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Sony sucks at OS design

Pretty sure XMB is universally recognised as one of the better UIs for couch functionality in existence, and even won awards for its usability

I agree the PS4 OS looks a bit rough though, some bad choices of fonts and aesthetics. Royal blue always looks cheap on a UI too. Though it looked improved in the E3 build so I'm sure things will be much better by shipping time.
PS4 vs Xbox One UI


Xbox One:
I prefer the Xbox One UI, but to each their own.


OP mad.

PS1's BIOS menu was little more than a debug version shoved in at the last possible moment. I think it also looked relatively different across the globe (varied from Japanese to European models and differing BIOS versions).

The PS2 boot up animations, menus and configuration screens were a thing of beauty. Who would have thought of giving this thing fully 3D backgrounds with little secrets tucked away in them? It looked marvelous.

XMB was the first time when Sony had to have a fully functional OS in a console, so sure, they missed things the first way around. But it is slick, it is smooth as cream and most of all - it made sense as in it was intuitive.

Cannot comment on PS4 yet because I have not seen the whole thing yet.


No one else has mentioned the PS1 picture? You all remember that colour splash? Never seen it before, or I lost that memory cell.

People throwing shit to Vita OS only for the bubbles?
It's a great OS, with great multitasking.

Yeah it's the bubbles holding it back, and even though after a while you get used to them and the OS ends up looking quite good when customised... I can't help feel it would have been cooler if they weren't going for the simple iOS app bubble design look.


I think the PS3's XMB is fine. I don't think it looks great, but it works very well.

PS4's UI looks better, not sure yet if it's as good as PS3 when it comes to functionality though.
I like the PS3 XMB other than the sluggishness of it. Does having an SSD help with making game icons/name appear faster? Or is something else the problem?
IMO the PS1 boot up has more class then a lot of consoles out there, the memory card menu is simple but it works and had some nice 3D items for save files, something no one else has really done.

Seeing the PS1 version 1 bios again, wow I remember it being grey blocks but that looks really weird to me even after being bought up with it for years in school.


I've always liked the XMB. Can't really judge the new PS4 UI just yet, but I don't think it looks bad from what we've seen.


Vita's OS is pretty awesome. I love that GUI.

PS1's GUI was pretty beautiful at the time, too. I mean, compared to the non-existent N64 OS, or the Saturn's.

PS3's was to the point, quick, and sharp, for my tastes. Loved the PS2's charm, too.


Not sure what you're smoking, OP, but the PS3's interface is excellent (with the exception of the new store). It's elegant, functional, and mostly ad-free.

I can't say I'm very confident about the route they're going with PS4, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Personally, I think they should've stuck with the XMB.


Ha, this brought back memories, barely remember the PS1 OS...

I think the PS3 OS has been the best out of them though, mostly really cause theres more you can do on a PS3 OS compared to PS1/2, and that it looks pretty nice and everything you want to do is there and in a good order, so seems great, only complaint I guess is that it could look nicer.

I think perhaps the 360 for the NXE may have been the best, it seemed similar to XMB anyway, just that the sorts went up and left/right, instead of how XMB handles it, and that NXE was nicer to boot. Shame they forced the Windows 8 uselessness onto it.
I think XMB is pretty much perfect function wise though, if they can make it look nicer though, woo hoo!

As for PS4, we've barely seen anything of it really, doesnt seem fair to judge it quite yet.
Cant wait to see a PS4 in action really, both to see how loud/hot it gets, as of course the OS in motion.
All I can say based on pictures is it seems much better looking, much more colour and pictures. As for functionality, I cant really judge that, but as long as they dont mess up with how Windows 8 seems for functionality, it'll probably be better for that at least.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
In my worthless opinion
Aesthetically, the PS3 UI is quite nice. Functionally, I feel it is quite awful.
Aesthetically, the Vita UI is quite awful. Functionally, I feel it is quite nice.


Vita UI works great functionally especially with folders. XMB might look nice but its pretty bad.

Not sure what to think of the PS4 UI. The fact it reminds me of the new store look aesthetically is already a foreboding sign.


you can't put a price on sparks
i dont know what more you wanted the PS2 to do. It had animated save icons, for crying out loud!

and it was like you were going through a polygonal dimension every time you started it up
Not sure what you're smoking, OP, but the PS3's interface is excellent (with the exception of the new store). It's elegant, functional, and mostly ad-free.

I can't say I'm very confident about the route they're going with PS4, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Personally, I think they should've stuck with the XMB.

xmb is awful. boring and bland look between the icons and background. everything about it is terrible.


Gold Member
PS4 one looks ok to me, I can't wait to try it out. Never used the XMB on PS3 but 1 and 2 were fine for their time.

Just out of interest what are you expecting from them? I can't see a problem really the ones I used worked well, were quick and looked alright.


Every single bit of PS4 Dynamic Menu System that has been shown has been focused around some game "page". I want to see what's beyond that!
Seems like you have a thing for shit then.


Glossy 3D icons that look like some amateur fuckwad went over it with a white to transparent gradient in PS and called it a day.

A (default?) background that could literally be made with difference clouds and a hue altertaion.

Amateur as fuck white outerglow over that "5" orb in the corner.

Circular icons on a black nav bar except for the home button.

Uninspired font, but fuck I guess I should be thankful it's at least sans serif?

Hideous. Absolutely hideous.


I like the aesthetic designs of the XMB and PS4 UI, I mean the PS4 UI is a little confused but I like what they're going for.

What is truly awful from an aesthetic perspective is the Vita UI. WHY IS THERE ALIASING ON THE BUBBLES?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What an incredible critique, OP!

If only you included the word "lazy," it would have been perfect.


Unconfirmed Member
I love the XMB design. It's simple and very easy to use and generally pretty quick. I used to like the Xbox 360s design as well but the new dash I can't get on with at all, plus it seems to take forever to load up now as well. Then again I was one of those folk who always preferred its blade design from years ago.


What time is it?
XMB is my favorite console OS. I wish they'd have re-purposed it for Vita/PS4. The store is awful though.
The PS3 OS is horrible because it freezes constantly and once you start getting a good amount of content in the menu it takes forever to load.

Don't get me started on the newer apps like the store and youtube. Complete trash.

I think something is wrong with your Playstation, because my XMB has never frozen.....
PS3/PSP is very simple and useable. Not flashy, but it does what I need, no fuss. PS4 looks similarly simple, but also very underwhelming.

As long as it's quick and I can start a game in as little as time as possible - that's good enough for me.
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