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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?


and why.

Personally my eyes are on Sony Santa Monica. Curious to see how they fair on a new IP as well as what can be done to innovate within GoW.

With now 3 teams I'm looking to see more than just 2 games this gen. I feel they could be a real tour de force for Sony. Also Cory Balrog, what is the man doing... I must know.


I want to see Rocksteady work their magic on this new generation because they already shocked everyone once with Arkham Asylum and I can't imagine how their next game will be.


and why.

Personally my eyes are on Sony Santa Monica. Curious to see how they fair on a new IP as well as what can be done to innovate within GoW.

With now 3 teams I'm looking to see more than just 2 games this gen. I feel they could be a real tour de force for Sony. Also Cory Balrog, what is the man doing... I must know.

Naughty Dog's Uncharted 3 team. Especially now their game has had some time in the oven. Really excited about this one.


Naughty Dog. Whoever is working on Uncharted 4 has a lot to prove. UC3 was a major step back from UC2 and Last of Us while pushing forward story, had a lot of the same waves of enemies problems that UC3 had. Naughty Dog needs to fix their encounter design.

Bungie. First post Halo game. They have a lot to prove with Destiny. I think they will pull it off, but it is an ambitious project.


343. They were created to house MS' largest IP, and while H4 had a very successful launch, it also had a quick death.


Neo Member
Ready At Dawn really surprised me with The Order. I first I was unimpressed but all the interviews that Ru did (especially Sessler's) really impressed me how they were thinking about that game.

It looks pretty enough at least.


I'd like to see what Retro does after Donkey Kong. The Prime games were the best things ever but after a lot of high-profile departures plus two games I don't really care about (DKC) I'd like to see them work on something great and new.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Agree with OP, anxious to see if Santa Monica is a one trick pony with god of war or if they can make other great content.
Atlus, because they are the best, even if their first next gen game will probably be SMTxFE(which is probably mostly being done by IS)

I wonder how many years till we see a game from them on WiiU/PS4. I don't think they need to prove much as their games are always fantastic, but I'm slightly disappointed that we never got anything after Catherine that looked amazing on the PS3.


Square. If they can somehow bring themselves back to the glory days, it'll be nice.

Or Rare. I'd love to see MS give them complete control over their own project and see what happens. I know a lot of the SNES/N64 guys aren't there anymore, but hopefully theirs enough of a culture left there that they could do something amazing.


Insomniac. I found they were largely hit or miss this past generation, so it will be interesting to see if they can become more consistent like the PS1/PS2 era again.



I enjoyed all of their games last gen. They've one of the few studios who are willing to makes new IPs. I can only image the crazyness they'll create with the new hardware.


Persona Team

P4 and P4G were amazing, I'm sure 5 will blow us away. Next-gen PS4 Persona in like 6 years is going to be great.
Square Enix.

I want to see Final Fantasy XV be the bold step forward that captures what made the old titles successful, as they have teased again and again. The game looks phenomenal, and I have every belief that all the tools they need to succeed are at their disposal for this project. SE really needs a win, needs a way to convince people that Final Fantasy is still one of the best names in JRPGs. It's my favorite series, hands down, and to see it diminish to nothing would sincerely break my heart.


CDProjekt with Cyberpunk 2077. I trust them with The Witcher but I'm really excited to see what they can achieve with the game.


I'd like Naughty Dog to start making pure action games again instead of only making huge budget AAA cinematic adventure games. Crash Bandicoot-level stuff.


I microwave steaks.
Harmonix, they know how to make really engaging rhythm experiences. Chroma and Fantasia are cool concepts but don't exactly attract the hardcore side of me.

I'm not saying make another Rock Band, I want another
Dance Central


Same as you, Sony Santa Monica. They've run GOW into the ground, now it's time to see if they can do something great with a new IP.


Mistwalker... curious to see if they'll make a Wii U action RPG and how it will fair to The Last Story if so.

Probably United Front Games as well. I'm hoping to see a larger world or the ability to go inside more buildings in Triad Wars, more environmental attacks, multiplayer.


Square-Enix. On the console front, the only games they put out that were really worth anything were all from Eidos, with mixed results (Deus Ex being the best effort). I would like to see them head back to their PS1/PS2 days of consistent, frequent quality.

This seems unlikely due to how the company has decided to operate, but it would be lovely to see.

Not so much as I have faith in the actual game, but in the sincere hope they retcon as much of Glasslands as possible in the story so at least I'll know Halo's story could be salvageable without the characters I knew and love being completely shat on.
Naughty Dog. Whoever is working on Uncharted 4 has a lot to prove. UC3 was a major step back from UC2 and Last of Us while pushing forward story, had a lot of the same waves of enemies problems that UC3 had. Naughty Dog needs to fix their encounter design.

Bungie. First post Halo game. They have a lot to prove with Destiny. I think they will pull it off, but it is an ambitious project.

Corrine Yu (sp?) leaving 343/MS for Naughty Gods was a big, big thing. I have high hopes for UC4


Bioware. I had no desire to play mass effect 3 or dragon age 2.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of mass effect and dragon age 3 seems like a step in the right direction.
I'd love to see Quantic Dream prove that they can make an interactive movie with strong characters and storyline coupled with some next-gen graphical sheen. I don't think I'll see it but I'll be along for the ride anyway.


Square Enix.

I want to see Final Fantasy XV be the bold step forward that captures what made the old titles successful, as they have teased again and again. The game looks phenomenal, and I have every belief that all the tools they need to succeed are at their disposal for this project. SE really needs a win, needs a way to convince people that Final Fantasy is still one of the best names in JRPGs. It's my favorite series, hands down, and to see it diminish to nothing would sincerely break my heart.

I agree with this, except I hope the game moves as far away from the old Final Fantasy games as possible. I don't want Nomura to be shackled by archaic ideas and a tainted brand. I have complete faith that the game will likely be one of the most breathtaking experiences in video game history, though.
Bethesda, I'm in the camp of people that still love their games and I'm excited to see what they can do with the new hardware, eg open cities, even bigger land masses, etc.

After many recent backstabs regarding IP reboots or revivals, it'll be interesting to see how they handle their series moving forward.


Square Enix

I need my JRPG's, and having the likes of FFXV be an outstanding commercial and critical success will help pave the way for them in the future


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Square Enix, of course.

Despite how hyperbolic people can be about how far they've fallen, they're not far off. Just make a cohesive FF experience again.

They've been a fucking joke this gen, so seeing them get their shit together for the new one would be most welcome, even if I highly doubt they'll manage it.


Intelligent Systems because after their financial success with Fire Emblem Awakening, I'd like to see where they'd go with their future titles, especially the SRPGs.

I'm always eager to see what Nintendo EAD is up to as well.

Tamsoft and Senran Kagura 2 only because the trailer looks like a drastic improvement from the Burst, which I bought off a whim.

I'd also love to see Capcom and Bandai Namco redeem themselves on the Wii U.
Sega too, I can't have them abandoning Valkyria Chronicles.

Kojima Productions after Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain. I want to see him prove himself with a new IP or a revisit to Zone of the Enders 3DS.
CAPCOM, they still own lots of properties that people love and are passionate about and I would hate to see them focus primarily on mobile as this generation passes.

Bring back Tech Romancer.

It's time to see if that Skyrim money could possibly translate into some honest to god game development chops and maybe a decent engine to boot? As many hours as I've put into Fallout 3 I'd love to see a Fallout sequel that shows some significant improvements to game balance, iron sights, weapon and interaction mechanics, visuals, world design etc. alongside the questline and dialogue advances made in Fallout New Vegas.


Any console title from Media Vision. I can't think of a game that they've developed that wasn't solid. I picked up their PSP Shining games last gen, but an HD entry of theirs in any IP was sorely missed.

First off they're finally going to move to a new engine, so I'm curious how that's going to turn out. Like, do they want cutting edge stuff, new technology or will they be content with some stock next-gen features and modest requirements so most of their userbase can run it. Personally haven't thought for a while they're going to duke it out with the big guns (Crytek, Epic, Dice, ND etc) in the tech department with Source 2, but have huge expectations regarding animations and maybe physics. We'll see.

Also, new IP. Haven't done an original new game since L4D, so want to see if they can come up with something defining again. Wouldn't mind if they start up that space pirate sim project again or F-Stop.

And Half-Life 3. There's lots of expectations regarding that game. Can they live up to it? (probably not. who could?). But I think for a lot of people they have to prove themselves with that one.


Naughty Dog

If anyone will deliver this gen it's them. Though they don't really have to prove themselves any more.

I'm curious to see how Atlus will fare. But they are still a gen behind with Persona 5.

Metal Gear Rising is begging for a sequel with proper dev time and the zandatsu mechanic will greatly benefit from the power of the PS4/X1.


Rockstar.... I skipped on every Rockstar game last gen and just picked up Red Dead and Max Payne 3 a few days ago on a whim....games are amazingly solid and gorgeous...cant imagine what they will do next gen
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