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1UP sold to UGO/Hearst. EGM gone. 1up show & podcasts gone. 40 1up/EGM employees gone

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Fail out bailed
GaimeGuy said:
I'm not trolling. Like it or not, the fact is they ARE asking for donations to do what we do here: Provide pointless banter about games for our own amusement.
I wouldn't pay for gaf. Sorry, I like the place, but thats not how money works. Your comparison is pointless.


It warms my heart that the community cares so much. Over 11k, wow.

Of course they actively asked people to donate when they put that button on their site, but I think it's justified.

I will be donating 5-10$ later today, as well.


wmat said:
I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that you're paying for free equipment here and that's it.

I don't care, hell, I'm getting the results for free anyway, I suppose. It's your money.

No, it's become abundantly clear that you do care.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
GaimeGuy said:
I'm not trolling. Like it or not, the fact is they ARE asking for donations to do what we do here: Provide pointless banter about games for our own amusement.

Pointless to you maybe, but not to the people that want to listen, which is why we have chosen to donate, I could say it's pointless for people to subscribe to a particular TV show becuase I thought it was crap but I don't becuase I know that likes and dislikes are subjective.

What do you think about all the opensource and shareware groups out there that have donation buttons on their site ?


wmat said:
I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that you're paying for free equipment here and that's it.

I don't care, hell, I'm getting the results for free anyway, I suppose. It's your money.

Paying for free equipment?
GaimeGuy said:
I'm not trolling. Like it or not, the fact is they ARE asking for donations to do what we do here: Provide pointless banter about games for our own amusement.
So fucken what? What's wrong with asking for donation. It's up to others whether they feel it's worth donations which in this case it obviously is. Who are you to say it's pointless banter? It makes my commute and doing boring chores a lot more bareable. Who are you to say i can't pay them whatever I feel it's worth.
GaimeGuy said:
I'm not trolling. Like it or not, the fact is they ARE asking for donations to do what we do here: Provide pointless banter about games for our own amusement.

This is America, it is legal... its a Free country. You're comparing GAF to the podcasts?! I know they are not professionals but they offer some good discussions and entertainment in an mostly articulate manner. Gaf... is Gaf, tons of kids saying something is awesome or OMG ur Wrong while posting a funny gif. Theres always the exception, sure, but the quality of the discussion in podcasts >>>>>> GAF discussions


You want to know why i donated to talking orange and eat sleep game and would never donate to neogaf?
Because 1up FM and the 1up show provided me with countless hours of laughter and happiness. Neogaf just makes me feel sad and depressed when i see every thread turn to shit and see the exact same arguments (360 vs ps3 for example) being repeated in every thread.

Attacking people for spending their own money is just ridiculous.


Fail out bailed
lowrider007 said:
Pointless to you maybe, but not to the people that want to listen, which is why we have chosen to donate, I could say it's pointless for people to subscribe to a particular TV show becuase I thought it was crap but I don't becuase I know that likes and dislikes are subjective.

What do you think about all the opensource and shareware groups out there that have donation buttons on their site ?
Or like 50% of entertainment blogs that take donations from fans.
Staccat0 said:
I wouldn't pay for gaf. Sorry, I like the place, but thats not how money works. Your comparison is pointless.
If GAF was ever in trouble and donation was made as an option to save it again, I think the amount they would get, would be staggering.


Wow all that love and show of support from the community quickly turned sour as jealousy popped its face in here.

I might just donate again.


Confirmed Asshole
jacobs34 said:
No, it's become abundantly clear that you do care.
I care about how the discussion turns out and how you guys picture the donation thing and how it's related to the downfall of 1UP. I don't care what they do with the money. Why would I?
KHarvey16 said:
Paying for free equipment?
Yeah, wording's awful, sorry. I hope you get what I'm saying: They'll pay for the equipment with donator's money, or at least that's the current intention. And maybe buy a coke on top, I don't know..


Fail out bailed
Cirekiller said:
If GAF was ever in trouble and donation was made as an option to save it again, I think the amount they would get, would be staggering.
true. I wouldn't donate, but I wouldnt lecture people and call them names if they did.


Staccat0 said:
Why so chivalrous?
Personal attacks and name calling are suddenly more respectable than calling a spade a fucking spade?
I honestly, think "you could spend your money on better things!!!" has no place on a gaming forum and I can't help but question the motives of someone who would seriously bring that up HERE and not in one of the many threads where people talk about spending money on stupid stuff.

It's not about respectability. It's about arguing properly. Countering a dissenting opinion with a weak appeal to majority help you at all. And yes, Wasabi is acting like a jerk, but perhaps I don't really care about how someone gets their message across as much as I do the message itself.

T.M. MacReady

Cirekiller said:
If GAF was ever in trouble and donation was made as an option to save it again, I think the amount they would get, would be staggering.

It would be.

I wouldnt donate, but I'm sure it would be. Gaf doesnt keep me entertained on my rides to work the way 1up podcasts did. Gaf is a but more frustrating, as someone else said. But when passionate people come together to compare opinions, thats all that can be expected.
20k just so people can hear your particular voice regurgitating the same news, previews and reviews you can get everywhere else with a few jokes on the end?

Damn, what a perfect hustle. :lol


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
KHarvey16 said:
Holy shit you can't even read, can you?

you don't seem to understand that these guys realized you suckers were serious about wanting to give them cash, and so they put up a donate now link. You don't even know what the hell the money is for, anyways. They SAY it's for new equipment, and you are assuming that they actually will use the money for that reason, and that the equipment will be used to run their own independent podcast

Even IF that is the case, these guys have no clue what the hell they're doing when it comes to actually managing the costs associated with such a podcast.

As Wasabi said: You are giving thousands of dollars to a bunch of camera faces to continue running an operation that was cancelled because it was a financial failure. After they buy a bunch of equipment, or take vacations, or whatever they do to spend all your donations, they'll have nothing to fund this little hobby, and it will shut down.

Or, most likely, they'll just continue asking for donations, without any financial plan put in place, in which case, you are free to do so, I guess :lol
Puck said:
You want to know why i donated to talking orange and eat sleep game and would never donate to neogaf?
Because 1up FM and the 1up show provided me with countless hours of laughter and happiness. Neogaf just makes me feel sad and depressed when i see every thread turn to shit and see the exact same arguments (360 vs ps3 for example) being repeated in every thread.

Attacking people for spending their own money is just ridiculous.
So why are you still here? I mean if gaf makes your life that miserable it would probably be best to stay away. Just saying.


jman2050 said:
It's not about respectability. It's about arguing properly. Countering a dissenting opinion with a weak appeal to majority help you at all. And yes, Wasabi is acting like a jerk, but perhaps I don't really care about how someone gets their message across as much as I do the message itself.

It's like we're laughing at someone who claims the sky is pink with yellow polka dots and you come running out telling us to carefully consider his argument and respond more completely. Sometimes laughing at it is all it deserves.
100 pages... the gates have been open for the



Shockgamer said:
20k just so people can hear your particular voice regurgitating the same news, previews and reviews you can get everywhere else with a few jokes on the end?

Damn, what a perfect hustle. :lol
You make a podcast then. Show us how easy it is. It's not about regurgitating news. It's about unedited opinions, and entertainment.

Also Gaimeguy what the hell do you think they are doing with this money? Scoring some cocaine and snorting it off of strippers, whilst laughing at all the people they have 'duped'?
Scoring cocaine and snorting it off strippers would make for a pretty sweet podcast though.


GaimeGuy said:
you don't seem to understand that these guys realized you suckers were serious about wanting to give them cash, and so they put up a donate now link.

Wait, who doesn't seem to realise that? No shit the reason they put the donations link was because people wanted to donate.


Not that I want to get involved in all this, but I keep seeing this rationale for donating is that they provided you with years of entertainment. That's fine and all, but lets not forget that they were earning a salary for those years. Some people here seem to forget that.


criesofthepast said:
So why are you still here? I mean if gaf makes your life that miserable it would probably be best to stay away. Just saying.
I need stupidity, inaccuracy and fanboys to even out my mood from the happiness i get from other sources.
GaimeGuy said:
you don't seem to understand that these guys realized you suckers were serious about wanting to give them cash, and so they put up a donate now link. You don't even know what the hell the money is for, anyways. They SAY it's for new equipment, and you are assuming that they actually will use the money for that reason, and that the equipment will be used to run their own independent podcast

Even IF that is the case, these guys have no clue what the hell they're doing when it comes to actually managing the costs associated with such a podcast.

As Wasabi said: You are giving thousands of dollars to a bunch of camera faces to continue running an operation that was cancelled because it was a financial failure. After they buy a bunch of equipment, or take vacations, or whatever they do to spend all your donations, they'll have nothing to fund this little hobby, and it will shut down.

Or, most likely, they'll just continue asking for donations, without any financial plan put in place, in which case, you are free to do so, I guess :lol
When the time comes if content is still steadily coming in week by week if deemed to worthy. People will donate again if they need it. Will you be there to thow a bitch fit again?


KHarvey16 said:
It's like we're laughing at someone who claims the sky is pink with yellow polka dots and you come running out telling us to carefully consider his argument and respond more completely. Sometimes laughing at it is all it deserves.

You might as well not post if that's all you're gonna do.


GaimeGuy said:
yeah, great work paying a bunch of unskilled guys who don't have degrees, who can only make a living BLOGGING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES, 4 months salary each :lol .

You really are an idiot. 11k between 4 people does not equal 4 months salary. Unless of course they were making $9000 a year at 1up.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.



I mean, holy shit fellas -- y'know, I ... I bought Haze, and didn't get this kind of shit from people lol. I mean, I'll write it one more time so the terribleness has a chance to properly sink in: I bought Haze -- and not once was I called a douchebag for doing so, despite the fact that the money maybe, possibly, probably, perhaps even most likely, would've been better served keeping an afrikan or two afloat.

But, on a serious note: stop arguing about who puts their money where. People are buying Real Touch(tm) in other threads so they can jerk off to virtual pr0n for the low, low price of $149.99 for their own personal enjoyment, and yet, people who give a few dudes they don't even know $5 or $10 bucks because they like the sound of their voices are being crucified by others (one of which a mod of this forum), and comparing it to bailouts?

I didn't contribute to this fund. Moreover, I won't contribute to it. They didn't need the money before they wound up with 12k, and they certainly don't need it now. They told me they didn't need my money, so I didn't give it to them. As far as I'm concerned, they didn't ask. The "donation" button is there so I can excersize my ability to choose whether or not I want to give someone money. I only wish there was a "donate" button when I went to pick up Haze. Nope, 50 smackers, gone. Lost.

I sure bailed Free Radical out, huh?

Good luck on talkingorange.com and whatever it is you guys are doing there, and don't let anyone give you guys shit. You all made it abundantly clear to those of us who can actually read that you didn't need the cash; whether or not people who gave some to you are well-rewarded remains to be seen. No matter how bad you can get, you're still better than Haze.


Fail out bailed
jman2050 said:
It's not about respectability. It's about arguing properly. Countering a dissenting opinion with a weak appeal to majority help you at all. And yes, Wasabi is acting like a jerk, but perhaps I don't really care about how someone gets their message across as much as I do the message itself.
I think if you re-read the posts, valid counter-points have been made by many people including myself.

I have the common courtesy to not assume they are idiots. The haters' arguments were shallow and torn to ribbons quickly and easily. I think its fair to question the motives of someone who would make such terribly inane arguments. The only alternative is to just assume they are dumb.

I've been mean and jealous before and I've trolled some shit. In retrospect I can admit that. I would rather be called out than called an idiot.


GaimeGuy said:
you don't seem to understand that these guys realized you suckers were serious about wanting to give them cash, and so they put up a donate now link. You don't even know what the hell the money is for, anyways. They SAY it's for new equipment, and you are assuming that they actually will use the money for that reason, and that the equipment will be used to run their own independent podcast

Even IF that is the case, these guys have no clue what the hell they're doing when it comes to actually managing the costs associated with such a podcast.

As Wasabi said: You are giving thousands of dollars to a bunch of camera faces to continue running an operation that was cancelled because it was a financial failure. After they buy a bunch of equipment, or take vacations, or whatever they do to spend all your donations, they'll have nothing to fund this little hobby, and it will shut down.

Or, most likely, they'll just continue asking for donations, without any financial plan put in place, in which case, you are free to do so, I guess :lol
Do you really expect them to spend the money on their own little things unrelated to what the donations were being made for? Really? They're going to be looking for work in this field. Do you not realize how much that would bite them in the ass?


Worships the porcelain goddess
GaimeGuy said:
As Wasabi said: You are giving thousands of dollars to a bunch of camera faces to continue running an operation that was cancelled because it was a financial failure. After they buy a bunch of equipment, or take vacations, or whatever they do to spend all your donations, they'll have nothing to fund this little hobby, and it will shut down.

Or, most likely, they'll just continue asking for donations, without any financial plan put in place, in which case, you are free to do so, I guess :lol

Okay, lets at least give them the benefit of the doubt here. They said they had something cooking even before the donations hit so perhaps these guys have some ideas on how to capitalize on the podcast thing.

My real question is...how much money do you really need to run a podcast? I assume all of them are in a room together so couldn't this stuff get done on a single computer with good headphones and good software? I mean, I've heard some random anime podcasts that sound really damn good on a faction of the cost.


GaimeGuy said:
you don't seem to understand that these guys realized you suckers were serious about wanting to give them cash, and so they put up a donate now link. You don't even know what the hell the money is for, anyways. They SAY it's for new equipment, and you are assuming that they actually will use the money for that reason, and that the equipment will be used to run their own independent podcast

Even IF that is the case, these guys have no clue what the hell they're doing when it comes to actually managing the costs associated with such a podcast.

As Wasabi said: You are giving thousands of dollars to a bunch of camera faces to continue running an operation that was cancelled because it was a financial failure. After they buy a bunch of equipment, or take vacations, or whatever they do to spend all your donations, they'll have nothing to fund this little hobby, and it will shut down.

Or, most likely, they'll just continue asking for donations, without any financial plan put in place, in which case, you are free to do so, I guess :lol

As long as the "opposition" to this is as mentally deficient as you are the rest of us shouldn't worry too much. Continue trolling.


Staccat0 said:
I think if you re-read the posts, valid counter-points have been made by many people including myself.

Then I'm not talking about them.

I have the common courtesy to not assume they are idiots. The haters' arguments were shallow and torn to ribbons quickly and easily. I think its fair to question the motives of someone who would make such terribly inane arguments. The only alternative is to just assume they are dumb.

I've been mean and jealous before and I've trolled some shit. In retrospect I can admit that. I would rather be called out than called an idiot.

Then we don't really disagree at all then.


I don't mind dishing out money for content that has proven to be better than other "free" content. And the fact that I'm helping people that I find to be extremely talented pay rent and continue to produce good work, is just a fringe benefit.

There is nothing wrong with paying to get a product that I enjoy, and anyone who calls me an idiot or a "douchebag" should take some time to examine that statement. But what am I even talking about, I'm arguing with people who still use the word douchebag as an insult, clearly I'm dealing with the smartest people on the planet.
GaimeGuy said:
per ddkawaii, not Lo-Volt, 11 grand could feed an entire village in africa for months, but instead of that, it's being donated to a bunch of people who provide their fanboy ramblings about video games.

all I can do is :lol

To be fair, those starving fuckers in Africa don't know SHIT about upcoming 360 and PS3 games. They would probably make a really boring videogame podcast.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Wow. this thread turned sour it seems. It seems that the trolls have come after the bait was put out.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Kintaro said:
Okay, lets at least give them the benefit of the doubt here. They said they had something cooking even before the donations hit so perhaps these guys have some ideas on how to capitalize on the podcast thing.

My real question is...how much money do you really need to run a podcast? I assume all of them are in a room together so couldn't this stuff get done on a single computer with good headphones and good software? I mean, I've heard some random anime podcasts that sound really damn good on a faction of the cost.
not that much...

as mentioned before....
100-200 dollars for the audio card, maybe 30 dollars per headset. Maybe a few hundred for a good camera.

Bandwidth costs are the problem, but those can be minimalized via bittorrent.

Hell, they can even put them on youtube :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
Cohsae said:
You make a podcast then. Show us how easy it is. It's not about regurgitating news. It's about unedited opinions, and entertainment.

Dude, that's fucking GAF right there. The only difference is "unedited opinions" on GAF is "trolling." On a podcast, it's "entertainment." I mean, there's been some trolling and just plain ignorant shit on these podcasts but that's entertainment right?

I guess it's all relative.


Confirmed Asshole
outunderthestars said:
To be fair, those starving fuckers in Africa don't know SHIT about upcoming 360 and PS3 games. They would probably make a really boring videogame podcast.
Because they can't afford those games - that's where your donation would come in handy, eh?


5000 posts seems a good time to bow out of the thread I think. Stupid people are making me too angry.

Kind of amusing that its come to this though.


Fail out bailed
Dot50Cal said:
Not that I want to get involved in all this, but I keep seeing this rationale for donating is that they provided you with years of entertainment. That's fine and all, but lets not forget that they were earning a salary for those years. Some people here seem to forget that.
I think they just don't care.

T.M. MacReady

Kintaro said:
Dude, that's fucking GAF right there. The only difference is "unedited opinions" on GAF is "trolling." On a podcast, it's "entertainment." I mean, there's been some trolling and just plain ignorant shit on these podcasts but that's entertainment right?

I guess it's all relative.

He's got a great point, even though it'll probably go unnoticed.

A lot of work goes into podcasts, and any schmuck with a computer can do Gaf, but he still has a point.
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