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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well, I fundamentally agree that it is about the games. I think people getting so angry at that sort of look silly. The issue is not that his platitudes are false, it is that they are platitudes.

And stop with the "MS apologist" thing. It's tiresome. It is far more likely that the media is just being hateful towards its audience again. Much more common MO!
Seems like Sony is gonna get crucified by the gaming "journalists" for making a better hardware this gen. Look, competition is a good thing we can all agree on that but no one gives credit to Sony this time. MS fucked it up and no one can't even dare to say anything about it. All they are doing are just twisting the subject in every possible way.

Damn Sony for making a better console for a cheaper price than the competition. Damn them to hell then.
360s better performance with multiplats was a selling point, championed as one of the pros to owning the console.

PS4 has the better performing multiplats and suddenly better performance is negligible because it's still the same game.

I've pointed that out countless times in countless thread and no one has been able to explain to me why a boon is now irrelevant.

Basically says that Sony, MS, EA, Activision, etc. have pushed 1080p/60 fps as an improbable standard because of marketing, and PR. Then says that the games ultimately matter.

Also, a question about how day one patches matter for consoles.

He's trying to say 1080p60 isn't "necessary" but he thought KZSF (which is 1080p60 for MP) wasn't ground-breaking? The whole point of contention isn't "the games', it's THE SAME GAME at a significantly lower resolution on the xbone because the majority of games from the big third-party publishers will be multiplatform, he's completely missing the point.
Ok so suddenly the aesthics of a game has nothing to do with resolution?

Would these journalists be happier if the ps4 was 720p with twice as many effects because I am quite positive that the ps4 can do that as well.

Can't wait for open world games to come out and ps4 has twice as much brush and a larger draw distance. I wonder what they will say then?


Tears in the rain
No, they would talk about how that's what the $100 difference gets you.

No, they'd be eating Sony alive and this guy detailed exactly why that would be the case below:

Well then, as an Xbox Live member with 60G worth in achievements and shitons of Live purchases vs a measly Level 5 PSN account (F0rneus on both services, look it up)...Let me say this: Are the gaming press mindless shills or what?! Am I supposed to excuse MS just because they were my favored company this gen?! Because it's seemingly what the press has been doing.

Those people should be defending MY interests as a gamer and as a customer. Not the reputation or interests of a multimillion dollars corporation. What a disgrace. The very people who are supposed to be our eyes and ears into the game business, have completely lost their way, and it's a goddamn shame.


This is getting more and more ridiculous. I don't know if they do it just for the clicks or if they're scared to lose some privileges but it's really embarassing how they're throwing away their "reputation" as journalists so easily.


You don't get resolution without power nor do you get animation or good ai.

Of course you don't and nobody was saying anything anywhere about power not being important.

his point was ... let's not encourage developers to use the new console power to focus on two numbers 1080p and 60fp ...let's encourage them to make the animations and ai better and a big factor as well or instead.

Because believe it or not these consoles still make trade offs when going to 1080p/60

The power is far from limitless and they use a lot to hit those numbers
Go back to the first couple of years of this gen and there were plenty of lower scores for PS3 versions due to small differences in graphics.

I sure don't remember it. And if that was the case who's to say review scores won't reflect that this time around. I've seen the term persecution complex thrown around here a lot lately and this seems like a clear case of it to me.
It amazes me how different the games media is when MS is in a tough position. Back in 2006 you were a complete pariah if you were a media person with a positive view on Sony. I still remember how much shit Shane Bettenhausen used to get on 1up yours from his fellow editors if he said anything remotely positive about the PS3. Now MS are getting the backlash from fans but there is nothing but the most vocal of support for them from the media at every misstep and it's totally out of tune with the public

This. If it were Sony, they'd be killing them again like they did at the beginning of the PS3.

They also love to change the subject by talking about art direction in different games when the topic is about the same games, something they didn't have much trouble with back when PS3 was getting hammered.


Don't understand why some folks in the media keep pushing subjective stuff in this technical controversy. It's not a discussion of art direction or even the quality of the games good or bad. It's a discussion of hard numbers, price and technical specifications.


got 2 minutes in and it never ends. Doritocracy, i'm going to be thinking about that ideal for months now.

I was waiting for Sessler to tell gamers during the live Resogun demo that they should cancel their ps4 pre-orders because the game could end up on Xbox One in a month.


So I read this thread and thought "come on, he's not that bad."

Then I watched it.

..."It's about the games". Oh, you mean like Call of Duty and Battlefield? Come on, man. I also find it funny that he refused to utter "720p". He awkwardly went out of his way not to say it.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
For whatever reason I don't think the gaming press feels comfortable with making this a big story yet. It's as if that with every new bit of evidence they begrudgingly admit something MIGHT be going on. It's really a very simple story: Microsoft's console is weaker but more expensive and that may have a large impact on what people decide to buy. If the reports of the incestuous nature of the relationships between the press, publishers, developers and marketers is to be believed, I think there's a lot going on behind the scenes right now and many are scared to make much noise about this.
Man, I used to really enjoy listening to Sessler talk. What happened? Its getting sad at this point.

He does understand that the big resolution scandal is centered around a game that is being released for both consoles right? We're not saying that resolution>gameplay obviously.

But if its the same fucking game being released on two consoles and you can get the better looking version for the cheaper console? Of course people are going to make a big deal about it.
He makes his point as if everyone is ragging on a singular title, which is not the case.

It's still baffling that a lot of these people with outlets to a big audience still don't understand the nature of the furor.

It's this quote of his that gets me:
"I still want a game to look interesting more than I want it looking better than ANY game I have ever played"

No Sess, people aren't being critical because Ghosts on the One isn't the best looking game ever; the Xbox version of Ghosts isn't in a vacuum. The furor comes from the fact that there is another version that provides a better experience for a cheaper cost. Yes, I believe graphics (and technical superiority) will differentiate the experience between multiplat titles.

He talks about AI and aesthetics (lighting, coloring, textures all factor into this I'd imagine) as if they aren't related at all to the power under the hood. None of this relates to titles specifically made to be on a smaller scale, but rather games who will attempt to push the scope of what wasn't possible last gen (and multiplats will be a part of this).

The controversy doesn't start and end here, but rather what this means for the future given what we know about both systems now. Why can't they get that?
I know this was probably recorded before the Resogun livestream, but it's pretty funny watching this video downplaying resolution and framerate after watching him gush all over Resogun. Should have asked the dev why they bothered with 1080p/60fps when you can't tell the difference?


Neo Member

Basically says that Sony, MS, EA, Activision, etc. have pushed 1080p/60 fps as an improbable standard because of marketing, and PR. Then says that the games ultimately matter.

Also, a question about how day one patches matter for consoles.
And people wonder why a vast majority of us as hardcore gamers assume that there is some sort of conspiracy or obscenely inappropriate monetary arrangement between MS and the gaming press. For christs sake Adam Sessler's picture should be placed next to both shill and astroturfing in the web dictionary.
Well, I fundamentally agree that it is about the games. I think people getting so angry at that sort of look silly. The issue is not that his platitudes are false, it is that they are platitudes.

And stop with the "MS apologist" thing. It's tiresome. It is far more likely that the media is just being hateful towards its audience again. Much more common MO!

Journalists will go where the clicks take them. It has zero to do with MS and everything to do with controversy. The comparisons last generation with the nit picking BS that occurred should show as much.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
A.I has nothing to do with resolution. CoD will have the same A.I with 1080p and 720p.

WTF is Sessler talking about?


ps4 games will most likely end up being 720p 30 fps a few years into this new gen. The question is what will xbone games be at if they can't even pull off 1080p on fucking call of duty ghosts at the beginning of the gen.


He's not wrong. If a game looks and runs great, who cares? Problem I had with that video is that it was the equivalent of iceberg lettuce. It was nothing of substance or value.


This guy is on my shit list and has been for some time. I've gotten to the point where I disagree with virtually every position he holds.

Resolution and frame rate was a huge selling point for 360 multiplatform titles and now it suddenly doesn't matter? Where's the Jennifer Lawrence okay gif when you need it?
It's never mattered in the grand scheme of things. The only thing that mattered and matters is what platform is your friend(s) playing on.

The majority of people who care that much about resolution/fps will buy it on their mid/high end PC and the people who don't own a PC are in the minority. Those people? They do not matter because it's such a small minority it won't effect anything. People want to play games, play with friends and have a good experience. Do you think the 9 trillion people who buy COD every year really give a fuck about resolution? No, they just want to play the game and play it on the platform their friends are on. This little COD 720/1080 backlash means nothing because it will still sell a fucking frater load of copies on both consoles.


For sessler xbox live is free and 1080p doesn't matter.


So much this...
You know, it's not so much "1080p is not important" as it is "720p is not a problem" that bothers me.

People may downplay 1080, but how can they get behind 720?

I wasn't around actively for the PS3 hate, but isn't this much more about "media" writing about what gets the most people off?

The internet demographic that would boil at anti-PS3 news would net lots of hits if they said something anti-Sony.

Also, those times were different. It was unfathomable for Sony to be in the dumps, and that would make any person want to exploit the internet fans/boards


I can agree with some parts of his argument for sure. It's definitely about the games. I do think that it's more than just resolution though. Some of it is about power for price.

Adam has kind of disappointed me over the last few months. Putting a megaphone to his persona has really hurt him, in my opinion.


All things have more room to breath more power to utilize on the PS4

If next-gen exists so that devs can have better animation and AI advancements than the PS4 is more next-gen than the XB1 as it can do more of that

There is no argument to be made where you can say the clear power advantage the PS4 has means nothing and then go on to say next-gen is necessary because current systems power limit devs ability to better animate and create better AI

It's insanely hypocritical

Sessler never said anything about ps4 not having a power advantage nor did he say anything about it not mattering...there are trade offs made even in ps4 believe it or not.

So 1080p/60 takes away from something else somewhere, just not nearly as much as current gen machines would have....


Gold Member
Who was expecting anything different from the man who added ps+ to try to make the prices look like parity.

this. so pathetically transparent...

there're clever bullshitters, & then there're bad bullshitters. & this dude's just a tremendously bad bullshitter...


He doesn't realize this is about Micro$oft and Battlefield/Call of Duty's Xbox resolutions are the catalysts of M$'s decisions, does he?
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