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The first game you can remember absolutely hating

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol

Oh god Glover was such a piece of shit
Same for me, I both loved it (animated intro and "speech") but also hated it because I couldn't get past the first level.

Once my dad got to some guy in a mall who fired darts, that was the only time we ever saw that/

A game that was made somewhat more difficult by the limited colour palette of the ZX Spectrum ... I never finished the first level either and watching a youtube run-through now i'm still non the wiser on exactly what you had to do ...


Unconfirmed Member

Screw this game. It was real expensive too.[/QUOTE]
Oh fuck, this game. So terrible. Damn, I didn't realize how many different X-Men games I had as a kid. They were all terrible, too.

[quote="VertPin, post: 50484363"]I think I love every other FF besides this turd.
It's a shame too, because I have tried playing it at least three times. I don't think I ever got past the part where you're on a ship or underwater. I really couldn't stand Tidus at all. I like the battle music though. I may try the HD version.
edit: This is not the first game I thought was a turd, my bad. Will re-edit the post with it.[/QUOTE]
I just replayed FFX, and while I love it, Tidus is the worst character in all of fiction. Ever. Every game, movie, TV show, play, Livejournal fanfic -- no character in all of fiction is as bad as Tidus.

[quote="-Yeti, post: 50488257"]Mischief Makers.

Such a dumb game.[/QUOTE]
-Yeti, you are dead to me.


Rented this game from Blockbuster. Pikachu just wanted to watch TV all the time. Boring.

Aha! I was trying really hard to remember a game I hated and yes, this is it. I loved Hey You Pikachu when I was really young and I expected this to be just like it.
Sorely disappointed.


I am Korean.
Pit Fighter SNES

I don't understand the thinking behind any of the changes they made to this game compared to the arcade or Genesis version. They broke every single element somehow.

I played Genesis Pit Fighter to death even though it was a pixelly mess.

Wind Waker

Terrible art. Can't play.

Mario 64

Rated Best Game of All Time by Next Generation. Cannot play lest I be ruined for all other games ever made.

Chrono Trigger

This game is awesome and amazing with a great soundtrack!!!!!

No. It is boring and it has a soundtrack that sounds at home in an episode of Magnum PI.


Oh good. A Capcom fighter with crap fireballs. Whoot.


Is there a point to this? Even at age 4 I knew better.

Ridge Racer (Any iteration)

Feel the AWESOME RUSH of racing around in a cardboard box with physics to match!!!!


Ever wanted a Zelda except with annoying floaty jumping puzzles? I didn't.

Dragon's Lair

Make a mistake, any mistake and die. Whee.

I Want to be the Buy

Hey look! I'm a microscopic blood balloon that gets to ceaselessly bounce off spikes!

Super Meatboy


Tower Defense Games

So I see you're creatively bankrupt. Allrighty then.

First Person Shooters with Platforming Elements

So I see you don't understand the limitations of the awful perspective you chose. Allrighty then.

EA Games

Why do people buy these? Does universally sterile and dull somehow charm people?

Well, all that's just the first thing that came to mind for me.

Pitfall's the first I absolutely remember hating. I just hate the other stuff that much more.
Bah! I see a lot of hate for Bart vs. The Space Mutants! Not cool! (I actually don't know if the game was good or bad, but it entertained 4 year old me.)

I have two answers:


This is one that has haunted me since my younger days -- I own it still, and occasionally pop it in only to rage and hate on it. Every year or so, I go through this cycle of hate. It isn't the first, but it's one that sticks with me to this day.

Before you rage hate on me, this is, without a doubt, the game I "hated" first. I was 6 or 7, and fresh off the awesome-amazing Donkey Kong Country 2, and wanted another game like that. My parents came home with this -- "Mario is in it!" At that time, I wasn't in-tune with gaming culture or what not, so I didn't know who this "SQUARE" company was and what kinds of games they made. So I put it in, and immediately think something is up...this wasn't like the other Mario game I had played (Super Mario World). I was incredibly disappointed -- my dad took it back, and demanded a refund. I forget what we bought with that cash. 7 year old me didn't have the patience for RPGs.

I've since gone back and tried to play it via emulation, but I just, can, not get into it. I KNOW it's a good game (it's held in high regard, if I recall correctly), but it just doesn't capture me. Little did I know that 4 years after that I'd be exposed to FF8 via an OPM Demo Disc, and then transformed into a Square (then Squaresoft) fan for life.


Oh god Glover was such a piece of shit

As a kid, I would rent and play anything and be pretty happy with it and I really liked the Mario 64-Banjo Kazooie clones. But this game, I'm not even sure what I really disliked about it, just remember playing it for about 20 minutes and knowing it was garbage. Pretty sure it had really shitty controls and was a ugly/glitchy game.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Quest 64.

Fuck everything about that game. Everything. I grew up a Nintendo kid. NES/SNES/N64/Gameboy hell I even owned a Virtual Boy. But that game single handily convinced me to go out and finally buy a PS1.



I played this game for hours and hours, and beat so many "cases" that I could swear I was going to catch her. But I soon discovered that the game begins forcing losses on you by randomizing parts of the game that require precision timing, making catching her seem impossibly futile. At which point I literally destroyed the encyclopedia that came with the game by turning it into a Frisbee to throw around the room.


Quest 64.

Fuck everything about that game. Everything. I grew up a Nintendo kid. NES/SNES/N64/Gameboy hell I even owned a Virtual Boy. But that game single handily convinced me to go out and finally buy a PS1.

Oh god. I forgot about this piece of garbage. I remember trading a bunch of good games in for it too which only makes it worse. Forget Glover, this was my first piece of shit game.
Pit Fighter SNES

I don't understand the thinking behind any of the changes they made to this game compared to the arcade or Genesis version. They broke every single element somehow.

I played Genesis Pit Fighter to death even though it was a pixelly mess.

Wind Waker

Terrible art. Can't play.

Mario 64

Rated Best Game of All Time by Next Generation. Cannot play lest I be ruined for all other games ever made.

Chrono Trigger

This game is awesome and amazing with a great soundtrack!!!!!

No. It is boring and it has a soundtrack that sounds at home in an episode of Magnum PI.


Oh good. A Capcom fighter with crap fireballs. Whoot.


Is there a point to this? Even at age 4 I knew better.

Ridge Racer (Any iteration)

Feel the AWESOME RUSH of racing around in a cardboard box with physics to match!!!!


Ever wanted a Zelda except with annoying floaty jumping puzzles? I didn't.

Dragon's Lair

Make a mistake, any mistake and die. Whee.

I Want to be the Buy

Hey look! I'm a microscopic blood balloon that gets to ceaselessly bounce off spikes!

Super Meatboy


Tower Defense Games

So I see you're creatively bankrupt. Allrighty then.

First Person Shooters with Platforming Elements

So I see you don't understand the limitations of the awful perspective you chose. Allrighty then.

EA Games

Why do people buy these? Does universally sterile and dull somehow charm people?

Well, all that's just the first thing that came to mind for me.

Pitfall's the first I absolutely remember hating. I just hate the other stuff that much more.

My joke post detector is broken it seems.
Resident Evil. Hated the menus, the animation, the controls. I still have not played through a Resident Evil game all these years later as a result of the experience I had with the original.


Duck Hunt. That damn dog laughing at me every time I missed. I remember throwing a tantrum and stopped playing to go watch my brothers play SFII in the living room.


I'm sure I hated a game before this came along, but this is the first one I remember going to my mom and telling her I wanted to get rid of.


I believe it was released in NA as Rush'N'Attack or something, but I think the NES version is probably better than the MSX one anyway. It's so bad.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Star Fox Adventures, it remains the game with the dubious distinction of being the first and only game I have ever returned.....ever.


As a child when you're given one game to rent for the weekend, it hurts when you get home and realize that the cool game cover tricked you into thinking it will be an awesome game. I rented this crap it still pains me to this day.


How could you not like Rolling Thunder? Please explain.
I just replayed FFX, and while I love it, Tidus is the worst character in all of fiction. Ever. Every game, movie, TV show, play, Livejournal fanfic -- no character in all of fiction is as bad as Tidus.

I'm pretty sure at least one character from FFXIII can beat Teedus on that but honestly I can't say I like him either.
Probably some shitty game from the cartridge inside the Atari 2600. I remember not liking some of the game in there, and always choosing the same ones like the one with the mall robber and pitfall.


Deadly Towers. We first played it when I was around 9 years old. Up until that point I didn't really know that games could be awful, merely that I liked some and didn't like others quite as much. But Deadly Towers was just a piece of shit. Luckily, it was a friend who had suckered his parents into buying it for him, and not me with my parents.



I have never beat the 1st level of the game because I hated it so much as a kid. It was just horrible stuff. Also, the "Bart vs. the World" game was sucky too. Probably worst than this. But this game was the first game I remember thinking it was a pile.
SMB2 (It is not a Mario game) man thank goodness for SMB3. Character art was it's only redeeming feature, just like DMC2.

What about the gameplay?

Sheesh, why didn't people hate Donkey Cong Country then? Nothing like the original Donkey Kongs and the just released Game Boy update.



This mostly stemmed from me being a stupid kid and not understanding what the hell to do, but this game pretty much made me stay away from any game that had Might & Magic in its name even now.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
The original Killzone. I couldn't stand that game. The design, graphics, story, voice acting, and gameplay was simply awful. Part of me still wants to give it another shot because the newest Killzone for PS4 looks good, but I really tried to like the original Killzone before KZ2 came out. That was a failure.


Oh, I remember a new one:

I used to LOVE the TV show when I was a child and Bubbles was my favorite character so I beg my parents to buy it and... man, how much I hated that game back then. They destroyed the poor hopes of a little girl.

Hahaha I totally forgot this game existed. I was huge into Powerpuff when I was like 10 and I got both this and whatever the Blossom game was for Christmas. So, so bad. I honestly think it was these games that convinced me to generally stay away from third party games on Nintendo systems, something I didn't really get over until I had the money to buy games on my own


I'm not a hateful person so I rarely "hate" something. Recently, I really didnt like Final Fantasy IV but I can still see that it was good in some area and finished it.
There is Bleach Shattered Blade who was an obvious cash in and where the only thing you had to do is masturbate for some time.


some good replies....sad to see spy vs spy but glad shitty aeros here. Mine:


its impossible at the end, and i instantly knew ishouldve got spa ce harrier instead...@#%&

When I was 10 I would have agreed with you, but I still liked it. Ten years later I buy it in a bundle and try it again. I blast through the levels thinking that dreaded last level would be coming soon only to be greeted by the ending.


just hated it. i bought it and i was stuck playing it for so long, it was miserable.

I loved the PS1 games, I have no idea how they screwed it up after those two games, I hate all the new ones now.

This game was my nightmare, I have no idea how, but I couldn't stay alive for more than 10 seconds :(


Edit: Almost forget about this one:

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I'm not a hateful person so I rarely "hate" something. Recently, I really didnt like Final Fantasy IV but I can still see that it was good in some area and finished it.
There is Bleach Shattered Blade who was an obvious cash in and where the only thing you had to do is masturbate for some time.

Bleach: Shattered Blade might be one of the worst video games I've ever played. I turned it up to the highest difficulty, picked Ikkaku, sat on my couch, closed my eyes, and randomly shook the Wii Remote. When I opened my eyes I had beaten the game. Absolutely serious here.

I just...it's hard to think how a game could possibly be much worse than that.


Bleach: Shattered Blade might be one of the worst video games I've ever played. I turned it up to the highest difficulty, picked Ikkaku, sat on my couch, closed my eyes, and randomly shook the Wii Remote. When I opened my eyes I had beaten the game. Absolutely serious here.

I just...it's hard to think how a game could possibly be much worse than that.

I unlocked all of the characters. Yep, I played through the game about 24 time to get Grimmjow. At least its completed now.


Lots of shitty games on the N64 if this thread is any indication.
Seriously it's my least favorite system. Outside of a handful of first party games it felt like a console purely for shovelware. PSX stomped on it when it came to 3rd party support.

Glover was garbage and something I still loathe to this day.
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