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Adam Sessler's: On Xbox One and PS4's Resolutiongate, and Day One Patches

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thanks for the laugh
Ok, no one find it fucking weird that every major outlet is making apologist responses for Microsoft? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Like do these people not understand that it's the same game, one version just looks better? Everyone of these "resolutiongate" responses always delves into "I want the games artistic design to be more interesting rather than it look better than the competitors," no fucking shit but that's not the point being discussed here.

i don't know, what was wrong with those console types a scant 12 months ago when they were making the same arguments against elitist PC boogiemen?


I will watch and evaluate this entire video:

Adam Sessler said:
"It's really not the aesthetics, it's just the resolution of the game."


He blames the industry for this controversy, saying it's their fault for pushing the 1080p standard. As if gamers weren't already well aware of the benefit, and wouldn't want that shit all of their own.

Talks about it being a "McGuffin", goes on to say he sometimes can't even tell the difference (classic game journalist deflection). Goes on a tangent about it being about game design, not visuals - another false choice game journalists love to bandy about - and consistent misunderstanding of why this is an issue altogether.

Let me help you, Adam Sessler ->

1. You keep going on and on about how "it's still game design." Guess what? It's still game design at 1080p too. One does not need to make a choice. Your game design is not damaged because you aim for a factually superior resolution standard. I

2. Saying you can't see differences in resolution is not something someone in your position should be proud of. Your job is to inform consumers, not attempt to obfuscate the problems and attempt to minimize their impact. Your job is not to run damage control. It's to state the facts. Yes, 720p -> 1080p is a big difference. Yes, it is quite easily noticeable. Yes, it indicates a gap in power of XBO/PS4, and that has an impact on potential game design scenarios too (power is not just visuals). It's all connected.

3. Resolution is also important for gaming: the added clarity helps in game design.

4. Gamers already knew the importance of 1080p over 720p. The industry didn't need to "push" the standard for this to be the case. We already knew it, we already wanted it. We had a whole gen of games barely at 720p, often below that, and you want us to be satisfied with that shit for another gen? At $400-$500 for new hardware? I can only say "fuck off" with that settling shit. We should expect more and demand more.

5. Journalists, please stop offering false choices to gamers. It's not VISUALS or GAMEPLAY. It's not GOOD ONLINE or FREE ONLINE. These are false choices. They do not exist on a spectrum that requires anyone to select either option. You can have both.

Demon Ice

I'm not sure I can trust the words of a person, who was talking about quitting their work because they couldn't get a free console.

Shame...I used to deeply respect Sessler.

Wait, was THAT what all that drama was about?

He couldn't get a free console to review games?


Animation is entirely graphical and yet it goes along with advances in AI and not graphics? What?

Also is anyone else sick of hearing about "advances in AI" coming from more power? Yes its possible it can be used for that but no devs do. An xbox 1 game (halo) still has better AI than the vast majority of current games.
I think he's all over the place in this video, and he's neither incorrect nor insightful with any particular comment. Agreed, gameplay is important. Agreed, I want games to look interesting from an art perspective as well. No, IQ is not marketing and I don't want great IQ because that has been marketed to me-- it is important as this is a visual medium and graphics are a key part of the user experience. No, discussing resolution and how games look does not take away from people discussing the games and the gameplay itself (those games are not out yet so please let us know what you would like to discuss and we will do so).

This is really so perplexing to me. A very simple discussion was happening in the enthusiast community and the reaction to it has just been to treat it like an anathema; like technology is not or has not been something critical to our hobby for 30 years.

Just deal with it.

Quite literally, one system is better at playing the same game as the other. Pointing this out, somehow, has the gaming press labelling you a basement dwelling pixel counting nerd.

Rather than someone who likes playing games.

Why wouldn't I want to know which system is better at playing BF4 or Ghosts? Games are powered by technology. It's not a separate, but interesting, part of the hobby.
I'm sorry but did I miss the all these articles last gen touting the 360s multiplatform superiority? People keep bringing this up but I don't remember seeing it anywhere else other than message boards and digital foundry.


I find it funny that the entire gaming journalism lowered the standard from 1080p/60 FPS just cause MS new consoles can't* reach it. What a joke.

*edit: Spelling mistake.


I am going PS4 this gen for better multi platform games. I did the same thing last gen with the 360.

I hope everyone saying they are going with the PS4 for being cheaper and having better 3rd party games did the same for the 360 last gen.
He didn't say hardware doesn't matter, he said animation, and Artificial Intelligence advancements primarily more so than resolution should be more or equally valued and improved upon with the new power
You don't get resolution without power nor do you get animation or good ai.
I like Sessler but he's repeating the same misunderstanding of the argument I keep hearing over and over. We're not saying that graphics are more important than gameplay, we're saying that it's a serious issue when a considerably less expensive console offers the same games with substantially better visuals.

and we're done here.


Wait, was THAT what all that drama was about?

He couldn't get a free console to review games?

No, Sessler wants a preview retail unit for Rev3Games.

Different thing. Sessler has gone on record of pre ordering both the PS4 and XBox One.

But Sony has traditionally have not given away free retail units before launch BECAUSE they're trying to sell as many as possible.
Honest question: If the issue was backwards; PS4 games as 720p vs Xbone's 1080p....would we have the same journalistic apologism?

No, they'd be eating Sony alive and this guy detailed exactly why that would be the case below:

It amazes me how different the games media is when MS is in a tough position. Back in 2006 you were a complete pariah if you were a media person with a positive view on Sony. I still remember how much shit Shane Bettenhausen used to get on 1up yours from his fellow editors if he said anything remotely positive about the PS3. Now MS are getting the backlash from fans but there is nothing but the most vocal of support for them from the media at every misstep and it's totally out of tune with the public
------- < here's the bar set for next gen tech wise.



See, Sony is closer to the bar. Well done Sony. Come on reviewers give Sony a clap for getting closer to the bar, it's not that difficult.
He didn't say hardware doesn't matter, he said animation, and Artificial Intelligence advancements primarily more so than resolution should be more or equally valued and improved upon with the new power

All things have more room to breath more power to utilize on the PS4

If next-gen exists so that devs can have better animation and AI advancements than the PS4 is more next-gen than the XB1 as it can do more of that

There is no argument to be made where you can say the clear power advantage the PS4 has means nothing and then go on to say next-gen is necessary because current systems power limit devs ability to better animate and create better AI

It's insanely hypocritical


Ok, no one find it fucking weird that every major outlet is making apologist responses for Microsoft? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

It's not weird that major gaming sites/gaming hosts are now downplaying the importance of graphics and performance in console games. Remember - these are the same outlets and twitter accounts that were trying to convince us that Sony was 100% on board with Microsoft's used game and DRM policies.

It should come as no surprise that these guys are at it again.
5. Journalists, please stop offering false choices to gamers. It's not VISUALS or GAMEPLAY. It's not GOOD ONLINE or FREE ONLINE. These are false choices. They do not exist on a spectrum that requires anyone to select either option. You can have both.

That is the thing that is confusing me from the gaming press.

Ok the PS4 is running games at 1080p and not 720p. If you want to downplay the difference and say it is all about gameplay and AI and whatever then fine.

But how does that not mean the PS4 could also be running at 720p and pack a lot more shit into games in return? The resolution boost doesn't simple emerge out of nowhere.


I feel they fear not getting MS support or in the case of some of these guys free games and consoles.

This makes no sense at all. I mean, I guess it would if microsoft was the only player but you have to take into account sony. Doesn't it make sense that if they kiss the balls of Microsoft then they won't get free ps4 stuff?

The reason is simple. The major outlets, believe it or not, don't cater solely to gaf. Sure, a percentage of their audience has the same mindset of gaf but a lot more of their audience aren't absolutely overcome with obsession about resolution and IQ. Why do you think Fox News caters to republicans and msnbc caters to democrats? That's their audience. The same goes for major games media outlets.


I'm sorry but did I miss the all these articles last gen touting the 360s multiplatform superiority? People keep bringing this up but I don't remember seeing it anywhere else other than message boards and digital foundry.

I don't remember that either. I remember a bunch of heated arguments in Face Off threads (often about miniscule differences) but I expect that from GAF. I got the feeling that nobody else (read the majority of the customer base) gave a shit about the differences between multiplat games.
So games are what matter but when the game in question is the same exact game releasing on two different consoles, why does the shortcomings not matter?

See, I feel if gaming journalists make this argument that graphics (or in this case) resolution doesn't matter, then they should be void from even bringing it up in any review, critique, criticism etc. If The game is the only thing that matters, anything starting with numbers and ends with a "p" shouldn't even leave the mouth.


I'm sorry but did I miss the all these articles last gen touting the 360s multiplatform superiority? People keep bringing this up but I don't remember seeing it anywhere else other than message boards and digital foundry.

Go back to the first couple of years of this gen and there were plenty of lower scores for PS3 versions due to small differences in graphics.


Very sad what Sessler has become.
He turned heel on the gamers. He's the equivalent of the whiny heel that uses big words to deliberately talk above his intended audience to mask his transparently selfish intentions.

The Sess is now Damien Sandow.
1. You keep going on and on about how "it's still game design." Guess what? It's still game design at 1080p too. One does not need to make a choice. Your game design is not damaged because you aim for a factually superior resolution standard. I

This point has always gotten me. I hate when people act like a game can't have good graphics AND good gameplay. They create they false idea that good graphics always come at the cost of good gameplay. Its the same argument you often saw with the Wii. Sure, the Wii had some great freaking games, but I would have LOVED to have had a 1080p Mario Galaxy (or even 720p) with proper surround sound.

I will watch and evaluate this entire video:


He blames the industry for this controversy, saying it's their fault for pushing the 1080p standard. As if gamers weren't already well aware of the benefit, and wouldn't want that shit all of their own.

Talks about it being a "McGuffin", goes on to say he sometimes can't even tell the difference (classic game journalist deflection). Goes on a tangent about it being about game design, not visuals - another false choice game journalists love to bandy about - and consistent misunderstanding of why this is an issue altogether.

Let me help you, Adam Sessler ->

1. You keep going on and on about how "it's still game design." Guess what? It's still game design at 1080p too. One does not need to make a choice. Your game design is not damaged because you aim for a factually superior resolution standard. I

2. Saying you can't see differences in resolution is not something someone in your position should be proud of. Your job is to inform consumers, not attempt to obfuscate the problems and attempt to minimize their impact. Your job is not to run damage control. It's to state the facts. Yes, 720p -> 1080p is a big difference. Yes, it is quite easily noticeable. Yes, it indicates a gap in power of XBO/PS4, and that has an impact on potential game design scenarios too (power is not just visuals). It's all connected.

3. Resolution is also important for gaming: the added clarity helps in game design.

4. Gamers already knew the importance of 1080p over 720p. The industry didn't need to "push" the standard for this to be the case. We already knew it, we already wanted it. We had a whole gen of games barely at 720p, often below that, and you want us to be satisfied with that shit for another gen? At $400-$500 for new hardware? I can only say "fuck off" with that settling shit. We should expect more and demand more.

5. Journalists, please stop offering false choices to gamers. It's not VISUALS or GAMEPLAY. It's not GOOD ONLINE or FREE ONLINE. These are false choices. They do not exist on a spectrum that requires anyone to select either option. You can have both.

I love all your posts on this issue by the way. Higher resolutions and frame rates literally make most games more immersive and playable. Being able to clearly make out things in the distance, vs not. More responsive controls vs less responsive controls.

These are tangible things which can improve almost any game. Why is it nerdy system wars to want to see these things? I want to see these things on both systems. Just because that isn't the case and I want to make sure other people know, doesn't make me a nit picking fanboy.


First of all, I'm staying on PC and not buying any consoles now, so I can definitely see why 1080p/60 fps is important. So I can understand what your point.

But, at the same time, I agree with him that game design and AI are way more important. I didn't see much of him on G4, but I've been watching Rev3 frequently and I agree with their vision that game design is a better focus.

Now, I'm not saying that we must choose one or the other. In fact, PC shows that you can have both. What I'm saying here, and I agree with Adam on this, is that while the resolution and frame rate are issues, it won't matter if the game quality is sub-par.
I dont understand what these journalists don't get. The PS4 is CHEAPER and is MORE POWERFUL. That plays a factor in what console someone buys as well as what platform they chose to play their multiplats on.

Journo's keep on saying "its about the games, not the resolution" as if somehow having one means we shouldn't expect the other or that somehow the PS4's power difference means nothing if the games aren't good. The fact is most console owners play multi plats more than exclusives, and so choosing the console that has the definitive version is natural.

Im honestly tired of them trying to downplay it, considering every gaming site had comparisons last gen to HELP US DETERMINE WHICH VERSIONS OF GAMES TO BUY. Now it doesn't matter because everything is "upscaled". Come on.


Go back to the first couple of years of this gen and there were plenty of lower scores for PS3 versions due to small differences in graphics.

Only about graphics, or was it game play problems, glitches, frame rate, etc because of slow to learn developers with the Cell?
It's not weird that major gaming sites/gaming hosts are now downplaying the importance of graphics and performance in console games. Remember - these are the same outlets and twitter accounts that were trying to convince us that Sony was 100% on board with Microsoft's used game and DRM policies.

It should come as no surprise that these guys are at it again.

I honestly think they just want parity so that it will drive more people to check out their articles. If there is a clear favorite, you don't need to stay up to date on everything. Enthusiasm wanes.

Same reason all the major news sites called the presidential election close, when it wasn't.
Adam Sessler has really changed since his Xplay days.

Yup. I miss OG Sess.

Pretty much disagree with most of what he says anymore. It's like he tries to give this false sense of subjectivity and makes everything a wash, never really takes a definitive stance on anything. Masks over a lot of pretty obvious stuff in the process

Mr. X

360s better performance with multiplats was a selling point, championed as one of the pros to owning the console.

PS4 has the better performing multiplats and suddenly better performance is negligible because it's still the same game.


Gold Member
I like Sessler but he's repeating the same misunderstanding of the argument I keep hearing over and over. We're not saying that graphics are more important than gameplay, we're saying that it's a serious issue when a considerably less expensive console offers the same games with substantially better visuals.

Well not only that, but it's almost as if, you know, with next gen consoles people expect a technical jump; 720p aint it.
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