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10-year-old antiabortion protester shoved; Anti-Trump activist reached out to help

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A 10-year-old antiabortion protester was shoved. Then an anti-Trump activist reached out to help.


Ten-year-old Josh Wheeler of Indianapolis was in Washington with his father, Todd Wheeler, to demonstrate against abortion outside Friday’s inauguration when they were met by a group of anti-Trump protesters at a security checkpoint around 11:30 a.m.

As the group marched by, one of the protesters shoved Josh to the ground and dismantled his banner, which had an image of an aborted fetus on it. When Josh began to cry, the protesters mocked him and called him a p---y, according to a witness, Monica Hunken.

Hunken, 35, of New York, was nearby as part of another group of anti-Trump climate justice protesters blocking entrances. For most of the morning, she said her group and Wheeler’s antiabortion group had peacefully coexisted at the spot.

When the protesters mocked the ginger-haired boy, Hunken told them to leave him alone and put her arm around him to comfort him.

“I saw someone antagonizing him and wanted to reach out,” Hunken said. “I didn’t want the hate to be the only voice that he heard.”

The Wheelers had been handing out pamphlets with a group of antiabortion protesters around Washington since 7 a.m. This was the boy’s first time at an inauguration, but not his first time protesting, his father said.

He is a Donald Trump supporter, but said they were not there “on any political agenda.”
He added, “The worst part was seeing someone in their 20s picking on a 10-year-old.”


You have to be a real motherfucker to shove a 10 year old and call him a pussy.

Don't act like you're above Trump, you're clearly not.


A 10 year old being fed information from his family members doesn't know any better. He didn't deserve to be physically assaulted and berated.


Maybe it's just me but I don't see the need to bring a 10-year-old to an anti-abortion rally. Leave the kid at home. He's too young, let him make his own decisions. He doesn't fully understand what's going on right now.


Maybe it's just me but I don't see the need to bring a 10-year-old to an anti-abortion rally. Leave the kid at home. He's too young, let him make his own decisions. He doesn't fully understand what's going on right now.

The Westboro church does this too with their protests. It's sad to see.


Sorry, but as soon as you're protesting something, you should expect some pushback.

Also, wtf does a 10 year old know about this subject.
Looking forward to the Breitbart version of the story where all mentions of the anti-Trump activist coming for help have been removed.


Sorry, but as soon as you're protesting something, you should expect some pushback.

Also, wtf does a 10 year old know about this subject.

He knows nothing about it. That's the point. Do you really think shoving a child who doesn't understand this stuff okay? What a shitty person you are if you actually believe that.


Sorry, but as soon as you're protesting something, you should expect some pushback.

Also, wtf does a 10 year old know about this subject.

Right, my question is why was this never brought up to the father? Why bother the 10-year-old who's just standing there? Not saying you should abuse at yell at the father, but if you're going to bring up any arguments, do it with the father and not the son. That poor kid is probably traumatized based on that picture.


At the age of 10 I was more interested in waiting for the new episodes of Boy Meets World and Sabrina the Teenage Witch since it's Friday
People would fling cans of drink at those kids from The Westborough Baptist Church people as they drove by.

Granted those kids had signs saying "God hates fags" but still.

The point being using your kids as political sandwich boards advocating controversial issues is going to garner some animosity.

People are instinctively more cunty in large crowds in a protest environment so in conclusion maybe leave your kid at home next time.
He's a fucking ten year old you fucking moron.

So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.


"yeah, im going to physically assault this ten year old who has been indoctrinated by his parents into believing things he prolly doesn't understand and is already been used as a prop for his parents agenda, this is totally the right thing to do! let's mock him to, so he harbors a hate for people with our point of view! We're so progressive"

I can't believe this was basically the train of thought someone at this protest had.

Mad respect for the protester who did the right thing.

So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

Ah yes, because we all know no kid ever deviates from their parents beliefs, and boy, this lesson surely will make him change his tune, and not feel like his parents bullshit is validated.

No sir, there is no hope for this 10 year old, he cannot be educated, might as well assault him!

Yeah, lets pretend a huge portion of even GAF's dem demographic doesn't come from conservative household they broke from and learned to better themselves!


Why is a 10 year old anti abortion?

Because he's ten and at that age you typically conform to social pressures surrounding you.

So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

Age is absolutely a factor. I literally can't tell if your trolling or just can't understand how physical/mental development works.


That kid is being frickin brainwashed and is doing this shit becuase of his parents.

Go after them, not him.


So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.

He doesn't know any better. He follows his parent. That's all he knows.


What kind of peace of shit father do you have to be, fucking christ. This would be reason to take the child away from him as far as I'm concerned - and I'm pretty sure it would in fact raise suspicion in germany. Making your 10-year-old stand around and protest with an aborted fetus as a sign? Fuck this abusive cunt.


So? He's already lost, he's been on anti abortion protests before, he's fighting to take rights away from other people. His age isn't a factor.

If he's willing to be out protesting for the removal of women's rights, he should be willing to deal with the consequences.

It's a life lesson.
When most of us were ten most of the "informed opinions" we were taught came from parents and grandparents. I'm sorry you didn't have that experience so can't empathize with the kid.

You pushed the kid, didn't you?
This got a chuckle from me.


Sorry, but as soon as you're protesting something, you should expect some pushback.

Also, wtf does a 10 year old know about this subject.

Verbal, yeah.

But if your instinct is to get physical with a 10-year-old because you don't like the message they're carrying, then your moral compass is all out of whack.

Then again, that's the type of person that would fit right in, in Trump's vision of America.

Mad respect for the protester who did the right thing.

This x1000.
The fuck is with the father making his kid carrying around a poster with an aborted fetus on it. Poor kid getting abused because of his asshole parent.


By all means, go after the kid's parents and other, adult protesters, but leave the kids alone. Parents, don't indoctrinate or use your offspring as meat shields, you dolts.

This is not rocket science.
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