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The Sony PS4 costs ~US$ 1850 in Brazil


There's absolutely no explanation for this besides stock issues. As someone else already pointed out, even Apple prices are lower in Brazil.

These are stock constraints, there's no other understandable explanation.

Watch this price going down at least R$ 1000 after the first 6 months.

The explanation is simple, there are enough people in Brazil who will get it at those prices, as long as they exist it will continue to happen, and not only with Sony, with any company.


- 1850 USD on Brazil.
- 1200 USD on Argentina.
- 658 USD on Chile.

Wow... any other prices in the region?

Yup, Colombia has the official price already it is $1'299.000 cop haha, that's only $690 usd.

Funfact: the official sony store will have avaliable only 100 units for the whole country, and even like that I doubt it will sell out.


They're not losing it, they're charging what the market will bear. People will buy it at this price; there's a lot of people with more money than sense (though I imagine R$4000 is a bit much for some people's credit cards).

Perhaps, but they're too stupid to realize that the negative publicity generated from this will far offset any profit they make on the console. It would literally be better to not sell the PS4 at all than to sell it for R$4k.

Microsoft is already set to dominate another generation in Brazil, they'll cross over the 90% market share mark this time.


I'd imagine that the type of Brazilian that can afford to fly up to the States to do casual shopping probably isn't being driven by cheaper prices in the states. The whole "flying to another continent just to go shopping" thing negates that idea imo.

You can actually fly to New York, buy a PS4 with one game and fly back to Brazil for cheaper than Sony is charging for it.


If it doesn't sell they will have to cut the price. If it sells it proves they were rigth. If they need to but can't cut the price they had no options to begin with.


But why being greedy only in Brazil?
Do you have anything to back up your "Sony is greedy" argument?

How about the fact that the PS4 costs R$3999 and the Xbox One costs R$2199?

I know it's hard to find a plausible explanation, that's because there isn't one. Sony Brasil is actually selling the PS4 for that price.
No, but give me another reason then. Because taxes are not an answer. There's just no way to justify it.

Dont take this the wrong way, but why should I give you a reason to counter a baseless argument?
This "Sony is greedy" thing, is way too simple to be truth.

How about the fact that the PS4 costs R$3999 and the Xbox One costs R$2199?

I know it's hard to find a plausible explanation, that's because there isn't one. Sony Brasil is actually selling the PS4 for that price.

Logistics is not my best subject, but I can assure you that just because X item costs more than Y item, it doesn´t always mean that Y item, will always have a lower price in every country.
For example, a Coke over here costs about 300% more than what it costs on other countries. But other things like electronics costs waaaay less than almost every country in the region.


How about the fact that the PS4 costs R$3999 and the Xbox One costs R$2199?

I know it's hard to find a plausible explanation, that's because there isn't one. Sony Brasil is actually selling the PS4 for that price.

How about the fact that people will probably buy it?


But why being greedy only in Brazil?
Do you have anything to back up your "Sony is greedy" argument?

They think they can get away with that price because the PS3 launched at R$ 3000 and sold, people also import if it is too expensive for them, so Sony is never at loss. Hell, one very big retailer in Brazil sold the PS3 for R$ 8000 when it launched.



Love this country.


Is it known if Amazon will open more pre-orders before the console release?
Ill buy it at Amazon, or maybe ill buy a Xbox One. =/


S¡mon;86372551 said:
Thank your government.

If you really believe that gigantic price disparity is exclusively the fault of the government you're being naive.

Thank God I'm getting a UK PS4 in December because no way in hell I would pay that much for a fucking console.


What's even funnier is that knowing Brazilians the PS4 will still sell moderately there, they like to throw their money away all the time :)


Dont take this the wrong way, but why should I give you a reason to counter a baseless argument?
This "Sony is greedy" thing, is way too simple to be truth.

Well, corporations want to make money and Brazil is VERY well known for its absurd prices and for having people who don't give a shit and are willing to pay for it anyway. I just want another good and plausible reason to explain this outrageous price then.
Well, corporations want to make money and Brazil is VERY well known for its absurd prices and for having people who don't give a shit and are willing to pay for it anyway. I just want another good and plausible reason to explain this outrageous price then.

Dude Sony care about gamers, unlike MSoft. No way they would do this without a good reason.


Can't be Sony, my google skills just told me that a lot of things are expensive in Brazil.


Most expensive cars in the world, also electronics.

How can Sony be the only one to blame?

Sounds more like lousy tax laws and free market

Add deaf government too (assuming people isn't conforming with all this)

The difference is that cars and electronics are equally overpriced between different brands and models, but the Xbox One going through the same taxes is half the price of the PS4.


...the fuck?

Seriously? They take all this fucking time to announce the price, and it costs almost the double of what the Xbox One costs? This isn't the government fault, or even the taxes, this is pure greed.

Fuck you, Sony.
Think about what you're saying. Of all the countries you think Sonys picking Brazil to extort money from? Unless you're being sarcastic. In which case I appologize.
People don't be naive Blame your government laws and taxes simple as that.

People in china like to try to blame Apple because iPhones aren't cheaper but the reality is they should be blaming Chinese government and cell companies because they don't subsidized the cost of phones like other companies/countries.


This is probably an amalgamation of different issues.

As mentioned earlier, Brazilian taxes are absurd. You can't apply the Individual Import taxes (60% or 100%, depends who is sending you the stuff - another individual or a company, and the region you live in) to a company - they pay different taxes, with a bunch of deciding factors that we're not aware of.

There's the fact that videogames fall into the gambling taxes bracket (computers do not, for instance).

But tax alone can't be the culprit here. It probably has to do with lack of actual stock and the fact that Sony Brasil knows that everybody will buy the illegally imported one anyway, so instead of charging 2899 or whatever is the actual cost of the machine, they just said "fuck it" and put it at 4k.

There's people that will buy it at that price, and the people that are going to buy the illegally imported ones would never buy the officially released one, as they could never get the official price down enough to match an illegal imported unit, that doesn't pay taxes at all.

Then it goes back to why is Microsoft charging half the price as the PS4 in Brazil?


If I've learned anything in my massive amounts of video game playing with Brazilians ... it's not to try to argue with them with logic or sound facts.

It won't matter.

The taxes are your governments fault, it is not Sony's.


People don't be naive Blame your government laws and taxes simple as that.

People in china like to try to blame Apple because iPhones aren't cheaper but the reality is they should be blaming Chinese government and cell companies because they don't subsidized the cost of phones like other companies/countries.

You should read the thread.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
If I've learned anything in my massive amounts of video game playing with Brazilians ... it's not to try to argue with them with logic or sound facts.

It won't matter.

It IS your governments fault, it is not Sony's.

Maybe, just maybe, Brazilians know more about the Brazilian government and taxation than you.

You could read the thread to find out.


Aren't they pushing ps3 hard in Brazil?

Maybe they don't want to cannibalize their own ps3 sales by splitting the market with ps4.


Neo Member
People don't be naive Blame your government laws and taxes simple as that.

People in china like to try to blame Apple because iPhones aren't cheaper but the reality is they should be blaming Chinese government and cell companies because they don't subsidized the cost of phones like other companies/countries.

Yes, we blame our government for the fact that Xbox One is R$ 2200,00 (almost $1000,00).

But we would be stupid to not blame Sony for the fact that PS4 is R$ 4000,00 (more than $1800,00) while the Xbox One is "only" R$ 2200,00. Or for the absurd and clamorous disparity between Vita and PS4 price (a $250 Vita is R$1600 and a $400 PS4 is R$ 4000).
If I've learned anything in my massive amounts of video game playing with Brazilians ... it's not to try to argue with them with logic or sound facts.

It won't matter.

It IS your governments fault, it is not Sony's.

so, are you implying the gvt, is charging more taxes to PS4 than XB1? it makes no sense


Maybe, just maybe, Brazilians know more about the Brazilian government than you and taxation than you.

You could read the thread to find out.

Don't feel like it. Sure taxation isn't the only reason the price is so high .... maybe Sony has a problem with piracy or something that goes on in Brazil and they don't want to sell there so they limit the supply which drives the price up ... who knows.

Maybe worldwide demand at launch is so high that they made the price ridiculous so they can focus on getting consoles to major markets first. And I'm sure there are people in Brazil who will pay that high price for a PS4. Maybe after a while the price will drop when the worldwide markets settle in....

I also don't imagine Sony is sitting in their offices saying "Hahaha! Fuck you forever Brazil!".

If you can't afford it, there seem to be other ways to go about getting one (Amazon importing etc.).


You may believe me or not. It's up to you.

With all due respect, I don't. I think that you're angry (like most of us) and you're assuming that "Sony being greedy and wanting to screw Brazil over" is the only possible explanation since, even with all the absurd tax that we have over here, PS4's price tag is way too high. And I admit it, it's a possibility, but nothing more (at least, for now).

I can respect that, if this is your opinion. But if you're claiming to be an insider (because you work for UOL jogos) - with access to concrete proof to back your claim - then, please, post and prove it. If you can't prove it, because you have a secret source or something like that, I think that you should be checked by a mod. Forgive me if you have already been checked.

Don't take it the wrong way though. I just get suspicious when people claim that what they say is the "truth", without offering any arguments to sustain it.
I read the thread and I see nothing but hyperbole postings from some people without fact especially from people in the region.

"Fuq u sony u greedy"
"Ms is the best blah blah blah"

End of thread
sound about right ?

Microsoft is offering the Xbox One for a lower price than the PS4, which is the opposite of the situation in all other countries in the world. There is no other explanation than Sony being greedy, because Microsoft gets hit by the same taxes as Sony does and the Xbox One does indeed cost more in Brazil than in the US.


Maybe they don't want to cannibalize their own ps3 sales by splitting the market with ps4.

Then why launch this year at all? It's not like people would buy PS3s on xmas just because "oh my it's so cheap comparing to the PS4, what a steal".

But yeah, they're pushing the PS3 here. Tons of bundles and full localized games announced near the TGS proves at least some commitment.


With all due respect, I don't. I think that you're angry (like most of us) and you're assuming that "Sony being greedy and wanting to screw Brazil over" is the only possible explanation since, even with all the absurd tax that we have over here, PS4's price tag is way too high. And I admit it, it's a possibility, but nothing more (at least, for now).

I can respect that, if this is your opinion. But if you're claiming to be an insider (because you work for UOL jogos) - with access to concrete proof to back your claim - then, please, post and prove it. If you can't prove it, because you have a secret source or something like that, I think that you should be checked by a mod. Forgive me if you have already been checked.

Don't take it the wrong way though. I just get suspicious when people claim that what they say is the "truth", without offering any arguments to sustain it.

Brazil is pretty trustworthy and well known as a source, and his assumption is valid considering what he (and other forum members) brought up.

I read the thread and I see nothing but hyperbole postings from some people without fact especially from people in the region.

"Fuq u sony u greedy"
"Ms is the best blah blah blah"

End of thread
sound about right ?

Brazilians are pointing out (in particular, a member who is a journalist for a respectable gaming website here) that neither the Xbox One nor the PS4 are being produced in Brazil (hence, are affected by the same taxes), and yet the PS4 is over $900 more expensive than the Xbox One.

Then you could some other tidbits, like how Sony Brazil is known to overprice their products, or the fact they asked their PR to ignore press calls today and you can see they knew exactly what they were getting into.

And honestly, do you think people from Brazil wouldn't know about taxes? This goes beyond that.


Maybe, just maybe, Brazilians know more about the Brazilian government than you and taxation than you.

You could read the thread to find out.
I guess you speak for us just because your username is the name of our country?
This isn't completely Sony's fault. The only reason they can use high taxation as an excuse is because...well, taxation is very high. If that weren't the case, I'm sure we'd have a reasonable price tag.
Look at that list and show me a country with low import duty rates that's being ripped off as well.


50% Brazilian's government fault + 50% Sony's greedy ass fault. You cannot simply blame one side, don't be so small minded.

Sony fucked up here, hard, the taxes in this case are responsible for 1/4 of the price, the rest of it is simply greediness.
My bet is that they'll keep pushing the grey market until they can assemble the PS4 here (almost certain), but the strategy might backfire as they'll be at BGS next week.

People are going to be mad.


Don't feel like it. Sure taxation isn't the only reason the price is so high .... maybe Sony has a problem with piracy or something that goes on in Brazil and they don't want to sell there so they limit the supply which drives the price up ... who knows.

And just by that you are contradicting your previous post.

If Sony has a problem with piracy or whatever else non-related to the government, and that is the reason why the console is THAT overpriced (Don't get me wrong, our government plays a HUGE part in this issue, but R$4,000 is beyond absurd, even for the country's standard), it is Sony's doing.

You just can not blame it all on the government nor on Sony, both are playing their part.


I guess you speak for us just because your username is the name of our country?
This isn't completely Sony's fault. The only reason they can use high taxation as an excuse is because...well, taxation is very high. If that weren't the case, I'm sure we'd have a reasonable price tag.
Look at that list and show me a country with low import duty rates that's being ripped off as well.

Look, no one here is denying the taxes are pretty bad or that they are helping the price. However, even when you add the taxes (like some gaffers did in this thread), or even compare to the Xbox One (which is not produced in Brazil either), you realize there is a pretty big gap that can't be explained.
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