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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?



First off they're finally going to move to a new engine, so I'm curious how that's going to turn out. Like, do they want cutting edge stuff, new technology or will they be content with some stock next-gen features and modest requirements so most of their userbase can run it. Personally haven't thought for a while they're going to duke it out with the big guns (Crytek, Epic, Dice, ND etc) in the tech department with Source 2, but have huge expectations regarding animations and maybe physics. We'll see.

Also, new IP. Haven't done an original new game since L4D, so want to see if they can come up with something defining again. Wouldn't mind if they start up that space pirate sim project again or F-Stop.

And Half-Life 3. There's lots of expectations regarding that game. Can they live up to it? (probably not. who could?). But I think for a lot of people they have to prove themselves with that one.
I basically wanted to write this post, so I will pull the old " ^ What he said ^ "


Square Enix, because we need at least one company making high quality big budget JRPG's that are successful.

Mistwalker, because they make excellent games dagnagbit.

Sega Overworks, or whatever they are calling themselves these days.

Atlus, never really went away, but it'd like to see them make some console games again.

Konami, because Suikoden dagnagbit!


Definitely Sony Santa Monica, i still believe they are the best devs under Sony umbrella its true the last GOW was a set back but i know for sure if anyone capable of making another big IP for Sony it has to be from SSM studio and since ND is making another Uncharted all eyes is set on SSM to make another generation defining IP for Playstation
Visual Concepts. They were the reason I went next gen, and with proper time to develop their next game for next gen, I think they will impress


Square Enix, because we need at least one company making high quality big budget JRPG's that are successful.

Mistwalker, because they make excellent games dagnagbit.

Sega Overworks, or whatever they are calling themselves these days.

Atlus, never really went away, but it'd like to see them make some console games again.

Konami, because Suikoden dagnagbit!

They aren't the only company to make those type of games. Bandai Namco appear to be doing well with the Tales series (not a fan of them personally but I might be next gen).

Level-5 was successful with Ni no Kuni.

and more importantly Monolith Soft. "X" has the potential to be a system seller for your JRPG fan.


I've got an eye on Next Level Games. They're slowly but surely working their way up to being a very impressive studio. Punch Out Wii, and more recently Luigi's Mansion 2: these are very high quality games. If I didn't know who developed them, and you told me it was one of Nintendo's main Japanese studios, I'd believe you. That's high praise. I'm really looking forward to seeing what this studio is capable of moving forward. I suspect that they'll become at least as well-respected as Retro soon enough.


Bioware. I feel as a whole they've lost their way a bit since being acquired by EA. They has what thought to be a flawless record, but after DA2, ME2/3 i feel that record has been tarnished quite a bit. So hopefully they get back to making great games.
I agree with everyone saying Square Enix. They need to return to being the premier JRPG developer. Atlus, Level 5, Monolith Soft and From Software have all stepped up their game making SE look ancient in comparison. They have the talent and creativity to get it done. Also, I actually think Japan has a lot to prove going into next-gen. Im predicting a renaissance in Japanese made games. We have seen it so far on the 3DS and to a lesser extend on the Vita and PS3 over the past year or two.
I am curious if Valve will return to making games I give a shit about or are they going to ride the multiplayer f2p train for all its worth
Oh man. I completely forgot the Zelda team at EAD. The first HD Zelda better be mind blowing. I expect expectations will be ridiculous.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Sony Japan Studios

Knack, Rain, and Puppeteer are good. But I prefer great. It's one of the largest studios in existence and they haven't done great in years. Their next game needs to come out swinging and honestly I'm banking on them and Squenix to bring the Japanese development community out of the shadows. If that AAA JRPG rumour is true... I don't think it's much hyperbole saying it'll have a major part in determining the fate of its kind for the foreseeable future.



Journey was amazing. We all know they are working on their next game but will it be multiplatform since the exclusive deal with sony is over? I'm curious to see what they have up their sleeve next.
If I had to choose just one, I suppose it would be Tokyo Vikings. Why? I miss Team Ninja, and I have next to no faith in the studio currently bearing that name.
Quantic Dream. My body is ready for some amazingly looking sci-fi action on PS4 and I'm eagerly hoping they take it into a Blade Runner/Kara tech demo direction.


BioWare, Dragon Age 2 was a mess but I still have faith they can deliver a great sequel to the original if they take their time. And it feels like they are for Inquisition.



Their opening solvo into the past two generations - Halo 1 and Halo 3 - were both remarkable. Halo for what it did to FPS games on consoles, the superb MP, the AI-driven campaign sandbox, the whole nine yards. We hadn't seen anything like it to that point.

Halo 3 was a brilliant refinement of the Halo combat sandbox wrapped in a very forward looking social feature set (muli-person theater, saved films, Forge, file sharing, etc.).

I enjoyed ODST and Reach but they didn't innovate in the ways those titles did. I'm hoping Destiny brings a great deal new to the table, rather than refinements of other systems from their own games or other genres. And I really hope their long planning for the future of Destiny pays out in more coherent and even storytelling.
Criterion Games
I know most of the team moved to Ghost, which has its own troubles now, and the founders left but I still bet the game with that name on it will be one of quality and fun people expect from them. Wonder if anyone that moved to Ghost and been laid off went back.
Mercury Steam, if anything they did an amazing job on Castlevania Lords of Shadow, and Lords of Shadow 2 is my most anticipated title --Soon my friend, It'll be over--, so I am really excited to see what they bring to Next Gen, be it Contra, or something totally new.


Capcom, because I know for a fact that Platinum will be brilliant. If Capcom would stop treating their fans as commodities and their franchises like toilet paper, great things could happen. Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Megaman, Marvel vs Capcom, and the other series Capcom's sitting on deserve proper representation and support as this gen moves forward.



I'm cautiously optimistic about DA2 and what Bioware Montreal can do with ME4.

They are the last developers who are doing proper AAA RPG games. It would be a shame for them to disappear.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'll give a mention to Arkane Studios. I loved Dishonored and that really put them on the map, so I'm quite interested in seeing what they do next.



Specifically, the PES team.

Football games are cyclical. FIFA has had its time, but in my opinion has never topped PES6. There's unfinished business there. Even if it can't "beat" FIFA though, I just want it to be a good game in its own right again.

I think skipping this year for next gen was a smart move. Hopefully they've been putting the hours in to make sure the first PES on PS4 arrives with a bang.


As others have stated, I really want to see what SSM can do outside the GoW universe as I believe they are incredibly talented.


I want to see Source 2, last generation Valve didn't slip up at all in terms of design, they're better than ever, and better than everyone else, but they were technological monsters when they revealed Source, and it's also dated far better than anything from that period, but they've sat out an entire generation technologically, and by all rumors, they have L4D3 and HL3 to ship on Source 2, and more than anything I want to see what that engine is.


Polyphony Digital myself, I think theyve lost their way, way before GT5 and really need to hone an actual game out of their driving simulator. It could be brilliant if they just spent time focussing and streamlining their vision rather than their approach of everything including the kitchen sink...

ps3ud0 8)


I'm dying to see what Retro does next. The amount of detail and variety in DK:TF is just amazing and there's so much stuff everywhere for a platformer at least, so I can't wait to see what they'll do with something else.
Going by their track record, it'll be nothing short of amazing.

Also Bethesda (Obsidian?). I want to see if how much of a mess their next gen (Not counting eventual cross gen titles) Fallout/TES is.



I feel like im the only one that really thinks destiny will be as big this generation as COD was last generation
I am also going to echo Bioware. I love their games, from Mass Effect 1&2 to Dragon Age: Origins and Baldur's Gate. They used to be a company where everything they made I knew I was going to love. But, man they have fallen lately. SWTOR wasn't anything remarkable and Dragon Age 2 was just down right terrible. I feel better about Mass Effect 3 then when I first played it, mainly because I am okay with the revised endings. But the fact that it needed revised endings to begin with speaks poorly of the overall experience. I do have faith they can turn things around, and everything I have read/seen of Dragon Age 3 makes me hope they pull things together once again. But Dragon Age 3 will be their final chance with me.


Bungie .....

Long term Halo fan (never played 4) and I really hope Destiny is going to be the awesome experience it looks like it's going to be.
Definitely Naughty Dog. They are one of the few first-party studios with the resources and technical expertise to define what we can expect from games this generation. They pushed the PS3 to the limit, and I have no doubt will do the same to squeeze every last frame out of the PS4.


Unconfirmed Member
I would do back flips if 343 proved themselves capable of making a truly great Halo game.


I want to see Source 2, last generation Valve didn't slip up at all in terms of design, they're better than ever, and better than everyone else, but they were technological monsters when they revealed Source, and it's also dated far better than anything from that period, but they've sat out an entire generation technologically, and by all rumors, they have L4D3 and HL3 to ship on Source 2, and more than anything I want to see what that engine is.

I'm trying to be really careful in how I approach the next chapter of Valve. I really want Source 2 to be another technical monster, but I can certainly see them valuing a different methodology. Anymore I try not to watch what valve does, because I know they will spoon feed me ambrosia.



I loved both Fallout 3 and Skyrim dearly, and think they create some of the best worlds in video games. Their huge open world games are the kind that I think will most benefit from the next-gen power bump.

Skyrim was already huge with 512 (!!!) MB of RAM. I can't imagine what they're going to be able to accomplish with 8GB.


Square Enix.

I want to see Final Fantasy XV be the bold step forward that captures what made the old titles successful, as they have teased again and again. The game looks phenomenal, and I have every belief that all the tools they need to succeed are at their disposal for this project. SE really needs a win, needs a way to convince people that Final Fantasy is still one of the best names in JRPGs. It's my favorite series, hands down, and to see it diminish to nothing would sincerely break my heart.

This. Well said.
Naughty Dog - Not that they need to prove anything, they're the best of the best. But I want them to push those boundaries even further. I'd also love to see a new IP.

Bioware - I'd like for them to make a strong comeback and prove that they are one of the best devs out there that really cares about their product, none of this DA2 bullshit.

Treyarch - I firmly believe they can take the COD name and bring new, much needed life to it.

Dice - I really want them to go back to their routes and do well with BFBC3 and SW:BF

That's all that's coming to mind right now but I'm sure there's more.
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