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What Shenmue 3 would look like

Veeeery funny, and sad :(

LMAO i lost it at this QTE:


Me too! Awesome!

Not really. Yakuza games are better.

Yakuza games are different and more modern.


As far as gaming experiences go, Shenmue and its sequel are right up there. Particularly on any event I bring out the Dreamcast.


I think it does demonstrate they could totally make a new Shenmue and it's just the skittishness due to the original games being such money sinks holding them back.
Would be the most detailed game ever if they had no budget limits. There were details in every little thing in Shenmue 1 and 2, even the weather.


"I found the mirror" haha.

I do get a bit of a Shenmue vibe from SD, but they are still very different games in many respects. Sleeping Dogs isn't going to cure anyone of Shenmue III syndrome, but it's a fantastic game nonetheless.


Only if the game were as hilariously outdated and superseded by much better games in a similar genre.

And I really can't think of that many examples that meets that criteria off the top of my head.

People like to call Ocarina of Time outdated as well.

You know? The greatest game ever made.


Fuck this man, next weekend I'm dusting off my Dreamcast and playing through Shenmue 1 & 2 again.

<3 Shenmue


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
As someone that's never played Shenmue, gotta say, that looked hilariously dumb. And it's doubly amusing that people are actually pining over it like it was good.

L-O-L @ Shenmue fans. get over your rose tinted glasses.
So you've never played it and proceed to judge it based on a parody video done in a completely different game and then proceed to judge those who like what you haven't played and judge based on a parody video done in a completely different game. Cool...


I kinda surprised how so many years have past & what passes for a current up to date game barely looks any better than a 12 year old Dreamcast game.
I'm sorry you're blind.

A GTA clone from 2012 is better than a 12 year old Adventure game?
You don't say.
Sleeping Dogs isn't a GTA clone, what the fuck are you on…

For me Sleeping Dogs isn't Shenmue 3, but if we had a Shenmue 3 I'd prefer it to be like SD than Yakuza.
Everyone thinking twice about buying it, just go ahead. It's as fun to play as Just Cause 2, yet the story and missions are much better and the Hong Kong theme is really well nailed.
Oh and combat is the most satisfying from all the open world games out there, Arkham-style CQC but deeper and not so forgiving.


Sleeping Dogs is pretty similar if not better than a Shenmue 3 actually would be. Seriously, why do people want this soo much?
O yea, nostalgia..


Should've given him a bandage and spiky hair for the complete costume.

Himumu said Shenmue was the perfect martial arts story and he's right. Too bad there's pretty much nothing like it out there. :/


Yeah, I haven't been following new releases that much recently but that video made me check out some trailers and gameplay vids, Sleeping Dogs looks pretty sweet :eek:
I knew it was going to be a sleeping dogs video lol

sooo is sleeping dogs actually good for shenmue fans or is it just gta in a new setting.

Its Bully with a Hong Kong setting and triads story instead of a school. Thats the open game it feels most. More than Yakuza, Batman, Just Cause 2, Saints Row, and it certainly isnt similar to GTA.
But it has small elements of all of those.


As someone that's never played Shenmue, gotta say, that looked hilariously dumb. And it's doubly amusing that people are actually pining over it like it was good.

L-O-L @ Shenmue fans. get over your rose tinted glasses.

Really? Probably the worst post I've ever read on GAF. You're bashing a game you've never played based on a parody video of a completely different game. Pathetic.


Uh, Shenmue II took place in Hong Kong too (it even shares locations with Sleeping Dogs) and ends on mainland China, and Suzuki has said that the third game would continue in China.
I see. Well, I've only played the first one.
Seems like lots of people confuse Chinese and Japanese, so I just made an off-hand comment.
You are clearly an inbecile so I'll just leave this here for you to check the review sections yourself.

Man Shenmue threads always have a habit of revealing who GAF's dumbest members are outing those poor unfortunate souls who were unable to comprehend the majestic splendour of gamings greatest achievement.


So you've never played it and proceed to judge it based on a parody video done in a completely different game and then proceed to judge those who like what you haven't played and judge based on a parody video done in a completely different game. Cool...

So thanks to this comment, I decided to at least get a bit more insight into Shenmue - had a look at a few Let's Plays of Shenmue.

I can understand where the love and passion for the game comes from - it's pretty much an insanely detailed virtual world... which is kinda pretty fucking cool. Albeit one that's spatially limited (i.e. not a proper open world style) and one loaded with a very anachronistic control system.

But I can also see why it failed so spectacularly - for all the detail and resources put into the game, it's not grab you by the collar immediately spectacular. It's very much geared towards a certain kind of gamer, and quite simply put, that kind of market just isn't big enough to justify the existence of a game with OCD detail on small inconsequential elements.

Which is a shame, because I'd actually appreciate a game like that myself.

As long as game development follows a closed developer/publisher model, I don't think we'll ever be able to see a rational justification for the kind of detail seen in Shenmue given how lacking in efficacy (for the amount of time it takes to develop) it is.

Maybe when VR and user developed content added on top of professionally developed games (ala Skyrim, Team Fortress 2, DOTA 2) becomes de riggeur in the industry, we might be able to see worlds with such breadth of detail again.

Still, from what I've seen of him, Ryo is a crappy character, and is as dumb as the parody voice overs suggest him to be.


Well, the biggest reason for it's failure was the dreamcast itself not being successful. For the game to have been profitable, every dreamcast owner would have had to buy more than one copy.


Well, the biggest reason for it's failure was the dreamcast itself not being successful. For the game to have been profitable, every dreamcast owner would have had to buy more than one copy.

I don't think it would've been all that successful if it had been released on the PS2 at the time either. It would've simply reduced the magnitude of its failure!


Zaptruder, you are trying way too hard to stay cool. Imho, it is just better to accept that Shenmue's cult following and meaning is not THAT easy to understand.

Ryo Hazuki is not a crappy character. But he is what he is: just a kid who was not a social type, and got his father killed by a chinese martial artist - and basically this is all he knows at the start of the game. He is immature, he does not understand how the world operates by large, and no, he is not the usual "I am doing everything perfectly" kind of "hero".

But he learns, he grows (slowly), and he is not clumsy when it really counts. And he gets to wonder at many amazing concepts along with the player - and this is the main point of Shenmue.

You can be clever analyzing the game, or you can turn off the overanalyzing brain of yours for two times 30-40 hours and play through both games. You might find that you actually learned something in that time.


I feel like playing Shenmue again. Too bad I sold my Dreamcast and my PAL copy of Shenmue 2 (dumbest thing I've ever done, gaming wise). :(
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