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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer

My GTX460 Amp is an august 2010 model so I'd appreciate it if some of you people wouldn't call her old. It's rude and disrespectful to not only her but to other "mature" graphics cards.


I prefer my gaming experience to be with Japanese games, a controller and a TV

PC can do all of that...

japanese ports are growing continuously, there are plenty of emulation options available, majority of games support controllers now and you can hook up to a TV


Games like fifa aren't even worth playing on pc. The community for one is miniscule, and there's a big problem with hacking. Especially in Ultimate Team. So most players are running around with the most expensive players in the game. The tiny community also destroys the auction, with stupid prices. Especially compared to the console counterparts.

Will never buy a multi platform online game on pc again


Reading through this thread post-bump, it's basically a two front war: "YOU NEED TO SPEND TOO MUCH $$$ TO PLAY" and "MOST GAMES RUN ON A LOT OF HARDWARE AND DONT NEED YOU TO SPEND $$$ LIKE THEY USED TO"

Maybe instead of engaging this stuff we can just let them cancel each other out.

I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet.


I'm kind of worried about that. I love Japanese games, and I got a 3DS to play more of them since the ports that do show up are still not as common on PC as I'd like. Yet one of three games that sold me on the 3DS doesn't seem like its coming at all (DQVII). So I'm kind of nervous about getting a $400 console for that same purpose.

It's hard to be a fan of Japanese games on any platform these days. Ask Yakuza fans... Man I miss those PS2 days of seemingly everything getting brought over.

Time to bust out those Japanese text books! Good thing the Sony's are region free ;)
Sad but true. Outside of few select franchises, AAA PC exclusives aren't made anymore.

Only someone who doesn't game on pc would say that.
PC has wayyyyyyyyyyy more exclusives than consoles , way way more.
And no, not indies, big games with big polish.

But pc games are almost always targeted at a specific audience, not the 'for every person age 7-77' demographic the consoles try to go for.
Plugging a PC into a TV and using a controller is awkward

No it isn't. I have a PC hooked up to my monitor along with my 360. The PC and 360 are also hooked up to switchers. Then a cable goes through the floor (I have a basement, so this was a piece of cake), up through the floor on the other side of the room, and into my TV.

But I'm doing it really complicated. Just get something like an Alienware X51 and hook it up to your TV, grab your favorite controller, and start up Steam Big Picture. Simple as a console, and games look better on it too. You can still customize it too. Just grab an SSD (for instant load times) or a better gfx card (like the one guy who had a thread about it).


I don't want to say 'you're wrong' but you are making it sound like it's a big complicated process, and it's not.

if you play MP , then yes its a huge problem. Controllers for me are more comfortable in a comfortable couch with my TV, while i get my ass handed to me by 200 dollar gaming mouse users....nah


I don't want to say 'you're wrong' but you are making it sound like it's a big complicated process, and it's not.

You have to start it up, wait for windows to boot, use a keyboard and mouse to set up your game only then can you plug in a controller and play. How is that not awkward?

Also controllers can be awkward as hell and just wont work with some games


Sad but true. Outside of few select franchises, AAA PC exclusives aren't made anymore.

marketed =/= made

You have to start it up, wait for windows to boot, use a keyboard and mouse to set up your game only then can you plug in a controller and play. how is that now awkward?

Also controllers can be awkward as hell and just wont work with some games

1. so I take it that means you don't have to start up your console?
2. wait for windows to boot? are you still on windows 95? PS3/360 boots up maybe 2-3 seconds quicker.
3. when was the last time you played a PC game? 1980? pretty much any game with controller support instantly detects it and doesn't require you to use kb/m to change. I've played a few games where it reads my controller and makes that the default input device.


PC gaming can be expensive as hell and not as accessible. And I'm not sure we should go out of our way to pouch the console gamers as more and more great games coming to PC is the result of the console and not the other way around. Console needs these buyers, we benefit from the games developed foremost for those buyers.
Don't get an alienware...
And don't get an ssd if it's just for games.

I love my SSD, and I do use it for game. The games are on steam so if it dies on me I'm good. Mostly I was saying get it for boot times. Much as I dislike some of the things in Windows 8, it is lightning fast along with my SSD (and my motherboard, which is built for booting up quick).

I was just saying alienware to think of something that would be simple. A lot of people like the X51. I would never ever buy a prebuilt. It seems almost sacriligious.
2. wait for windows to boot? are you still on windows 95? PS3/360 boots up maybe 2-3 seconds quicker.

Off topic, but that reminds me of all those times I keep reading "Another advantage of Windows 8 over 7 is that it boots faster!!".

So what if it boots, and I'll be generous here, 15 seconds faster? How many times/day do you boot up your PC? 1-3? Who the hell cares then? :p


marketed =/= made

1. so I take it that means you don't have to start up your console?
2. wait for windows to boot? are you still on windows 95? PS3/360 boots up maybe 2-3 seconds quicker.
3. when was the last time you played a PC game? 1980? pretty much any game with controller support instantly detects it and doesn't require you to use kb/m to change. I've played a few games where it reads my controller and makes that the default input device.

Why are you acting like this isn't awkward? This is what PC gamers always do, they act like every single aspect of the PC is better than console.

Do you really want a PC plugged into your TV?
Why are you acting like this isn't awkward? This is what PC gamers always do, they act like every single aspect of the PC is better than console.

Do you really want a PC plugged into your TV?

If someone built a PC to be as much like a console as possible, keeping it plugged into the TV and have it start Steam Fullscreen mode upon boot would really provide something almost identical to a console experience for day to day use.

Most people don't do that though, since PCs can do so much more. Kinda makes me wonder why so many people are talking about the futuristic steam box as if the same type of system can not be set up today with minimal effort.
Off topic, but that reminds me of all those times I keep reading "Another advantage of Windows 8 over 7 is that it boots faster!!".

So what if it boots, and I'll be generous here, 15 seconds faster? How many times/day do you boot up your PC? 1-3? Who the hell cares then? :p

If you're on a laptop (another wonderful aspect of pc gaming, though of course not what the OP is talking about ), then fast book times are a godsend. Also, with an SSD, Windows 8 is even better. I believe I read somewhere that it's made a little more with SSDs in mind than 7.


Why are you acting like this isn't awkward? This is what PC gamers always do, they act like every single aspect of the PC is better than console.

Do you really want a PC plugged into your TV?

because it's not? everything you said was wrong. and no I don't want my PC hooked up to a TV but that doesn't mean it can't easily be hooked up.


I can't really help you in regards to the console-to-pc transition, but I think I can give you an overview of the situation on the complexity of PC gaming these days.

Hardware: It's not that difficult to select the hardware for your own PC these days, there are tons of guides and walkthroughs online. GAF's own "I need a new PC" thread is excellent, full of useful information and you would be wise to check it out. Also feel free to ask your questions there and you can be sure that there are a lot of people willing to help you out. Of course you can just buy an off-the-shelf PC, but expect to pay a small premium.

System software and maintenance: The situation is much improved compared to, say, ten years ago. Nowadays it's relatively simple to keep your system safe and up to date, for instance you can upgrade your AMD graphics drivers through Steam and your Nvidia drivers through Geforce Experience automatically without fuss. If you're a bit careful while surfing the internet and you avoid installing weird software from seedy websites, then you shouldn't have any trouble keeping your PC in good condition for gaming.

Gaming: Again, nowadays PC gaming is much easier to get into. You have services like Steam that handle all the bothersome stuff (like updating and patching) automatically, so you just click and play.

Drawbacks: PC gaming is much friendlier than it used to be, but it's still not console-level simple. Hopefully Valve's Steambox will get us there, but for now PC gaming still has a higher chance of something going wrong than consoles.

Thanks for this. It's definitely daunting coming in, but I think I can handle it once I get my head wrapped around all of it.

If these are the only games you're interested in then you don't need to worry about it, these games will probably run on anything from 2008 onward. If you're interested in PC gaming as whole though you will need something better than your average laptop.

These are the exclusives for the PC I want right now, but if I were to go all in, then I'd likely use my PC as my primary gaming machine instead of getting a next-gen console too.

The transition is not hard at all. Ask the build a PC thread. I think Neroh basically told me everything I needed to buy. Building a PC is definitely scary at first, but after you watch a few guides and kinda know what the hell you are doing, you will figure it out. Once I knew what to do, I started from scratch and it took about two hours to build my first gaming PC.

You can get into fiddling with settings slowly. Games autodetect everything these days and set it to what your computer can handle (though double check the monitor resolution). Really there are many games where I never open the "options" tab unless it's just to double check something.

PC gaming is easier than one would think, especially with Steam. It's really up to you about how hardcore you want to get into it in terms of configuring hardware and software. But for me, I mostly just download and play and don't worry about the other stuff.

I would certainly recommend it over console gaming, though there are many good console exclusives not to be ignored. I didn't buy a 360 or PS3 this gen and honestly don't think I missed out at all except for a few games. The great PC exclusives more than made up for it.

Thanks, I really am starting to warm up to the idea of replacing my consoles more and more.

Honestly, as someone who owns both a PS3 and a 360, the only major games that I would have really been bummed out on not getting would have been Metal Gear Solid 4 and Forza Horizon. The more I look back, most of my favorite games of this generation (like Mass Effect, Oblivion, Dragon Age: Origins, Cod 4, TWD, Fallout 3) were all multiplatform anyway.

It's just really weird to think about transitioning from consoles to PC. I mean I know in reality it's probably not a big deal, but to me (in my mind) it kind of is this strange, new part of gaming.


Why do so many console warriors come into this thread and get personally offended? At no point in the OP did he say that you should give up your consoles. There was no us vs them mentality intended when the thread was made. You guys are doing it. Maybe read the OP instead of getting offended at perceived slights towards how you spend your discretionary income that don't even exist.

Full disclosure here: PC gamer, converted in 2011 after a life of Nintendo. I would never go back, and have no plans on buying any consoles except for MAYBE a 3DS. That doesn't mean I think you're all idiots for not having/wanting a PC. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. And you guys have the nerve to come in and call the PC gamers defensive. There's a reason for it.
been building gaming pcs for more than a decade. ever since the RIVA TNT2 but i still like closed console systems, console only games, and system exclusives even if they're just a handful each gen. also i enjoy leaderboards in some games (trials evolution) and the number of trainers available on pc's makes that a moot point pretty much.

otherwise multiplats are great on pc


Plugging a PC into a TV and using a controller is awkward

It's not, if you get creative with running an extra long HDMI cable.

That said, I still use my console for the majority of multiplayer games. Hacking is a much bigger problem for anything not made by Blizzard, and playing PC shooters with a controller is asking to get spanked. I use a KB/M all day at work, no desire to do that when I get home. CC and controller, please.
If you're on a laptop (another wonderful aspect of pc gaming, though of course not what the OP is talking about ), then fast book times are a godsend. Also, with an SSD, Windows 8 is even better. I believe I read somewhere that it's made a little more with SSDs in mind than 7.

7 is quick as hell with an SSD too, like lightning fast...Just a matter of preference on which OS to choose.


Used to be a PC gamer but moved over to consoles in the early 2000s. I wouldn't mind a gaming PC at some but it's too pricey for me right now. Also, for the money, I think the PS4 will offer more for a little while. Maybe I'll invest in a couple of years once the graphics gap has widened enough to make it worthwhile again. Maybe not.

Could never be a PC gamer only though, there are still a few under-represented genres that I would miss too much.
If someone built a PC to be as much like a console as possible, keeping it plugged into the TV and have it start Steam Fullscreen mode upon boot would really provide something almost identical to a console experience for day to day use.

Most people don't do that though, since PCs can do so much more. Kinda makes me wonder why so many people are talking about the futuristic steam box as if the same type of system can not be set up today with minimal effort.

It's so simple, gaming laptop HDMI out in to a TV, Steam Big Picture mode, and you are good to go, everything controllable via the Xbox 360 wireless controller for PC. It's not like it was a couple of years ago, very simple setup as long as the game supports Big Pic mode within Steam.

Anything from a 650m GPU or better is a lot more powerful than current gen consoles, and can easily push 1080p on a big screen tv with at least Medium settings. Get a gaming laptop with a 780m in it and then you are talking better than PS4 and XboxOne visuals right now.
Used to be a PC gamer but moved over to consoles in the early 2000s. I wouldn't mind a gaming PC at some but it's too pricey for me right now. Also, for the money, I think the PS4 will offer more for a little while. Maybe I'll invest in a couple of years once the graphics gap has widened enough to make it worthwhile again. Maybe not.

Could never be a PC gamer only though, there are still a few under-represented genres that I would miss too much.

Agreed, I tried to be PC only, but missed the Nintendo exclusives, Madden and WWE games too much. Now I own and play both, and it's the best of all worlds.


I am sorry but you will never ever get a game like The Last of Us, Littlebigplanet any Nintendo Franchise and even Beyond: Two Souls on the pc. The exclusive are the reason I have kept with consoles the whole time and cheap indie and free MOBA games on steam will never make me change. All of the big game releases that are on pc come out on consoles and with the PS4 you will start to see less and less exculsives on pc.

Aw man! I totally must have missed the console versions of Starcraft II and Civ 5!
If I could afford it I'd love a top end PC, purely to enjoy the best versions of the same games that are on the consoles. The cost of games is fantastic as well.

I prefer the ease of use that consoles give me, but that's my intelligence and patience that is lacking.

I have no interest in indie gaming or mods, though. There is not enough time to complete all the regular games I can buy.


Strategy games are definitely the biggest thing I miss not having a gaming PC these days. Fortunately there's enough excellent retro stuff I haven't got round to yet to keep me occupied. Also M+K is miles better for FPS, but as I don't really like FPS games much anyway it's no great loss. I'm plenty happy with Brutal Doom for the moment :)
I love PC gaming so much. I can only shake my head at the disbelievers. Try it. You will see, feel and live the difference. It really is amazing. I do think consoles are great, and the new ones look even better, but there is no way that a console is not a compromised experience. It has to be. It's a highly mainstream product at a very competitive price point. Nothing wrong with that. Also, your gaming preferences is hugely important to what platforms you prefer.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This next gen seems to be having a lot more Japanese PC support. I mean, take a look at what's happened recently. Capcom Fighters, Square RPGs (well, RPG), Metal Gear Rising, Dark Souls etc have already been released. Rumours of Final Fantasy XV getting a PC release.

2 titles out of 6, they get patches that consoles get day-one six or more months late.

A few titles that no one cares about and the ones that they do care about go on handhelds or are crap.

One title out of many that is a spin-off of a series that PC gamers probably haven't played.

One (self-admitted) bad port that was only possible because the community manager for the publisher raised a stink for it.

I don't really see that as strong support of Japan getting on board with the PC platform.

When FFvs13/15 is announced for PC along with day and date patches of fighting games and releases of that sort, you may have a point. As it is it's still a second class citizen for people that care about those sorts of titles.
More significantly, perhaps, is that in the long run, you really do save money on the cost of games. A friend of mine just built his first gaming PC two months ago. Before that, the last two games he bought were Tomb Raider and Far Cry 3 for his Xbox 360. He paid full price for both totaling $120. Since owning his PC, he has spend less than $120 on games and he already owns 72 games on Steam, including big new games like Bioshock Infinite, Blood Dragon and Crysis 3 (all which came free with his videocard), last year's games like Hitman, Deux Ex and Witcher 2 (which he paid $5 each for) and bunch of humble and indie bundles (Double Fine, Alan Wake, Indie Gala etc.). He's actually in disbelief about how much cheaper games are and how fast they drop in price.

This is just pointless, you are comparing brand new games vs old games bought on Steam sales.

I love Steam sales as any person, but these silly comparisons are made everytime to prove Steam is 10x as cheap. Its true, when they're on sale over time. The only valid comparison to be made is between brand new games vs brand new games. I look at the Steam store now, price in euros:

Grid 2: 45
Metro Last Light: 50
COD Ghosts: 60
Rome Total War2: 55
RE Revelations: 40
Remember Me 40

Regular prices for pc games, they've always been 10-15 cheaper than consoles, even before Steam.

The advantage of Steam is its sales, and they tend to go cheaper with each sale season. The advantage of consoles is that you have the freedom to buy used games, rent games and have sales through retail. If you're a PS+ subscriber and wanna go digital all the better because the free games and discounts it has rivals Steam. Free or 50 to 75pct discount on new games like Tomb Raider, Hitman, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3, X-Com, PS All Stars etc.
I used to be primarily a PC gamer as the current gen became extremely old. I only used my consoles to play exclusives and gamed primarily on my PC. However, things have changed now. With the new generation of consoles coming out the roles of the 2 machines will be reversed. Now, my PS4 will be my primary gaming machine and my PC will simply serve as a tool that I can use to play some games that don't appear on the PS4. Specifically, I will use it to satisfy my love of the Total War games and other strategy series while also playing TitanFall :)

As a new generation of console gaming starts, the PC really loses its value and its definitely not worth investing in one until at least a few years in a console generation as your PC will depreciate fast in quality and will soon be unable to match console performance in games. Heck, even when I start having to play my games between low-medium (mostly low) I start feeling like a cheap shit as if you are playing your games like that it simply is wrong. PC games are meant to be played on high settings to take advantage of the power.


The advantage of Steam is its sales, and they tend to go cheaper with each sale season. The advantage of consoles is that you have the freedom to buy used games, rent games and have sales through retail. If you're a PS+ subscriber and wanna go digital all the better because the free games and discounts it has rivals Steam. Free or 50 to 75pct discount on new games like Tomb Raider, Hitman, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3, X-Com, PS All Stars etc.

You don't have to pay a fee to access Steam sales, though.


I am still buying a PS4 for those obscure/niche Japanese titles, but I don't think I'll be using it all that much.

Yup. I'm ready to join the PC master race but Japan needs to embrace the platform first. Until then, I'm sticking with Sony and Nintendo's platforms.


not now and not ever simply because its too much of a hassle and expensive, Also the fact that I'm almost exclusively a JPGamer and those are exclusive to consoles and handhelds.

The occasional multiplats are worth it on PC however: MHF, PSO2 and FFXIV. I dont care for anything else on PC

Oh and the waiting and struggle to get console multiplats years down the line? No thanks


$5 a month. Big woop. I honestly don't understand how people can complain about $5 a month when I spend double that a day on food.

Yeah, but if you cancel your subsricption all the "free" games are gone on PS+


Oh, look I'm not a junior anymore, WOOT!
You don't have to pay a fee to access Steam sales, though.

I really don't mind the fee. I can buy Tomb Raider for 20 dollars, my investment in PS+ more than pays for itself

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