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1UP sold to UGO/Hearst. EGM gone. 1up show & podcasts gone. 40 1up/EGM employees gone

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Master of the Google Search
MThanded said:
what happened in here? I just read back. Saw wasabi's post. What the hell is going on in here...



Ok how about unedited educated opinions? Or unedited opinions that I actually listen to? I mean let's be honest, opinions on the internet are like aresholes. Everyone's got one, and most of them are pretty shitty.
criesofthepast said:
I wonder how people are going to react when they start charging for the content, which they already said was inevitable in the first podcast.

I imagine people will be pissed, and throw a fit. Which is probably when I'll actually donate since I haven't yet.
MThanded said:
Wow. this thread turned sour it seems. It seems that the trolls have come after the bait was put out.

What do you expect, this is GAF. Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo could announce that they have discovered a cure for AIDS, and are giving it away for free, and this board would still find a way to bitch about it.



wmat said:
Because they can't afford those games - that's where your donation would come in handy, eh?
Odd. My monthly donations to my chosen charities was unaffected by my decision to 'splurge' a bit and throw a few bucks at this project.

If you can afford to give to charity, you can afford to give to multiple ones. False dilemma.


outunderthestars said:



Worships the porcelain goddess
Cohsae said:
Ok how about unedited educated opinions? Or unedited opinions that I actually listen to? I mean let's be honest, opinion's on the internet are like aresholes. Everyone's got one, and most of them are pretty shitty.

In case you didn't notice, there's fuckton of podcasts now too. :D

He's got a great point, even though it'll probably go unnoticed.

A lot of work goes into podcasts, and any schmuck with a computer can do Gaf, but he still has a point.

Hey, you would be surprised how much work goes into some schmuck's posts. :lol However, any schmuck can now do a podcast. Hell, vidcasts now. Check youtube.


outunderthestars said:
What do you expect, this is GAF. Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo could announce that they have discovered a cure for AIDS, and are giving it away for free, and this board would still find a way to bitch about it.


I actually give GAF some credit in this case. It didnt start until around the 5000post mark.


Fail out bailed
jman2050 said:
Then we don't really disagree at all then.
False. You would rather that we not question the motives of people whose arguments don't hold water. I would encourage it. The only alternative is assuming they are stupid.
These characters got taken apart rather quickly and it only seems reasonable to delve deeper.:D


Fail out bailed
Kintaro said:
In case you didn't notice, there's fuckton of podcasts now too. :D

Hey, you would be surprised how much work goes into some schmuck's posts. :lol However, any schmuck can now do a podcast. Hell, vidcasts now. Check youtube.
Yet people chose to donate money to these ones. I see no reason for argument. Donate buttons on small websites are not new.
Seriously don't understand the big problem and pent-up frustration Wasabi and GaimeGuy seem to have.

The people in this very thread here were the first to suggest the whole donation thing to help provide the ex-1uppers anything that could help them as they begin a new life and the ex-1uppers said "hey, why not?"

They put up a donate button on their respective sites. The same people who made those suggestions donated to the people that made something they enjoyed listening to and watching week in and week out. The ex-1uppers whole-heartedly thanked everyone and promise to bring that same enjoyment that everyone thought they had lost...

...seriously, what's the problem here?


VisionaryQuest0 said:
Seriously don't understand the big problem and pent-up frustration Wasabi and GaimeGuy seem to have.

The people in this very thread here were the first to suggest the whole donation thing to help provide the ex-1uppers anything that could help them as they begin a new life and the ex-1uppers said "hey, why not?"

They put up a donate button on their respective sites. The same people who made those suggestions donated to the people that made something they enjoyed listening to and watching week in and week out. The ex-1uppers whole-heartedly thanked everyone and promise to bring that same enjoyment that everyone thought they had lost...

...seriously, what's the problem here?

africa and rockets in the middle east, apparently.


Confirmed Asshole
Evonus said:
Odd. My monthly donations to my chosen charities was unaffected by my decision to 'splurge' a bit and throw a few bucks at this project.

If you can afford to give to charity, you can afford to give to multiple ones. False dilemma.
I'm not calling anyone out here on their donations policy, really. It's your money.

But saying that because african children can't produce good podcasts, they deserve their fate is really fucking crazy, especially if you can't accept the fate of some rich white dudes talking about games that have just been laid off (rich in the eyes of 75% of the global population, at least).
Which is what outunderthestars' post basically boils down to.

Don't relate 1UP guys to african children dying of starvation and stuff. Seriously, it makes you look crazy / ignorant.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Shockgamer said:
20k just so people can hear your particular voice regurgitating the same news, previews and reviews you can get everywhere else with a few jokes on the end?

Damn, what a perfect hustle. :lol

20k is nothing in the grand scheme of things, there's massive corporations out there making millions every year off the back off crap TV and your complaining about a small group of people that have received 20k in donations to keep on doing what they do best, provide a service to an already established fan base.

Look, the world is full of entertainment that is being charged for, movies, music, theatre, TV etc, the world is brimming with it, but when it comes to enthusiast game shows where do we go ?, it really is a niche market, hardly non of my friends are into gaming the way I am, we are crying out for decent video game shows, there are hardly any around, when I first listened to 1up Yours/GFW etc it was such a breath of fresh air, finally a show that right was right on the money, a Podcast for true gaming enthusiasts, nothing like it could be found on TV or commercial Radio.

For you it may of been a "voice regurgitating the same news, previews and reviews you can get everywhere else", but for us it was a really enjoyable show, just like people enjoy cooking programmes or watching sport, many of us loved listening (and watching) the 1up podcasts/shows, if you don't like then fine, but there's no need to insult them.


Fail out bailed
wmat said:
I'm not calling anyone out here on their donations policy, really. It's your money.

But saying that because african children can't produce good podcasts, they deserve their fate is really fucking crazy, especially if you can't accept the fate of some rich white dudes talking about games that have just been laid off (rich in the eyes of 75% of the global population, at least).
Which is what outunderthestars' post basically boils down to.

Don't relate 1UP guys to african children dying of starvation and stuff. Seriously, it makes you look crazy / ignorant.
Is this exchange a joke post contest?
If so, your losing. bring moar lulz


WasabiKing said:
NeoGAF spun off Gaming-Age Forums, so let's go there. When there was no business plan, and we weren't sure who was going to host what, it was a surprised even to me that donations were being solicited.

None of the "employees" here are salaried. So let's start there. We didn't get paid to asskiss anyone. We don't have EiCs, we don't take flights to Japan, we don't drive all over to meet with devs and gush, and we don't have a lease in DOWNTOWN SAN FRANCISCO, where there are more and more businesses getting the fuck out to places like Brisbane (where IGN is located), THREE YEARS AGO.

BUT, somehow, our little rinky dink operation can PAY OUR BILLS, as we have little to no overhead. We don't have to resort to selling ads, we had VOLUNTEERS do a podcast with equipment that cost about $200, as confirmed by ddkawaii who worked on the second, and better, iteration of the NeoGAF podcast. There's no reason why 11K or 20K should go into that. Bandwidth is another issue, you're not going to spend $1K in bandwidth considering that the brand you were associated with has moved on, and it will take serious time to find you, Twitter/Facebook included.

And if it hasn't been said already, no mod/admin receives a salary, and I think most of them prefer it that way.

So wait, ex 1UP members who are not getting paid to provide service/content to people who want it, are accepting donations to help finance exclusively the infrastructure and continuation of those endeavors.

And this is different from Neogaf staff members who are not getting paid to provide a place for community content opening up donations to exclusively help pay for the infrastructure involved in the continued existence/upkeep/transition of something people want to exist how?

Oh right it's the same situation.

None of the "employees" for Rebel FM or Talking Orange etc have salaries for doing what they are doing right now, and are accepting donations for.

Your first paragraph reads like the exact same situation of Rebel FM and what not, so don't pretend that the situations are largely different. You guys opened up donations for new servers for crying out loud. You don't get to act all high and mighty, like the situations are really that different.

Your second paragraph is meaningless within the context of what's actually going on, none of the money donated is going towards their own personal needs.

And Rebel FM was 6th place of all podcasts on Itunes, so 'the brand you were associated with' seems to have helped them generate an identity regardless of the 1k comment.

Well call me a hypocrite since I run my own business

If you were really so righteous, Neogaf would never have opened up donations for those servers.

Donating money to someone who is just another casualty in this fucked up economy is a waste of money, PERIOD. Especially in the case of the 1up Podcasts, which clearly part of the MANY reasons why Ziff Davis failed so hard.

Intro business course, people. When you are spending a large amount of money with the attempt to drive more traffic to your site, there needs to be results. Results, I assume, is attracting more advertisers to keep the project afloat. Granted, this is for a real business, so perhaps this fairy tale of profitability does not apply to Ziff Davis. Where these podcasts even sponsored? And if there were sponsors, it was CLEARLY not enough to subsidize it. So in addition to having about 8 of them (figure of speech, semantics fans), they decided to set up a streaming camera filming themselves at work.

Now, put yourselves in the shoes of the company that was going to buy a company that had no discipline whatsoever. When you buy a failing company, you pick up their debt. And when ANY analyst looks at the above, you bet your ASS people are going to get fired. This was the only way to cut expenses out, and when you had people up in the top approve frivolous expenses, guess what, they're getting released. Now that it's been a week, I think those involved have probably figured it out. Corporate greed my ass, it's called turning a profit.

I wasn't about to come in this thread and shit all over the trail of tears, but I am now since these people have now resorted to soliciting donations to fund a hobby. I hope you guys got some sort of exit package, but even if you didn't, you know you are getting $900 a month for unemployment benefits, right? Might I suggest you go to California Unemployment Claims and begin the process.

You honestly think that the 1UP podcasts one of the main reasons why the entire enterprise was unprofitable? First of all those podcasts had basically no overhead after initial investment, secondly they were responsible for a huge amount of traffic (aka clicks/page views) to the 1UP Site, as corroborated by 1UP staffers own admissions.

If anything, it was the 1UP Show that probably cost a lot of money to produce. I don't know if they had an entire sub division of the group dedicated to that, but it's likely.

Begging for donations to fund an enthusiast project is absolutely fucking shameful.

I'd point out that you don't know what you're talking about, but other people already have. You guys 'begged' for donations for an enthusiast website's servers so that the members could continue to mill about and enjoy the content of Neogaf: themselves. They've asked for donations to get infrastructure to provide self made content that people enjoy.

How are you going to make it profitable? What happens after a year? In addition, you guys are professionals, which is arguable by many, but technically, you are games journalist, and got paid to review games. And before you say "you wouldn't take the money?" the answer would be yes, I would. But I admit that I am a scumbag, it's time for you ex-1uppers taking money to come to that realization.

So you're a hypocrite.

And your site is built upon essentially doing its best to in some cases steal the content that generates the discussion from the websites that put in the money/manpower. You have no rules against posting whole articles, the sites get video clicks because there's no way around that, and you guys made magazine scans and NPD full numbers an issue only when the companies came after you in some way.

So congrats, donators, you're as bad as the American Government in continuing the fund failed companies. And if you guys lose YOUR jobs, will these same people feel sorry and kick you back some dollars?

If we're providing a product that people want to see continue, IE: the Neogaf. Of course if I loss my job, I'm not expecting donations. I'm not providing a product that's enjoyed by thousands of people, whom would want it to continue. Members who were experiencing Neogaf liked it and wanted it to continue, hence the donations. They weren't really giving you money, they were giving money so they could come on and read the discussions/content, which you usually aren't a part of. Get over it.

Why don't you call every one person whom donated to the new severs a douchebag. Go ahead.

The nice TV you bought really could have gone to feeding an African village. But you sit back and say "well I'm a scumbag", well you certainly are making that impression yes. I hadn't donated anything yet, but what comes across as your jealous temper tantrum is making me consider it. They don't need the money right now, but if they do in the future I will.

And I'll even match the amount dollar for dollar and add that amount on top of my donation to the red cross.


But like you buying that TV, I also want to facilitate my entertainment, and that costs money. I guess everyone in the world is a scumbag!


Staccat0 said:
False. You would rather that we not question the motives of people whose aruments don't hold water. I would encourage it. The only alternative is assuming they are stupid.
These characters got taken apart rather quickly and it only seems reasonable to delve deeper.:D

I'm pretty sure I said you shouldn't attack a person's motives without attacking their arguments first. If I didn't, that's a failure of communication on my part. And really, I can't say with a straight face that what wasabi is saying doesn't have basis in logical reasoning, because it does. Now whether it is acceptable in a cultural or social context is another matter.

Of course, now I'm just overanalyzing everything when my original intent was to decry the ridiculous calls of "trolling!!" by the frothing masses.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So is neogaf going to get shutdown now? Quick someone make the Neogaf Thread Preservation Thread.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
VisionaryQuest0 said:
Seriously don't understand the big problem and pent-up frustration Wasabi and GaimeGuy seem to have.

The people in this very thread here were the first to suggest the whole donation thing to help provide the ex-1uppers anything that could help them as they begin a new life and the ex-1uppers said "hey, why not?"

They put up a donate button on their respective sites. The same people who made those suggestions donated to the people that made something they enjoyed listening to and watching week in and week out. The ex-1uppers whole-heartedly thanked everyone and promise to bring that same enjoyment that everyone thought they had lost...

...seriously, what's the problem here?
Hence the whole "scumbag" aspect of Wasabi's post: These guys were paid salaries, and provided thousands of dollars worth of assets and quirks in systems, games, and all-expense paid trips to other countries. Plus, they knew that the writing was on the wall, as it's been well circulated that the bills were having trouble being paid at 1up/egm for at least the last 15 months. They stuck around and got laid off.

Now, they're out of jobs, but they, like any worker who gets laid off, have a severance package already to help them pay the bills while they look for new jobs.
"Of course, now I'm just overanalyzing everything when my original intent was to decry the ridiculous calls of "trolling!!" by the frothing masses."

I'm not really sure why you're bothering with frothing masses to begin with. Clearly jealous.


VisionaryQuest0 said:
Seriously don't understand the big problem and pent-up frustration Wasabi and GaimeGuy seem to have.

The people in this very thread here were the first to suggest the whole donation thing to help provide the ex-1uppers anything that could help them as they begin a new life and the ex-1uppers said "hey, why not?"

They put up a donate button on their respective sites. The same people who made those suggestions donated to the people that made something they enjoyed listening to and watching week in and week out. The ex-1uppers whole-heartedly thanked everyone and promise to bring that same enjoyment that everyone thought they had lost...

...seriously, what's the problem here?

begin a new life. really?
I don't really see myself donating, but if people want to offer up money to ensure a product they enjoy is produced I can't imagine why others would find a problem with that. (I think some kind of ad-based model would be better but that sounds like it might be easier said than done)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
GaimeGuy said:
Hence the whole "scumbag" aspect of Wasabi's post: These guys were paid salaries, and provided thousands of dollars worth of assets and quirks in systems, games, and all-expense paid trips to other countries. Plus, they knew that the writing was on the wall, as it's been well circulated that the bills were having trouble being paid at 1up/egm for at least the last 15 months. They stuck around and got laid off.

Now, they're out of jobs, but they, like any worker who gets laid off, have a severance package already to help them pay the bills while they look for new jobs.

Money is already there man. There is nothing you can do about it now.


Fail out bailed
jman2050 said:
I'm pretty sure I said you shouldn't attack a person's motives without attacking their arguments first. If I didn't, that's a failure of communication on my part. And really, I can't say with a straight face that what wasabi is saying doesn't have basis in logical reasoning, because it does. Now whether it is acceptable in a cultural or social context is another matter.

Of course, now I'm just overanalyzing everything when my original intent was to decry the ridiculous calls of "trolling!!" by the frothing masses.
I see your point. I just don't think the frothing masses needed to repeat everything that had already been said before they began to froth.


Teknopathetic said:
"Of course, now I'm just overanalyzing everything when my original intent was to decry the ridiculous calls of "trolling!!" by the frothing masses."

I'm not really sure why you're bothering with frothing masses to begin with. Clearly jealous.

I don't really know myself. It turned all GameFaqsy in here all of a sudden.
wmat said:
I'm not calling anyone out here on their donations policy, really. It's your money.

But saying that because african children can't produce good podcasts, they deserve their fate is really fucking crazy,

Well it kind of is their fault. They really aren't very entertaining. Nobody wants to pay to hear a podcast about civil war, starvation, AIDS, and genocide. They should change their format and try to liven things up a bit. maybe a catchy theme song would help.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Staccat0 said:
Yet people chose to donate money to these ones. I see no reason for argument. Donate buttons on small websites are not new.

I'm not really arguing except that GAF is somehow less entertainment than 1up podcasts. Hell, I'm sure if it wasn't for GAF, a ton of us wouldn't have even known or cared about their podcasts. But who knows. I've lost count how many times major news sites/podcasts/etc have cited GAF on breaking stories...


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
jman2050 said:
I don't really know myself. It turned all GameFaqsy in here all of a sudden.

This game is crap. The manual is not in color.

Winning games forever

jacobs34 said:
I think this is the only logical conclusion to this thread. It's been fun guys.

No...seriously I think neogaf is going to shutdown. Wasabi seemed pretty mad in that post.


GaimeGuy said:
Hence the whole "scumbag" aspect of Wasabi's post: These guys were paid salaries, and provided thousands of dollars worth of assets and quirks in systems, games, and all-expense paid trips to other countries. Plus, they knew that the writing was on the wall, as it's been well circulated that the bills were having trouble being paid at 1up/egm for at least the last 15 months. They stuck around and got laid off.

Now, they're out of jobs, but they, like any worker who gets laid off, have a severance package already to help them pay the bills while they look for new jobs.

And they should use their severance pay (something designed to facilitate the needs, not wants) to finance an NPO? I guess NPOs shouldn't ask for donations? Because Rebel FM isn't designed around making money, it's a free podcast. They have no DVD, no best of compilation.
mamacint said:
I don't really see myself donating, but if people want to offer up money to ensure a product they enjoy is produced I can't imagine why others would find a problem with that. (I think some kind of ad-based model would be better but that sounds like it might be easier said than done)

oh it's quite easy to see both sides. it's a fundamental issue. if you have extra money and wish to donate to a site you enjoy, cool, in theory. the reality is, though, that there are much "better" ways to spend that money, like helping people who are literally starving to death in Africa. WasabiKing may have overreacted, but he has a point: do we give our extra money to podcasts/etc we support and like or for something for a life struggle in Africa.

personally i would never donate. i think there are better uses. but to each his own....their money.


Confirmed Asshole
outunderthestars said:
Well it kind of is their fault. They really aren't very entertaining. Nobody wants to pay to hear a podcast about civil war, starvation, AIDS, and genocide. They should change their format and try to liven things up a bit. maybe a catchy theme song would help.
I don't understand how you can post that jokingly. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Licorice-flavoured booze?
You know it's strange how all this started to go sour once the numbers came in on how much they managed to raise from the donations, I wonder why......

   /ˈdʒɛləsi/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [jel-uh-see] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ous⋅ies for 4.
1. jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
2. mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
4. a jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood.
"You know it's strange how all this started to go sour once the numbers came in how much they managed to raise from the donations, I wonder why......"

I don't think too many people are jealous of folks who just lost their jobs.

Just saying.


Fail out bailed
GaimeGuy said:
Hence the whole "scumbag" aspect of Wasabi's post: These guys were paid salaries, and provided thousands of dollars worth of assets and quirks in systems, games, and all-expense paid trips to other countries. Plus, they knew that the writing was on the wall, as it's been well circulated that the bills were having trouble being paid at 1up/egm for at least the last 15 months. They stuck around and got laid off.

Now, they're out of jobs, but they, like any worker who gets laid off, have a severance package already to help them pay the bills while they look for new jobs.
And now they start a new enterprise and, like nearly every small but growing website on the internet, they put up a donation button.
I'm not sure what that has to do with them having been paid in the past and I'm still not seeing what that has to do with vaginal cleanliness. People soend money on shit you wouldn't. Thats called a market.
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