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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?


I probably don't know their name yet!

Last gen had a lot of moderately enjoyable experiences but very few great experiences in my opinion. And the great experiences came from completely unexpected devs. It wasn't Diablo 3, or Halo 4, or Bioware's slew of games that were the great experiences. It came from the outsiders with games like Dark Souls, XCom and even Borderlands. I'd love to see companies like Bioware or Square turn about face, but they're not going to. They're going for mass appeal which means moderate enjoyment for everybody as opposed to the more focused experience that leads to the great experiences for more focused demographics.

I suppose if anybody I might name From, Firaxis and Gearbox. Actually Firaxis in particular. Going from Civ Revolution to XCom was an enormous leap in quality. And Enemy Within was an even greater leap in design quality, but horrific in technical quality. That game has more bugs than an EDF game and still hasn't been patched. If they bring technical and design excellence to next gen than I'd be more than impressed.
I am interested in what David Cage and Quantic Dream will do on PS4. I like the unique style his games have, not following the popular first person shooter/third person shooter/strategy/platforming blueprints. The funny thing is, I do not always necessarily enjoy the whole story his games try to tell, some are confusing, some have major plot holes, but I really enjoy playing his games.

I am very anxious to see what type of approach he takes with his next game.


Insomniac. I found they were largely hit or miss this past generation, so it will be interesting to see if they can become more consistent like the PS1/PS2 era again.

Same. Hopefully they do another full Ratchet game.

please god
Definitely Sony Santa Monica, i still believe they are the best devs under Sony umbrella its true the last GOW was a set back but i know for sure if anyone capable of making another big IP for Sony it has to be from SSM studio and since ND is making another Uncharted all eyes is set on SSM to make another generation defining IP for Playstation

This is my answer too. Nobody does epic quite like SSM and nobody pushes the hardware quite as hard. With all due respect to The Last Of Us and Naughty Dog, GOW 3/A was the closest we got to next gen visuals on the PS3/360. I those maniacs can do this

and this

with <500 mb of RAM and around 300 gf of compute imagine what they could do with 12 times the RAM and over 6 times the compute. I for one cannot wait.


Unconfirmed Member
Atlus hands down. I'm mainly concerned that Sega will corrupt/stunt/not localize their games.

Runner up goes to Level-5 for rarely localizing good games. If they can prove that they want to become a player in the international games industry by bringing more of their games to the West, then they will be redeemed.

I would say Square Enix, Capcpom, and Rare, but I doubt that the companies can pull it off.


Well not really a company, but David Sears. I sorely miss Socom 2 and if he can bring some form of that feeling back with H Hour then my PS4 purchase would be worth it for that game alone. Its still my favorite online game of all time, and nothing since has recreated the fun I had with it. But its a kickstarter game so I have my doubts.


Junior Member
One developer is too few. I could list several.

Naughty Dog -- If they could achieve THAT on PS3, then I can't wait to see what they can achieve on PS4 just from a visual standpoint. Honestly I think tech-wise on the PS3 they plateaued with Uncharted 2 and have been scraping the bottom of that system ever since.

Atlus... on PS3 -- Atlus has internally developed exactly one console game since the PS2 -- Catherine. We have no idea what a MegaTen game or similar RPG from them would look like on even the outgoing consoles, never mind PS4. I wouldn't be surprised if Persona 5 ended up being cross-gen, possibly even PS3/PS4/Vita. Their gameplay systems usually never require much hardware power anyway (JRPGs rarely do when you think about it).

Bethesda -- Maybe I just want to see them finally leave GameBryo behind. Most likely i just want to see what they can accomplish when not held back by 512MB of RAM.

Platinum -- Y'know, I think that even if Platinum does work on PS4 and Xbox One, whatever they make will still be your straight-up Japanese arcade fare, just prettier. The biggest benefit they'd probably get is a more stable framerate. Nonetheless, whenever Platinum releases a PS4 or Xbox One game is when I buy one of those consoles.

BioWare -- Frostbite 3 Engine might result in better facial animation? That would make a noticeable difference for BioWare games where you spend a lot of time looking at character's talk.

the work that those people at the studio did on both Arkham games blew me away. Arkahm Asylum really turned things up to ten during the time it was released. Rocksteady showed me that any idea can become a great game with a good creative and talented team. im looking forward to seeing whatever it is they have been working on since Arkham City.
Another vote for Bethesda here. I wouldn't say I am optimistic, but I want them to succeed with Fallout/Elder Scrolls more than any other studio with any other series. Next gen Fallout 4 with a new engine - thinking about this makes me hard.
I'd like to see black tusk succeed because I really want to see gears come back strong. It's a great game and I really want to see it get more awesome on next gen systems!


Neo Member
Santa Monica, Epic, Rockstar and Bungie. I have complete faith in Santa Monica and Rockstar but I'm curious to see how well Epic and Bungie do this gen with their titles.


I hope inXile proves themselves with Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera.

I hope Obsidian packs everything that was good about Knights of the Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, and New Vegas into Pillars of Eternity.



343i and Bungie.

343i? I want to like Halo again. If Halo 5 is Halo 4 2, I don't see myself ever coming back to the series. It would also mean I likely won't bother with an XB1, because my gut is telling me that going exclusively Sony is a sufficient and reasonable plan in a world where Halo isn't ridiculously awesome.

Bungie? Pretty much everything I've played that they made has been top-tier for me, but Reach had some substantial issues, and the direction their gameplay design has been heading in has some aspects that give me pause. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for now because their games have always worked out as overall great in the past, and I hope they knock it out of the park, but I'm anxious. I'll be bummed out if I don't like Destiny, and Bungie will be seriously hurting if Destiny doesn't connect spot-on with the larger community.


Prove: Seems to be a broad consensus for Square Enix and I think it is well justified. I would love to see them have a run like 1997-1998; where it was just a tidal wave of quality output.

Re-affirm: Rockstar. They are sitting on quite a bit of cash from their success last gen. They'll rake it in just re-releasing GTAV. I am very interested to see how they will innovate when wielding the highest gaming budgets in the industry.


Rockstar San Diego.

4 years in May since Red Dead Redemption. Surely they must be working on something that will shake our next gen consoles to their cores. Bring it on already!


Square Enix:

Last gen was probably one of their worst generations, at least for the main team at square (not their western studios, those are great).
They lost a big part of their fanbase with the XIII saga and it felt like the only games that where well recieved where re-releases, games developed by their western studios or games made by external developers and simply published by them.
They have a lot of work to do if they want to retake their throne as the king of Jrpg's.


Mass Effect was fun and all but by the end it basically felt like a TPS franchise rather than a RPG. I'd like to see them come back as a great RPG developer.
Dragon Age is probably going to be their first Next Gen title and after the terrible Dragon Age 2 they must deliver if they want to keep their status.

Sony Santa Monica:

No one doubts that they are great when it comes to making great looking games. God of War is without a doubt one of the best looking console franchises.
But I hope they can show that there is more than just good graphics behind their games. God of war feels like yet another victim of excessive milking at this point which was made clear by the lackluster reception of Ascension (in Sales, reviews and overal excitment from people.
I hope they manage to give new life to the franchise (I insist that they should reboot it with a new character, a new setting and a new mythology) but mostly I'm looking forward to see a new Ip from them


R* San Diego with the next Red Dead and Eidos Montreal just to finally see them deliver on the feel of their Deus Ex: HR trailer. At this point does anyone really need to mention ND?


Will drop pants for Sony.
Sony Santa Monica studios. How they modeled Kratos on the ps3 is nothing short of future tech. Cannot wait to see what their next game will look like


Tough choice, would like to say SSM but if anyone has anything to prove to me it'd be Bioware, well their Dragon age team. The first was great but the second was just shit imo, I hope for the best with inquisitions but I expect the worst.

SSM is a good choice too since I really didn't enjoy ascension, but I have pretty high hopes for them with their next game, hopefully a new IP.


Square Enix. Their only major console game made in Japan that was worth playing was A Realm Reborn, and that was their second try. If XV tanks, then KH3 is their life-support.
Ready At Dawn, especially after watching their Game Informer interview.

Did not know this team was made up of former Naughty Dog and Blizzard. They already proved themselves on the portable front, but im eager to see what they do with The Order and nextgen in general. Especially if they aspire to be as good as ND
I'd like to see Gearbox do something that isn't Borderlands that doesn't play like shit, as in Alien Colonial Marines or Duke Nukem Forever.
Valve. Show me you haven't become a moba/f2p/steam run automaton. Please give me another great single player experience. I don't even care if it's half life 3 I'll take another portal anyday. And give it to me in eye bleeding VR.
Bioware. The Star Wars MMO bombed, DA:2 was a disaster and ME3 was a mixed success. Now they have the opportunity for redemption of DA, a chance to take Mass Effect in a new direction, along with a new IP. If all of these games aren't successful I think this dev could be another casualty to the EA machine.


Bioware for me as well. I really liked a lot of things about ME3 and DA2, but overall they weren't the games I'd hoped they would be. I'm hoping they can bounce back with a couple high-quality titles this gen.


Junior Member
Okay maybe Square Enix because I want to see if they can actually get the Luminous engine off the ground. If I can actually get to play Agni's Philosophy (or whatever it becomes) that would be nice.


Gold Member
Polyphony Digital.

Without question. Everything they've done since GT4 has been a disappointment so I'm hoping they can have a return to form next gen and it would be glorious. I'm not holding out hope though because it's the typical story of he who once innovated has now become outdated. IMO it may be best for Sony to actually kill off the GT series and start something new because of how stale it has all got. Regardless, GT 1-4 will always have a place in gaming history.


These guys need to get with the times. Pro Evolution Soccer is so outdated it's not even funny. Would like to see some real competition to FIFA at some point during next gen.
Monster Games- They have mostly been relegated to not very important titles like Pilotwings Resort, DKCR3D and the Excite series. I want to see what they could do with a more complex title
Nintendo Software Technology -because after Metroid Prime Hunters, they haven't done anything major gamewise, plus they made that Project Hammer game that got cancelled


Bungie. They used to have IP in a variety of areas until they got stuck with Halo. Curious to see if they can get more than one IP going this gen.


Bethesda; they have 5+GB of memory now, let's see an open world game that makes use of it (of and can we have some of the complexity and choices of Morrowind back please?)


SQEX - I think they've learned a lot this gen, and overcome a lot. And they're hungry, and ready to go all out. They still have some of the most talented designers in the business. I think they're going to silence all critics.

Valhalla Games - These guys are going to show Platinum how you really make action games.

Capcom - The other premiere Japanese studio. Resident Evil, possibly Dragon's Dogma, Deep Down, new IP? They're going to dominate.

Nintendo - I think Zelda HD is going to melt my brain. And you truly never know what these guys will do. They're basically the best developers in the world, and everyone always counts them out. Mario Kart is going to be insane in the meantime. I think they have the most potential to shock people this E3.

From Software - I hope they keep their Souls IP going, but introduce another new one at that quality level. Either that, or bring back Tenchu, and make it Souls quality.

I really want to see them redeem themselves after the ME3 fiasco

I would have said capcom but let's be honest
they were past the point of no return for a while now with glimpses of their former greatness(dragons dogma) appearing and disappearing,


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
Polyphony Digital

because I want to see what they can do with GT on PS4 and GT5 and 6 been the games I played the most on last gen.

also the usual suspects: Santa Monica and Naughty Dog, because, holy fuck!
Intelligent Systems

I still believe they can make a great epic Paper Mario game again.

I enjoyed Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario 3DS, but I really want a crazy epic RPG adventure like the first two games.

Let's hope Miyamoto doesn't screw them over again.



I'm really hoping they can go back to making straight RPGs like Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect instead of action games with RPG elements.

i'm really excited to see what they do with either fallout, elder scrolls or even some new open world with next gen consoles.


Junior Member
Square Enix.

I want to see Final Fantasy XV be the bold step forward that captures what made the old titles successful, as they have teased again and again. The game looks phenomenal, and I have every belief that all the tools they need to succeed are at their disposal for this project. SE really needs a win, needs a way to convince people that Final Fantasy is still one of the best names in JRPGs. It's my favorite series, hands down, and to see it diminish to nothing would sincerely break my heart.



I'd like to see what Atlus is doing 8 years from now because i'm curious about how many more spinoffs and ports they could make next-gen.

I'm sad to see Dead Space go, despite it's decline. I really want to see what they're working on next. I really hope it's not the EA equivalent of CoD map packs (RIP Raven Software).
Square Enix. I truly believe they have their very-best
talent working on FFXV. FFXIII was mediocre, everyone knows it, it's the elephant in the room, and XV will be make-or-break for them. FFXV and also the Agni's Philosphy demo tell me that Square Enix is going to be very ambitious about the current generation. It looks phenomenal and I haven't been so excited for FF since I was a teenager. (The one big thing they're not doing right so far is going nearly a year without new information. But I know they don't want to sabotage their other titles, namely Lightning Returns)

putting out several single player, non-sequel Final Fantasy releases per console generation
Sorry but I don't see a future where Square Enix doesn't make sequels to main FF games. This is the world we live in now.

I want to say Team Ico for the sake of TLG, but the better question is, will Team Ico even exist anymore now that Ueda is gone?

Edit: Oh hay, I became a Member, ya'll!
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