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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?

Tales of Series team: Let them take their time to do the games and not rush anything. May they polish up their texture work and better overworld design cause I get what they want to do with it on Xillia but the result wasnt as good as they might have wanted it to be. (Skyward Sword did it easily better) More AI options and more fleshed out sub systems would be neat.

Yes. They were limited by the ps3 hardware and its difficulty. Since ps4 will be so much easier to program for they can spend less time on the technical aspect and more time on design and game mechanics.


Insomniac. I found they were largely hit or miss this past generation, so it will be interesting to see if they can become more consistent like the PS1/PS2 era again.

Came in here to say exactly this. They were tied with Naughty Dog as my favorite developers on the PS2, and I loved (LOVED) Resistance 1. Then came Resistance 2, and them trying to appease the casuals/CoD players, and all the focus testing, etc took all the life out of not only the Resistance series, but Insomniac in general.

Even though I won't have an XboxOne, I hope they knock it out of the park with Sunset Drive.


Gold Member
Ubisoft, no doubt. I feel like they've been held back by last-gen technology with pretty much every single IP, their concepts were much larger than what the hardware could handle. It's going to be super interesting to see where they take Assassin's Creed and the likes now that next gen is finally here.

I expect a HUGE step forward in all their regular franchises.


Enix died years ago, there is no getting back to the golden days.

It's never gonna happen but I'd like to see EA actually give a shit. Really put the time and effort into the next gen sports games, and of course all their other shortcomings over the years. They definitely got worse in the ps3/360/wii era then the ps2/xbox/gc era.
Too me there aren't really any major developers I'm excited about since they're likely just going to stick to their tried-and-true franchises anyway. To me it's all about the smaller studios. I loved Ready at Dawn's games on PSP, but I never expected them to do something so high budget, so I'm really interested to see The Order. Next level games is very similar: 3 incredibely solid games in a row, Nintendo is trusting them more and more (just buy them already), I can't wait to see what they get next. Hopefully it's on Wii U.

Monster games and Ken Levine's team too. I want to see more of that kind of stuff, it feels very fresh.

The Cowboy

Despite not owning a PS4 for me its Naughty Dog, considering what they managed with the PS3 and Uncharted 2 (back when it came out, I just couldn't believe what they had done), I am really interested/exited to see what they can do with a PS4.

And as usual for every gen, ID, because - well DOOM!.


Someone please give tri-Ace some money. I can't be eager to see their output if nobody lets them make anything.


Bioware, ME and DA went from two of my favorite franchises to the point where I won't buy either unless I hear extremely good feedback from people I trust.



I'd like to see if Borderlands is a fluke, or Colonial Marines/Duke Nukem Forever are more along what they're capable of creating.
Double Helix

I dunno what the heck Amazon is going to have them work on but after delivering and rejuvenating Killer Instinct and Strider, I feel as though they are in a good position to really impress people further.
Well, one of them is Epic Games.

Are they even making games anymore? They sold off the Gears license, and normally they try and be a showboat for next-gen...Gears was one of the first games revealed for the 360.

So far we have seen and heard NOTHING from them, which is surprising....are they just working on engines now and not showpiece games?

stix zadinia

Neo Member
I guess EA sports, or specifically the NHL team. Time to get the brand back on stable ground after having 3-5 years of rehashed bullshit

Can't wait to get my hands on Dragon Age: Inquisition. They look like they've got that fire back and have touched upon every single complaint from previous games in the series. It's had a lot of time in the oven. I'm ready.

Next Mass Effect. No brainer.

Also interested in their new IP that's being helmed by Casey Hudson. I already know I'm day 1 there.


DICE: I really want to believe in them again & see them put out a solid title without the restraints of last gen.

Ready at Dawn: The Order has me hyped.

Rockstar: What ya gonna do?

Bungie: I so want to believe this is going to be all that it's hyped to be.

Ubisoft Massive: The Division, no explanation req.

Ubisoft Montreal: Watch Dogs, no explanation req.

Evolution: I really hope after all the delays/silence that Driveclub reignites my love of racers.


I'm interested in if 343 can change my view on them in this next gen. Halo 4 left a very sour taste in my mouth. Hoping Halo 5/Halo 2 Anniversary are good games, and go back to the roots in terms of multiplayer.

Also interesting in seeing DICE's Battlefront, the other new Star Wars games from EA devs, and Bioware's new Mass Effect.
I want to see From Software go in a different direction from Demon's/Dark Souls and step out of their comfort zone and do something new and fresh.

They don't necessarily need Next-Gen hardware to do so, but the extra memory and GPU will help it run a little smoother.

Lepcis Magna

Neo Member
Lots of Square Enix supporters in here.

A next generation Mistwalker game (yes, Wii U counts) would be a sight to see. How would Sakaguchi deal with the current preoccupation with graphical quality in the games industry?
< These guys, I'd like to see them return to making games for consoles and arcade not just phone games which is what they are doing atm to keep the company afloat.

Platinum have nothing to prove, they just need to sell more copies.

What I'm most worried for are Atlus, Relic and Creative Assembly now they are under the SEGA banner.
< These guys, I'd like to see them return to making games for consoles and arcade not just phone games which is what they are doing atm to keep the company afloat.

Platinum have nothing to prove, they just need to sell more copies.

What I'm most worried for are Atlus, Relic and Creative Assembly now they are under the SEGA banner.

Cave could really benefit from Steam, or even being on something not called an Xbox. A shame they'll never look into it.

Rolf NB

Square Enix has a loooooot of lost ground to cover. My number one.

I also wonder when Level-5 is making good on their ambitions of yore. At some point in the past gen, they seemed to be shooting for the stars, but then ... Layton Layton Layton Sports Tv Layton. Very risk averse now. Shame. I always liked their pappy-cereal JRPGs.

Also, Volition.
Recall them going from barely on anyone's radar to Red Faction: Guerilla to Armageddon. Omgwhyisthisseriessoaweso...watisthisshit? Saint's Row and all, yeah I know. But they must still feel that burn. I hope they try again and restore the glory.


Chris Roberts. I guess it doesn't apply to the term "next-gen" though. Then again, it'll be a next-gen space sim xD



While I liked the ME series as a whole, several aspects started to go downhill after the first game. DA2 was also shit.



Looking forward to Destiny very much so. I believe Bungie had always wanted to do a game like this where they take to the stars. I wanna see how much it's actually similar to their past Halo games and what is completely different. I'm ready to visit an Bungie mmo-style universe where I can explore at will.
Pretty much any exclusive developer. Specifically, Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, 343 Industries, Remedy, and I'm cautiously optimistic about Black Tusks Gears game.

The one I'm most looking forward to is Naughty Dog


Blizzard Entertainment.
After Starcraft II and it's expansion pack faltered, and Diablo III dragged one of their biggest franchises through the mud, they've lost a lost of the respect that their name used to command. Now that they're on consoles, I hope they try and create something entirely new and bring back the Blizzard magic.

Runner Up: Square Enix.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. After the failures of the FFXIII trilogy, and the initial disaster of FFXIV, they need to come back swinging. With Toriyama not attached, I'm hoping FFXV can be the game FF fans deserve. They get one last chance from me. Make it count, guys.


I'm with the OP. I'm curious to see what SSM can do other than GOW. Stig's new game specifically (if it's not canceled at this point).

BTW SSM, if you're reading this thread, I still want GOW4 at some point in the future (last GOW EVER.)
Can we pick more than one? :D

Level 5 - Ni No Kuni 2 please. Make Oliver a non-tropy 4 year old and keep that same, magical feeling. Add a lot more depths and options, a lot more familiars, evolutions actually look different, friendly AI to be improved significantly and obviously whatever else new that they can come up with.

These guys in terms of hit or miss fall more into the miss side, but NNK was a gem with some potential to be one of my favorite RPGs if not for a few additions. I really hope they make a sequel and Sony funds some of the costs so they can really add more depth into the sequel.


Studio Japan - The fail has been strong with this one during the PS3 generation. While on the PSP/Vita, they did a pretty good job and bothered to support the handheld, they've been absolutely piss poor in terms of console development. While both SCEE and SCEA vastly improved and became absolute powerhouses during the PS3 generation and look to improve even further, Studio Japan (aka SCEJ without PD) took steps backwards in the console development both in terms of quantity and quality. I hoping that changes on both accounts.

With Allen Becker joining Studio Japan who was a beast and a major reason for SMS's success, I have high hopes for them next generation. He's had a few years there already now, so things must be in motion in terms of next gen. There couldn't be enough facepalms when I read that the studio of 400 people was working on 40 games. Thankfully based on interviews, it looks like he's changing things for the better.. mostly because it can't actually get any worse.

also #LegendofDragoonReboot #iBelieve


SquareEnix - Make a Final Fantasy that's not like FFXIII. I didn't hate it or anything, but I couldn't finish them game on two occasions. Then they made 2 more sequels on it.... Nomura and his zippers to save us.


GuerrillaGames - They have a lot to prove. Sony has faith in them but they seem to be in the good to pretty good studio but certainly not at the top class like a studio such as Media Molecule is in Europe. Also if you include Guerrilla Cambridge, do they have 3 teams with them now or 2? They are finally making a different IP as a WRPG. They really need a proper storyteller and they got someone from Bethesda. They need a new writer for the Killzone series as well now. On top of that, they need a proper designer, who can innovate or just find that right formula in the gameplay department. Story, characters, and gameplay are the key components where this team lack, even though K2 had awesome gameplay.

In fact, I don't know why or how they haven't fired whoever worked at ShadowFall. Cringe worthy writing and direction. That game with a few changes, some better writing could have easily been one of the best games of the year. The sound, VA, graphics, atmosphere, guns, designs, feel all worked/looked extremely well. Gameplay seemed a bit stale and the generic, same with characters.


Sucker Punch - Like GG, they are in the pretty good but not top class category. I like their previous games more than GG's, though their games don't sell as well as Guerrilla's. So hopefully this upcoming generation, their games move forward both financially (4 million range hopefully) and quality in some aspects.

A more interesting protagonist, story having mocap, improved graphics, and traversal being heavily improved, these are aspects of the inFamous franchise that look to be improved for the 3rd game. Sound design in some aspects, the game feeling a bit empty with the lack of people at times and maybe repetitive missions is a bit of a worry. Also they seem to be holding back but I haven't seen much of the moving cars in a whirlwind and blowing them up as you fight enemies yet, that crazy shit even though it's supposed to be hidden. All of these are still concerns that may or may not be in the game, but I'm there day 1 for inFamous Second Son.


Ready at Dawn - I'd like to see their transition from portable to console. Graphics, atmosphere and characters it looks like they've nailed it with their new IP. Still in the dark in regards to gameplay and replay value due to lack of MP and co-op, which I imagine will be coming in the sequel if the game is successful and Sony buys them if they haven't already.


Sony Bend - Like RAD, I'd like to see their transition from portable to console. Now everyone, lets start the one and only chant. Crash. Crash. Crash. Crash!!!!!!


Japanese developers in general - Pull your shit together and try not to wait for customers to buy a console when you don't make the games for it. I need my jRPGs.


Sumo Studio - Curious to see what they can offer for LittleBigPlanet 3 since they are taking over. Please don't make it a F2P and innovate a bit. Also allow us to use any song when we create our levels ffs.


Cod titles, sledge hammer, and treyarch

Because mw3 MP was ok and wanna see how they fair on they're own , and really excited to see what treyarch is going to do


at last, for christ's sake
Bioware. I would really love to see a return to form for the company. KOTOR, Jade Empire, ME, DAO (asking for a new BG would be unreal) are all fantastic games and I seriously hope Inquisition is a step in the right direction. Comon Bioware!


Dunno, if it's been said and I may get killed for it. The Dragon Quest team/s. Never played one and would love to try a Dragon Quest game in 1080p possibly 60fps on next gen consoles or even PC.

I would also like to see Capcom do a Monster Hunter for next gen.


Valve - I want to see them return to making solid, story driven single player experiences again outside of Portal and not just multiplayer hat factories/L4D

Monolith - Some of the best shooters leading up to and into the middle of the last generation, but have been relegated to whatever license the WB needs a game hammered out for more recently. Solid, but usually not as inspired as their Lithtech -> Lithtech Jupiter days


Honestly, I'd like to see Sakamoto make another Metroid game. I really think he could create an incredible 2D Metroid on the Wii U if given the chance. I'm pretty sure he was one of the main devs behind Zero Mission and that was great!

Just leave out the story...


Media Molecule. After LBP I was disappointed in LBP2 and Tearaway (although both still good games in a vacuum). I'd like to see their take on next gen content creation and social sharing.


Junior Member

I enjoyed their last two games (ME 3 and DA2) but they definitely weren't as good as their previous entries. I'm really looking forward to DA 3 and the next Mass Effect and hopefully a new IP. They create some of the best game worlds and I really hope they'll be back better than ever this gen.
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