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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?

I want to see Source 2, last generation Valve didn't slip up at all in terms of design, they're better than ever, and better than everyone else, but they were technological monsters when they revealed Source, and it's also dated far better than anything from that period, but they've sat out an entire generation technologically, and by all rumors, they have L4D3 and HL3 to ship on Source 2, and more than anything I want to see what that engine is.

As long as source 2 has flawless input code, no streaming stutter and is forward+ so we can have msaa without butchering performance I'll be in heaven


Sony Santa Monica as well. I know they helped with a lot of smaller games, but they under-delivered on big titles last gen. They should be rivaling ND as Sony flagship studio and with the recent expansion I think they are getting ready to do so. Sony should let other studios work on GoW and let SSM free to focus on developing a new IP.

I would easily have said Valve, but I'm unsure if they will ever regain the focus they had when they developed HL². News of the first Source 2 game being L4D3, don't please me, even tho I liked L4D. I'm not sure they are interested in developing single player games anymore and that lowers my interest.


Retro - They are the most talented guys around today and they need to show themselves on even more powerful system.
Atlus and From Software (no Souls game). I really want to see what these developers would do with next gen hardware and I really hate gaming on my PS3 after gaming on my PS4.

Joe T.

Square Enix.

I would love to see them return to old form, putting out several single player, non-sequel Final Fantasy releases per console generation mixed in with a good amount of other games across multiple genres, much like they did on the first PlayStation. The jRPG genre seems no better off in the west today than it was pre-Final Fantasy VII and it would be nice to see that changed for the better, again, by an impressive new entry in the series.


Ubisoft Montreal

"But AC4!" Well yea, but Ubisoft Montreal is pretty big and has multiple teams in it. I'm talking about whatever team is working on Watch Dogs.

The premise of Watch Dogs has a lot of potential, and it's the next-gen game I'm most looking forward too. Especially since people have been down on the game since it got delayed. I'd love to see Ubisoft Montreal come back and show that the delay wasn't in vain and that they ultimately managed to make a great game, the game that we saw in the early trailers.


Surely Square Enix has the most doubters at this particular time?

I don't personally see them reasserting themselves as one of the better developers in the world, but they are the ones I'd most want to be wrong about.


I'm trying to be really careful in how I approach the next chapter of Valve. I really want Source 2 to be another technical monster, but I can certainly see them valuing a different methodology. Anymore I try not to watch what valve does, because I know they will spoon feed me ambrosia.
Yeah, I don't really mean in terms of shader operations or volumetric fog or isolated light sources, etc. That stuff is fair enough, I'm sure they'll hit par with the competition, but I'm much more interested in the things the competition aren't doing at all.

GoldSrc gave us decal stamps for bullet and the like, Source gave us richly simulated physics and excellent character eye line tracking, Valve's technology has provided extremely valuable innovation, without people knowing they wanted it. The idea Source 2 could hold treats like those, it boggles the mind. I still wonder what F-Stop was at least once a month.
As a primarily Playstation gamer, I suffered through some disappointing ports last gen. The Fallout 3 DLC was completely broken, to the point where I paid for and never even accessed the UFO stuff. Frankly, I wish I could ask for a refund on that content.

It also took over a year for Oblivion to hit the system, and while the port was decent (none of the mid-field loading nonsense the 360 saw at launch), Microsoft earning defacto exclusive DLC because Bethesda couldn't get its engine running well on the PS3's split memory pool was frustrating, especially once Sony's first party studios began churning out quality titles. And Rockstar did just fine with open-world Red Dead 2/3rds through the generation. Skyrim was a serviceable-but-uninspiring port. That late into the generation, I expected a better final product.

I went for New Vegas on my aging laptop rather than risk the PS3 version. The Bethesda + Obsidian combo was a bit terrifying as a Playstation gamer. I still haven't played more than an hour or so of the campaign on the laptop, since the game froze up on me and I rage quit.

Now that the tables have flipped and the PS4 is the easy-to-develop-for system, I'm curious how Fallout 4 and ES6 will perform. These should be some of the biggest open world games of all time, with marketing budgets to match. I'm not much interested in Wolfenstein or TES MMO, but I'll be there day one to check out FO4 and ES6. Let's hope Bethesda does the necessary engine work and QA this go-round.


Junior Member
I'd like to see what Retro does after Donkey Kong. The Prime games were the best things ever but after a lot of high-profile departures plus two games I don't really care about (DKC) I'd like to see them work on something great and new.

This is pretty much my answer as well.



I enjoyed Halo 4, but there is no denying it had some major faults. I just hope 343 learns from their mistakes and creates the amazing Halo game I know they have the potential to make.
Insomniac. I found they were largely hit or miss this past generation, so it will be interesting to see if they can become more consistent like the PS1/PS2 era again.
Definitely them. I want to see the first PS4 Ratchet come out and really blow people's minds. I know they have a ton of creative talent and they definitely want to push the IP in new directions. They're just trying to find the right balance. It's also one of my favorite series and I'd hate to see it it have to go to somebody else.

Sony Japan Studios

Knack, Rain, and Puppeteer are good. But I prefer great. It's one of the largest studios in existence and they haven't done great in years. Their next game needs to come out swinging and honestly I'm banking on them and Squenix to bring the Japanese development community out of the shadows. If that AAA JRPG rumour is true... I don't think it's much hyperbole saying it'll have a major part in determining the fate of its kind for the foreseeable future.

Another one I agree with. I think they put out absolutely incredible handheld games (Gravity Rush, Locoroco, Patapon) but they need to really prove themselves on the home console, especially since the Vita is probably Sony's last dedicated handheld for the foreseeable future. The Last Guardian, a big JRPG, and something totally off the wall and amazing are what I expect from them for PS4.
Platinum Games

They say they want to be seen as the premier Japanese developer & I want to see how they plan to achieve that. The hardware isn't gonna get in the way this time so I'm expecting some truly next level shit as far as gameplay goes.


I want to see Rocksteady work their magic on this new generation because they already shocked everyone once with Arkham Asylum and I can't imagine how their next game will be.

Yep. I want to see if Rocksteady can prove their success is more than a succession of flukes.


Atlus, because I'm really hoping they repeat their PS2-era strategy with creating a game(Persona 5) whose engine and assets are used for a crapton of other projects. What we've heard seems to imply that the P5 engine is following that trajectory. Hopefully we don't hear anything about HD demons being hard, and Atlus finds some way to amaze us on the PS4.

...I'm going to be waiting a while.
Naughty Dog. Whoever is working on Uncharted 4 has a lot to prove. UC3 was a major step back from UC2 and Last of Us while pushing forward story, had a lot of the same waves of enemies problems that UC3 had. Naughty Dog needs to fix their encounter design.

no it wasn't. gaf and its hyperbole.

on topic, sony santa monica and media molecule.

ssm has always had that image of being a top studio especially after they created the juggernaut that is god of war. i am curious to see how they will fare when they are creating a new major franchise. at the same time, i want to see them expand on the god of war multiplayer because it was unique and fun (yes, i know powerstone exists, but that's a lifetime ago).

media molecule, what's their next big step towards "creativity"? after littlebigplanet, then came a game called minecraft which, although inferior to the creative tools of lbp, became one of the biggest games ever. how would media molecule then innovate again in the space in which minecraft exists? we know lbp has the superior tools, but how will they be able to capture that audience, especially now they are using the playstation move.
Square-Enix. God damn guys you have to have one more leviathan game you give the World. So hope FFXV brings at least a spark of the once roaring flame.
Square Enix (Japan). Wasted the whole generation faffing about and making sequels no one wanted for the 40-hour button pushing simulator that was FFXIII.

My brother is playing Lightning Returns and the move towards action and real time combat excites me. If they nail FFXV and KH3 I will believe again.


So hard to choose just one :(

Guerrilla Games

I am interested in what they can do outside of the Killzone series. Their story telling been lack luster and their gameplay mechanics been pretty much generic. Hopefully they fix these problems.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Rocksteady: Really looking forward to their next Batman/JLA game.
Bethesda: Skyrim's Engine was just a heavily modified Gamebryo. I want to see their upcoming games use an entirely new engine
Bioware: After two fuck-ups they seem to be getting back on the right track. Looks like DA3 will be an awesome game and I really want to see what they're going to do next...Maybe a KOTOR3
Netherrealm Studios: They made my 2 favorite fighting games of last gen and I can't wait for the next Mortal Kombat game to be announced. Looks like it's going to be at this year's E3
Naughty Dog: Would like them to work on even more new IPs. Uncharted is good but we already had enought it
IO Interactive: I liked Absolution but I'm still waiting for their true Hitman next-gen game
Valve: Looks like Source 2 is around the corner. Can't wait for their upcoming projects


CD Projeckt RED. I can't fucking wait for Witcher 3, I've loved the games they made last gen, and so far they can do no wrong. I can't wait to see what they have in-store after Cyberpunk 2077. Hell, can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077, lol.

Also Bioware, impress me. I'm waiting with open arms. Don't. Fuck. It. Up.


Square motherfuckin Enix. I still have faith, deep down. XV is free of the burden that was FNC/XIII. Now is the time.

XIV is apparently amazing now, and their latest mobile efforts are not the piles of shit people believe them to be. Plus, Bravely Default is apparently the shit.

There is hope again.
BioWare. But I doubt EA will let them do anything good.
Square Enix was really the king of fuckups last gen and if they continue they'll be dead before this ones over.
Capcom is probably the Prince of fuckups but I think it'll be easier for them to redeem themselves because they still put out a good game every once in a while
Platinum. I mean, W101 was great and Bayo 2 looks really good. Revengeance 2 on next gen hardware? Yes please.



those IP theyre sitting on. 'oh, but they dont have any of the old talent left, EBE'.. come on, bros. have faith. Banjo Threeie is going to be GOAT


My highly critical eye is on BioWare

After the massive disappointments of Dragon Age 2, Star Wars the Old Republic and (the ending of) Mass Effect 3, they have a lot to prove to me this gen. But, I want to believe in them more than any other dev because I'm an RPG fanboy at heart and theirs have been some of the best (Jade Empire, Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2, etc). So far, Dragon Age: Inquisition has piqued my interest but I remain skeptical.


First to come to mind is Bungie..

It's been almost 4 years since their last release, which was Halo: Reach. It's multiplayer wan't that well received by the community, specially with the introduction of Armor Abilities.

Destiny seem amazing, though.. But Bungie is promising A LOT. If they fail to achieve that.. Things might look bad.


Junior Member
With now 3 teams I'm looking to see more than just 2 games this gen. I feel they could be a real tour de force for Sony. Also Cory Balrog, what is the man doing... I must know.
Three teams? Doesn't it look most likely they've formed two teams around Stig and Cory? Unless you're counting the external curation projects as another full team.

For me it's

Their first game was incredibly ambitious for a startup, mechanically and artistically fresh with an impressive tech foundation; background loading is still great!

Media Molecule: We must continue taking risks (January 6, 2012)
LittleBigPlanet studio spends big on R&D to ensure projects are innovative

Sony's acclaimed Guildford studio Media Molecule believes it is “vital” to remain a global innovator and avoid reliance on familiar ideas and brands, according to newly issued financial documents.

In a directors’ annual report, obtained by Develop, the Sony owned studio said its main business risks were “largely as a result of the company’s heavy reliance on the one LittleBigPlanet brand name”.

Since forming in 2006, Media Molecule has established that brand with two widely applauded PS3 games, but last year the group announced it would not be developing a third.

In its financial report, the company said “it is vital for Media Molecule to focus a high proportion of its resources on R&D to allow it to maintain its world leading position as a developer of innovative games”.

Media Molecule said it must “remain at the forefront of technological advances, and must bring new and often risky innovations to market in products of the highest quality”.

For the twelve months ending March 2011, the studio made £3.44 million in profit, the documents show. In the same period the company spent about £4.1 million on research and development.

To achieve this, the studio directors said Media Molecule was making significant investments in “leading edge physics and dynamics, rapid world creation from laser data, innovative routes to market via web based interfaces, 3D stereo-optics for advanced simulation, and use of ‘hi-def’ data capture and processing techniques”.

By the end of March the studio had about 50 staff, the report added.


Sega. I want them to be awesome and original again. Last gen was in many ways a folly. Square Enix also fits this mold.


irresponsible vagina leak
From Software: i want them to do new games or revive old franchises. Give Souls and Armored Core series a break. Otogi, King's Field and Lost Kingdoms are good candidates for sequels and revivals.

Tales of Series team: Let them take their time to do the games and not rush anything. May they polish up their texture work and better overworld design cause I get what they want to do with it on Xillia but the result wasnt as good as they might have wanted it to be. (Skyward Sword did it easily better) More AI options and more fleshed out sub systems would be neat.
Codemasters. After the fuckups from Microsoft and Sony with GT, and the mess of the last DIRTs and GRID, I want more TOCA and Colin Mcrae type of games (although Project Cars looks pretty sweet).


Unconfirmed Member
Firaxis. I know a lot of people liked it, but I thought Civ 5 strayed too far from the essence of Civ. Only Civ game that hasnt commanded 100+ hours.


Gearbox. I love the Borderlands IP and I cringe when they announce new games that are not Borderlands. The company gets shit on (Pitchford not helping things) but when they make good content, like the main BL games or Tiny Tina DLC its really good. They need to prove they are not one trick ponies.


Rocksteady. They did amazing things with Unreal 3, I'd love to see what they can do with another IP that's not BATMAN and with Unreal 4.


I'd say 343 Industries.
They have a lot to prove, especially since the franchise is showing clear signs of fatigue.


I hope inXile proves themselves with Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera.

I hope Obsidian packs everything that was good about Knights of the Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, and New Vegas into Pillars of Eternity.


Platinum Games

They say they want to be seen as the premier Japanese developer & I want to see how they plan to achieve that. The hardware isn't gonna get in the way this time so I'm expecting some truly next level shit as far as gameplay goes.

This makes me sad

They are already the best japanese developer in my mind

But better is always better and i could definitely see how hardware could have really been holding them back last gen


Am I allowed to say Nintendo?

My reason is I when it comes to software they solely rely on "family fun". For the most part I'm ok with this, I still play all their tried and true ips and my kids enjoy all these games too. But there's more to family than just kids, there are parents too so I'd really like Nintendo to step outside of convention(in this sense) and make a new "mature" series for teh grown ups. Survival horror/ FPS/ something totally unheard of??? If I can't nominate Nintendo...

...It's definitely Retro. Always play what they dish out and I appreciate the level of polish and creativity in what they do. I think they'll surprise us with whatever they're working on next.


Unconfirmed Member
BioWare on Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect "4".
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