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Skullgirls DLC Character vote | The Campaign united us, The Voting will destroy us

It's attitudes like this that will lead to her losing. Don't take away a vote from her just because you feel the fanbase has her covered. We're at the point where every vote matters, and using that method of voting can be costly.

Well the thing is, none of my favourites are actually left. I love Beowulf's design but not the playstyle. So it's really a toss up with the remaining 7. I never expected Stanley to make it as far as he did so I'm leaning towards that. I like samurai but Annie isn't exactly...well that and her design is just off to me.


The majority of Annie support here seems to be from the same handful of people posting over and over. GAF is always a bad gauge for this stuff.


Takin' names.

My votes going to Isaac and Eliza this round. If I had artistic talent I'd draw Eliza doing a surf/divekick on the staff while Isaac back dashes (with a little mirror image effect to show time distortion).

Same here. so far everyone one I voted for has made it.


This is science at work, kids.

If the top 4 is: Annie, Beowulf, Panzerfaust/Stanley, Issac
Winner is: Annie

If the top 4 is: Eliza, Beowulf, Panzerfaust/Stanley, Issac
Winner is: Eliza

If the top 4 is Annie, Minette, Beowulf, Issac
Winner: Beowulf, for sure

If the top 4 is Annie, Eliza, Beowulf, Issac
Winner: Beowulf or Annie, but Eliza may pull an upset

If the top 4 is Annie, Eliza, Beowulf, Panzerfaust
Winner: Annie or Eliza

If the top 4 is Minette, Eliza, Beowulf, Issac/Panzerfaust/Stanley
Winner: Beowulf

If the top 4 is Minette, Beowulf, Issac, Panzerfaust/Stanley
Winner: Minette

If the top 4 is Annie, Eliza, Minette, Beowulf
Winner: Beowulf

These are the only possible results.

Just vote for the characters you want. End of story.

If you want Beowulf to win, sure.

Mr. Fix

It's inevitable.


Though Laura may be too expensive to get a hold of. *shrugs*


WTF is the bullshit? Minette? Fucking Stanley? Am I only the sane person left among the voters?

Anyways, I'm not really surprised that two of my choices Brain Drain and Molly didn't make it. What really surprises me is that Feng lost, I was certain she would go far. Also Stanley, I pegged him as a joke gone too far(still do) but he's still flapping about somehow. While I'm not surprised Aeon made it to round three, I was surprised that Venus didn't join her, I was certain Venus was the favored sister.


My predictions for round 4:


I don't think Minette's gonna make it this time, especially if Annie fans decide to 'tactically' not vote for her.

That's really likely and also the most unpredictable top 4 in terms of who the winner would be; Annie, Wulf and Eliza would all have a real chance.

Strawpolls are for fun. They are indicative to a certain extent, but not at this level of voting. There are too many people involved for them to be a good gauge. Use them for fun.
It's inevitable.

Though Laura may be too expensive to get a hold of. *shrugs*
That's really likely and also the most unpredictable top 4 in terms of who the winner would be; Annie, Wulf and Eliza would all have a real chance.
Isaac is so the real threat to Beowulf. He is the one guy who could hog enough guy votes for Annie or Eliza to take the win. I'm pretty sure a huge chunk of the Minette fanbase would move immediately to Annie if given the chance too.


Sketchbook Picasso
Now that the votes are more intimate, is there any chance we could see expanded fleshing out of the remaining characters?

I'd love to get more clarity on some of these nebulous character inspirations ( What about Issac is like Sieger? What would Issac's boxing stance stuff be like? What are some of Beowulf's Not-grapples?), and it'd probably make it much easier for many to get their votes lined up.

Strawpolls are for fun. They are indicative to a certain extent, but not at this level of voting. There are too many people involved for them to be a good gauge. Use them for fun.


Shhhhh, stop saying that. I'm using Minette's low position in the poll to make sure everyone who is on the fence votes for her.


Survivors posted.

Aeon / エイオン
Annie / アニー
Beowulf / ベオウルフ
Eliza / イライザ
Isaac / アイザック
Minette / ミネット
Panzerfaust / パンツァーファウスト
Stanley / スタンレ

I'll be voting dat Beowulf.
Boy ain't that the truth. =/

Man - it would probably be better if none of the dudes got in, just because people would have to make an actual decision then, rather than bandwagon stuff.

Someone sounds salty that the moe characters are dropping like flies. Fish girl and Annie are next man, the majority of folks who play fighters just aren't into little girl characters. Have fun picking between Beowulf, Stanley, Panzerfaust, and Isaac in the finals :)

I'm happy with the results, the only one I'm not too keen on left in Minette but I'm sure she'll grow on me like Squiggly did once I see her in game


Someone sounds salty that the moe characters are dropping like flies. Fish girl and Annie are next man, the majority of folks who play fighters just aren't into little girl characters. Have fun picking between Beowulf, Stanley, Panzerfaust, and Isaac in the finals :)
Yeah there's not a chance that's going to be the result.
Survivors posted.

Aeon / エイオン
Annie / アニー
Beowulf / ベオウルフ
Eliza / イライザ
Isaac / アイザック
Minette / ミネット
Panzerfaust / パンツァーファウスト
Stanley / スタンレ

I'll be voting dat Beowulf.



Sketchbook Picasso
It's inevitable.


Though Laura may be too expensive to get a hold of. *shrugs*

I think this would be the only reason I'd pay any attention to Annie. Let her voice Sagan too, with her "Kid Trunks" voice!

I still am odded out with the fact that Liam O'Brien will be voicing Leviathan...


Someone sounds salty that the moe characters are dropping like flies. Fish girl and Annie are next man, the majority of folks who play fighters just aren't into little girl characters. Have fun picking between Beowulf, Stanley, Panzerfaust, and Isaac in the finals :)

A female is more than certain to get into the final 4; if it's not Annie, it will be Eliza. And if it's just one, she has it in the bag. No male character would be able to defeat Annie, Eliza or even Minette if he gets his fanbase split.
So... only 3 of my votes made it in this time, Venus sadly did not make the cut.

However, at this point there's only 2 characters in the list I don't care about, Minette and Eliza. Anyone of the remaining bunch could win (except those two imo) and I'd be totally fine with it, but I'll be primarily voting Isaac.


No male character would be able to defeat Annie, Eliza or even Minette if he gets his fanbase split.

Yeah, Isaac and Beowulf both appearing in the final round will doom them both, especially if only one of the two girls appear.

Ivan 3414

1st round, voted Hubrecht, Feng, Samson, and Yu-Wan. Only Feng makes it through.

2nd round, voted Feng, Umbrella, and, despite my lack of interest, Beowulf. Only Beowulf makes it through.

At this point, I'm like fuck this. I'm not really interested in any of these characters. As long as Annie and Minette don't win, I'm good.

Azure J


If your favorite character was voted off, voting consider Eliza!

Scythes with microphones, Two attack modes (one is a different character, the skeleton-parasite Sekhmet!), blood-based specials, diva-based attacks!

A character so unique and complex is a bargain and her mechanics will enhance the game.

Consider Eliza for your vote!

Late, but you're the best for this.
Yeah, Isaac and Beowulf both appearing in the final round will doom them both, especially if only one of the two girls appear.
I wouldn't say "doom" since Beowulf has had a lot of clout as a rumored character(all the way back to the days when Big Band and Panzer were discovered), but Isaac will split the vote for sure. Knocking him out is Beowulf's best chance of winning. I like Panzer, but I don't see him making top 4. If he does shit will hit the fan in more ways than I care to explain lol. I don't know if I could say the same for Stanley either. Chances are that those voters probably skew towards guys too...


Sketchbook Picasso
I have to admit, I find it funny anyone who likes Sol or Gattsu... likes the idea of "Them... BUT AS A LITTLE GIRL!!!" I know what's not ALL there is to her, but just that much itself is so off-putting and "I think you missed the point!"-like...


I wouldn't say "doom" since Beowulf has had a lot of clout as a rumored character(all the way back to the days when Big Band and Panzer were discovered), but Isaac will split the vote for sure. Knocking him out is Beowulf's best chance of winning. I like Panzer, but I don't see him making top 4. If he does shit will hit the fan in more ways than I care to explain lol.

Annie/Eliza, Beowulf, Issac and Panzerfaust being the top 4 would kill Beowulf.


People piling on Annie in here are making me shake my head hard.

Is it so hard to understand the appeal? Boiling it down to lolis and waifus is pretty reductive, in my opinion, and glosses over what makes her so interesting. I've said as much before, but being that it's a bit egocentric to just quote myself and call it a day, the appeal is in the contradiction in her appearance and her conduct and style of combat. It's an old war hero in magical girl's clothing. Imagine a Pretty Cure henshin delivered with all the ferocity and cool efficiency of Guts. Not to mention that her powers are fueled by the forces of the universe. Her bunny is called Sagan, if the angle wasn't obvious.

If you can't see how the galaxy doesn't give her a massive toybox of possibilities, I'm not sure what to say. She could eliminate the space between her sword and her opponent with a spatial tear, like The Hand from JJBA. She could call down meteor storms. I'm probably thinking too small, really. The fact remains, though, that no one else has potential for visual spectacle like her. And no one else has a sword - one that she's sure to use to a great deal of effect, and would make her the only candidate out of the potential roster to have one.

As I've said before, Annie appeals in the three great pillars - gameplay, appearance, and story.

I can assure you there are quite a few pro-Annie supporters who don't want a 'little girl'. They want Annie period. A vote for Annie isn't a vote for #TeamLoli (even though I'm sure #TeamLoli has her back on principle). It's a vote for #TeamAnnie. It's a vote for this.


It's inevitable.


Though Laura may be too expensive to get a hold of. *shrugs*
God yes. Laura is my voice acting goddess.

Someone sounds salty that the moe characters are dropping like flies. Fish girl and Annie are next man, the majority of folks who play fighters just aren't into little girl characters. Have fun picking between Beowulf, Stanley, Panzerfaust, and Isaac in the finals :)
A little less than half the people who voted haven't even played Skullgirls online. Another solid percentage have barely touched it.
No Venus or Black Dhalia is fucking bullshit. Beowulf and Eliza it is then. Fuck.

My thoughts Exactly. Although I'm starting to consider Panzerfaust over Beowulf. At this stage I'm voting strictly based on gameplay.

I wonder if the runner up for the 1st character vote is basically gonna be a lock for the 2nd character vote.

Ivan 3414

I think a lot of you guys are sleeping on Stanley this round...again. On sites not named NeoGAF(Shoryuken, for example), he's got a huge amount of fans.

Think I might vote for Stanley, if I vote at all, although he looks kind of boring to me.
I wouldn't say "doom" since Beowulf has had a lot of clout as a rumored character(all the way back to the days when Big Band and Panzer were discovered), but Isaac will split the vote for sure. Knocking him out is Beowulf's best chance of winning. I like Panzer, but I don't see him making top 4. If he does shit will hit the fan in more ways than I care to explain lol. I don't know if I could say the same for Stanley either. Chances are that those voters probably skew towards guys too...

Yeah, the restuls of next round are going to be hugely influenced by the male/female ratio, it's hard to deny that.

I have to admit, I find it funny anyone who likes Sol or Gattsu... likes the idea of "Them... BUT AS A LITTLE GIRL!!!" I know what's not ALL there is to her, but just that much itself is so off-putting and "I think you missed the point!"-like...

Personally, Annie was already one of my choices from the beginning, that thing you're mentioning is just the thing that placed her without a doubt in my top 2.
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