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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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It's a new year, so let's try something different:

School Days 01

It begins.

Thinking of getting on the Yamato 2199 bandwagon soon, but I don't know much about it. Not familiar with the original series.
It's a remake. You might catch some hints to the sequel series with knowledge or the original shows but that's it. Infact you are better served going in it fresh.

yamato - 20
Think I prefer the build-up of episode nineteen to the actual engagement, but it's not due to any deficiencies of the latter.
That anthem scene in 19.
I actually mostly agree with you. Not to say 20 wasn't awesome of course.

What is Apocalypse Zero and why has it become the new fad lately? Is it list material? Should I watch it?
It's a good OVA.

No. It's more like DeVasady. I know saying this is pointless, but don't share in my masochism. :/
Is DeVasady good?


Steins Gate The Movie

Kind of a
retread of the series, and a conclusion to a story that already had a sufficient one.
I enjoyed it, but the
outcome was the same with or without the movie, unless him having other worldlines confused was some plotline leftover from the series that I had forgotten. Her having sorta invented Houin Kyouma (Terminator style) and having stolen his first kiss were pretty cool, I guess.
Lol at that 2chan list.

Tbh I'm not surprised Kill la Kill was so low. That show nosedived this season. The fan services was also a massive put off for me. At least the OST was good.



Happy new year from BONES and happy 15th anniversary for them too!



Hajime no Ippo Rising 11

Sawamura, what a scumbag, what a gourmand.

Once Sawamura stopped fighting dirty (for now) this fight reminded me of several fights Ippo has had previously. Someone keeps ther distance with a long-reaching defensive strikes, then has one close-distance move when Ippo manages to get through the defense.
Sword art online Extra

Ok so this "episode" is part recap and part new stuff.

The recap.

This part was Stuff we know mostly

Isn't that what happenned to you all ?
For people who have read teh book this recap didn't add any new information of course..it was shamefully a mix of pool & swimsuit fanservice with footage from the serie. it does introduce 2 new characters that are somewhat important later.

We had a glimse of the concelling doctor in the school , not that important in the grand scheme of things , she should have more lines in season 2.
More important , is the secret guy kikuoka. it's a simple yet effective way to introduce him as a character whitout the monologue that happenned in the book . this introduction did explain his part ( he was the one that allowed kirito to see asuna ASAP since all the info on the player was classified information ) . and the whole first part does show his place

The rest is pure fanservice.
Overall i think it's a decent way to summarise the first season. I would recommand seeing this 1h40m episode rather than watching all 25 eps to anyone if i have the chance. it's easier and get to the point.

The new stuff
As for part 2 , it was an alright side story. It show a lot of things , like how the quest is in alfheim and how the quest system works , it's not something revolutionnary but it'll be a clue and it is a forshadowing for thing in S2 too . They also teased several events that happen way later , like
yui being able to see the real world
so overall this second part wasn't a waste of time.

Klein disapointment and lack of luck was a cool addition. If anything this showed me that they can adapt the excalibur quest properly when it'll happen. i'll look foward to it.

In conclusion , i kinda liked this episode , sure it was full of things i already knew about but it served it's purpose and the last part was enjoyable at least

I hope they make an EXTRA EDITION - 02 so i can see more alheim quests. or the tournaments side stories. ( or the new skill system they patched it in )


Yozakura 11-

A trick is something a whore does for money.

Juri is an awful awful sister.

Also holy shit at the fanservice in this episode. One of those shots was leading straight into a hentai.
Yozakura Quartet - Hana no Uta 11-13 END

Looking back, I think the structure and pacing of this season was handled well. I have no familiarity with the source material, but I wasn't ever frustrated by a lack of progress or desperate attempt to wrap something up. I know some people felt that Lila's arc was resolved too quickly but to me, given the genesis of her issues and her desired outcome, delaying the obvious solution seems like it would have just been frustrating, if typical of similar shows. In addition, the onus being placed on
Juri to make amends for her younger self's behaviour was welcome, as was Hime's willingness to start real talking her.
Those episodes did a good job of representing the show's ability to make every character feel important to both the events and each other.

It could also be argued that Enjin's plans have largely been static, but in-between other goings on we've steadily gained a greater understanding of his and Akina's powers, as well as the town's history and his overall goal; the developments have largely felt satisfying, and Enjin himself has been shown to be learning too. The show in general has felt skillfully balanced, without too much weight placed on the action, drama or comedy elements of the show.

I agree with fertygo that throwing Akina in combat situations is something that won't keep working for much longer, since he repeatedly just gets worked. In fact, the first episode dealt with his lack of combat prowess amusingly, by having him opt to contribute as a glow stick tossing distraction. That said, I can appreciate his desire to fight and resolve things himself given that he and Enjin are two sides of the same coin and, in this instance, everyone else was otherwise occupied (and Yae can't step in). I wonder too, if his weakness in this fight was meant to
contrast with a future development of his dormant striking powers. Maybe he'll take the opportunity to improve his strength in that way, out of frustration or something else? I might just be over thinking this.
The revelation during 13 that tied into all this felt like a suitable development to close the season with and maintain interest for the future.

For a minute there towards the end I was thinking "RIP Lila's witch outfit" and then, as if my thoughts were being monitored by telepathy, they capped the episode and series with it :p YQ feels not unlike it was made for me, but with up-skirt shots added for a wider appeal. Tatsunoko have managed to consistently outshine both Kyoukai no Kanata and Kill la Kill to varying degrees with this show, by executing on things the others have continued to struggle with to create a world and characters I'm not just entertained by, but actually somewhat invested in. I'm glad the finale was a worthy end to the show, but I'm going to miss it, that's for sure.


Sword Art Online - Extra Edition

Don't want to waste too much time on this post because I already wasted 100 minutes watching the turd to begin with. If you're a fan of Sword Art Online, this will be pretty awesome. If the original series caused you much pain, this will bring it all back. But in the end, none of that matters, because if Yui-chan is happy, I'm happy too! ^_^

Unbreakable machine doll - 12

So this anime ended with some revelations the promise that things will get more complicated later ..and a whole lot of forshadowing .


Actually it is.

I haven't read the books (yet) but i wasn't really ready for the reveal that the
shota was in fact a teenager female
. On one hand i hope it won't increase the harem , on the other hand i don't dislike this turn of events.
After all i like characters that are antagonist and think several moves in advance. He is in for the thrill of the game not for some noble cause so we might have a nice vilain for next season.

Overall the best thing that happenned for this anime was Yaya. too bad we got some really weird CG background scenes
Special mention to the ending theme "maware" that was alright too.

This anime would have been so much more pleasing if it had more money on production.
Coppelion - 13

I wanted to know how it ended but i wasn't ready for this ending ...it's dull

The finale was too long, forced , full of stupid twists and not logical on most parts.

Everyone on this show deserve at least 3 slap on the face , some character deserve way more.
Congratulation cast , you all managed to get a "boring 2013 award" from me.

The ozu sisters were a nice distraction at first but the whole arc was soooo long that in the end you're scearming "AGAIN?"

Way too many sacrifices for such a result and this chain of events only happenned because half the cast was acting like morons.

Coppelion could have been so much more , but lacked the necessary polish to chain the events more or a better escuse for things to happen , this isn't how you raise the stakes


It's about time for them to announce their sublicences. Space Dandy will almost certainly be one of them.

Doesn't Funimation have literally all the US rights to Space Dandy sown up? I don't think they'll be willing to play ball with Crunchy on this one.

Besides, even the Japanese side of the Space Dandy equation have already layed out exactly when and where the various territories will be able to the show, and Crunchyroll isn't on there for anywhere.
Makoto Uezu(series composition of Arpeggio of blue steel:Ars Nova) said he already have idea about sequel,if investor greenlight it,then we get Arpeggio season 2

Since the sales looking good(topped most fall anime,and sold out in amazon first day),i guess season 2 announcement just matter of time


Why would funimation let that go to crunchyroll?

Doesn't Funimation have literally all the US rights to Space Dandy sown up? I don't think they'll be willing to play ball with Crunchy on this one.

Besides, even the Japanese side of the Space Dandy equation have already layed out exactly when and where the various territories will be able to the show, and Crunchyroll isn't on there for anywhere.

Money would help. Lots of money. :)

The JP list doesn't show any US streaming info, so it certainly doesn't mean it's 100% complete.
Makoto Uezu(series composition of Arpeggio of blue steel:Ars Nova) said he already have idea about sequel,if investor greenlight it,then we get Arpeggio season 2

Since the sales looking good(topped most fall anime,and sold out in amazon first day),i guess season 2 announcement just matter of time

Now, it hurts that they went the anime original route.
Though the anime did the most things way better than the original series.


Yozakura Quartet-fin

This wasn't earned.
Well the first two thirds of the final episode was fantastic. There's some great cuts in there and a really good emotional climax that also works really well as a decent stopping point. It's just the Lila and Juri arc was kinda crappy as a whole and a serious letdown after the prior arcs. Around the 16:00 mark it felt like someone realized that they needed to wrap up the Lila arc and just threw it in there. The conclusion for the arc was way too neat and quick. I'm also getting somewhat tired of the "Let's have the former enemies join the town" gimmick. I'm also hoping that at least one of the future Youkai hunters doesn't have a relative or former colleague in the town.
The animation really was stellar throughout the show and carried its' own personality. I can tell the creators cared about the original work and what they were working on through the expressive animations and care to the visual quality. I think as an experiment, having a bunch of primarily web animators working on the show, this was a resounding success. The character art and fighting sakuga was really fantastic and made the show feel lively. Episode 10 in particular was out-of-this-world at times.

The major problem I had with the TV series is the fanservice as a whole. It never really felt in place and with tons of male gaze shots, it felt like pandering to the otaku market. The fanservice didn't really add anything to the show and was just there.

This was significantly, and significantly is an understatement in this case, better than the original TV series. The show paid a lot of attention to the characters and I think this helped to create a very likable ensemble where very few people felt lost in the shuffle.


Good for you, too bad the later season relying too much to the source material power as the anime production quality itself such like directing and OST quality dropping down.

But don't worry I don't mean to scare you, if you enjoy it greatly so far you would enjoy the later season too.

what earth are you talking about, season 3(rise) has the ost from season 1 return, how could it be worse when it has the exact same sound track.

Also it's been pretty incredible so far the akoi fight is the most funniest anime episodes in existence and up there with the best ippo fights.

on production value it's bit early to call it seen up to 7 episodes but so far it's strong as season 1(which got better through the series) but it's not as strong as new challenger yet, but it has been improving with each episode like the first season.


Yozakura Quartet Hoshi no Umi
These OVAs were quite good. The action animation was quite standout. The layouts and the animation itself were pretty good. This arc's resolution feels pretty standard from what i got from what I saw of the series. It seems done in a slightly different style though and it looks like they re-did some things for the later series.
including Ao's panties
Yae truly is best girl I have seen the light. Not to knock on the other girls though!
Necromancer girl too hnnngh
DokiDOki precure - 45

Well euh ...Ahem

Classic example of a character that went from "proud warrior fighting for her fallen kingdom" to a "pathetic crybaby on the sidelines" over a serie.
That is the textbook exemple of an anticlimatic fight. KirbYayoi , i must admit that i was maybe a bit too much hyped but still ..WHAT A DISAPOINTMENT.

I mean this was supposed to be a destiny fight, a clash between light & darkness but i saw none of it.

i know that this franchise can do great fights if they want but we are at ep 45 and i'm sad to see that everything i could see from that start basicly was true.

As for the fight itself , it had one good scene , the rest was smoke and mirrors ( and lots lots of talking ) ..The only thing to rejoice is that the 5 min limit is finally gone (worse nerf ever )

They better explain all this stuff properly in episode 46 ... but it doesn't matter , mana is there so the fight i wanted WON'T HAPPEN.
Mana appearance was done in a way worse than in classic shonen, right on the brink of time ... you can't argue that if she was a male , it would be the MOST GENERIC ENTRANCE EVER , but here it doesn't matter because she came to the rescue , with all her swag and the first 2 member of her harem that only use is to be a battery to shoot the 5 people final attack.


They can still correct this mess , but i don't see how they will manage to change what will be the most generic finale of the entire precure universe.
So whatever happened to Regina?

Still alive , saved in the nick of time by Mana. Now to convince everyone that the duel is necessary Cure Ace must explain to everyone why regina and her are light and dark so it's flashback time! All while king selfishness is about to awaken !

This mean that the duel i wanted won't happen ( like at all ) .
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