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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread

Really? I just seems like there's no skill involved at all. Anyone can simply snap aim at something, but actually putting your cursor on something and pulling the trigger requires more precision and would be more natural at the same time. Well, I guess I won't bother with rifles and stuff and just go with automatic weapons. Seems no point to bother with anything else.

Difference in opinion I guess. To me, firing from the hip takes less skill.

I play on console though.
I think I understand how some challenges work now thanks to reading something online earlier.

I was going after the patch for getting 200 kills with akimbo+ACOG Magnums. Got well above 200 but never got the challenge for it.

What I found out was that the challenge you're going for needs to be listed in one of the "operations". So I kept spending 1 squad point to bring up a different list of challenges each time until the one I wanted popped up. So now, because it's listed, i'm actually earning progress towards it. Fucking lame I gotta get another 200 kills.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is how challenges work. At least with the one I'm going for.


I have a question about shooting targets. If I don't use ADS and simply point at a player and shoot, I hardly ever hit them, even though my cursor is on them. However, if I use ADS and shoot at them, then I can generally take someone out. I'd like to know if this is normal behavior? Does the game favor ADS over simply pointing and shooting? It's really frustrating using a rifle, firing a shot even though I have the guy dead to rights and getting killed because they're using automatic weapons.

Feels like the game is not made for manual precision shooting and is made for ADS mainly.

Totally normal.

There was an attachment in BO2 that allowed you to use hip fire semi-accurately called a Laser Sight. I know the Chain SAW LMG has it in Ghosts, but I don't think it is a normal attachment for other guns. It was way overpowered on SMG's, basically allowing you to only fire from the hip with weapons that had the fastest rate of fire in the game. An MP7 with silencer, laser sight, and either rapid fire or rapid reload was insane.
Really? I just seems like there's no skill involved at all. Anyone can simply snap aim at something, but actually putting your cursor on something and pulling the trigger requires more precision and would be more natural at the same time. Well, I guess I won't bother with rifles and stuff and just go with automatic weapons. Seems no point to bother with anything else.

When you ADS, you still have to aim at them.


Really? I just seems like there's no skill involved at all. Anyone can simply snap aim at something, but actually putting your cursor on something and pulling the trigger requires more precision and would be more natural at the same time. Well, I guess I won't bother with rifles and stuff and just go with automatic weapons. Seems no point to bother with anything else.

I have to ask, and I promise I'm not being a douche, but have you ever fired rifles in real life? Aiming from the hip in real life is impossibly inaccurate, even if you have a laser sight attached to the rifle. You may think you're pointing directly at someone, but it's likely you're either going to be way above or way below and into the ground, and that's only counting one axis of movement and not taking recoil from an automatic weapon into account.

As far as CoD goes, this is one of the things they get at least somewhat right with gun fire.

EDIT: I should add, the range I'm a member of would probably yank my membership if I went there with any rifle and started shooting like crazy from the hip. It's just generally unsafe because it's so unpredictable.


When you ADS, you still have to aim at them.

You do, but it's basically a guaranteed kill if you just get the dot anywhere on them. At least in my experience. I've been playing a lot of Ghosts on the Wii U using the remote and my dot is on a guy and I can't kill them consistently unless I use the ADS. In killcams I notice pretty much everyone uses ADS and there are rarely any but the dot on someone and shoot them kind of kills. Just seems like the game doesn't reward lining up and shooting people unless they use the ADS system.

Maybe this kind of game really isn't for me.

I have to ask, and I promise I'm not being a douche, but have you ever fired rifles in real life? Aiming from the hip in real life is impossibly inaccurate, even if you have a laser sight attached to the rifle. You may think you're pointing directly at someone, but it's likely you're either going to be way above or way below and into the ground, and that's only counting one axis of movement and not taking recoil from an automatic weapon into account.

As far as CoD goes, this is one of the things they get at least somewhat right with gun fire.

I've fired real pistols and I generally fire them the same way I do in real life. I consider myself fairly accurate, of course firing at fake targets is a lot different than firing at real people. This is why I generally play these kinds of games on the Wii/Wii U as it's the closest I can get to feeling like I'm holding a gun. Either way, the basic idea is that I put my pointer/mouse cursor on someone and fire...especially while not moving and miss, yet someone moving clicks the button for ADS and hits me in the toe and I go down is kind of messed up. It doesn't reward actual lining up the shot and pulling the trigger. I guess it's a personal preference thing, but it's still frustrating.

Anyway, I'm just gonna conform and do it the way they have it set up. No point in going against the grain on this one.
You do, but it's basically a guaranteed kill if you just get the dot anywhere on them. At least in my experience. I've been playing a lot of Ghosts on the Wii U using the remote and my dot is on a guy and I can't kill them consistently unless I use the ADS. In killcams I notice pretty much everyone uses ADS and there are rarely any but the dot on someone and shoot them kind of kills. Just seems like the game doesn't reward lining up and shooting people unless they use the ADS system.

Maybe this kind of game really isn't for me.

As mentioned, firing from the hip should be inaccurate, as it is IRL too. The problem with it being accurate is that you get ridiculous people who hipfire all the time like in blops2.

Also, I sent a bunch of invites out but no one has accepted yet. are they sending?

Those that have android devices that are incompatible:

1) make sure installing from unknown sources is allowed in your settings
2) Download the .APK here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7CMRbyQIYe2Ry1oMUo1cEx1S3c/edit?usp=drive_web
3) Run it and let it install the app.
4) Open the app. It will finish installing.

It should work on most devices this way.

Also, should I make a thread for the clan so we don't clog this thread up?
It's been fucking ridiculous.

Was just in the middle of a good match for me and it dropped connection. Sadness :(

Man, I was thinking it was just my connection, but I see no reason why I would be lagging. Hopefully it gets fixed because I've been playing this since yesterday and in every match there's lag. I'm not the good at CoD but that lag is just making it impossible to score anything, I'll get killed by players I never even saw, even though the kill cam shows they were in my line of sight.
You do, but it's basically a guaranteed kill if you just get the dot anywhere on them. At least in my experience. I've been playing a lot of Ghosts on the Wii U using the remote and my dot is on a guy and I can't kill them consistently unless I use the ADS. In killcams I notice pretty much everyone uses ADS and there are rarely any but the dot on someone and shoot them kind of kills. Just seems like the game doesn't reward lining up and shooting people unless they use the ADS system.

Maybe this kind of game really isn't for me.

I'm playing on Wii U also with the pointer.

Basically, ADS is the way to go for accurate shots. This is to mimic the act of holding up and steadying your gun. Just as in real life, hip fire will mean you have less control over the weapon and the bullets will spray all over (being less accurate).

Call of Duty is not about putting your cursor on someone and circle strafing them. It's just a different type of FPS. The risk/reward of ADS is that ADS locks you into moving more slowly (for assault rifle and LMGs).

There are, however, perks such as Steady Aim or Laser Sights that increase the accuracy of your hipfire. If you want to run around hipfiring at people, you'll need to get close before your bullets spread all over. For this, you'll want to use SMGs and tailor your playstyle around that.
anyone actually doing good in this game? can someone posts some tips on weapons and perks and overall gameplay. im getting owned in every games.
I was having the same problem but after about 2 days I've gotten used to how the game works and I've pretty much been over 3 K.D. every game versus the string of negative to barely breaking even games I had day one. That being said my tips will probably depend on your playstyle, what modes you play, the map, etc.

1. Running tha map: The maps are built like swiss cheese, realize that at any moment you probably have a dude spawning or running up behind you. That doesn't mean you should run around the map with your team so you don't get pinned down but I like to patrol about 1/3rd of the map that I spawn in and stick to it. When things get too hot it's time to bail! When you have to run try to use paths that aren't heavily contested and on the outskirts. Find areas that don't have so many entry points, or at least ones that give you enough time to react and lock them down. Spawns don't seem to be based on safety, they are more based around revenge kills so prepare for guys you drop to be close pretty quickly.

2. Choose your weapon. Maybe people have different experiences than me but so far a lot of the guns outside of the ARs and SMGs (only on tight maps like Strikezone) aren't very viable if you don't know what your doing. I haven't gotten to experience much of the ARs, so far I'm sticking to what works for me and that is the Honey Badger and the AXR. The honey badger is better on close maps, it reminds me of the MP7 a bit from past CoDs while I use the AXR on the bigger maps. The AXR is great if you get the first shot in, but it has some strong recoil if you don't have a grip or finish off the target quickly. Obviously use a silencer on whatever you run. Unless your running with a good team or your just so damn overwhelmingly beastly with your gun you're just gonna call attention to yourself every time you fire it. Call of Duty isn't very skill versus skill when it comes to gunfights, it's more about getting the drop on someone, and not using a silencer really hampers that. I would also advise against running a sidearm. They just aren't very good in this game vs BLOPS 2 and it would be better used on a perk.

3. Perks and Equipment: Again, this comes down to playstyle but I run blind eye, quickdraw, sleight of hand, and the full mag perk. I'll probably run that Deadeye perk when I unlock it but I've yet to test out it's effectiveness. Lethals and tacticals are very flexible too. I use the IED for Domination and the canister bomb on TDM or other kill focused modes. Grenades basically haven't been useful since MW 1 so drop those quick. As for tacticals, I personally really dig the 9 bang and the thermobaric nade. The 9 has a small emp effect when you cook it on top of blinding people, and the thermobaric is good for groups on capture points or hot spots to soften them up before you come in.

4.Killstreaks: Once again, do what works for you. My only tip here is to use something you're actually likely to get in a game and will benefit you on the map you're on. Otherwise your basically letting a killstreak slot(s) go to waste because you're never getting anything in hopes that you get a game were you drop 10 kills with no help or whatever. Ain't no shame in using solely low kill streaks. Besides most of the high killstreaks in this game aren't that great anyway. I think sat coms are way more necessary now than UAVs where in previous games since they stack through your team for full sweeps. I also personally love Riley as a killstreak. Yeah he can give away your position but I think he's probably saved my ass more times than given my position away. He works best indoors though so it's harder for players to seem him till they are in his attack range. Look into using the support strike package if you have trouble staying alive for a while. A lot of them are pretty similar to the assault killstreaks, just take a bit more time to get and they don't come with the anxiety of trying to line up one last kill for a streak.

5. Slide and Lean, Drop and Pop!: Slide is basically IW's dolphin dive, they both essentially cover the same ground, the difference is it that you can go into a knee instead of prone with the slide. Both aren't very good for getting kills though, they are more for breaking the line of sight avoiding bullets. Lean takes a little getting used to but I think it's actually pretty helpful when you have a good vantage point and have time to pick your shots. Obviously learn to drop shot or at least get in the habit of getting in a crouch when you get in a fight since you're definitely gonna come across players who do nothing but crouch/drop shot when they see you.

6. Pick your battles: Don't think just because you see a player he needs to be hunted down and killed or that if you and a guy start fighting someone needs to finish the job. Run away or maneuver yourself to get an advantage if your outnumbered or the dude you're fighting is better equipped for the range your fighting him in. Chances are anyway that if you don't kill him your teammates will drop him a bit after you get his attention and he fires regardless. Just try to pick fights you should win most of the time and you'll be good.

My final tip is not really necessary but it helps to put on headphones or turn the sound up. The footsteps in this game seem pretty loud compared to past CoDs so you can easily hear someone sneaking up on you, even when they are on a different floor below you most of the time. Also don't get too hung up on having a bad game. Something a lot of gamers seem to forget is that there is always someone out there better than you and he/she WILL take you down a peg and remind you that you still suck. If it bugs you just back out and find a new lobby. Personally I kind of love having a grudge match and learning a particularly annoying guy's playstyle so I can prepare for it.


I'm dying to play this, but I'm waiting for the PS4 version (and since I'm 99% sure I'm getting a PS4 for Christmas I have to suck it up and wait). I saw they nerfed shotguns, what about quickscoping? Also, I thought Treyarch tried to do something dropshotting, where while going prone your bullet spread was >= hipfire even if you're ADS. How does dropshotting feel in Ghosts?
I'm dying to play this, but I'm waiting for the PS4 version (and since I'm 99% sure I'm getting a PS4 for Christmas I have to suck it up and wait). I saw they nerfed shotguns, what about quickscoping? Also, I thought Treyarch tried to do something dropshotting, where while going prone your bullet spread was >= hipfire even if you're ADS. How does dropshotting feel in Ghosts? Oh and I heard there was a knee slide in this game, instead of dolphin diving. Thoughts?

Quickscoping assholes are still here. They learned how to do it now and are ruining the game for everyone else again.

Dropshotting works fine. Sliding is alright. Not too viable in combat though.


How does dropshotting feel in Ghosts? Oh and I heard there was a knee slide in this game, instead of dolphin diving. Thoughts?

Annoying as hell, that shit gets me every time.

The knee slide? It's funny to watch and it can get to to cover quick but I often find myself sliding right into bullets.


That last tip is very good, I tend to always stick to players that are very skilled and that knows everything about the game in question, Im doing it now in BLOPS 2, that way in time you will eventually start to kill them more and more and before you know you will be owning left and right.



Quickscoping and dropshotting are two of the reasons I swear CoD off every year. If they were removed, it would only act to better balance to game. I'm especially disappointed about quickscoping, because I thought that one slug-shooting shotgun from BO2 would be the perfect category of weapon to replace QSing with. It allows for quick aiming and 1HKs, but is better balanced because of range restrictions.

I really wish I could quit CoD, but every November it comes back around and I get sucked back in.


I think Haunted is my favorite playlist. The pure even level playing field and meta game between both teams to control the weapon drops makes it waaay more enjoyable then the base game right now
Where is Groundwar? I'm only a level 4. Will it appear later? Played 2 games. I spray and pray and get easy kills. This feels wrong.
Questions for CoD-GAF:

1. If my team has one SAT com out, do the enemies in "line of sight" blink on and off the radar? Does the "line of sight" pulse like a UAV? Or are they perpetually on the mini-map as long as they're being spotted by a teammate?

2. Is the "line of sight" effect still active with 2+ SAT coms? For instance, if I have two SAT coms out, will I get a pulsing UAV effect in addition to the enemy popping up on radar whenever they are sighted?

3. If the enemy has SAT coms and my team has none, does the perk Wiretap work? Or do I only use their SAT coms to add onto the effect of my own SAT coms? How would it work if they have one SAT com and I have Wiretap but no SAT coms?
Quickscoping and dropshotting are two of the reasons I swear CoD off every year. If they were removed, it would only act to better balance to game. I'm especially disappointed about quickscoping, because I thought that one slug-shooting shotgun from BO2 would be the perfect category of weapon to replace QSing with. It allows for quick aiming and 1HKs, but is better balanced because of range restrictions.

I really wish I could quit CoD, but every November it comes back around and I get sucked back in.

There is nothing wrong with dropshotting. Aim for center mass and they drop right into a headshot.

Where is Groundwar? I'm only a level 4. Will it appear later? Played 2 games. I spray and pray and get easy kills. This feels wrong.

Ground war was removed for current gen. PC and next gen has it.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
Where is Groundwar? I'm only a level 4. Will it appear later? Played 2 games. I spray and pray and get easy kills. This feels wrong.

no ground war for current gen at all. only for next gen systems. stupid i know
So apparently there is a certain limit on how much xp you can earn in squad assault matches. I went on a tear and went 20-1 but at about the 15th kill a thing popped up saying something like "match xp limit reached" and every kill after didn't give me any xp. Ended the match with 2,000 xp I believe. Pretty stupid.
So apparently there is a certain limit on how much xp you can earn in squad assault matches. I went on a tear and went 20-1 but at about the 15th kill a thing popped up saying something like "match xp limit reached" and every kill after didn't give me any xp. Ended the match with 2,000 xp I believe. Pretty stupid.

It's to prevent people from modding bot game XP i'm sure. And people shouldn't be allowed to prestige just offline. This acts as a buffer for that.
It's to prevent people from modding bot game XP i'm sure. And people shouldn't be allowed to prestige just offline. This acts as a buffer for that.
Thats kinda what I figured. I'm just glad the stuff I unlock in squads transfers over to regular multiplayer. I haven't even played regular multiplayer yet. Gonna wait until I unlock better guns/attachments/perks and learn the maps a bit better.


I'm playing on Wii U also with the pointer.

Basically, ADS is the way to go for accurate shots. This is to mimic the act of holding up and steadying your gun. Just as in real life, hip fire will mean you have less control over the weapon and the bullets will spray all over (being less accurate).

Call of Duty is not about putting your cursor on someone and circle strafing them. It's just a different type of FPS. The risk/reward of ADS is that ADS locks you into moving more slowly (for assault rifle and LMGs).

There are, however, perks such as Steady Aim or Laser Sights that increase the accuracy of your hipfire. If you want to run around hipfiring at people, you'll need to get close before your bullets spread all over. For this, you'll want to use SMGs and tailor your playstyle around that.

I didn't know that while walking around it assumes you're always firing "from the hip". Heh, just the thought of that reminds me of the old 1940s Bogart movies where they almost always fire "from the hip". My impression of how things worked is that pulling the trigger would be the same as putting your arms up and pulling the trigger, much like they do with pistols. It's not the same as "planting and shooting", but it can be accurate in the hands of someone who's good at shooting, which is what I was assuming the "cursor" was for. It's your actual aim and the bullets go where you're aiming.

Funny that I've played pretty much all CoD games starting from 3 and in that game, the bullets went where the cursor was pointed at and it allowed me to use rifles and such much easier. I never used any of the ADS stuff before. For some reason with CoD: Ghosts, I'm trying to actually learn to be better at multiplayer, but I find that I don't like "gaming" the system to be better and feel like actually "aiming" is better than using ADS and shooting someone in the toe to take them out.

What made me really think about this is that I was using a rifle, used ADS and on my screen I shot the guy in the midsection...yet the game said I got a headshot. Baffled the hell out of me as that just couldn't possibly happen, even if there was some funky net stuff going on that compensated. Anyway, thanks for the information. I guess this game just isn't really for me. I'll just keep screwing around in multiplayer as fodder for people who are more into this way of playing.

Whaaaaa? I... It.... ?
I'm going to a LAN party with 15 others next week. I don't think a soul knew about this. We've been doing this for the last 5 CODs. Wow STUPID! Why?

Probably to force people to upgrade. If people are going to get "gimped" versions on current gen systems, then they'll be more likely to consider upgrading to the new systems.


After a few games online.. so far not feeling it at all. The maps are just far too small from what I can tell. So many spawns behind you.

Gonna try to push through it but man not a good first impression :( Not having fun so far
So apparently there is a certain limit on how much xp you can earn in squad assault matches. I went on a tear and went 20-1 but at about the 15th kill a thing popped up saying something like "match xp limit reached" and every kill after didn't give me any xp. Ended the match with 2,000 xp I believe. Pretty stupid.
I understand their logic behind it, but I do wish the XP limit would at least be increased somewhat as you level up. At higher levels it's going to be pretty pointless to even bother with.


Whaaaaa? I... It.... ?
I'm going to a LAN party with 15 others next week. I don't think a soul knew about this. We've been doing this for the last 5 CODs. Wow STUPID! Why?
Why do you think?


The health is way too low, the maps are too big and too complex, regular TDM health is blops 2 hardcore health and hardcore ghosts is just ridiculous.

This is honestly the worst iteration of COD i've played.

What is the actual possibility of IW doing something about it?
The health is way too low, the maps are too big and too complex, regular TDM health is blops 2 hardcore health and hardcore ghosts is just ridiculous.

This is honestly the worst iteration of COD i've played.

What is the actual possibility of IW doing something about it?

None because a lot of us are enjoying it.


What made me really think about this is that I was using a rifle, used ADS and on my screen I shot the guy in the midsection...yet the game said I got a headshot. Baffled the hell out of me as that just couldn't possibly happen, even if there was some funky net stuff going on that compensated.
I bet he was trying to drop shot and that's why you got the headshot.
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