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2011 Fall Anime Thread - Bad Shows & Self Hating Nerds

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Branduil said:
Why are you watching Guilty Crown instead of Penguin Drum?

Heck watch Blood-C over Guilty Crown.
Because I'm not a fan of penguins and someone said guilty crown would be like code geass

I'll research better in the future


DY_nasty said:
Because I'm not a fan of penguins and someone said guilty crown would be like code geass

I'll research better in the future
Yeah if Code Geass had a lame emo protagonist, ugly CG mechs, and a much more generic setting.

And the penguins aren't even the main draw of Penguin Drum for me.
Infinite Justice said:
I remember the Utena comparisons lol

The show was a steaming pile of shit.
SD and GC are both examples of being ducktrolled. I guess Blood-C is too, but at least in that case it's intentional, entertaining trolling.
RurouniZel said:
No. 6 10-11: I don't know why I put off watching the end of this, but now that I have I still have no idea what the hell just happened. Not a very good conclusion in my opinion, it tried to have dramatic moments but just came off as "And that's it. The end." And I just wasn't feelin' it. :/

I think they need to extend it to a season two, the ending was decent I thought at least for
Shion's mom and getting Safu out of the plot

Baccano 9

Will we ever see the guy who sits behind the desk?
So much blood and gore, kind of wish this series was a novel or something, it gets hard to handle at times

Ano hana 5 & 6

Yukiatsu got cool. Anaru and Jintan need to get together.
Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing 3 - This was a great episode, and certainly the best of this show so far. While I have some definite issues about this show, as I will say at length below (and I really hope that someone can help with something, because some things about this show are VERY confusing), this was a very good episode. While the battle continues, this episode is not all about the fighting, which is nice. Most of the episode is about other things. That's great because while Last Exile's fleet battles are quite well done, I like the slower-paced, noncombat parts at least as much or more, and this show started out with action right from the start. The first season had a longer buildup until things began to happen, but this time very serious stuff was happening right from the start. Giant wars, killing, destruction, etc, right from episode one. I expect the show to keep up a quick pace, but hopefully it has time for some slower parts as well. Also, I hope it's not TOO depressing... episode two was pretty sad in several ways. This episode is a lot better in that regard, which is great. Things are hard for our heroines, but they should be able to pull through, we hope... :)

Early in this episode, we see a scene in the Ades Federation's leadership. Apparently their leader is a
little girl
. I will get into this scene more in the part below, but it was nice to see more of the villains. They think they're doing the right thing, apparently, but of course their solution is worse than the problem...

While for the most part this isn't as action-heavy an episode as the previous two, there is still a bit of fighting in it, and it's as great here as ever. If you want a show with giant fleets of flying battleships fighting in battle, this is the show to watch!

But anyway, getting to the main characters, Fam continues to be a great lead character. She's a complete daredevil but has the skill to back it up, and has a good, upbeat attitude as well. She's quite likable. Giselle is alright, but somewhat bland. In this episode the main characters go home again, so we see their house, and family members, for longer, which is nice. As for the princess of the now-defeated nation of Turan, Millia... well, she's still an annoying pain. Certainly, given what she's been through it makes sense that she'd be that way, but she did get annoying at times. Fam dealt with her well, though, and didn't get angry even while she was not being nice to her.
In the end she promises to try to change, so we'll see if she gets less annoying in the future.

There was also a somewhat touching scene near the end that reminded me a bit of the
"letting the candlelit boats with names on them into the water" scene in Sora no Woto, except with balloons here
. The pirates are
honoring the dead soldiers of Turan who died in the battle

But getting to the part that confused me... this isn't just about episode 3, to be clear, it's about the show in general. I'll just spoiler the whole thing, to be safe. I will try to explain the whole backstory and main plot of the show so far, as far as I understand it.

So, in the original Last Exile, two nations, Anatoray and Disith, are at war on a strange double planet. Each nation controls one planet, pretty much, and the main way between them is an air vortex thing which a small craft cannot get through. The planet is resource-poor, so the nations are constantly as war over resources. In the end, the Exile, a sort of podlike spaceship that had brought those people to this planet, is recovered, and ... does something. It's not clear if the ship improves that planet, or takes them to another one, but something happens, and they're supposed to be happier now in this new place.

Now, for Last Exile Fam's backstory. It's not at ALL clear how it ties to the original series, first. The world is very similar -- the level of technology is identical, the ships and Vanships look very similar, they still don't have radios (so they use light signals), they still have that Greek-style script as their alphabet -- so it's clearly Last Exile, but beyond that I don't know what's going on here really.

The show suggests at some points that this show might be set on Earth. However, the landmasses on the show's map aren't immediately recognizable, and there are five or six moons in the sky. One of those "moons" is actually the crescent-shaped ship, the Exile (not the same shape as the one from the first series, I believe), a spaceship which brought people back to this planet from another one 118 years ago. The descendants of the people who arrived on the planet from the Exile spaceship, who include the people of Turanians, most of the pirates, and others, have mostly forgotten that they'd ever come from a spaceship, so they don't control the Exile anymore (obviously). However, it seems that when they landed there were already other people on the planet too, who were displaced to make room for them.

The Ades Federation seems to be made up of people who were there before the ships came back (either that or they're really self-hating...), and their goal seems to be wiping out the people from the spaceship, so that the people who used to live there can be resettled on their original lands. They don't care at all about all of the people they're killing, or that the other people are humans too. They claim that resources on this planet are getting scarcer, and they want those resources to go to the people who were here before the ships came. Somehow they can control Exile now, as I will explain below.

As for the pirates, apparently these pirates are made up of the survivors -- or escapees -- of many peoples conquered by the Ades. They live by capturing Ades ships, as the first episode showed. Of course they had to be "good" pirates, only targeting the villains, and not everyone... I mean, if the main characters are pirates, they've got to be good ones (also see Skies of Arcadia, or many other examples). :) That's okay, the explanation is a solid one, and people like that would have good reason to hate the Ades. Living with the pirates is one character from the original Last Exile series, Dio of the Guild. He looks just like he did in the original Last Exile. Also seen in the intro, but not in the show, are another character or two from the original series. They are a little older, but not too much, suggesting that this show takes place a few years after the original, if ages are anything to go by. They may or may not be, I'm not sure.

Anyway, three episodes in, Turan has been defeated and most of its cities surrendered after the Exile, now under the control of the Ades Federation (somehow the elder Turan princess seems to have the power to control it, or maybe that Ades guy does? I'm not sure. Either way, she herself is just being used like a tool too, by the Ades people, to get it to do what they want.). What they will do with the people in the surrendered towns is unclear.

Also unclear is where a force of ships to compete with the Ades will come from. The pirates don't have fleets of their own... they are ambitious, though, Fam in particular. We'll see what she can come up with, to try to slow down the Ades massive fleet somehow.

So, the conflict between my understandings of the Last Exile and LE Fam stories should be clear. Is that ship the Exile from the original show? IF so, why does it probably have a different shape? Are the Turanians and such really people living on Earth who came from the planet of the original show? If so, what about that "the ship brought these people here 118 years ago" line? How does that fit at all with the ages of the characters in the OP who return from the original show (such as Alvis, who only looks a few years older), or the nearly unchanged Dio? Or is that some other ship, from somewhere else, and their Exile is something else? Also, if resources are more plentiful, or were, why do these people have that identical radio-free, stuck-in-time technology that the people in the first series had? I see no sign of a Guild here keeping tech at a certain level... well, not really. There was one time where a guy who sort of looked like a Guild person killed everyone except for the older princess on their ship, and kidnapped her, but that was apparently someone working for the Ades, not a Guild, given that she then was brought to the Ades fleet's flagship and the Exile summoning ritual, whatever happened there (I have no idea really why she was able to do that, or how, or why it happened that way)... unless the Ades are the Guild? But they claim to be people who were here before the Exile peoples... so yeah, it doesn't really make sense.
I really have no idea about this stuff, I'm completely confused, and it's annoying.

However, ignoring that,Last Exile Fam is a great show, and a worthy sequel to Last Exile, which also certainly had a fairly cryptic and poorly explained plot. I mean, I love Last Exile, it's a great show, but it was confusing... this one continues the Last Exile tradition in a few too many ways, I think. :) And the first season eventually explained most of the plot, so it did make sense eventually for the most part, though probably not on your first time watching given how easy some things were to miss. I'm hopeful that this season will explain itself at least as well or better. Hopefully better. :) Overall, despite all that however, Last Exile Fam is indeed the season's best show so far, as I was hoping it would be.


DY_nasty said:
Is this that Abh Hell I've heard so much about?

I'm still convinced this Abh Hell is a bluff!

So pissed off they fucking threaten this, I mean they spend a good 5 minutes explaining to the guy all this shit, and then they fucking leave and unlike Kurt Russel hell doesn't come back with Lafiel. Fucking lame. And what of the cool tomboyish girl, who later's a boy but for now is a girl! She at least seemed like she'd make good on her promises. Damn that was the most disappointing episode of the series for me, such a cocktease.
A Black Falcon said:
However, ignoring that,Last Exile Fam is a great show, and a worthy sequel to Last Exile, which also certainly had a fairly cryptic and poorly explained plot. I mean, I love Last Exile, it's a great show, but it was confusing... this one continues the Last Exile tradition in a few too many ways, I think. :) And the first season eventually explained most of the plot, so it did make sense eventually for the most part, though probably not on your first time watching given how easy some things were to miss. I'm hopeful that this season will explain itself at least as well or better. Hopefully better. :) Overall, despite all that however, Last Exile Fam is indeed the season's best show so far, as I was hoping it would be.
Man you slay me.

So aside from it essentially being fucking nonsense it's the greatest thing on and a worthy successor to the original? Where the hell does that put the original at, as also nonsensical?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Steins;GAF 04: Tsun-tsun dere-dere tsun-tsun-tsun
Steins;GAF 05: It's like I'm reading a GAF thread about UFOs and shit. Akihabara sounds like a creepy place.
mAcOdIn said:
So aside from it essentially being fucking nonsense it's the greatest thing on and a worthy successor to the original? Where the hell does that put the original at, as also nonsensical?

It's not nonsense, its connections to the original show make no sense. On its own, ignoring the connections to the original show, it's a great series and absolutely this season's best.


icarus-daedelus said:
What, is it because they look like they're 10? Do not let such trivial matters deter you in the pursuit of zettai ryouiki, friend!

I don't know, really. I just never really got into it. Maybe that's what it was deep down. I don't know.

@Guilty Crown - It's not as bad as people are making it seem. It's not at the height of the hype train behind it, sure, but it's fairly average at worst. If the genre and the idea of it seem intriguing, there's a good chance it's not going to really do you wrong. It's not exactly putting a best foot forward thus far but it's far from awful.


icarus-daedelus said:
they look like they're ten.
Heh, I see a lot of people say this, but to me they just look like cuteified caricatures, like in Gall Force (original trilogy), Izcer-1, Megazone 23 Part 1, that sort of thing.

mAcOdIn said:
It's not just looks, Lucchini is officially 12 years old in the series!
It's OK, she's 13 in the second season!

As I recall, a couple of people in this thread own copies of Milky Strike...


Regulus Tera said:
That is not tsundere which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even moé may die.
But we already have Cthulhu anime. It's even got a new season on the way!
hosannainexcelsis said:
Who wants to see Oba Nobunaga as a girl? You say you've already seen this a million times before? Nonsense!
Wait, if I'm reading the plot details correctly, this is literally the exact same thing as Sengoku Otome, except with a male lead character?
I Have Very Few Friends 1

The positive impressions here made me finally break down and watch this. The character art, the OP, and the ED are all very bad, but the show itself is amusing. "Air friends" indeed. I think I'll keep watching.

Articalys said:
Wait, if I'm reading the plot details correctly, this is literally the exact same thing as Sengoku Otome, except with a male lead character?

All the better to self-insert into!
hosannainexcelsis said:
Who wants to see Oba Nobunaga as a girl? You say you've already seen this a million times before? Nonsense!
Well, there's always a million and first time, why not?

Articalys said:
But we already have Cthulhu anime. It's even got a new season on the way!
Yes, and you will watch it, Nyarl-ko demands it...

Wait, if I'm reading the plot details correctly, this is literally the exact same thing as Sengoku Otome, except with a male lead character?
Sounds like that to me... the only way it could be different in concept is if men exist in the world there. Remember, in Sengoku Otome's world, male humans literally didn't exist in the world the MC was brought to.

Also, yeah, the gender change will mean a big difference. It means harem, assuredly.


hosannainexcelsis said:
I Have Very Few Friends 1

The positive impressions here made me finally break down and watch this. The character art, the OP, and the ED are all very bad, but the show itself is amusing. "Air friends" indeed. I think I'll keep watching.

All the better to self-insert into!

The awesome starts on Episode 2.


Jexhius said:
But it had those two or three episodes!

SD has some really fucking good episodes. The whole show though could have been condensed down tp 13 and nothing of value would have been lost.


Chihayafuru 5

Another suspiciously good episode from the anime of the season. My fingers remain crossed in the hope that they can keep this up throughout.


Don't forget to have an episode that ends with
the libido recharging sleep-rape
and a beach episode. Every series has to have a beach episode; It's necessary to show that everyone wants Takuto and to assure everyone that yes, Wako is inferior to Mizuno and Fish-girl. Actually, you could just roll that into one of the other OVAs anyways.
B.K. said:
Last Exile 2 episode 3

I thought it was interesting that Ades is only attacking the nations founded by the humans that returned to Earth on Exile. They aren't trying to take over the world, like most countries that start wars in anime. They're just trying to reclaim the land that was stolen by the returners. I wonder how they're going to explain Dio still being alive ~120 years after Exile's return.
Yeah, see my review of the episode for my thoughts on this, but essentially, I entirely agree -- the connectiosn between the shows make no sense at all. It's a great show on its own, but I do hope that in the future they explain things at least somewhat in a way that makes sense, about how this connects to the first one...

mAcOdIn said:
Haven't watched the show but....
After the return. 118 years AFTER THE RETURN. NOte "118 years after they left". Long enough later for most of the people to have forgotten that their ancestors even came from spaceships, apparently.

Yes, how this fits in with Last Exile 1's plot makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE at this point, as I said at length in my review.

mAcOdIn said:
Of course lots of things in most animes are exactly like that, decide on the fanservicey thing first and then come up with an excuse later, but it is a particularly blatant one... clearly worked, though, given the series' popularity. I bet it wouldn't have done as well had they been wearing skirts or pants most of the time.

It's the better way for the integrity of the work, lol, integrity of the work in regards to Strike Witches, lol, however it's also the creepier way for the audience because it attempts to legitimize underage girls running and flying around in their underwear.
We've argued about this before, and I really do disagree. It'd be so much more disturbing if they ran around embarrassed all the time, but did it anyway just for the benefit of the audience pretty much... and anyway, eventually people would get used to it. Clothing is an issue of social convention, after all, not human nature or anything like that.

It's all fucking magic like magnets.
It often seems like that is the only possible explanation, yes.

Well sure but the witches aren't planes either. But the should at least have the option, I mean, their method of transportation is largely irrelevant it's the fact that they can lift heavier weaponry and enhance the weaponry with magic that makes them a threat to the Neuroi in the show, so why not give them some options? Why not have like a giant ship they could use one episode against a heavily armored yet slow enemy or a large ground based cannon they could all feed their energy into for massive damage? It was a stupid concept and the show was stupid but they could have varied the enemies and how they beat them a tad bit more, even Go Lion has more variation than Strike Witches and they only have separate lions or Go Lion.
You are right, but they're all based off of fighter pilots, so they stuck with fighters only... maybe more armor and stuff would only slow them down, and they're (conveniently for the fanservice) best as they are? But sure, some more armored stuff might be cool, if they could make magical stuff that could actually stand up to the Neuroi.

God, please tell me you had to ask or look this up.
What, knowing how the tails get through their clothing isn't worthwhile information? :)

Kagami said:
Ah, indeed. However, are figures really canon? I mean, sometimes they look different from the animes... Saki figures have underwear on, for instance, as far as I remember. And in the animes, I can rarely think of times that there actually have been visible tail or wing holes in clothing... usually they just ... project through somehow. I think that Haibane Renmei did actually have wing holes in the clothing, though, which was nice.

mAcOdIn said:
I don't even....
If you have the figure, aren't you going to look there eventually?
Bakuman 2 episode 5

I thought the Bakuman x Sket Dance thing would be major, not just
Miho voicing one of the characters in Sket Dance anime shown in the Bakuman universe
. I thought it was a pretty fun episode however the ending theme cutting in ruined the mood around the ending event
Mashiro falling ill


mAcOdIn said:
Well I already have the first two sets so this doesn't help me but I guess it's great they caught up. I hate Youtube though, wish they'd put it up with Hulu like His/Hers or make a XBMC/Boxee/iOS/Android app.

Anyways, where the fuck is Nadiesco? Fuck Gasaraki, I wanna see Nadiesco, I've never seen that one!
Nadesico is aaaaaawesome!

scy said:
As much as I love me some of that, I never really got into Strike Witches.

At least, I assume we're still talking about Strike Witches.
Absolutely not. I haven't watched Strike witches and don't plan to.
Zettai Ryouiki applies more to Rin from Fate Stay Night. She is one of the best arguments for it. Lovely, lovely arguments.

Velti said:
I... I just don't know where else to go. This seems as good a place as any to express my frothing love for Rideback- I'm on episode 9 now. Just found it on Netflix.

Did... did Keifer and Rin just do it? Or was he being inspirational?! Isn't.. isn't he like twice her age? I'M SO CONFUSED/TURNED ON.

EDIT: Also, where can I watch Gundam Unicorn? It looks like the best thing since 08th MS Team.
Rideback is so great. I got the Bluray set of that one. It came with a keychain too. Very strange series.


Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing 1-3

Liking it so far, definitely feels like Last Exile.

There definitely are questions as to how it relates to the original series but that's not a problem. I'm sure we'll have a decent enough explanation at some point.

Here's some things I've noticed.

Around 6:25 in to episode one Dio looks to the sky and sees a star appear and comments "Ah. So you've returned, too. The place where all are born and where all will return. A blue world. Here we see a ship which looks like the Exile from the original series. Could this be more people coming from Anatoray and Disith?

There are six crescent moons in the sky an one was confirmed to be an Exile. Assuming one is the real moon, there should be four additional moon Exiles in orbit.

Here's my view on how this relates to the original series. There are many off world colonies. Claus and company are the most recent returnees (within the past 2-3 years. The Turan's arrived about 118 years ago and displaced the native population from their lands. They should not be confused as descendants of the people from the first series. The fate of them is yet to be explained.

Another thing to note. At the beginning of the third episode the old General gives up pursuit of an enemy. He makes the comment "Sylvius, the Reaper...". Here we see the silhouette of a ship similar (but not the same) to that of the Silvana. Red Herring? We'll see.


Should I keep watching Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry?

The first episode was enjoyable in that
it looked like a basic school show with giant robots and then proceeded to murder everyone but the main character.

I'm through episode 4 now through Netflix and it seems... alright, I guess?
The ridiculous shifts in tone are a little jarring. It's only 13 episodes so it wouldn't be a huge investment of my time.
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