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Shin Megami Tensei IV's characters are keeping me from starting it.

So a month or two ago, Nintendo held this promotion where buying both Fire Emblem: Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV would get you $30 credit on the eShop. I had already bought (and loved) Awakening, so I thought I'd go ahead and jump on Tensei despite knowing nothing about the series outside of its scheduled crossover with Fire Emblem. (...but who cares. $30!)

Anyway, it's been sitting on my 3DS menu for weeks and I've yet to get past the name screen. That's because while deciding what to name my dude, I thought I'd go look in detail at what he looks like. And holy shit:



I'm not fibbing when I say I don't think I've ever been expected to play as more hideous characters. They're basically all the same dude (except the girl...I guess?), only made distinctive by their Are You Being Served?™ wigs.

Are these truly the fates of anime characters deprived of their eccentrically-colored hair and uniquely-tailored clothing? Or did Atlus ferret out something that's unappealing beyond all measure? Because I'd really like to start this game to prepare myself for SMTxFE, but it's sure as hell not looking likely. Someone telling me I can take these people to a barber shop or clothing store posthaste would be a start, but man...fashion can only fix so much.

So yeah, has anyone else faced a similar dilemma where hideous character designs neutered their interest for an otherwise promising-sounding game? And how did you (or didn't you) overcome it?


Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
What you think hideous I think awesome.

Isabeau in particular is <3

Although yes, character designs that don't align with my taste can severely impact my will to play a particular game.


Of all the character designs that turn you off, it's SMT IV? Kinda weird, considering you're not unfamiliar with anime character designs.


Character designs, even if they have annoyed me in some ways, have never prevented me from playing a game. For example I wasnt too into Bayonetta's character design but I looked passed that and glad I did. great game. And really you are missing out on a great experience if you don't play SMTIV based on not liking the designs. Its too good to pass on based on that one thing. Personally I love the designs of the characters a lot but everyone has different opinions.


Do you have prosopagnosia?

I think their designs are awesome, and the inspirations for their designs are so cool.


Junior Member
None of them are hideous though?

Does it really matter that much if their hair color isn't all different? I honestly never paid attention to that until you pointed it out. Also the clothes is the standard samurai uniform, but you can change your MC's outfit and give him a few different hairstyles if you want. Mine looked like this at some point:

If you're skipping out on a good game because the characters have same-y hair color and clothes...I'm not sure what to say.
None of them are hideous though?

Does it really matter that much if their hair color isn't all different? I honestly never paid attention to that until you pointed it out. Also the clothes is the standard samurai uniform, but you can change your MC's outfit and give him a few different hairstyles if you want. Mine looked like this at some point:

This just made me decide to go pick up SMT tomorrow.


Protagonist's awesome side locks disagrees.

I don't think I've been that bothered by character designs. I usually grow to like them over time if the game is some thing I really enjoy.


at last, for christ's sake
they all look good to me, expecially the outfits. In fact I'm buying a US 2DS for this game

PK Gaming

You honestly get used to them pretty quickly. I sympathize with you OP, but you gotta bite the bullet and go for it. You'll learn to love the character designs once you have the context to back them up.

So yeah, has anyone else faced a similar dilemma where hideous character designs neutered their interest for an otherwise promising-sounding game? And how did you (or didn't you) overcome it?


How else are people supposed to overcome it other than just getting over it and playing the game?


Good thing the story and character development are more than good. Oh and the voice acting are also great.


I started playing it a bit ago but my goodness, the game is ridiculously difficult. Enemies just crush you right off the bat. :( Undecided if I'll just try and sell it or what -- snagged it for only $35 or so via Gamefly and was able to get the $30 credit so it was worth it either way.


I got grudge sucked!
Given how most JRPG characters look, the Samurai in SMTIV look pretty normal in comparison. They are also a good contrast to the denizens of neo Tokyo.
I hear you, man. The game itself looks interesting (definitely gonna check it out when I get an XL) but those character designs are spectacularly awful. They're supposed to be samurai but their outfits look like track jackets slapped on top of free hotel bathroom robes. And the hairstyles just look so goofy and awkward. It's a shame, because I actually think the artists' style is pretty slick, but those character designs are just unfortunate.


Junior Member
I started playing it a bit ago but my goodness, the game is ridiculously difficult. Enemies just crush you right off the bat. :( Undecided if I'll just try and sell it or what -- snagged it for only $35 or so via Gamefly and was able to get the $30 credit so it was worth it either way.

It gets easier.

I don't mind those character designs, but what ever happened to the old SMT artist?

He's still around, he designed the concept for this game, he just didn't make new designs.


I think they all look fine except for the middle one. Ponytail and bangs look dumb.

I really need to pick this up, I've been wanting to try out this series for awhile.


Junior Member
NARVARRE was such a priick and waste of time as well. a dam shame Nintedo didn't step up and help Atlus with development for Wii u that is the system that needs games like this.
just the play the damn game, can't believe the character art that you barely even see matter to some people. I don't like it either but it would NEVER stop me from playing a game that's this good.


I actually quite liked the chara designs in SMT4, now SMT3 protag on the other hand is hideous :p

So yeah, has anyone else faced a similar dilemma where hideous character designs neutered their interest for an otherwise promising-sounding game?

yeah, it usually matters to me quite a bit, if I am to play this RPG for tens of hours it better have character designs I like to look at. Some games I remember that I couldn't get into just because of that:

Blue Dragon - terrible character designs, the game actually does look nice but them characters just not compatible with me >.<
Eternal Sonata - same as above
Star Ocean 4 (well and lots of other reasons...) creepy doll character models, stuff of nightmares
Growlanser series - I just hate that kinda of shiny hair and hentai like chara designs.
What is there to discuss? Nintendo and Atlus took advantage of your unreasonable spending habits with a promotion that lost you $20 (potentially $50 if the OP is anything to go by) because you can't get over character portraits that you barely see.

Meanwhile, Europeans who actually want to play the game can't. Genius.

But no, I never bought a game without knowing how the main characters look.


I never heard of a person not playing a video game because of the way the main character looks until I joined NeoGAF. I started hearing it around the time Second Son started showing screenshots of the main character. I understand not liking character designs, but for that to keep you from even playing the game is appalling. I think I've heard one "OK" explanation regarding this situation, and I still think the opinion is unbelievable.


I started playing it a bit ago but my goodness, the game is ridiculously difficult. Enemies just crush you right off the bat. :( Undecided if I'll just try and sell it or what -- snagged it for only $35 or so via Gamefly and was able to get the $30 credit so it was worth it either way.

Same here, just kept getting destroyed. 2 hit deaths.

I'm still plugging away, with little success.
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