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Manshion (Menswear and Mens Fashion) Thread |OT| Fashion Fades; Style is Eternal

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gentle soap (ie, not fucking irish spring)



if your skin is excessively dry get some kind of mild lotion

Depends what you mean by gentle soap but a pH balanced cleanser is way better for your skin and won't dry it out either. Everyone needs a moisturizer to keep skin looking and feeling good as well.

I personally go all out and get a scrub, cleanser, serum, moisturizer, eye cream, toner, pre shave oil, and after shave balm. If you have good skin you can get away with the cheaper stuff too but it's generally better to get well reviewed pricier products that last.
hah my wife has a lot of random mystery potions and such, her skin is really dry naturally. I do have a few shaving items but i don't really count that as 'skincare'.



Out of curiosity (saw this posted in some other thread) - how does fashion(able) GAF think about this? I kinda like the look of a three-piece suit, but at my current job and previous jobs where I had to suit up nobody ever had one and when I asked the general popular opinion was that anyone wearing a three-piece suit probably has a small dick. So, curious to hear GAF's opinion.

No one who wears a three-piece suit has a small penis.
hah my wife has a lot of random mystery potions and such, her skin is really dry naturally. I do have a few shaving items but i don't really count that as 'skincare'.

Art of Shaving Ocean Kelp kit has given me the best shaves of my life. I still somehow manage to have shadow even when shaving against the grain but I don't think I could do any better if I tried.
yeah, when dudes accuse you of having a small penis or being gay for what you are wearing, it's just spilled jelly.

Art of Shaving Ocean Kelp kit has given me the best shaves of my life. I still somehow manage to have shadow even when shaving against the grain but I don't think I could do any better if I tried.
I use their stuff too, since they keep sending me 20% off coupons, and I can only get a perfectly smooth shave if I go over like 3 times. I just go once and deal with the shadowyness. helps me look less babyish heh.
and then I use this shit on my face after I shave or whenever i want that refreshed feeling: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004DR27C0/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I honestly dont even know what that really does but it feels and smells nice lol

Looks like it has some good stuff in it that are proven ingredients.

Just for the sake of record keeping I'm gonna post all the things I use that I believe have improved my skin and hair quite a bit.

Art of Shaving Ocean Kelp kit

Lab Series face scrub (do not overuse)

Malin+Goetz Cleanser (good to use regularly)

Elemis Rehydrating Toner (use this after shaving)

Lab Series instant eye lift

Jack Black Protein Booster Skin Serum

D.R. Harris moisturizer

Avalon Organics Shampoo and Conditioner

Baxter Body Wash

Sometimes it feels like I'm spending all this money trying to recapture youth that was never there to begin with.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I wash my face in the shower but anytime I use some deep cleaner I get a zit within a day. Never fails. So now I'm scared to use any product.
Any of you guys got skin care routines? I'm pretty close to reaching Patrick Bateman levels of obessed with my skin stuff...but I need it unlike him.

In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
What do you guys suggest for under the eyes? I have darker under eyes and they just don't look great. Preferably something that doesn't cost a ton, and something I can get easily.
What do you guys suggest for under the eyes? I have darker under eyes and they just don't look great. Preferably something that doesn't cost a ton, and something I can get easily.

Depends what you mean by get easily and doesn't cost a ton. This one is 18 bucks and works decently.

You really don't wanna go too cheap and these things last a long time. I got a 0.5 ounce tube of an eye cream and it lasted me 6-7 months.

bob page

My skin is definitely acne prone (sensitive Euro genes be damned!) and I was on a 1 year course of accutane a few years back. It was pretty bad back then but I think I've gotten it under control for now. It's taken me about 5 years to get a set of products that work for some skin- everyone is different, but these seem to work well for people I've recommended them to:

Shaving (do not underestimate the effect of the shaving regimen):
-Proraso shaving soap (formerly used Art of Shaving sensitive cream, switched to Proraso to save money)
-Merkur DE razor
-Astra SP blades
-Art of Shaving aftershave

Face wash regimen:
-Paxoxyl 10% foaming wash
-Homemade niacinimide toner (niacinamide + witch hazel + rose water + vegetable glycerin)
-Lac Hydrin Five- this stuff works wonders as a moisturizer/exfoliant
-Trader Joe's Enrich moisturizer w/ SPF 15

-Every Man Jack body wash
-Shea body butter cream

I also take niacinamide orally each day to reduce oil production. Definitely don't underestimate the power of a good moisturizer- oily skin is often the result of dry skin, as your body produces oil to compensate for dryness. Always use a moisturizer. Also make sure the products you buy are pH balanced and free of SLS.

bob page

Damn that's some strong stuff for people who don't have acne though.

Yeah, I'll only recommend it if you're acne prone. Like I said, I was on accutane previously so I have a history of cystic acne. This stuff keeps things under control. It's definitely less harsh than the BP creams that you leave on, though- I've never gotten redness from the Panoxyl wash.
Yeah, I'll only recommend it if you're acne prone. Like I said, I was on accutane previously so I have a history of cystic acne. This stuff keeps things under control. It's definitely less harsh than the BP creams that you leave on, though- I've never gotten redness from the Panoxyl wash.

I know how it is. My sisters had some pretty brutal acne but I managed to avoid it through luck I guess. It's crazy how some people just have flawless skin naturally without doing anything.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Wow you guys make me feel so bad. I only use Irish spring shower gel. Definitely need to change that since I do have very bad dry skin.
Bathing/showering using a bit of baby oil can be really good for dry skin. I used to/still get dry skin and just using a bit in the shower and then washing it off has helped a lot.

A lot of shower gels are bad for my skin though so I don't know how well this compares to them.


Gold Member

Out of curiosity (saw this posted in some other thread) - how does fashion(able) GAF think about this? I kinda like the look of a three-piece suit, but at my current job and previous jobs where I had to suit up nobody ever had one and when I asked the general popular opinion was that anyone wearing a three-piece suit probably has a small dick. So, curious to hear GAF's opinion.

Fantastic look. Classic, classy and stylish.

But I wouldve selected a wider tie.


Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Don't take this as critical Gaf, and more of a compliment, but:

-Pictures of Neal Caffrey and Ryan Gosling
get thrown around frequently (1950's hair, clothing)

- We rapid fire recommendations of Clarks
originals (1950's esque shoes, designed in the 50s)
(Not to mention dress shoes The Goodfellas themselves would love)

- We love skinny ties and slim cut suits, and I know for a fact some of you love fedoras

Do any of you rock pomade or wax as a hair product? I mean to be honest, we all seem to love slim cut, mid century american style so why not embrace it a little further.

Just look at this can. damn.


Maybe I am missing something here, but there definitely seems to be an awesome pattern on gaf.
I have some Vo5 and Toni and Guy pomade.


Some times it works for me some times it does not which is really annoying.
For eample if I have a shower and dry my hair but put it on while its still a tiny bit damp, when it drys I get little bits of hair raising up randomly. Does my head in!
It also is not brilliant for holding my fringe and slowly throughout the day it loses grip and it starts flopping down my forehead so I then have to keep sweeping it back up!

Maybe I have to invest in some proper pricey salon style stuff to get what I want but I have millions of hair products (gels/wax/pomade/wetwax/mattepaste) now that I really shouldnt haha.

hair is actually similar to goslings but I apparently have a "double crown" and its really really straight so its short on the sides 1>2>3 to stop it looking mental

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Maybe I have to invest in some proper pricey salon style stuff to get what I want but I have millions of hair products (gels/wax/pomade/wetwax/mattepaste) now that I really shouldnt haha.


I have had some luck with it. I usually use american crew pomade, but I just ordered some of this deluxe stuff. Hopefully its fun to use. Pomade is great when used in moderation, but too much and it can be gross.

Idk. Its 5:52 in the morning, I am listening to Dion and The Belmonts and playing Fallout. Maybe I should hide my debit card before I buy anything else :D


Gold Member
I would avoid wax products, since most of them can damage your hair. Or grease up your skin in the most unkind way.

I'd recomend you guys trying hair paste or fudge. You can mold your hair style much easier and better that way.



And combine it with membrane gas to keep the look stiff.


I have had some luck with it. I usually use american crew pomade, but I just ordered some of this deluxe stuff. Hopefully its fun to use. Pomade is great when used in moderation, but too much and it can be gross.

Idk. Its 5:52 in the morning, I am listening to Dion and The Belmonts and playing Fallout. Maybe I should hide my debit card before I buy anything else :D

Its like a sick addiction. I just constatly hunt out the "perfect" hair product and leave a trail of half used discarded containers in the process.

Ive heard the american crew stuff is good but being from the Uk I dont think you can get it or atleast not withought a huge premium.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I would avoid wax products, since most of them can damage your hair. Or grease up your skin in the most unkind way.

I'd recomend you guys trying hair paste or fudge. You can mold your hair style much easier and better that way.

Pomade is a bit more water based than wax :(

Ruining my fun mang.

Its like a sick addiction. I just constatly hunt out the "perfect" hair product and leave a trail of half used discarded containers in the process.

Ive heard the american crew stuff is good but being from the Uk I dont think you can get it or atleast not withought a huge premium.
This classy bro gets it.

More general Badass-ery.
American Crew Pomade is good because it is water based so it washes out easily. Do not use their Fiber because it's just gross and will take days to come off. Hanz De Fuko is also amazing and have a large variety of solid products that are very natural and wash out easily. I myself use Neuma Styling Clay and/or Enjoy mousse and if you want that extra touch at the end some Moroccanoil hairspray.
yeah the fiber might work for some people, but it just made my hair feel like I rubbed jizz into it.

not that I know what that feels like.

plz don't avatar quote me.


Wow, you guys have some detailed/insane regimens.

Don't think I've ever really bought a product to put on my face, but now that I'm getting "old" (late 20s) maybe I should?
Wow, you guys have some detailed/insane regimens.

Don't think I've ever really bought a product to put on my face, but now that I'm getting "old" (late 20s) maybe I should?

The earlier you start the better it will work. Most guys would probably get another good 5-10 or more years of nice skin if they start young and prevent it rather than try to treat damage that has been done. Also, when you're not shaving properly it may not look like it's damaging your skin immediately but it will show up eventually.

bob page

Wow, you guys have some detailed/insane regimens.

Don't think I've ever really bought a product to put on my face, but now that I'm getting "old" (late 20s) maybe I should?

I would only do it if it's necessary (which in my case, it definitely is- my skin breaks out horribly if I don't follow an exact regimen). Lots of people recommend that all guys moisturize regardless of skin issues, but that's mainly to prevent wrinkles when you're older.
I would only do it if it's necessary (which in my case, it definitely is- my skin breaks out horribly if I don't follow an exact regimen). Lots of people recommend that all guys moisturize regardless of skin issues, but that's mainly to prevent wrinkles when you're older.
I like to think of wrinkles as distressed leather. hopefully it buried/pissed on/beaten leather becomes cool again when I'm really old.
I like your original haircut man. Maybe you could try going tight/taper on the sides to give it another dimension while still long on the top?

I got pretty much what you're talking about now and I've had variations of that haircut for years now (and pretty much every other guy in Sweden it feels like) and I want something different. And short.
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