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PSN (Vita/PSP/PS4/PS3) Downloads Thread Z | January 2014 | The Legendary Change

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Yeah a lot of people need a bit of motivation to stick with the game I think, bit brutal and the charm isn't apparent right off. Definitely work sticking with this one, I know my comment earlier was a bit dickish (defensive after reading hate towards spelunky recently for getting goty from pc gamer).

A good tip (other than practicing when you feel like playing) is to watch videos of great players - (I know of Bananasaurus Rex after his eggplant run) and it shows you what your character can do with some skill after hours of playing.

Luckily stages don't actually take that long after you've gotten used to them. They're still fun but you aren't cautious about every single step and few meters like you can be when you start playing initially (after you end up dying quickly when trying to play normally). Just need to get used to it and think about how you are playing and the best way to progress/avoid that mistake in the future. You'll build up a decent skillbase in no time and make progress.

Daily challenges can help motivate you to play a bit too - everyone plays the same design.

Oh I didn't take it dickish at all. I actually agree with you. I have found myself on several occasions having trouble enjoying certain games at first because I've been conditioned for instant gratification and less consequences in games. So it actually is an adjustment at first when playing games like Spelunky. My first instinct was: what am I building towards? What is my reward.

But you have to shake that. I actually love that more of these games are being made. I've gown extremely bored with the typical AAA action title and have been starving for something different. I'm only now getting into these indie titles. So it's just adjusting to the title. Btw I'm absolutely loving Tearaway.


(spelunky:) I think quite a few people are feeling something similar about AAA games in general - spelunky really becomes more rewarding after you get a decent skillbase so that the caves aren't torture! You'll feel like a pro and really sense the platforming and decision making you've had to accomplish to do as well you did.

There's a surprising amount of flexibility and depth to the movement and combat mechanics, I know it feels stiff at first.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
That game is put out by the abomination division of Capcom, which has made games like Monster Hunter Frontier, and this:






They call it "Breath of Fire 6".

This would have been something that I am looking forward to enjoying if not for the fact that it snags a BOF name. Why couldn't they just use another name for it? Bah.
If I hated MHFU when I played it on the PSP is there any chance I'll enjoy any of God Eater Burst, Soul Sac, Toukiden or Freedom Wars?

This is difficult to say. I love the MH franchise, put in over 500 hours in it and even purposely bought a 3DS XL for it. The 3DS XL is my exclusive MH console, cause I can't find anything else that I'm interested to play on it. Waiting for MH4 now.

When Soul Sacrifice came out for the Vita, a lot of MH players tried it and like it. Unfortunately, i don't share their sentiment. I didn't enjoy SS much. While the presentation is great, something just didn't click with me. However, God Eater 2 and Toukiden looks fantastic so far. I'll probably get those 2 when it gets localized. I even play MHP3 with English patch on my Vita, despite having countless other backlogs!


I can still at least 3 start the early events in Sonic Racing. Not sure I can get the secret character though, at least not until my vita meets the wall


Terraria is addicting as hell.
And I hear the 1.2 update for consoles will be coming to Vita as well, according to Engine Software.


This game doesn't get much love so I thought I'd cross-post some screens from the screenshot thread:

Eufloria HD


Looks really good on Vita. Only uses touchscreen controls but they are enough for this game, although I always appreciate extra options, that this doesn't have. Still, a highly recommended game. Chill, challenging and fun sums it up.

You have like planets (those grey circles) which you can plant a certain number of different types of plants there (defensive or ones that give birth to seedlings - which have the properties of the planet...which can be adjusted and are reflected in the shapes and sizes of the little soldier flowers) etc etc.. game explains things and introduces elements well and quickly - although stages can take like half an hour on average sometimes, especially when starting out. You can speed up the gameplay at anytime (top left corner) and 3 speeds. Works great, nice ambient atmosphere and a very easy game to zone out to.

BlueMaxima did a video on it a week ago as well.

I've been playing this game a long time on PC but having a convenient version to play whenever is great. I was really excited for the mobile version as I've got a nice big screen and I knew touch controls would work out but I dunno, I just never play on my phone anymore.

Even this game would rinse a phone battery - the game can have a lot going on at times, like hundreds and hundreds of those different seedling things battling it out over different places with various other interactions with mines, lasers, defensive plants, beacon paths. It's kind of deceptively simple looking but a lot of it works out by itself, you just analyse the surroundings, grow and move to the right planets, get good lines going - it's wicked - though you probably only ought to play a few stages at a time as you can end up playing for ages and it can be a lot on the fingers if you aren't used to the controls (has this double tap to zoom on planets feature that remembers how much you like to zoom in/out during stages but takes a little while to figure out so you can end up zooming loads and with a 30-40 minute game that can be a bit much - always good to just slow it down a tad to take your time a bit more too).

-thanks OmegaZero, my pleasure.


Thanks for the impressions, Skyzard. I actually haven't heard of Eufloria until I read your post. Guess it's time for me to start doing some research.

Also on the subject of impressions, anyone have any for Amazing Spiderman Vita? I heard the console version was one of the better Spiderman games of this gen, so I was wondering how the port turned out.


He was going to start with them in order of release, but since MGS has the emulation issues with the audio since FW 3.0, he decided to hold off for now.

What's wrong with the audio? Any emulation issues with other games? I'm surprised they somehow managed to mess it up. Though they just thew the PSP PS1 emulator at it and called it a day. Didn't know they actually tweaked it.

Seems to be caused by FW 3.0 but there has been no reaction from Sony yet...

It's a popular game, I imagine they'd try and fix it soon. (MGS1)

SCEA won't do anything as the game isn't even officially "supported" on Vita in NA.

I just assumed Japan handled all the firmware stuff?

Well, the support for games is regional... and it depends on if SCEJ is seeing any issues with that game, if your assumption is correct. If it's not broken in supported countries, why waste the man hours fixing it, right?


I just assumed Japan handled all the firmware stuff?

--that's true, it's supported in EU though and those reports are on the EU site although some say they've been going on for 5 months :/ Would probably get a faster fix if it did affect the Japanese version...can't find out if it does.

---man I hope Luftrausers gets a date soon, might be a while still - got sent to Sony on the 23/4th december iirc

no wait, this is what they posted on the 24th as part of a larger blog post:

Sony finally has LUFTRAUSERS in what hope is the final technical requirements check before we get a launch date from them. As you all know, certification has been a slightly overwhelming process for us and we also hope that Sony will look at streamlining their launch process.

By the same guys that made Super Crate Box.

Really great flight mechanics on their original flash game, only had a basic shoot though, this looks crazy in comparison. Can't wait.



Got the platinum trophy in Soul Sacrifice so now I'm back to playing Tearaway. Also have Gravity Rush to play after that. Since Trails in the Sky SC in English is coming this year, I also started a replay of Trails in the Sky FC on Vita. I was surprised that you can't take screenshot of PSP games.

Dangan Ronpa is coming next month too! Not really convinced on Toukiden, I think I had my fill with Soul Sacrifice.

Terraria is a good game but I already have it on PC and I feel like it will always be the best version anyway so I'm not buying it again.

Hopefully Xseed pick up the pace and start working on Ao no Kiseki and Sen no Kiseki Vita instead of "fan service" games.


I've tried the Terreria demo on Vita and am presently stuck. It wants me to build a shelter and even though I have well over 300 wood in my inventory, it won't let me build and wooden walls. Am I missing something?


How is this possible? MHP3 is the one iteration of the series I've been dying to play :0

Probably using an exploit that lets him run custom PSP games. Usually disabled in the next firmware update.

I've tried the Terreria demo on Vita and am presently stuck. It wants me to build a shelter and even though I have well over 300 wood in my inventory, it won't let me build and wooden walls. Am I missing something?

There is a way to make wooden walls in the game, best to have a look through the menus as Terraria itself doesn't explain too much and a lot of it is left to you to figure out, it's not too bad when you get the basics.

The demo should cover a lot of what you need to get going but there are great wikis out there for it too, popular game.

If you make a table and a chair you should be able to craft a wooden wall. OHHH - it's the tab on the right (in the crafting screen). Heh, that's probably what you're missing, happens to me usually once a game when I was starting out - "where the hell did the option to make that go?!"


Just got done getting perfect + on all the Runner 2 levels on hard. Going to go back and get triple perfect+ just because. Also this game should have a platinum trophy :(

Also fuck I want Luftrausers so bad.


Finished my first playthrough of Ys today. Did Hard mode, until the end. I switched to easy
to beat the optional boss
. Great game. Definitely not my favorite Ys game, not by a longshot, but still totally awesome and worth the price of admission. Have 71% of the trophies. I'll start a Nightmare jaunt shortly, but I want to take a break for a bit. I recently got Phoenix Wright for my 3DS, plus Akiba's Trip 2, Runner2, and Mutant Mudds for Vita. So I have a lot to choose from. I'll probably do PW, with some R2 and MM interspersed, then go back to Ys before I start Akiba's in earnest. Gonna have to brush up on the ol' Japanese!


Probably using an exploit that lets him run custom PSP games. Usually disabled in the next firmware update.

There is a way to make wooden walls in the game, best to have a look through the menus as Terraria itself doesn't explain too much and a lot of it is left to you to figure out, it's not too bad when you get the basics.

The demo should cover a lot of what you need to get going but there are great wikis out there for it too, popular game.

If you make a table and a chair you should be able to craft a wooden wall. OHHH - it's the tab on the right (in the crafting screen). Heh, that's probably what you're missing, happens to me usually once a game when I was starting out - "where the hell did the option to make that go?!"

Thanks, I figured it out. I was trying to craft the wooden wall panels too soon. It just wanted me to place the raw wood into a room shape, and build a crafting table. It's all good, now. Thanks again! :)


The RR Visualizer? No. But I still have it on my download list. They took several demos as well. I don't see the Tales demos or DJMAX demo anymore.

That sucks. The visualizer looked really cool. That LUFTRAUSERS game looks really insane, can't wait.


134K for Vita X/X-2 pack
22K for Gullwings jpop adventure

Overall pretty good. Might surpass Purse Owner which is at 247K if it keeps it up.
Just got done getting perfect + on all the Runner 2 levels on hard. Going to go back and get triple perfect+ just because. Also this game should have a platinum trophy :(

Also fuck I want Luftrausers so bad.

I really hope it's good because there's not much else coming.

I do love shmups and it looks like it could be solid.


134K for Vita X/X-2 pack
22K for Gullwings jpop adventure

Overall pretty good. Might surpass Purse Owner which is at 247K if it keeps it up.

Just to add more info on FFX/X-2 sales:

PS3: 182.6k
Vita Twin Pack: 134.6k
Vita FFX only: 22.6k

Overall VERY good opening sales for the Vita versions at almost 160k. One of the best openings for any Vita game.


Seems a tad flat too me too.

Terraria is not only ugly in the visual department but the tutorial is a bad tutorial that freezes if you dont do the things in the place that specific tutorial wants , but Terraria tuts never will tell you where is that place , just that is nearby...

I dont get Terraria´s hype , it has the worst splashscreen ever, colors arent good , the characters are ugly, the menus are not user friendly and are confusing , the selection of colors for the menu and the fonts used there are generic.

I dont understand why this game is more than 10 dollars at all. I will dig more into the demo later but at the moment i dont like it. Conclusion a bit overrated for my taste.

Touch my Katamari is an underrated game is a good katamari game , the story mode is nuts , no sense at all but i like that.

Just bought Sly cooper 4 and it looks great on the Vita althou a lot of people complain about being a not native res game i like what i see , it is fun , the story is fun and looks nice. One of the few real 3d platformers we have on Vita . (we have a lot of indie crap and goodness in 2d)


Just to add more info on FFX/X-2 sales:

PS3: 182.6k
Vita Twin Pack: 134.6k
Vita FFX only: 22.6k

Overall VERY good opening sales for the Vita versions at almost 160k. One of the best openings for any Vita game.

Must of misread Famitsu then. I thought it was X-2 that sold 22K. Was wondering why it was it was 22K when X-2 sold like >20% of its shipment lol

Anyway, glad to see FF do some solid numbers. Makes me happy that its on the track to outsell Persona, and it makes me happier that combined with PS3 it will prolly break 500K.
FFX deserves it.

Still, 130K is a far cry compared to the sales of Crisis Core, Type-0, Dissidia etc...
Must of misread Famitsu then. I thought it was X-2 that sold 22K. Was wondering why it was it was 22K when X-2 sold like >20% of its shipment lol

Anyway, glad to see FF do some solid numbers. Makes me happy that its on the track to outsell Persona, and it makes me happier that combined with PS3 it will prolly break 500K.
FFX deserves it.

Still, 130K is a far cry compared to the sales of Crisis Core, Type-0, Dissidia etc...

It's not a new game though.
You won't get the same draw for a remaster as you will for a new entry in the series. You'll get the people who feel like they missed their chance to play it and the people who want to relive it -- but there are a large number of people, I'd wager, like me -- those who might not care if they ever play it again. :p


Must of misread Famitsu then. I thought it was X-2 that sold 22K. Was wondering why it was it was 22K when X-2 sold like >20% of its shipment lol

Anyway, glad to see FF do some solid numbers. Makes me happy that its on the track to outsell Persona, and it makes me happier that combined with PS3 it will prolly break 500K.
FFX deserves it.

Still, 130K is a far cry compared to the sales of Crisis Core, Type-0, Dissidia etc...

yeah like comparing an install base of 5 M versus PSP install base at that time is far enough.

Vita might not be selling enough consoles but it is selling tons of digital games so this numbers are really good , if we actually do the math is far more successfull than ps3 versions becouse ps3 in japan has an install base that doesnt compare to Vita at all.
Just to add more info on FFX/X-2 sales:

PS3: 182.6k
Vita Twin Pack: 134.6k
Vita FFX only: 22.6k

Overall VERY good opening sales for the Vita versions at almost 160k. One of the best openings for any Vita game.

Nice to hear. Upon reading that the vita version was a solid port it became my must own copy. Playing anywhere + instant suspend/resume that the vita os allows made it way more preferable than the ps3 version.


Nice to hear. Upon reading that the vita version was a solid port it became my must own copy. Playing anywhere + instant suspend/resume that the vita os allows made it way more preferable than the ps3 version.

you forget the amazing and hidden feature of the Vita when you run out of battery life, the Vita shuts down but when you charge a little of energy and unsuspend it, the Vita resumes exactly from the moment you where playing.

Guys did you knew about this new PSP game that will be released this week? Vita compatible? Seems well done , different and interesting.



Started playing Rayman Legends on PC and it is a much, much better game without those silly touchscreen levels. Praise the sun.

As an added benefit, my Vita time has now been spent playing through Gravity Rush and it is fantastic bar that one level with dull design:
the awakened level with those gravity changing gates. Ugh.

Think I'm finishing that up soon then onto Soul Sacrifice, which I played about with on the train, but not given it any real time yet.


Still, 130K is a far cry compared to the sales of Crisis Core, Type-0, Dissidia etc...

By most reports, including Famitsu's, the Vita version of the Twin Pack was supply constrained. Secondly, you're comparing the sales of two enhanced PS2 ports to original games. Lastly, you're comparing the sales of exclusive original games to two enhanced HD ports that simultaneously launched on a platform with a larger userbase.


The Amiga Brotherhood
is it just me or the colors in Terraria are all weird? I mean it is not colorful, using a muted palette?
I played only the demo and sometimes i'm not even sure it's native res :\

Must of misread Famitsu then. I thought it was X-2 that sold 22K. Was wondering why it was it was 22K when X-2 sold like >20% of its shipment lol

Anyway, glad to see FF do some solid numbers. Makes me happy that its on the track to outsell Persona, and it makes me happier that combined with PS3 it will prolly break 500K.
FFX deserves it.

Still, 130K is a far cry compared to the sales of Crisis Core, Type-0, Dissidia etc...

Not Vita's fault though, the PS3 has a bigger userbase and sales are not that better.


Neo Member
Started playing Rayman Legends on PC and it is a much, much better game without those silly touchscreen levels. Praise the sun.

As an added benefit, my Vita time has now been spent playing through Gravity Rush and it is fantastic bar that one level with dull design:
the awakened level with those gravity changing gates. Ugh.

Think I'm finishing that up soon then onto Soul Sacrifice, which I played about with on the train, but not given it any real time yet.

I stopped playing Rayman Legends because of the touch stuff. I ADORED Origins but playing legends on the train and randomly coming across a touch stage is just not what I wanted at all. They should be labeled better at least so I can skip them.

Perhaps I'll get it on the PC too.


Did anyone get their $10 credit for adding $50 to PSN through PayPal?

I think the emails went out on the 14th. I didn't do it through PayPal, but I've got mine and it was spending $60 I believe, not adding. At least according to the wording on my email.
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