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DS4 thumb sticks might have a problem?


I spoke with Sony and my post is on page 28. Long story short, the call center managers know of the problem and will replace your pad with a new one. You just will be without a controller for "a week and a half."

Ah. Scanned the last couple pages quickly before I posted but missed your post somehow. While that sucks hard (being without a pad for over a week), it's good that they're taking care of it I guess... though what's the assurance that the "replacement" they send you won't exhibit the same issue after some rigorous use?? Probably none, unless this WAS a case of a "bad batch or batches" and not a universal quality issue.
My sticks were/are doing fine. My issue happened with the R2 trigger. The small plastic dowel inside the controller, where the trigger pivots, broke after 2 weeks. The trigger stopped springing back up into position, causing it to feed the trigger input to the console constantly, making the rest of the buttons completely unresponsive.

Amazon CS is sending me a free replacement, but I went and bought another new one from Walmart in the meantime. Hopefully this isn't a widespread issue, I haven't heard other reports of this happening.

I worried about this kind of thing when I first tried the controller. The controller materials in general feel cheaply made (though it's very comfortable). I just bought the grips for 5 bucks, so hopefully that will save them, as I plan on putting in some epic AC4 sessions very soon.
Do the black ones come in the package? Aesthetically, I'm not fond of the blue ones.

yea black comes in the package with the blue. 2 sets. 1 set of black + 1 set of blue. I'm currently using the blue since it matches the blue light on the controller. they provide excellent grip, I might add.

$5 bucks isn't a big investment. If you don't like them toss them or send them back to Amazon.
Ah. Scanned the last couple pages quickly before I posted but missed your post somehow. While that sucks hard (being without a pad for over a week), it's good that they're taking care of it I guess... though what's the assurance that the "replacement" they send you won't exhibit the same issue after some rigorous use?? Probably none, unless this WAS a case of a "bad batch or batches" and not a universal quality issue.

That's the problem at this point. We don't know the extent of this issue. I do believe the people that have posted that their controller is fine, so I'm hopeful that it is something that has already been resolved. I did notice that my serial/model was exactly the same to many of the people that have posted that information on the sister thread re: collecting info for faulty DS4 sticks.




pls guys. PLS.
Why are you pushing these so hard? I shouldn't have to purchase an analog stick cover to prevent a problem that has popped up within three weeks' of use. Speaking of which, add me to the list of Gaffers affected. My left stick is becoming slick and it is starting to crack on the lip.
yea black comes in the package with the blue. 2 sets. 1 set of black + 1 set of blue. I'm currently using the blue since it matches the blue light on the controller. they provide excellent grip, I might add.

$5 bucks isn't a big investment. If you don't like them toss them or send them back to Amazon.

I think the colors might be nice. One for each of my two controllers.
I think the colors might be nice. One for each of my two controllers.

I can take pictures of my DS4 if you or anyone else would like to see it. No problem.

Why are you pushing these so hard? I shouldn't have to purchase an analog stick cover to prevent a problem that has popped up within three weeks' of use. Speaking of which, add me to the list of Gaffers affected. My left stick is becoming slick and it is starting to crack on the lip.

Because it's $5 and it's better than your sticks falling apart. I bought some explicitly because of this thread. Someone posted the link to them and I'm a happy camper so I'm paying it forward. Lots of people here aren't happy campers and that makes me a sad panda. If you don't like the solution, you can play with degrading sticks until Sony decides how they're going to handle a recall (if/when that ever happens)...or you can drop $5 and not only save your sticks but actually give them more grip in the first place.

To me it's like getting a screen protector for my Vita. It's not necessary, but I'd rather avoid potential future issues when it's so inexpensive to do so and it doesn't negatively impact my gaming experience. YMMV. If it's not good for you, send them back or toss them. $5 to not have to worry about this thread was worth it.
I have every FPS and play tons of Resogun and my thumbsticks still look perfect.. This has to be just a bad batch of controllers.

More than likely the case, regardless it is really not all that big of a deal. Just service a replacement through Amazon, Sony, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.

OT: My DS4 is holding up just fine so far, zero issue.


I have two DS4s, both from launch day, that have both seen ~100 hours of use. Both still look new, and this is with 9-10 year old boys beating the hell out of them (and myself with 15 hours of BF4, and 20-24 hours of Madden). IDK what to say. I do think if this were a larger problem, it would be more widely reported than a GAF thread. I've never seen it anywhere but here.
Because it's $5 and it's better than your sticks falling apart. I bought some explicitly because of this thread. Someone posted the link to them and I'm a happy camper so I'm paying it forward. Lots of people here aren't happy campers and that makes me a sad panda. If you don't like the solution, you can play with degrading sticks until Sony decides how they're going to handle a recall (if/when that ever happens)...or you can drop $5 and not only save your sticks but actually give them more grip in the first place.

To me it's like getting a screen protector for my Vita. It's not necessary, but I'd rather avoid potential future issues when it's so inexpensive to do so and it doesn't negatively impact my gaming experience. YMMV. If it's not good for you, send them back or toss them. $5 to not have to worry about this thread was worth it.
I won't argue with the above. Apparently there's a market for them, too, since there is a company making them and selling them.

I've not ever given much thought behind controller stick wear, because by the time that happens my controller has gotten so much life it becomes delegated to second, third, or fourth player status. Only the best and newest controllers get the coveted first player spot (read: my controller :D ).

I'll give the DS4 stick's material some credit. Even though my left stick is eroding fast, it is still retaining its grippiness. I love the grippiness and it's just another bullet point in the long list of why the DS4 is a wonderfully designed controller.


Well, my Dual Shock 4's left thumb stick is starting to chip/peel. Probably put in around 30-40 hours between NBA 2K14, Resogun and Call of Duty: Ghosts since I've had it. It's not bad enough where it renders what I'm playing unplayable but I do plan on buying another Dual Shock 4 before the year ends (just so I can use my $30 off the controller promo that I still have on Amazon).
I have two DS4s, both from launch day, that have both seen ~100 hours of use. Both still look new, and this is with 9-10 year old boys beating the hell out of them (and myself with 15 hours of BF4, and 20-24 hours of Madden). IDK what to say. I do think if this were a larger problem, it would be more widely reported than a GAF thread. I've never seen it anywhere but here.

There are about four threads in the Official Sony Community Forums.


My left stick is starting to peel. It feels oilier than the right stick.

I purchased console on NA launch. This is a serious issue.


My left stick is losing its grip. Its much more slippery than my right stick. Maybe I should use some sandpaper...


you can't put a price on sparks
i had problems with sixaxis/dual shock 3 sticks, myself.

both of my sxiaxis controllers are sticky and oily like the adhesive is coming through. also for one of them, the left stick top rotates around like it can screw off, but never does. its basically useless.

the dualshock 3s that came out a year after the sixaxis controllers are more or less fine, but the first one i got has a sticky O button. my only "perfect" controller is my blue one i bought last year because i wanted to stop using my sixaxis controllers.

i dont know what the point of my story is, but i think it probably has something to do with the first run of controllers just being made in a hurry.
-So far so good with my DS4 thumb sticks. I have had my console since 11-15-13. I have beaten KZSF 3 times, played KZ MP and finished BF4. Also of course i have been using the DS4 for general PS4 use as well.

-I will keep an eye out for any wear in the future, and I could see finger nails being problematic if the materials on some or are all DS4 controllers are all made of the same material. Its possible some of the molding batch was not mixed correctly and or the composition mixture was not at the correct percentage with all things being possible.

- I play mostly with my thumbs flat, but dragging or digging a nail into the top circular ridge might be the culprit with spotty materials. I guess it all depends on if all DS4s are made with the same quality, or like others mentioned that it could be a bad batch of rubberized material.

-I for one take really good care of my stuff, especially in regards to my electronics and the topic at hand being the DS4. At the same time I am not discounting any defects that are being presented. If my DS4 has or will have a future issue I would like it resolved.

-Time will tell.


No problem with my sticks so far. I've had it since day one. I have two controllers in which I alternate on an almost daily basis due to battery life.


Had my PS4 since last friday, obviously I put in a lot of hours over the weekend, but I'm already noticing some flaking of the rubber on the left stick. Hope it won't become too much of a problem.

Might be due to the level of sweat that's produced by your finger tips. Sweat is acidic which can likely cause the flaking of the rubber. Some people produce (significantly) more than others, which is why you're seeing so much variation on the issue.


There are about four threads in the Official Sony Community Forums.

And 3 threads here. It's an issue. I don't see the point of posting in here that a controller is not having issues. Of course most are fine. These threads are for people that have the issue or people who have a fix. Since the only fix here is getting it replaced. ...


Gold Member
No problem for me. I notice the rubber has great grip but also feels a bit brittle, so I can see why some people would have problems with it flaking off.


And 3 threads here. It's an issue. I don't see the point of posting in here that a controller is not having issues. Of course most are fine. These threads are for people that have the issue or people who have a fix. Since the only fix here is getting it replaced. ...

Well, the point is to show that this is not a universal problem. I'm not Captain Sony Defender #1, but it does reassure people who are thinking about replacing their pads that the new one isn't guaranteed to fail.

Sony had a nasty defect with the first few runs of Sixaxis controllers. The bluetooth in those things was horrendously weak, and wasn't helped by the shittiness of the initial PS3's bluetooth antenna. It would drop out constantly, which meant I died a lot in Resistance 1 thanks to my controller simply not responding to inputs.

Sony substantially boosted the power in the Sixaxis, fixing the issue, but it took many months (I bought my PS3 the July following the NA launch, and had the issue through late fall, so almost a year after launch).

Anyway, this isn't nearly as bad IMO, as not all the pads have this issue. That said, I wouldn't personally deal with Sony. Why not just return the defective pad to the store? Everyone should still be well within their return period.


Neo Member
News flash for some of you: Just because yours aren't flaking/peeling that doesn't mean this isn't a legitimate issue. We don't need everyone who doesn't have a problem (yet) coming in here to post how theirs are just fine. Should be quite obvious by now that it's a pretty widespread issue. I'm glad for those of you who aren't experiencing it but please STFU about how "isolated" it is.


I have two DS4s.. So far so good, but I've only had them since last friday.

Looked at my DS3s thubsticks, look pretty much new.


Not had any issues with mine but I have put a pair rubber DualShock 3 tops to improve the grip slightly. They fit perfectly so there shouldn't be any issues moving forward.
News flash for some of you: Just because yours aren't flaking/peeling that doesn't mean this isn't a legitimate issue. We don't need everyone who doesn't have a problem (yet) coming in here to post how theirs are just fine. Should be quite obvious by now that it's a pretty widespread issue. I'm glad for those of you who aren't experiencing it but please STFU about how "isolated" it is.

Easy, tiger.


Neo Member
I have 3 DS4's. 2 that came packed in with Gamer pack, and one red DS4.
No damage yet - but it is noticeable that one of the sticks is softer and more slippy than the others which feel much firmer.

There is a difference and so I think some sticks are of varying quality for sure..


Definitely sounds like a fuck up on Sony's part. Are you people contacting Sony for a warranty claim? They won't care if it's just a bunch of people whining on a forum. I could see them eventually issuing free stick caps to everyone, like Nintendo did with the Wiimote grippy covers.


I'm stunned by those who have had issues don't appear to have brought them back/ contacted sony for a replacement. How many of those with problems have actually executed your consumer rights?
My left thumb stick is also having an issue with the rubber flaking off and it´s not like i sit down and chew on the damn thing.

One week of playing Fifa is all it took. The old 360 controllers could take atleast 6-7 months of Fifa before showing signs of being used. The new 360 Design never wore out.

I am getting mine replaced for free, at the store.


Neo Member
I created the original thread on reddit and finally got access to post here. You all suck for thinking I sand-papered my controller.

That said, I'm compiling pictures to try and make another post, this time with more proof (more pictures, less dust, same amount of misidentified pubes). If you have any pictures of your ravaged sticks, feel free to PM them to me.


I don't have any issues yet with the hats the only issue I have is that as I play my finger creeps which can suck in some games because you can't reset easily without our losing your momentum (I'm looking at you AC:BF free running over long distances).

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Mine still look like new, after many many hours of use. That said, I think there is a problem with the material Sony is using, and I hope they fix this ASAP.


Had my PS4 since last friday, obviously I put in a lot of hours over the weekend, but I'm already noticing some flaking of the rubber on the left stick. Hope it won't become too much of a problem.

Might be due to the level of sweat that's produced by your finger tips. Sweat is acidic which can likely cause the flaking of the rubber. Some people produce (significantly) more than others, which is why you're seeing so much variation on the issue.

I'm with you on that.


Neo Member
I don't have any issues yet with the hats the only issue I have is that as I play my finger creeps which can suck in some games because you can't reset easily without our losing your momentum (I'm looking at you AC:BF free running over long distances).

I have the exact problem when sprinting during BF4. Hoping the GripItz resolve this issue.
I like the controller but i did notice some 'marbles' of rubber on the touch pad the other night. Not chunks but thin rolls, i assumed it was just some excess being worn off. I have some gripitz so i'll give them a try for a while.

I have the pack-in controller and another one i bought online. Both are black and have the same numbers on the back. One is used more than the other and which is which i wouldn't be able to tell anymore.
50 hours of KZ and nothing on the rubber. Can still see original rubber grip marks. Going from my faulty R1 I am sure at some point this will come up but doesn't look to be soon I guess. Guarantee my R1 goes first lol.


Neo Member
I've been playing my PS4 like crazy and i show no wear on the thumbsticks. You have to wonder if a batch of them just got some cheaper rubber.
I want your controller.

The part on the R stick that I shove up when running, and hence use the outside of the pad, is getting ever so slightly more smooth but nothing I'd say is not normal. Needs more time to play though. I used another pad for a bit that got a bad R1 so not quite sure of timetable. This one has been used a decent amount and we'll see over the next 100 hours if any other issues pop up. Right now R1 is going to be my main issue that I am scared of because taking apart controllers can always break something and void warranty.

Right now we just don't know. Sony could have had big batch 1 that wasn't tested enough. I am sure they will fix it in upcoming releases.


I have a Blue DS4 + the Standard Black DS4 that came with the PS4... I dont know i it is in my head or not, but the Black standard seems a very very very slight difference in build quality, im being fussy here, but the D pad feels a little bit more spongie and the Sticks on the Black DS4 seem a little more tighter/springier.

Can anyone comment on their experience in this? The Blue one is by no means crap, its an awesome controller, I just think im noticing a "difference"
I'm stunned by those who have had issues don't appear to have brought them back/ contacted sony for a replacement. How many of those with problems have actually executed your consumer rights?

It's a new product. I'm waiting to see what/how corporate responds to this. Sending my controller to them for 1-2 weeks is not optimal, since I currently don't have a replacement.
It has gotten to the point where if I swirl my thumbs on the sticks, they will crumble like a suede leather eraser. It's actually stunning. No way this passed QC, it must be a defect with the rubber.


My left stick is starting to peel. Can Sony replace it if I call in? It also has a squeaky noise which is bugging the hell out of me. The controller is covered under warranty?

Oh and any link to a Vita like Grip-it analog cover?
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