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PSN (Vita/PSP/PS4/PS3) Downloads Thread Z | January 2014 | The Legendary Change

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^ 7/10 trees, I mean, without a doubt I'll remember you man! Bye all! :'((

oooooooohhhh an UPGRADE? how nice!

also quite generous.


Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
This doesn't make sense.

I don't own a ps3 or 4 but a vita and come here for that discussion alone. Any Vita discussion is going to be absolutely drowned amongst PS3/4 discussion.

I really can't think of any reason why this is necessary.

Yep, I don't like this at all

It was fun until it lasted.

The Vita is - lets be honest - a niche community. Having this thread is always a lovely read because it's people who have the system discussing titles you might not've heard of and sharing information to other Vita owners. It's a thread I don't think I really see drop off the first page either, which is awesome. That also shows that it's really bloody popular. Add PS3 and PS4 discussion into the mix and the thread will just balloon and, as has been said, Vita discussion will get completely blindsided and ignored by the bigger PS3 and PS4 audience share.

Also Vita is in a near permanent dry spell and the thread never seems to come under any trouble.


I come to this thread because I have nowhere else to talk about Vita. I can talk about PS3/PS4 anywhere else. :(

Aye, indeed.

The other option makes even less sense. Why not just leave it be? It's not doing any harm to anyone. People have general Vita discussion here and if they want to discuss in depth about particular titles they go to the OTs for those titles. There's no other thread to have the discussions we have here with as wide a group of people.

If it's not broken, why fix it?

Not a fan. I know Vita discussions will just get drowned. :/ I like seeing discussions on PSN games here because I know I can play them. I'm even more likely to see niche titles the way things are right now. I ditched my PS3 and I dont have plans to get a PS4 for many years to come. I'll expect a lot of "hey that game sounds awesome, too bad I cant play it".

I really have no interest seeing any discussion for platforms I don't own or use. I mean is there another Vita OT topic I'm missing? This topic kinda became Vita OT.

Don't like the change but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it

Memory cards cost a lot but it's totally feasible.

Sad day for the vitaBros, but I understand...

I understand the reasoning. It's solid.

I just don't think it's going to end well for the VitaGAF community.

As far as the mod's comment about Origin/Uplay/GMG/etc. in the Steam thread (1) usually it seems discussion of those things comes from the tie ins with Steam. There were a couple posts about ME3 being on sale and a slight discussion on KoA:R, but not for long and there were even posts about it being "THE STEAM THREAD" I think.

I still wish they'd just let VitaGAF have a community thread on the other side of things where the Vita owners/lovers could congregate and discuss whatever at will. :\

While i understand the reason of a single thread it will be totally not pratical for us users imo, it's not so rare to read here of someone complaining about this thread moving too fast, and vitabros are few!
Now think of this same thread but with ps3 and ps4 users too, will be impossible to have a discussion about something without searching for posts every single time, every post about something will be followed by too many posts about other arguments.
Honestly i really don't like the idea, vitagaf is the gaf i prefer, without it i would lose a very big reason to follow gaf.

actually i think it would sort of make more sense home console, handheld, pc threads instead of sony, nintendo and ms threads.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind a Megathread of PSP/ VIta in the Community.

we single handedly saved the vita... and now it will die with this thread.

where can i talk about vita stuff now with no dedicated community thread?
seriously [/spolier]

i do see their reasoning though.

this is going to be hard keeping track of everyone thread hopping now.

quickly! start sharing psn names before you're lost forever into the nether of neogaf.

mine - wutdaheckman - include a message of your gaf id if its not obvious.

when is this going into effect anyways? is this thread going to be locked soon?
Well guys, so I think I won't discuss about the Vita on this forum anymore... any alternatives?

If I can't have a place where I can enjoy discussion with people who enjoy the platform, without any "no games" or "why isn't X on PS4, why don't Sony kill the Vita?". Hell, sometimes we got some of these posts around here, it'll get a lot worse on a thread full of PS3/PS4 owners.

That's a good idea!

Again imo this seems to be not comfortable to users, if someone has just little questions or comments for 3 different games he has to find and resume 3 different threads that will be fastly surpassed by other threads resumed successively for the same reason, the first gaming page would move really fast and if a game is old, unknown or bombed its thread will fall fast from the first page and the question or comment will remain unread.

I'm around this forum for years to know how this will end, thank you. Call it overreaction if you want.

We'll it has been fun! Really hope that the great community that has formed here continues with the format change.

I'm against mixing it up with PS3 and PS4 too.

Is the megathread in the Community side possible? Would probably gather less new Vita owners, but the current format works wonders to discuss smaller, niche titles and to have a general view of the handheld. I absolutely adore this thread; it single handedly made me buy a Vita, which is becoming one of my favourite gaming platforms ever.

Oh, and keeping the PSP is great; we can talk about some older titles when necro bumping seems not nice (it is frowned upon here, isn't it?) and about the upcoming titles, which sometimes might not be big enough to warrant a new thread.

The end is near, we lost the thread.


(I really don't like the thread change. The Vita deserves its own thread)

Edit: Read the whole last page and I understand the reasoning... sort of. But I still don't like the change.

Man. I think this is the only mod decision I can recall strongly disagreeing with in my six years as a GAF member. I love the community within a community of these Vita threads and the talk here is one reason I decided to get the hardware a couple months ago.

If that's how it has to be, so be it. I see it's just one part of a larger reorg for 2014. But I don't think it will be the same. Hope I'm wrong.

*pours one out*

I also support the idea of a Vita thread on the community board. It makes sense. The platform is so maligned that it would just be nice to have one safe zone to talk exclusively about it. Maybe the negativity has subsided, though. I think a lot more people see the merits of the platform now, even if they don't own one.

Well sad news about the change. Don't post much here anymore but always check the thread since the system launched. Great while It lasted.

Psn kincade

Ahh i'll miss reading these Vita threads.

But if I had a question about a specific Vita title i'd ask here rather than searching out a dedicated OT. So if it brings more life back into those then I hope it works out as intended. Perhaps links to OT's in the OP for each months new titles will help them to be found a litle easier?

We'll all be shunned out of this thread in a year or two when devs start focusing more on the new consoles >__<

Ugh, not again. I'm not exactly excited to talk over/under two other completely different platforms in the same thread.

I think VitaGAF has done a pretty good job making new threads for new news and keeping the rest of the board flooded with topics whenever something happens.

Oh well.

Agreed, I really don't see why it is so frowned upon here. I guess they can't please everyone though...

This is complete nonsense and whoever came up with it / whoever decided it needed to be a thing needs to lose their adminship.

If anyone still wants Vita related discussions you can still visit us over at Reddit.

vita thread's being shut down? what absolute bullshit

anyone want to add me on psn before our turn to irrelevance, please do: cool_calm_jon

I registered here because of the PokéBomb threads and I stayed because of VitaGAF. Now the PokéBomb threads are history and the VitaGAF thread is about to be shut down :|

I really don't get why this thread is being closed / merged, it's active enough as it is and there's enough room for platform specific threads, surely?
Anyway thanks to Vitagaf I caved in and bought Persona 4 when it was on sale, after refusuing to buy it as I thought it looked too weird for my taste. I'm now 21 hours in and loving it, except for just now when
I beat the snake boss in Rises dungeon only for the main character to get one hit by a knight after, making me start the whole floor again. Grrrr

We're going to be merged with PS3/PS4

Might as well be getting shut down though. We're all going to get drowned out >_<

My man

I really like how this forum is not a TYRANNY.

I just wanted to say VitaGAF has been a really pleasant place to post in and read. I will miss it a lot.

<3 you VitaGAF. I'll probably still post after this becomes the cumulative PlayStation thread, but I will miss this tight knit Vita community.

I have no idea. Even after reading the explanations.

Pointless IMO.

crap. this is really my favorite community
so many moments here :/

This is shocking to say the least, but I just wanted to join in and say this was my favorite community on gaf and I'm really sad to see it go.

stay strong vitabros.

I'll see you on the other side.


Man, that's a huge bummer. VitaGAF is the one thread i read daily, several times daily actually.

There's plenty of widespread disagreement and vitriol on GAF. What's wrong with a thread for people to celebrate a machine they love?

Agreed, I love this thread because it's generally very positive and stays on topic.

I guess this is what happens to crazytown.

Seriously though, trying to fish vita news in a ps4 ginormous 10 posts a second board sounds like slamming my nuts in a drawer.

Okay then. I am quitting GAF. It's been nice y'all.

I barely come in here and this change has made me upset. VitaGAF is a great little (if not sometimes a little too anti-3DS) community and merging it will essentially wipe it out. This upsets me, but I guess I'm not in charge.

I'm a Vita loving lurker, so thought I'd chime in to say that this news makes me sad. :c

That sounds like a very bad downgrade in my opinion. Heck, its more than a downgrade. Its getting rid of the entire point of this thread. If its just a broadly focused all things playstation thread, then there wont be a place where everyone has one platform in common anymore. As a result, the vita discussion will become severely diluted by talk of all the other platforms and it will be harder to organize vita related things, create events, ask questions, and just casually chat with other members of vitaGAF due to the lack of a definite vita community.

Wow, sorry to see the Vita thread go. Shocking to think you guys don't even rate Gaming Community thread status.

Always actively subscribed & lurked in this thread even when I wasn't readily participating. It will be missed.

I hope all this negativity will convince the mods to pull themselves out from under the rocks they've obviously been living beneath.

I love GAF and have for 13 years. I appreciate the time and efforts the mods put in day after day.

But I've never noticed any benefit from any sweeping changes the staff has ever implemented. This is just an opinion but one that's seen things over a decade and more.

GAF will do as GAF sees fit, but it never really makes any real difference.

That said, this move is making a lot of people I enjoy upset, and for that I'm unhappy with it.

Admin and mods should be here to moderate and make sure rules are being kept and the community runs smoothly, not to outright dictate the flow of discussion. It always upsets me to see moves like this because I think it takes more away from the community rather than giving to it.

im going to miss you vitapeeps.

from here on out i will only post "buy a vita" until I get permabanned

hopefully this thread is still kicking when I wake up.

"we will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight" - Bill Pullman, Independence Day

not in here it doesn't. better watch what you say or it's lights out. all hail ps3 and ps4.

gaf just got way worse. This is a huge downgrade smh

Heck, this move is taking away an ENTIRE platform focused community that is extremely helpful with people that all have one thing in common and diluting it into a broadly focused playstation community that will probably be less helpful with many people that dont have any platform in common. I would understand if the discussion here was garbage but that isnt the case.

oooooooohhhh an UPGRADE? how nice!

also quite generous.

The voice of the people.

*Pours one out*

I am sorry if the mods view this as a convenient ban list though >__________> Hahahaha............. *wipes sweat*


The voice of the people.

*Pours one out*

I am sorry if the mods view this as a convenient ban list though >__________> Hahahaha............. *wipes sweat*
Quick, preorder the Japanese version of Project Diva F 2nd as a final gift to us Vitabros!

Thanks for not adding me to the ban list.


The idea is refocusing all the threads on the storefronts, quick impressions, small questions, and etc rather than suctioning up the vast majority of discussion of a platform into one thread.

The other option was nuking the thread into oblivion, but I argued you'd like this better!

So I don't make a weekly psn thread anymore under these rules?


A change like that is only going to be detrimental to actual discussion. I'm going to miss this quiet little community.


Hey guys, not sure where else to ask this but...! I'm planning on picking up a Vita tomorrow and just wanted to know something that should be easy to answer. I own the MGS HD Collection for PS3, will I be able to link these to my Vita somehow and play them on that also? I remember hearing something about this but can't find a proper answer.
You know, all this might be fixed if we had a subforum for each platform instead of a massive gaming community. Subforums would have the benefit of preserving the community aspect of these threads AND making sure almost all of the discussion on a specific platform doesn't get crammed into one thread.

The more I think about it, only having Gaming and Off topic seems rather silly.


Hey guys, not sure where else to ask this but...! I'm planning on picking up a Vita tomorrow and just wanted to know something that should be easy to answer. I own the MGS HD Collection for PS3, will I be able to link these to my Vita somehow and play them on that also? I remember hearing something about this but can't find a proper answer.

IIRC you can transfer save files between the PS3 and Vita versions of the MGS Collection. If you're asking if the Vita version is cross-buy with the PS3 version, the answer is no.

The technical term is TRANSFARRING.

Lol. Of course, how silly of me to forget :p.


Do we have a approximate timeframe for when the new thread is actually supposed to be up
and when this thread is closing down

You know, all this might be fixed if we had a subforum for each platform instead of a massive gaming community. Subforums would have the benefit of preserving the community aspect of these threads AND making sure almost all of the discussion on a specific platform doesn't get crammed into one thread.

The more I think about it, only having Gaming and Off topic seems rather silly.
This is never going to happen.
IIRC you can transfer save files between the PS3 and Vita versions of the MGS Collection. If you're asking if the Vita version is cross-buy with the PS3 version, the answer is no.


Not cross buy, but it is cross save if you use the Konami transfarring. If you buy MGS:pW for PSP, you can transfar that with the MGS HD PW game, if you use a workaround.


You know, all this might be fixed if we had a subforum for each platform instead of a massive gaming community. Subforums would have the benefit of preserving the community aspect of these threads AND making sure almost all of the discussion on a specific platform doesn't get crammed into one thread.

The more I think about it, only having Gaming and Off topic seems rather silly.
Sorry, thats not GAF.


It seems silly not being able to have a Vita only thread.
Oh well, had a lot of great recommendations and chat here, I raise my glass to you fellow Vitabros!


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
You know, all this might be fixed if we had a subforum for each platform instead of a massive gaming community. Subforums would have the benefit of preserving the community aspect of these threads AND making sure almost all of the discussion on a specific platform doesn't get crammed into one thread.

The more I think about it, only having Gaming and Off topic seems rather silly.
That setup is pure, unadulterated, nasty fragmentation. And it doesn't belong in GAF. Better to let groups self-form their own communities when they are large enough. Like K-OnGAF. Or VitaGAF. Actually, is K-OnGAF being folded into AnimeGAF? It's an anime, just like the Vita is a PlayStation.
Yeah, doesn't make sense right?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
today - we are ALL a weeping pickle

I am honestly quite upset about this news, actually. I really like hanging out in VitaGAF with all the regulars and posters here, talking about Vita and all things related to it.

This may seem like an overexaggeration but whatever, I am saying it as it is.


I am honestly quite upset about this news, actually. I really like hanging out in VitaGAF with all the regulars and posters here, talking about Vita and all things related to it.

This may seem like an overexaggeration but whatever, I am saying it as it is.
I can tell that you're upset by the news.

This is all because I got a 3DS wasnt it.



You gave me Gravity Rush though so you aren't too bad


I didn't think there would be worse thread topic news than being moved to community. I was proven wrong

I'm gonna make myself feel better by playing Sonic Racing


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So tempting, but so disrespectful...how much bad karma do you think this would be, in numbers
We are faced with a few possibilities.
1. The new thread happens, VitaGAF discussion gets overwhelmed and buried.
2. The new thread happens and VitaGAF overwhelms and buries any other discussion.
3. Neither happens and thus the PlayStation thread moves at an inconceivable rate.
4. Neither happens and the PlayStation thread is relatively dead. Because of no focus.

I'm all for the nice emblem cooked up, but we don't know which of these 4 will happen. Worst case scenario, VitaGAF stays alive and fends off constant "Vita is Doomed" passive-aggressive concern trolling in the PlayStation mega thread. I don't see how mashing together communities to artificially create discussion, especially when most of that discussion has the very real possibility of being negative, will improve anyone's experience. The WiiU and Vita have both carved out their own communities and bringing the walls down on them is good for no one.

Dammit, now I'm all wound up after trying really, REALLY, hard not to be.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I am actually smiling a bit reading all of the passionate responses in here :)

Well, not that Forces That Decide will listen, but nonetheless, it's nice to see.

I can tell that you're upset by the news.

If I know even a little about PhotoShop I would replace my laughing banana avatar with a non-smiling one.


Man. Thinking about some other long time Vitabros like Skyzard, eighty(one), corrosivefrost, bluemaxima, takao, zeroaka, etc. and it makes me sad if this is the end of something that's been going on so long. It wasn't always the Games & Service thread but the ongoing threads we had before were still the same great discussions and community.

The new threads won't be the same. I mean, just go into any of the weekly PS Update threads. It's just a different dynamic here and that will change.


^*hug dude*


^don't watch that too many times.


About Eufloria HD's lack of normal controls, I'd say even if they wanted you to use one hand just to support it, simply being able to:

1 - pan with the right stick
2 - Zoom in with R trigger + right stick
3 - pause/resume with start button

Would have made it a bit more chilled to manage at times. I guess have the option to flip the controls for lefties as well.


Sad day. I always visit the monthly Vita thread for recommendations. You guys also offer genuine criticism and praises for games you may or may not like so I respect your opinions a lot. I don't post often but I definitely enjoy the discussions the community have. :(
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