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181 confirmed dead, number expected to double - Victoria burns

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StoOgE said:
gotcha, I've never been there, but for some reason I always thought it was a pretty hot climate all over the island. I guess the East coast is cooler?

The east coast and south-east is basically the breadbasket of the country, where the majority of the population is as well as our agricultural areas. It is a generally temperate, usually quite warm to hot in summer, however the recent heatwave is pretty over-the-top to say the least.


StoOgE said:
I'm guessing this temperature is insane fore Australia?

We get to 110+ for several weeks a year in Texas, but we all have AC's and are use to it.

It wasn't just the heat. We had 118, plus severe drought conditions and a strong wind to push the fire. It was the perfect fire weather


Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.
HomShaBom said:
Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.

serious business


HomShaBom said:
Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.

Yeah, we are the ridiculous ones.

Scores of people have burned and/or suffocated to death while trying to protect their homes and families, and its likely that that figure will be well into the hundreds after tonight.

Show some basic human empathy and tact you emotionally stunted Gen-Y fucktard.


HomShaBom said:
Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.

Show me one fucking thread where a hundred people died, 750 homes ruined and entire towns destroyed and people made puns. Show me ONE.

I'd like to see it in a thread about an American. If I posted that in a thread where some America soldiers died or if it was a terrorist attack. I'd get a perma ban in about 5 seconds but not before 100 people tore me a new one.
HomShaBom said:
Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.
Comedy = Tragedy + Time.


HomShaBom said:
Wow you people are fucking ridiculous. Getting mad cause of a pic posted. Yet when shit like this happens elsewhere people want to make puns. Double standard eh? Go fuck yourselves.

until you find an article/thread which is similar to "shit like this", i suggest you piss off back to the hole you crawled from


slight tangent: has anyone been to an area a few months after a bushfire has been through?

Its actually really pretty.


i_am_ben said:
slight tangent: has anyone been to an area a few months after a bushfire has been through?

Its actually really pretty.

Once. I got black shit all over me from the burnt trees. :(


I want a tag give me a tag
Tntnnbltn said:


Thanks for that, I've kinda kept away from the news for a little while... I knew it was hot here recently but...

Heatwave South-eastern Australia 100+ January 25 to February 4, 2009 2009 Southeastern Australia heat wave. Nine day heatwave with Adelaide recording a record* six consecutive days over 40 °C (104 °F) and a record high of 45.7 °C (114.3 °F) with a record overnight minimum of 33.9 °C (93 °F) on January 28.[39]

100+ deaths during the heat wave is insane.

Not surprised now that my grandparents were getting calls from st johns volunteers (I think that's who, may have been government related even? I'll check tomorrow) Reminding them to keep up their fluids and to keep in the shade and to be in contact with family members if they ever felt faint.

Edit: HomShaBom & OpinionatedCyborg can Fuck off.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
DIAF... oh wait


I hadn't been paying attn to this story at all...this is a terrible news. Hope things get better for those folks. :(


these fires are crazy, i live in Melbourne but my girlfriends family all live out near Tallangatta and her brothers are in the CFA they have never seen anything like it. It really is different to a normal fire when there is this much dry leaf and fuel for the fire and the right wind it really does move like a storm. places where people have been caught in their cars is from when the fire has come up a hill side (it moves 4 times faster than on the flat) and literally has just consumed whole suburbs in a matter of minutes. people are seeing the fire move slowly down a valley then getting caught off guard as it moves so fast up the slopes.

Im going to give blood this weekend (for the burns victims) and I sure as hell know where all my economic bonus money is now going.


Darklord said:
Updated death toll: 108
According to the Wikipedia list, it's now the largest single disaster in Australia by death toll since the 1946–1955 Polio epidemic.

Simply amazing to believe that 24 hours ago there was pretty much nothing.


Tntnnbltn said:
According to the Wikipedia list, it's now the largest single disaster in Australia by death toll since the 1946–1955 Polio epidemic.

Simply amazing to believe that 24 hours ago there was pretty much nothing.
yeah thats the most bizarre thing. I don't follow the news too much but it didn't seem to me like many people were bracing for this. I spent saturday at the pub trying to stay cool and as I was walking there I was kinda spun out by the brown skies and thought, "damn that looks wierd as...." Now I know why :-/
i had a dream where fire was slowly approaching my house. First I noticed neighbors packing up and driving away. Then i saw a bunch of smoke coming from the hills, but they blocked the view of the fire so it was impossible to tell how close it was. Next time I looked out the window I could see a wave of flame coming up from behind the houses across the street

scary stuff
Hope everybody is OK.

I'm in Kilmore and had fires about 5 minutes from my house. The only reason I still have one is that the fires were being blown North.

We have several people with us who have lost everything.

My brother's friend was over with us and was worried that he'd lost his dad. He heard he had lost his house, but his dad tried to save the house and dogs and they hadn't heard from him since. After hours of worry, we were watching the news and saw his dad helping fight fires around Wandong. He was so relieved he burst into tears.

We had another who lost their house and escaped in a car, and the lights, bumper and grill have all melted. The guy has really bad eye injuries from smoke and embers.

My brothers GF also lost her home.

We have scores of people that we still can't contact.

We live right near the hospital and it's devastating to hear the amount of sirens throughout the night going in and out.

What a terrible weekend.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Holy sheet at that GIF.

Can we get a mod to update the title of the thread? Now 130 :(


Sleeker said:
I saw Rudd had a hard time keeping it together on the news this morning.

Looked like bad acting to me, but maybe I'm cynical.

The premier of Victoria looked a lot more sincerely upset to me.


Grug said:
Looked like bad acting to me, but maybe I'm cynical.

The premier of Victoria looked a lot more sincerely upset to me.

i saw Rudd try to hug a guy who had lost his house and it was like he was hugging a leper. Everything he does just seems put on.

Last week he even carried out a guy who collapsed in church for a nice photo-op.

the Vic premier isnt much better. My brother said they cut away from yesterday's cricket because the Premier was making a speech but actually he was only rehearsing and was receiving pointers on how to appear more upset. Dunno if this is true though as my brother has a tendency to embelish.


MINI Member
Mel Doyle cried a little this morning.

It wasn't acting. The media is cheesy and they do some slimy things for news sometimes but at times like this, I can see it being a tough gig.
pretty terrifying. Seeing some of the pictures in the paper and its just impossible to imagine what it would be like. I used to live in Gippsland, and usually you would have days of massive amounts of smoke, but never would imagine the fire moving that quick.


Politicians and media personalities are damned if they do, damned if they don't. It's either not cry and they don't care, or do cry and it's fake and acting.


i_am_ben said:
the Vic premier isnt much better. My brother said they cut away from yesterday's cricket because the Premier was making a speech but actually he was only rehearsing and was receiving pointers on how to appear more upset. Dunno if this is true though as my brother has a tendency to embelish.
nup, I was watching that telecast. Channel 9 screwed up and cut to him late (they were trying to fit it in between over breaks) and caught him just as he finished. Then you saw him say "I have to do it again?" and they cut back to the cricket, only to cut to him again midway through the speech. Freaking muppets

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
santouras said:
can we stop quoting that retarded post? or if it is quoted, make it so the image doesn't show, it sickens me to look at it

yeah, the original image says all it needs to say about OpinionatedCyborg without everyone else drawing more attention to such a dickheaded post.

the whole disaster is absoultely shocking, i'm reading so many stories of people losing everything - whole families, kids, pets, houses :( so fucked up
Fuck it's been a depressing day for news, especially with the deathtoll rising.

Then there was this story here at http://www.smh.com.au/news/national...-5-went-missing/2009/02/08/1234027855667.html, which I caught the headlines about as I was driving out to work. Six hours ago I found out the kid's mother is a very old friend of mine. In fact, the last time I saw her, she was heavily pregnant with the kid and about to go on maternity leave.


Sorry for the thread derail... I didn't think this was worth starting a thread for, but I'm feeling pretty fucking devastated.
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