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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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Setec Astronomer
Freudcatch Precure 34

Now that's more like it. If Nanoha weren't soulless it'd resemble this.

It even stepped up its product placement in recept eps.


mAcOdIn said:
And of course the other factor we're leaving out is whatever revenue they make from their run on domestic television broadcast in Japan.
Late-night anime is self-sponsored paid-programming/infomercial. It's a huge chunk of the expense of producing a series, but it was found to be worth it for the increased sales, as opposed to the old way of selling OVAs where you just promote them in magazine ads.


5K is a decent success in terms of BR sales isn't it?

I know discs are hella expensive in Japan but honestly, why are sales always so low?
Arent there 150 million Japanese? Are you telling me that the dedicated Otaku fanbase only numbers in the low thousands? I find that hard to believe.
If that's not the case then how are the other otaku getting the show? Do they just record the shows and keep it or what? It seems to me that even a niche industry in Japan should have better sales than a few thousand.


Morro! said:
Oniisama E 01


Yup. I now see where Ikuhara got the inspiration for Utena from.

It would be a lie if I said I wasn't shocked when Rei started talking for the first time. I tought she was gonna be like the Akio of this show, I was like, "OH SHIT".
Welcome to the world of beautiful bitchy people. I hope you enjoy your stay.


duckroll said:
Well, if you guys want some GOOD news... Gundam Unicorn is pretty much the most successful anime OVA release ever.

Blu-ray sales:
Vol1 - 111k
Vol2 - 112k
Vol3 - 110k

DVD sales:
Vol1 - 69k
Vol2 - 61k
Vol3 - 62k

That puts it at over 500k units sold for just the first half of the series.
So, they might make more 'good' Gundam? That is actually heartening new.


Sblargh said:
Anyone has news about Panty & Stocking?

What news can there be? Unless the PSG Production Committee

a) consists of all the staff who defected to Trigger, but particularly Imaishi;
b) retained all the IP in Panty & Stocking rather than Gainax themselves;

I would have thought there could never be a sequel due to IP issues.


cajunator said:
5K is a decent success in terms of BR sales isn't it?

I know discs are hella expensive in Japan but honestly, why are sales always so low?
Arent there 150 million Japanese? Are you telling me that the dedicated Otaku fanbase only numbers in the low thousands? I find that hard to believe.

Not in the low thousands, but estimates for these things generally float around the 200-300k mark. Personally, I think that's maybe low-balling it a little, but I doubt that it's much higher than 500k.
Jexhius said:
To be fair, how would YOU sell Penguin Drum to a wide audience?

Everyone fucking loves penguins. Hell, PD merchandise should be selling to people that don't even know the show. Just make #2 a plushy.

Oh god if I had a #2 plushy I would hug it and never let go and we would have sex every night and... I mean, wait... what?


Bastard 1

Thanks to the glorious anime era thread, I gave this bad boy here a shot. It's like Inuyasha, but with loving between this tweenage chick, and her pet. And by 'pet' I mean totally subservient shota. The graphics are cool. Dude does need to put some pants on though.


Obsessed said:
Everyone fucking loves penguins. Hell, PD merchandise should be selling to people that don't even know the show. Just make #2 a plushy.

Oh god if I had a #2 plushy I would hug it and never let go and we would have sex every night and... I mean, wait... what?
I would definitely buy a plush of the penguins. I was already considering buying that giant squishables penguin that costl ike 40 bucks. My roommate actually did buy one. We have penguin related stuff all over the house as it is.


icarus-daedelus said:
Yeah but...isn't that just a 13 episode production schedule times 3? Is there any parallel in the actual structure?
The structures are not parallel but there's actually a fair number of things you can trace back from Utena to Oniisama e.... I've only started to notice then on my second time through.


Setec Astronomer
icarus-daedelus said:
Such as? I'm not denying connections exist, but episode count seems kind of tenuous.
You really should see it all yourself. The connections are pretty strong, strong enough to spoil.


icarus-daedelus said:
Such as? I'm not denying connections exist, but episode count seems kind of tenuous.
Well, painting in broad strokes, there's character and thematic links, as well as the obvious visual aesthetic approach and Dezaki's directorial style.


Jexhius said:
To be fair, how would YOU sell Penguin Drum to a wide audience?
Well you'd have to change it first. I'd have MPD star Ringo as the main character and set in in 1920s Japan in the film noir style with her being a quirky 27 year old private eye, don't call her a dick she hates that, who's hired by the two brothers, whose names escape me since they're so dull and boring, to find the Penquin Drum. Watch as Ringo is led down a twisting path of mystery, lies and deceit set to awesome jazz and accompanied by stylish noir visuals as she unravels the truth of the Penquin Drum and
That's what I'd do.

I'd be real tempted to get rid of the penguins too but then why even call it Penguin Drum at that point, I gotta keep something for me to call it the same thing.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I don't know how saying MPD made only 2x what Nichijou is supposed to make you feel any worse about Nichijou or any better about MPD.


icarus-daedelus said:
Sometimes you just have to accept that you're in a niche of a niche and take your 5k sales with pride.

If humanity's weird obsession with penguins won't sell it, clearly nothing will.
Indeed. I mean, in all fairness to Utena I'm sure it made a lot of headway by riding partly on Sailor Moon's coat-tails.

Although, I wouldn't be charging anywhere near as much as what they're asking for three episodes of Penguin Drum. £75? I think not.


Subete no aware
Trojita said:
I don't know how saying MPD made only 2x what Nichijou is supposed to make you feel any worse about Nichijou or any better about MPD.
It's an IRC thing. There was or was not a bet regarding whether or not Nichijou would outsell MPD + Blood-C.



Now in living color.


Have you ever had that dream, where you're going off to fight in a war and then you look down and realise you forgot to put your pants on?


Subete no aware
Chihayafuru 5: This episode was amazing and may be the best single episode I've seen this season, if not this year. There were so many great scenes, but my favourite shot was when they basically
made the karuta cards cry
- it was just so beautiful and worked to foreshadow the very next scene.

All that was missing, of course, was Secret Base. :p Although, the main theme itself is gorgeous and fits with the show very well.

And of course, Team Arata is the best team, etc.


Reknoc said:
Have you ever had that dream, where you're going off to fight in a war and then you look down and realise you forgot to put your pants on?
It was school with me, so no, never a dream about forgetting my pants in a war.


Chihayafuru 5

That was a fantastic episode, very well done all around. More importantly though, I totally called it!
ChihayaxSensei confirmed! :p

Team Sensei in the lead.


mAcOdIn said:
It was school with me, so no, never a dream about forgetting my pants in a war.

Really? Never found yourself invading Poland and thinking that your sexy long Aryan legs were a bit nippy for some reason?


Reknoc said:
Really? Never found yourself invading Poland and thinking that your sexy long Aryan legs were a bit nippy for some reason?
That was intentional because I wanted to wear a Polish loli as a pair of pants. I fucking hate lolis.


Subete no aware
icarus-daedelus said:
Don't the Strike Witches turn into airplanes and stuff? Maybe you just don't need pants when your legs are functionally landing gear or whatever. They'd just get in the way. Underwear is a much more sensible option.

I'm still working out the logic of space pirates wearing miniskirts, but I suppose there's still plenty of time for that before it airs.
Their jet things attach to their legs.


icarus-daedelus said:
I'm still working out the logic of space pirates wearing miniskirts, but I suppose there's still plenty of time for that before it airs.
It's to properly show off their peglegs.


icarus-daedelus said:
Don't the Strike Witches turn into airplanes and stuff? Maybe you just don't need pants when your legs are functionally landing gear or whatever. They'd just get in the way. Underwear is a much more sensible option.

I'm still working out the logic of space pirates wearing miniskirts, but I suppose there's still plenty of time for that before it airs.
Someone once told me that they didn't wear pants because as witches they needed their skin to make physical contact with the striker unit(the propellers they wear on their legs) for maximum magical power transfer.

Then when I asked why all the non witches also did not wear pants I was told it was because everyone looked up to the witches and emulated them.

But I don't know if this is from official channels or anything like that, just something I was told when I asked the same thing a while back.
firehawk12 said:
You mean zettai ryouki or whatever it's called.
That'd only really be possible if one of them had stockings and a longer skirt right? This is just blatant pandering like your mentioned fetish just for a different audience.


Subete no aware
mAcOdIn said:
That'd only really be possible if one of them had stockings and a longer skirt right? This is just blatant pandering like your mentioned fetish just for a different audience.
Reknoc said:
Nah, that requires clothing.
The jet packs are stockings and their shirts are long enough to be skirts!


Chihayafuru - 05

Oh man, that was an awesome episode, I'd watch this every week just to see how Taichi would get baited.

Team karuta is a go.


firehawk12 said:
The jet packs are stockings and their shirts are long enough to be skirts!

:O You're right! It's Mechanical Zettai Ryouiki! Though they're pretty far down, so a rather low grade.
mAcOdIn said:
Someone once told me that they didn't wear pants because as witches they needed their skin to make physical contact with the striker unit(the propellers they wear on their legs) for maximum magical power transfer.

Then when I asked why all the non witches also did not wear pants I was told it was because everyone looked up to the witches and emulated them.

But I don't know if this is from official channels or anything like that, just something I was told when I asked the same thing a while back.
I'm pretty sure that those are the official explanations, from the show. It's pretty silly, and doesn't explain why some of them have tights and such, but that's what they claimed.

That'd only really be possible if one of them had stockings and a longer skirt right? This is just blatant pandering like your mentioned fetish just for a different audience.
Yeah, zettai ryouiki generally refers to the (several inch long) gap between the top of the leg coverings and the bottom of the skirt. I'm not sure if it could also refer to the strike witches, given that they don't wear skirts...


Dresden said:
Why don't they just wear pants until they have to fight aliens or whatever?

Because they always have to be ready! Always be vigilant! What if someone attacked, and they were just chilling in their pants? By the time they get them off everyone could already be dead!
I don't know but that Erica Hartmann is a moe-version of a true WWII fighterpilot is more absurd than that she wears pants or not. (for me)


It's all BS anyways, clearly the author started with girls in their underwear and worked backwards to try and think of a reason why they were in their underwear, there's no real logic behind it. Like do the clothes even matter when their animal familiar or persona's tail comes through their clothing, why do they even have animal forms, who fucking cares burn it with fire.

Edit: Honestly, I don't see why they don't ditch the striker units and just get all the witches together and make them power a fucking huge ass flying battleship.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
mAcOdIn said:
It's all BS anyways, clearly the author started with girls in their underwear and worked backwards to try and think of a reason why they were in their underwear, there's no real logic behind it.
Why you gotta tear down the creative process?
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