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Xbox Reveal Thread: Durango Unchained


The devil is in the details. Front the front it's OK but the venting design on top is ugly as hell.


Plus the overall dimensions do make a difference. a sharp edged rectangle the size of the wii doesn't look or feel the same as the same shape the size of the original xbox.

Ugliest console? Yes.


So Kinect throws me back to the game i was playing if i pick up the controller.


I don't want a device to make decisions for me (even if that's exactly what i'm going to do, it is a matter of principle).


Was it a console reveal ? NOP .... XBOX ONE is not a console , sorry is just a cable box with fancy interface that can run videogames.

MS wants to merge to worlds in one box and maybe it will work for some people but most ot the buyers outside U.S. and Europe wont have acces to all the TV plus that it will offer.

Anyway , is a risky movement for MS to throw this machine as a TV/movie/music hub to videogame comunity.

I just liked the desing but the other stuff is something that we already have , there is nothing revolutionary or spectacular on XBOX ONE , even the short videos of videogames looked bland....
The momentum greatly favors Sony right now. If Microsoft and Sony both have a similar E3 then Sony will walk away smelling like roses because of all of the positive press.

That isn't remotely true.

Mainstream press have already picked up on Xbox One and nothing negative was said about it.
Well I am not a techi but 5 billion transistors sounds a lot if you start looking around what hardware they can have. Well, they can count in more than the CPU and the GPU but what can these numbers be for the other stuff. GTX 680 has 3.5 billions transistors. A medium PC CPU 1.5 billon transistors or maybe lower. Plus the Xbox one will have power from the cloud. Help me


They didn't even go over the hardware specs that much. There was a brief mention of how much RAM it had, but no mention of type. Basically the reveal just reinforced all the things people were worried about; Kinect and non-gaming services.

So far the rumors have been more informative then this official reveal, and that is nothing short of disappointing.
It was a console reveal ? NOP .... XBOX ONE is not a console , sorry is just a cable box with fancy interface that can run videogames.

MS wants to merge to worlds in one box and maybe it will work for some people but most ot the buyers outside U.S. and Europe wont have acces to all the TV plus that it will offer.

Anyway , is a risky movement for MS to throw this machine as a TV/movie/music hub to videogame comunity.

I just liked the desing but the other stuff is something that we already have , there is nothing revolutionary or spectacular on XBOX ONE , even the short videos of videogames looked bland....

And let's be honest with ourselves. This:


Is not 'ugly'. It's a black, plastic box. Perhaps overly simple, otherwise it's not obtrusive, and supposedly runs silent (not a bad thing unless you've come to love jet engine noises coming from your 360)

In all honesty, based on the lines, it looks like a giant Wii console:


Shit, dare I say it even has the same bevel at the bottom, giving it the same profile.

As I don't recall anyone complaining about the asthetics of that particular device, I'm going to, heretofore, lump any and all complaints of that nature into the "people looking for something to bitch about" pile ;)
It's not ugly, but it's a pretty boring design. Nothing about it makes it look distinct or stand out. Except maybe that it's fucking huge and has a ton of vents on it.
Ok, i finally caught up with todays news... My 2 cents:

1) Lots.. and i mean lots of marketing bullshit Bingo. Experience, intense, intense experience, movie experience, experience football like you have never experienced it before, exoerience movies, with interacti gnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! STOP IT!

2) TV, Browser, Kinect.. etc pff.. i don´t care. Especially not in europe. Xbox! Start Service xy - Sorry this service is not avaiable in your country.

3) Games! Looking the same as last gen. Meh. Oh hey, a new Madden, Cod, Fifa.. boring. Well at least you can switch to a Movie with your voice.

~So what sets it apart? Actually i think the tablet of the Wii U would be even better for the TV and all nongaming nonsense. I don´t want to have HAL scanning me even in the dark 24/7. The graphics don´t set the box apart so what does? For me it´s the HDMI Input. Litteraly the only part of the ONE which i miss on the Wii U.

Green Yoshi

The final result:

Playstation - Xbox: 4:1


Would be nice if you can still use your gamertag and gamerscore. Perhaps some XBLA games could be ported to the new console.

7he Talon

Just read all about it. Honestly not that impressed. Does it have anything the PS4 doesn't?

I haven't bought a Playstation since PS2 - but I think this might be the gen I go back to it.


I want to know the price and the release date or at the least a date when that info will be released.

It's not ugly, but it's a pretty boring design. Nothing about it makes it look distinct or stand out. Except maybe that it's fucking huge and has a ton of vents on it.

Which sounds like a typical piece of entertainment equipment. Not that exciting for sure, but definitely looks to fit into that 'works with the rest of my living room gadgets' that they seem to be going for.


I don't know if I'm disappointed or getting swept up in NeoGAF negativity from the vocal majority.

well GAF are hardcore gamers (and sorry for referring to GAF as a 'hivemind' but as far as the XBO reaveal GAF is acting like a borg cube)

The only difference between MS and sony is that sony decided to show games with gameplay and MS are saving it for E3

and everyone is like''OMG ms has no games its tvtv kinect tv tv, there entire gaming portfolio is based on this 1 hour event''

just seems like trolling or plain ignorance, its clear by now that they are showing there games at E3.

eidt: Though I do think it was a stupid decision to only show COD:ghosts a cross gen game to show at the unveiling of the next generation, it would of been wiser to show something more visually impressive from real gameplay like sony did with KZ:SF. Though I'am sure they will have something as visually impressive at E3.


Well I was not super impressed with the conference they did show 7 games which it seems like people are forgetting. I am also happy that e3 will focus on games and I can't wait to see what they have.

The console looks like a receiver but honestly who cares what it looks like?

As for features I liked the snappyness of the os that is a big plus. Voice commands are cool and I did like the TV functionality as the TV is used for more than gaming in my house. Fantasy stuff I had no interest in.

Overall I give the conference a C...but I will reserve judgment on the system itself until after e3.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And let's be honest with ourselves. This:


Is not 'ugly'. It's a black, plastic box. Perhaps overly simple, otherwise it's not obtrusive, and supposedly runs silent (not a bad thing unless you've come to love jet engine noises coming from your 360)

In all honesty, based on the lines, it looks like a giant Wii console:


Shit, dare I say it even has the same bevel at the bottom, giving it the same profile.

As I don't recall anyone complaining about the asthetics of that particular device, I'm going to, heretofore, lump any and all complaints of that nature into the "people looking for something to bitch about" pile ;)
The main difference to me is that its huge. The Wii design works because its extreme simplicity is coupled with a very small size to create an effect of unobtrusiveness. The XB1 definitely intrudes.


Another thing I want is to be able to name my xbox. I don't want to have to say "Xbox, find me shows about monkeys", I want to be able to say "Professor RoboPants, dance for me" and have it all fire up.


Which sounds like a typical piece of entertainment equipment. Not that exciting for sure, but definitely looks to fit into that 'works with the rest of my living room gadgets' that they seem to be going for.

Pretty much. The original PS3 and 360 designs looked cool and also had massive cooling issues.

Is it reliable? Is it quiet? If so, I don't give a shit what it looks like.

As for the rest of the conference, looked good to me! NFL, FIFA exclusive ultimate team, Forza, same CoD timed window? I'm in!


Gold Member
For me there was too much focus on TV and not enough on games. That said I thought some of the features looked cool (I liked the instant switching and smart glass stuff), but as I probably won't even have it attached to the main tele in my house (kids & wife take prescience there) and live in the UK a lot of that stuff would go unused I feel.

The box is well a box, nothing to write home about there - the design is functional but not WOW. The games looked alright, although I wasn't blown away by FIFA (in fact it looked pretty average to me) liked I hoped to be. I think I hyped myself too much for this because I just come away feeling meh - not sure what I was expecting but it didn't happen.

No debunking of the major rumours either, ala always on / no used games. Although they did mention "the cloud" a few times which could be associated I guess (not it a good way lol). I'm on the fence at the moment, think ill wait for more details (spec talk was pretty scarce) / games to trickle through at E3 before I decide on this one.

EDIT: Holy fuck! When was it confirmed that it won't play used games without a code?? Just catching up on the thread and read that a few times. If that's the case I'm definitely out. GL MS!


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
This was a CONSOLE reveal, not a game reveal.

Exactly what kind of "CONSOLE" is it?

I keep seeing this horrible defense everywhere. It's just bizarrely myopic and completely misses the point of most of the criticism.

Everyone knew this was a console reveal so please stop repeating this useless point. The issue is with balance and what they chose to focus on.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Seriously though. When they START the conference by saying, "we are here to talk about features of the hardware in relation to all of your entertainment needs, and we are saving the game stuff for e3, surprises and new ips", how do you then run screaming into the thread lamenting how you've been mislead because they spent 40 minutes talking about tv, Skype, live, kinect, sports, etc?

In retrospect, it means that they're NOT going to waste the majority of the E3 press conference talking about that shit? Conceivably? So I encourage both the jaded fanboys, and the miscreants spreading their FUD, wait until the real press conferences.

And to those of you making long term purchasing decisions based on this limited joke of a reveal?


(Kept it static for ya. Forum's runnin slow, you know...)

I don't know m0dus.

I want to be optimistic (heck, I'm an Xbox owner and it would suck to lose my xbl friends list) but...

For a few years now the focus at Microsoft has been clear. Yeah sure they'll show games at E3... But what's gonna change if we get a bunch of kinect casual stuff? Heck even the Remedy game is tied to a tv show looking for that mainstream market.

Not to mention I'm European. All that tv stuff, not supported. Side panels for sports stuff? Not supported. NFL? Nobody cares about that here. Both the Halo and Quantum Break shows not likely to make it over here. And of course my setup doesn't even allow me to play kinect games unless I remove my coffee table and that's a no no.

So tell me. What am I to expect. There's what, 8 unannounced new IPs? Remove kinect games, what's left, 3-4 IPs at most for me to be interested on?

I want to be optimistic and will wait for E3, but I can't avoid to feel pessimistic - this is a box designed for both the casuals and the bros of the United States. I'm just collateral profit for Microsoft.


I know many won't agree, but I was still overall impressed with the show and the system itself. The most cringe worthy part was the whole EA thing. I mean, that part was just bad. The interface, the system itself etc. were all good. I do think the connectivity of your cable is a neat feature, but I know it is not for everyone.

I just wish we had some real game play. Ghost's looks really good and I am not a COD player, but those in-game shots did look impressive especially when they compared the two model for last gen.

Overall, as a Xbox fan, I still think that PS4 announcement was a lot better, but to have Forza 5 as a launch title is making me very happy. E3 will be the real measurement for MS. If they can deliver all these exclusives like they say and show some compelling games then I think they can redeem themselves a bit.

For a 1 hour show though, it was not too pad aside for the whole EA part. The opening montage was pretty damn cool though.

While in our Gaf eyes Sony won round 1, in the casual space, MS took it. Announcing and showing a new console alongside the biggest gaming franchise in COD is what is really going to count in the end. For casuals, showing off the EA Stuff, COD and new console is what is making non-gaf members happy.


Seriously though. When they START the conference by saying, "we are here to talk about features of the hardware in relation to all of your entertainment needs, and we are saving the game stuff for e3, surprises and new ips", how do you then run screaming into the thread lamenting how you've been mislead because they spent 40 minutes talking about tv, Skype, live, kinect, sports, etc?

In retrospect, it means that they're NOT going to waste the majority of the E3 press conference talking about that shit? Conceivably? So I encourage both the jaded fanboys, and the miscreants spreading their FUD, wait until the real press conferences.

And to those of you making long term purchasing decisions based on this limited joke of a reveal?


(Kept it static for ya. Forum's runnin slow, you know...)

Jesus Christ yes, THIS. GAF in "post made by an adult" shocker.
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