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1 developer your most eager to see prove/reaffirm themselve's going into next-gen?

Atlus... on PS3 -- Atlus has internally developed exactly one console game since the PS2 -- Catherine. We have no idea what a MegaTen game or similar RPG from them would look like on even the outgoing consoles, never mind PS4.

Oh wow, this is an excellent point that I hadn't even thought of.

Catherine is the only Atlus game I've played from start to finish. I really, really enjoyed it. The story was mature, fresh, and really spoke to me as a late-20s guy who was struggling with a "do we need to take this to the next step" relationship at the time that I played it.

Also, there were cube puzzles.

I don't want a sequel per se, but would gobble up another original title in that vein.



Because they're one of gaming's last beacons of hope.

Couldn't have said it better!


Platinum have already proven themselves with W101. They still have it, and whatever comes next on any platform will be amazing.

Personally, I'm most keen to see what Q Games do.

They made some incredibly fun and addictive download games for PSN and DS, such as Pixeljunk Monsters, Starship Patrol, Reflect Missile and Pixeljunk Shooter.

I reckon whatever they do will be worth a look.


Tri-Ace: They made one of the best action-RPGs ever made (and then made another great game after that), but after that their titles have been average at best which is a shame. It's been over 10 years and we haven't gotten games anywhere near as good as Valkyrie Profile or Star Ocean 2 from them.

Valve: They need to focus on making new IPs from within and not rely on other people and swallow them up. Not only that but Half-Life 2 was extremely dumbed down :V. I'm sure gamers would want to experience a game like Half-Life 1 instead of a dumbed down hand holding title like Half-Life 2.

Game Arts: I want to experience another game like Grandia (1, not the other titles). Please ;_;

Atlus already won with Etrian Odyssey IV, but if they could remake/port the other 2 Etrian Odyssey games, 3 in particular, I'd be happy.


Team Ico.Even though i don't think Ueda and his teamates have anything to prove after games such as Ico and SOTC they left their fans very disappointed for a whole gen and probably want to reaffirm themselves as a strong Sony team especially since TLG may be Ueda's last game with SCEJ.

From Software.With Demon's Souls they pushed online innovation like no other developer has done before (or after) and they showed that this is a studio that likes to think outside of the box.I'm really curious about what more they can do in terms of gameplay and ideas with the new hardware.

Monolith Soft.Xenoblade was a huge achievement for the Wii's hardware so i want to see what they can do now that they have a lot more power in their hands.


Interesting that so may are saying Bioware with Dragon Age already slated to be a cross gen game.

It's the game they produce when they break the shackles of current gen that I am really interested in.

Who really needs to prove themselves are EA Sports, every game has been the same for the last decade, maybe add Activision to that list with COD.

Excited for CDPR, Naughty Dog, Rocksteady, Rockstar, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Square Enix, 4A Games, Dice and Crtyek if they get their head out of their asses.


From Software.

Really want to see them use the Next-Gen tech to bring back some of their classic games like Otogi, Tenchu and

Would also love to see them push the Armoured Core series forward. Still fells very much like a last-gen game. Really would love to see them doing something amazing with it.

After the Demon's/Dark Souls games, they have a good name with many outside of Japan, so leverage that and show them what else you have!
Ninja Theory

I think there already at a point where they're creating compelling characters, visually and emotionally. And their storytelling and game play have continued to improve. I think with the new consoles out, they have a chance to put everything they've learned during the 360/PS3, and make a truly impressive next gen game.


From Software with Dark Souls 3 or similar

And the why is easy, it is the most exiting, challenging and atmospheric action/RPG game i have ever played (and i have played them all :) )

Not that a next gen Zelda insterests me less of course :), but i did not like Zelda TP and SS so i cant put it over a Souls game in interest (though i loved Zelda LBW as much as older ones)


Not a developer but a publisher and it's Ea. I am hoping they realise their poor showing over the last number of years and start not trying to rip the consumer off. With PvZ garden warfare I am excited to see them take the risk in doing something unexpected and releasing it as a cheaper title. I was thinking it would cost full price. I hope this is a new start for them


Definitely Square Enix. I am not one among the people who hate Final Fantasy XIII or its sequels, but it's true that as a company, they've been failing to live up to their legacy. However, with the retransformation of XIV and the fact that Lightning Returns is surprisingly fun despite being rough, I have confidence that their troubles are behind them for the most part. I look forward to Final Fantasy XV, the game that could bring Square Enix back into legendary status.


Capcom. But that's not going to happen.
CC2. But that's not going to happen.

Those two are my biggest disappointments over this past generation.

I think everyone else is poised to really take over the world, but those two...their plans seem to be to continue wallowing in mediocrity.



It has been a while since their last game and they have nothing announced since Fortnight. Hell we haven#t even heard from that game in a while. They also had talent leave, so I am interested if they still got it and if they will actually do another console game.


Good idea for a thread.

Can't stop at one so I'd say:

Bungie - Marathon and Halo were both something special, like Valve special in their points in history. I'm very interested to see where they go from here.

Namco - used to be god tier back in the day on PS1. Very interested to see them getting back to a simple, powerful machine.

Epic - really stood up last gen. They were the first dev that really provided the next gen feeling. Would like to see that happen again.

Rare - feels like wasted potential after Kameo and Viva Pinata. Would like to see that turn into something new.
bioware: as good as the all the mass effect games were (even the 3rd one), its hard for me to stay excited for a series after the 2nd game, and considering the other most recent games they produced were da2 and swtor, its been a stale last couple of years for bioware. and i miss the magic. (and sadly, inquisition doesnt seem like its gonna do it)

crystal dynamics: because i want to see lara to evolve from whiny girl next door to a mix of james bond and indiana jones.

io interactive: i loved every game these guys made except kane and lynch, and absolution wasnt really priased. but i loved it and thought most of the changes were for ease of execution instead of dumbing down. without that bulled-time shootout thingie, i think the next game would be golden.

sony santa monica: as said before, no more gow please, and more than 2 games please.

valve: valve is really good at what they dont. they should start doing it.

visceral games: a star wars survival horror anyone?
I want Precursor Games to actually come out with something. I want a new Eternal Darkness.

I want to see Rocksteady work their magic on this new generation because they already shocked everyone once with Arkham Asylum and I can't imagine how their next game will be.

Once? Urban Chaos Riot Response was fucking awesome.


Square Enix, I like their character designs, beautiful games, amazing soundtracks, fun combat(I liked it)...but their writing isn't up to par. If they manage to create a great story, I'll be perfectly content with everything they do.
Square-enix - currently playing lightning returns, which is really making me want them to return to the snes, ps1 or ps2 days. They need to take a wider look and realise just because the market in Japan has changed, that those in the west still want the good traditional JRPGs on a console
Capcom. I would love to see a Monster Hunter game(s) on PS4/XBONE. There's no excuse for development cost etc. It seems Capcom doesn't like money anymore. I am almost certain that Capcom would see 1m+ easy if the Monster Hunter franchise expanded to other platforms besides Wii-U and 3DS.


Bethesda. Their skills in world building is second to none, and just the thought of their worlds becoming more majestic and detailed makes me foam at the mouth.

Endo Punk

A lot of developers named in this thread don't really need to prove themself..... except SSM. Relying on a PS2 era franchise throughout the life of PS3 is all kinds of bad. Yeah they have worked with a lot of developers but they themself never attributed towards creating a new IP. That needs to change this gen.
Sony Japan Studio: they still make some good games (Gravity Rush, Puppeteer), but they were very consistent and prolific in the PS1 days. Hopefully with new management and a bit more structure they can recapture former glories.

Square Enix: just make me care about you again. In the PS1 days I used to see the Squaresoft emblem as a literal seal of quality, but that declined in the PS2 era and fell off a cliff last gen.

Capcom: stop with your stupid business decisions and go back to making great games. In the PS1 and PS2 eras you were one of my consistently favourite publishers, but you pissed it all away with so many bad decisions last gen.


well From Software. I'd like to say Atlus, but I don't see them really leveraging the performance to explore new ideas. I could see from doing some nifty stuff. Which I'm happy with, Atlus don't make games that rely on cutting edge technology. Neither does from exactly, but like I said I could see them taking great advantage of it.

Also, Platinum Software, for the same reasons as From I guess. For western devs I can't remember the last non-indie or non-strategy game I actually thought was good so eh, not holding any high hopes on that front(which hopefully means I'll be pleasantly surprised).

Endo Punk


I want more Itagaki in the game industry. It's a better industry with more Itagaki.

Shame on last gen he was never able to best what he did on OG Xbox. I'd love to see him make a return but I think there's a bigger chance he will quit game development and become a farmer. I can only hope MS sends a lot of money his way and convince him otherwise.


Definitely Sony Santa Monica. Just the thought of the studio working their magic on the PS4 gives me shivers. If they manage to use their Titan technology for next-gen, everyone is going to shit their pants. I also want a God of War 4, and more epic as fuck boss fights and setpieces, in glorious 1080p, no less.

It's time they showed what new IP they have been working on. We have been hearing about some open-world game, with vehicles and shit, since 2011.


Chris Roberts (Roberts Space Industry)

Made a HUGE amount of money and a number promises. I have faith in him and his team, but the risk is high. Hes kinda like Michael Jordan coming back to the space sim game. Can he do it?


P-Studio and Sony Santa Monica.

Santa Monica because the visuals will melt my face and P-Studio because everything Hashino directs is amaaaaazing.



People give them too much crap. Just wait until E3. Reliable sources (me) told me it's gonna blow everyone else's out of the water.
Mistwalker. After The Last Story this company has wasted their talent on unsuccessful mobile games and haven't released any game ever since. I think they are hungry for any funding at this point so Sony/Nintendo/MS please fund them to make more games!!!


sputum-flecked apoplexy

I want them to diversify and stop making the same four IPs year after year. I want them to take the same kinds of creative risks as Sony (they used to do this). I want to be able to seriously consider buying an Xbone on the strength of its first-party lineup in four or five years time.
Rayman Origins & Legends > BG&E

So I'm not sure which you mean. ;)

I think I'd rather have a 3D Rayman like Rayman 2 than BG&E2 as well.
I have a feeling I'd be happy with whatever they put out, as long as Yves doesn't meddle too much. But I also have a feeling that BG&E > Rayman.


TURN 10! bam! LOL

seriously, that would be:

- 343i
- bungie
- polyphony

also, I would like to see the games from those who create new engines for consoles, like we have ryse for crytek, or like we had gears of war for unreal in 360.


I'm exited to see if CDProjekt RED can successfully transition from scrappy underdog to industry behemoth over this generation, without loosing that spark that made their game so interesting in the first place. The Witcher 3 looks amazing so far, and they have been saying all the right things about Cyberpunk so far. But with 2 teams plus a satellite studio, with the main two teams being 2-3X bigger than the Witcher 2 team I worry they may be growing to fast. And promising the stars could hurt them if they don't deliver on those promises.


No bald cap? Lies!
Interesting that so may are saying Bioware with Dragon Age already slated to be a cross gen game.

It's the game they produce when they break the shackles of current gen that I am really interested in.

Who really needs to prove themselves are EA Sports, every game has been the same for the last decade, maybe add Activision to that list with COD.

Excited for CDPR, Naughty Dog, Rocksteady, Rockstar, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Square Enix, 4A Games, Dice and Crtyek if they get their head out of their asses.

This is still the top issue I have with DAI and has me hesitant to really jump on the hype train for it. Every time I think about it still being on PS3 and 360 I just think sacrifices to make it work on that old hardware and that bleeding over to the other versions to maintain parity between platforms.

Aliens:colonial marines and duke nukes where sick jokes from them, as well as the last bit of dlc that came out for borderlands 2.
I want to see something in the borderlands universe on grander scale from them or maybe even a new ip.


Insomniac Games
They could do no wrong on the PS2, and its overall been a decline on the PS3. They have gone from a great studio to just a good one. They need to recapture their spirit of making fun games.

TBH I think they have expanded too much and spread the talent around too much. Their North Carolina studio has been mediocre, it's improving with time but it lags behind. The Burbank studio is still producing the goods, bar Fuse's unfortunate development difficulties.

I'm hoping Sunset Overdrive brings them back to form, or at very least the next R&C game is a full on classic adventure.


Neo Member
Relic Studios. Havent said what they're up to since Company of Heroes 2, recently bought by Sega. I love me some Relic games and really want to see what they're up to.
Gearbox too, i guess, they got the Homeworld franchise and said they want to treat it right.
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