal Engine games where all of the content's routinely encrypted to prevent modification.

That's an interesting observation; I felt that that ruling was unjust at the time (and inconvenient! It added a week or so to the development of Sniper Elite just to make *absolutely sure* that nothing that we'd intended to be trimmed out of the final version was accessible, even though there was nothing remotely as controversial in it!)

That said, I'm not sure that the Hot Coffee business established that the user had the *right* to access the content, only that Rockstar were guilty of distributing it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
i have a simple question .. those characters ...they are unfinished , right ? it's missing sound effects, moves & dialogs , right ?

If i'm right , then what is the problem exacty ? that they need 3 to 4 months to finalize and do a rebalance for the whole cast ?

I'm confused ..How many street fighter 2 versions are out there ? How many rebalances ?How many version with tweaks ?
"It's on the disc" ..ok but it's still Miles better than This stupid blank(dampierre) i have on my Soul 5 roster..
Some of you should learn to differenciate "in dev content" and "cut content".

Unless the 12 locked characters are still undergoing balance testing they're apparently complete.

Of course, balance testing is a valid possibility. The game patch when they're released may content adjustments to their settings.


Unless the 12 locked characters are still undergoing balance testing they're apparently complete.

Of course, balance testing is a valid possibility. The game patch when they're released may content adjustments to their settings.

Maybe that's a smart solution to the perception issue and keep the download content minimal - include the characters on the disc, locked behind a download key, and make them *ridiculously* underpowered. When the characters are released, include a balance patch to make them competent.

Hey presto! A balance patch isn't a big download, so the distribution issues are out of the way; the characters are on the disc, so the bulky content is distributed to the players ahead of time, and even if hackers unlock them in advance, they're *useless*.


Did you people defend POP 2008's DLC only ending?
Well, yes. It really *is* an epilogue, not an ending, you know. The climax of the on-disc game is a *far* better ending.

(Indeed, it does serve to take away some of the impact of that ending. You're definitely getting a full experience with the disc, possibly even a *superior* one)


If it's true they're unfinished then I could probably see it from their side. But since it's been leaked, they should really do the cool thing and release it for free down the road.

But they won't. I don't need to explain why.
Y'know, back in my day, a developer would create DLC after a game was released, after being able to see the final game in the real world and reflect on what they felt was done well and what was done not so well. We waited a long time for this DLC, and there was even a penny arcade comic about it takIng too long, but when it came out it was awesome.

That game was Mechassault, and I feel like a grumpy old man yearning for the good old days, lol


That's an interesting observation; I felt that that ruling was unjust at the time (and inconvenient! It added a week or so to the development of Sniper Elite just to make *absolutely sure* that nothing that we'd intended to be trimmed out of the final version was accessible, even though there was nothing remotely as controversial in it!)

That said, I'm not sure that the Hot Coffee business established that the user had the *right* to access the content, only that Rockstar were guilty of distributing it.

That's true, though an important, well, bit (hohoho) was that it considered flipping a bit that normally never got changed was not technical enough a hack to make the content inaccessible by the average user, so thanks to that it's actually arguable the extra SFxT characters are trivial to unlock and so since there isn't any effort to protect them, getting them through action replay or whatever people call it these days is fair game (especially considering the game genie trial in the 90s, where it was judged the modifications through GG were fine because it just used what was already there, it didn't create new code. In fact that may be more relevant than Hot Coffee).

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Did you people defend POP 2008's DLC only ending?

That game's DLC coda was a disappointment and not actually worth the price that was charged for it. Comparing DLC content like that to FG characters, who are primary components and see infinite hours of play, is something of a misleading analogy.

On the side the "you defense force people" thing is cute, as someone else said, but it's false to paint everyone who is not expressing infinite outrage and hatred at Capcom as "defense force".

A whole lot of the people here who are not simply freaking out, are more expressing understanding of the situation. Not everyone fully approves of it.

It's the same way that the pricing thing is getting conflated badly with the controversy over DLC.

Let's say that SFxT had 52 characters unlocked by default, over half of which were new and not even imported from SF4, and was priced at $80. That would be an incredible value by the standards that some compare with - the past, when we paid eighty bucks for cartridge games with 12-16 game characters and no online play, no options, and no other content.

DLC confuses the issue, so people can argue that a $60 game (that still has a lot of content) should be the "real" game and the maximum price any such game is ever worth, so any characters beyond that are a rip-off, etc. But they're really two different topics that the DLC issue is interweaving.

The reason some other people aren't freaking out, is because at the end of the day the game and its full roster is worth the money to them. Even people who think so, seem to largely be rolling their eyes at the way the content is deployed, etc. They get painted as corporate stooges and "bend overs" because they're spending their money on content that's worth it because others are angry over the way the content is delivered.

Come to think of it, drama like this is common in many areas of gaming; the MMORPG world and the F2P game world gets attacked in a very similar way by plenty of people. They say it's stupid to ever pay a fee to play a game, stupid to ever pay for X bobble in a F2P game, etc, and refuse to acknowledge that the content may be legit and worth it for people who get value out if it.

For myself personally, I know I'm going to play the hell out of this game and experiment with all the characters. I'll get more bang for my buck than out of most $60 epic AAA games that you play once then shelve. By that light, who's dumber? Someone who buys a 10 hour long $60 game that they play once and never again, or someone who pays a total of $80 for a game that they will play for the next five years? And clock thousands of hours in?

This stuff isn't as simplistic as people make it out to be.


It has been confirmed that there will be no disc update. People saying they are going to be waiting for super SFxTekken are going to be waiting a literal eternity.


Edit: Of course Ono could be trolling but I think they realized that its more profitable for them just to do DLC. No need to press, package and ship discs if your game can support DLC.

Except Capcom probably likes any money they can get. There probably won't be a "Super" or "Ultimate" version where they update the game or anything, but I'm betting after a year they are going to release a second disc version with all the DLC unlocked as a "Game of the Year" edition or something.


How many characters do most people end up even using? I don't think many people would have a good reason to use more than say 6 characters in sfxtk, it just seems silly to me to want everything on the disc and then not even use 1% of it. Most people aren't even going to use one character's full potential. I just picture how these arguments would play out in real life with the game in front of you, a lot of people on the entitlement side would quickly realise that they aren't even scratching the surface of the game, so why demand ownership of something you're not even going to use? I think sfxtk honestly has plenty of characters even if you completely ignore dlc. This goes double for the "wait for the final version" crowd, aka the "why is everyone better than me" crowd.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
If they're gonna have character DLC, I'm glad it's already on the disc. Trying to play DLC characters in MK9 online was a nightmare for a long-ass time since they weren't on the disc.
On the side the "you defense force people" thing is cute, as someone else said, but it's false to paint everyone who is not expressing infinite outrage and hatred at Capcom as "defense force".

A whole lot of the people here who are not simply freaking out, are more expressing understanding of the situation. Not everyone fully approves of it.

This. "Defense force" trolls just stop any discussion from happening at all and are really obnoxious. Same goes for any "with us or against us" circle jerks that happen in threads.


Except Capcom probably likes any money they can get. There probably won't be a "Super" or "Ultimate" version where they update the game or anything, but I'm betting after a year they are going to release a second disc version with all the DLC unlocked as a "Game of the Year" edition or something.
I have no doubt there will be a GOTY edition with all the DLC on disc but if anything it will be like an arcade edition type where you can just get all the DLC.

I can't believe people are still buying these fighters day 1.
It's because I get enough value out of them by buying them day one, I have no issue with it and will keep buying them day one.


Why wouldn't I?

Please explain to me why I wouldn't immediately purchase the moment it is available something I enjoy playing immensely.

I think that there is a crowd out there who kinda enjoys fighting games as a semi-single player experience, play through them a couple of time, maybe pick it up once or twice in some parties, and sell it within 3-4 months or buying it used in the first place.

Because otherwise, I really do not see how anyone who gets 1000+ hours of enjoyment out of SfXT could say it with a straight face that it is a ripoff in any way.


That game's DLC coda was a disappointment and not actually worth the price that was charged for it. Comparing DLC content like that to FG characters, who are primary components and see infinite hours of play, is something of a misleading analogy.

On the side the "you defense force people" thing is cute, as someone else said, but it's false to paint everyone who is not expressing infinite outrage and hatred at Capcom as "defense force".

A whole lot of the people here who are not simply freaking out, are more expressing understanding of the situation. Not everyone fully approves of it.

It's the same way that the pricing thing is getting conflated badly with the controversy over DLC.

Let's say that SFxT had 52 characters unlocked by default, over half of which were new and not even imported from SF4, and was priced at $80. That would be an incredible value by the standards that some compare with - the past, when we paid eighty bucks for cartridge games with 12-16 game characters and no online play, no options, and no other content.

DLC confuses the issue, so people can argue that a $60 game (that still has a lot of content) should be the "real" game and the maximum price any such game is ever worth, so any characters beyond that are a rip-off, etc. But they're really two different topics that the DLC issue is interweaving.

The reason some other people aren't freaking out, is because at the end of the day the game and its full roster is worth the money to them. Even people who think so, seem to largely be rolling their eyes at the way the content is deployed, etc. They get painted as corporate stooges and "bend overs" because they're spending their money on content that's worth it because others are angry over the way the content is delivered.

Come to think of it, drama like this is common in many areas of gaming; the MMORPG world and the F2P game world gets attacked in a very similar way by plenty of people. They say it's stupid to ever pay a fee to play a game, stupid to ever pay for X bobble in a F2P game, etc, and refuse to acknowledge that the content may be legit and worth it for people who get value out if it.

For myself personally, I know I'm going to play the hell out of this game and experiment with all the characters. I'll get more bang for my buck than out of most $60 epic AAA games that you play once then shelve. By that light, who's dumber? Someone who buys a 10 hour long $60 game that they play once and never again, or someone who pays a total of $80 for a game that they will play for the next five years? And clock thousands of hours in?

This stuff isn't as simplistic as people make it out to be.

You sir, are my favorite poster on this board. Thank you for putting thought into your posts.

K' Dash

Gold Member
lol your name is k dash dash.

You noticed ;)

Why wouldn't I?

Please explain to me why I wouldn't immediately purchase the moment it is available something I enjoy playing immensely.

You should buy it, then, BUT, if you're going to wine about incomplete roosters and games releasing later with 50% more shit in the future you should wait for the inevitable "Super" version.


Didn't they also say they were going to keep updating Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to then bring out Ultimate a while later, completely abandoning the regular version? I'm not into fighting games but wasn't there something like that?

There's still a Tekken vs Street Fighter game that's going to be released next year or so and before that there's Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Capcom won't be releasing any new retail versions of this game because they'd be basically launching a "Tekken" branded game running against Namco's own Tekken titles, and Namco, of course, won't let that happen.


You noticed ;)

You should buy it, then, BUT, if you're going to wine about incomplete roosters and games releasing later with 50% more shit in the future you should wait for the inevitable "Super" version.

I'm not whining. My only complaint is that I have to wait to play stuff hackers have access to right now.


I can't believe people are still buying these fighters day 1.

That's the best time to buy them! Fresh game, lots of people online, start at a level playing field. I'd rather try to learn a new character now then in 6 months from now when everyone online is a killer.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I was debating getting this, after getting screwed over with Marvel vs Capcom 3, and after hearing about the gem system... but after seeing this story, fuck you Scamco and Crapcom, you're not getting my money til an "Ultimate" version comes out.
That's the best time to buy them! Fresh game, lots of people online, start at a level playing field. I'd rather try to learn a new character now then in 6 months from now when everyone online is a killer.

You'll learn a lot faster playing decent players than a bunch of scrubs. What did James Chen say, "Play to learn, rather than playing to win." Or something like that.

I hate pre-release DLC as much as the next person, but what can you do? All the major fighting game developers have done it and will continue to do so, since people continue to buy it all.


I'm wondering what's this DLC we've been talking about for 11 pages. Is a 2KB unlock key really considered content?
I'm wondering what's this DLC we've been talking about for 11 pages. Is a 2KB unlock key really considered content?

it's content. You download it. I'd say so. You seem to keep wanting to play with words when it's completely irrelevant to the conversation though.


That's the best time to buy them! Fresh game, lots of people online, start at a level playing field. I'd rather try to learn a new character now then in 6 months from now when everyone online is a killer.

this. Kind of like shooters nowadays where you have to unlock weapons. You'll be stuck behind people and get binned all day. But in fighters the information is almost already available nowadays you would only need to get through execution.


Neo Member
It would have been nice if the Special Edition really meant that. Gems are fine but I would have easily put up $80 to have all on-disc DLC unlocked from day 1. At least pretend to give some extra love to early adopters.

Then again I'm one of the weird ones. Never bought UMV3 even though I was day 1 on Vanilla and I've never played a minute of Modern Warfare 2. Don't know if any prior knowledge would have affected my SFxT pre-order, but I do know how to avoid a game with issues.


What will Capcom say right now, though? "Sure, don't buy this one because Super SFxT will be out next year!"


I can't believe people are still buying these fighters day 1.

You'd be impressed by the massive number of people who will all buy this game day 1 tomorrow, including me.

If nobody would buy day 1 there wouldn't be 'these fighters' anymore, duh.
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