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2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Skyrim! (down from 2560x1440)




Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
posting all the AA guides is a great idea, i didnt have a clue how to do this a few months ago but reading up for a while last year made it pretty easy. g'job

Aye, also for those interested in the basics of AA , I found this place to be good.

Here's what the guy wrote about SGSSAA :

SGSSAA can be better or worse than OGSSAA depending on the game. In some games it can be blurry while OGSSAA isn't, and vice versa. It works on pretty much any d3d9/10/11 graphics engine(with fermi cards). If you have a 200 series or earlier card is will only work with d3d9. It works by rendering multiple times to several offscreen intermediate buffers, each time it applied an offset to the sample coordinates in a different direction. Then it resolves (blends) the buffers post-processing.

SGSSAA does produce blur in some games just like OGSSAA in the XxX and xS modes. And once again it has nothing to do with LOD. The xS modes have an auto lod adjustment but that doesn't help you when a game is producing a blurry image due to a conflicting post-processing shader.

The story behind SGSSAA:
Nvidia implemented TRSSAA as an alpha test that supersampled pixels that passed. A bug was present in one of the drivers they released for the new fermi cards that caused the alpha test to always pass and therefore apply SGSSAA to all pixels. They fixed the bug in the next release but released a tool that allowed the bug to be re-enabled since a lot of users complained that they liked it. The new fermi cards + new drivers made nhancer no long compatible and since the developer dropped off the face of the planet some other developer made a better app that did the same thing, nvidia inspector. He included the SGSSAA hack in it.
How to set it up:

Set AA to 4xMSAA. Set Transparency multisampling to off/supersampling. Set Transparency Supersampling to 4xSGSSAA. Set the AA mode to override. Change the AA comp. bit to whatever the correct combination should be for that game. And set negative lod bias to allow. Make sure you hit apply before closing nvidia inspector (in the upper right corner) or it won't work (this is one thing I really liked about nhancer, auto-saved your profile settings whenever you changed something)!

Please keep in mind that whenever you use SGSSAA you should always match the number of MSAA samples used to the number of SGSSAA samples used. 8xMSAA + 4xSGSSAA will usually have lower quality than 4xMSAA + 4xSGSSAA. This is because SGSSAA gets it's sample coordinates from the MSAA samples. So if you have more MSAA samples than SGSSAA samples the SGSSAA samples will not be placed in the ideal locations. Also you cannot have more SGSSAA samples than MSAA samples for the same reason as I'm sure you've guessed. Even though it uses MSAA sample coordinates using additional coverage samples will reduce the effectiveness of SGSSAA by changing the grid pattern so that the MSAA samples are placed closer to the center of the pixel (which is a less ideal location). This is why I advised 4xMSAA + 4xSGSSAA not 16xAA (4xMSAA + 12xCSAA) + 4xSGSSAA.

Set negative lod to allow and set the lod bias as follows:

1x2 OGSSAA (2 samples): -0.5
2x1 OGSSAA (2 samples): -0.5
2xSGSSAA (2 samples): -0.5
2x2 OGSSAA (4 samples): -1.0
4xSGSSAA (4 samples): -1.0
8xSGSSAA (8 samples): -1.5
3x3 OGSSAA (9 samples): -1.58 (or as close as you can get)
4x4 OGSSAA (16 samples): -2.0

The formula for determining the correct lod bias is "y = -0.5 * log, base 2, of (n)" where n is the number of samples and y is the correct lod bias. Of course since some of you may have forgotten how to use logarithms I went ahead and types out the correct values for each SSAA mode above. This function simply means that every time you double the number of samples you subtract another 0.5 from the lod bias.

Both ati's RGSSAA and nvidia's HSAA have auto lod bias adjustment built in so when using them do not tweak the lod bias. However you still need to make sure you allow negative lod. If you're not using any SSAA set negative lod to clamp.

SGSSAA and OGSSAA work differently. Because of this a set of AA comp. bits that works perfectly with SGSSAA may not work perfectly with OGSSAA or HSAA, and vice versa.


these are the ones i took, i found 4 in total. it looks ok but i wouldn't recommend this game, its garbage.
if i ever go back to the multiplayer i'll take some more shots. its a step down from hot pursuit imo


Battlefield 3 has a single player mode, so they say... Please DICE, don't make a single player anything anymore. Unless it's Mirror's Edge 2. (down from 2560x)




Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The above are perfect examples of why I do not play MMO's: The HUD is simply too intrusive and remove any sense of immersion.
TOR has a really awful UI, but most of it can be disabled. I don't think most people run guild chats in separate chat boxes either.




that looks alright, i just ordered it to see if i can get into it, been 5 days and i broke the no games in 2012 thing, fffuuu.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Batman AC, please click for original size ( downsampled from 5120x2880, play at 2560x1440 ):

fake edit : hmm does clicking the images stretch the picture for anyone else? They're supposed to be 2560x1440, but Chrome shows them at some bizarre resolution.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Looks fine here when clicking Corky, also on Chrome.

Thanks Sethos, I re-opened chrome a couple of times and now it shows the native size when clicked and doesn't blow it up for no apparent reason.

Two more, same deal, realtime downsampling SSAA + abload resizing yadda yadda, click for original size please :



Downloaded the demo and got nearly killed by that 30 fps cap. Darnit kid, you´ve got to warn people about such horrible things :D

both afterburner and fraps show 60fps, but it does feel like 30 in some places

this has never happened before so i dunno if the programs are wrong



both afterburner and fraps show 60fps, but it does feel like 30 in some places

this has never happened before so i dunno if the programs are wrong

Yeah, i found a thread regarding this.


Quote from the thread:

"It's rendering at 60fps, but only runs the gameplay engine at 30Hz, resulting in it effectively looking and acting like a 30fps game even though it's rendering at 60fps."


God, Batman: AC looks like a game from nextgen compared with my Xbox version :(

well at least you know what next gen will look like for consoles now, what pc games have been doing for a while

also, i'd recommend the pro dark skin for gaf, the black makes the shots in here look even more awesome
Prototype was good but damn I hated the draw distance.

I mean look at the building in the background they are all grey and I dont think you can mod / fix that.


Prototype was good but damn I hated the draw distance.

I mean look at the building in the background they are all grey and I dont think you can mod / fix that.
Yep. In hindsight, I need to post something better looking.

I'm just trying to play around with Vision Engine Control Center. Anybody got any IQ tricks for an AMD card that they use?
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