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2014 Microsoft E3 Conference

Loved the halo stuff
I'm so so happy. Although it's really going to mess with my destiny time!

Great conference although the lack of kinect made it very apparent that such day one purchasers like myself paid for a gimmick that'll most likely fade to black.

Also shenmue 3? Where art thou?

The Halo stuff is exciting, I cannot wait to sit down and play through all of it again. I agree with Kinect though. It is lame as hell that it seems to be a gimmick now as it has a lot of potential.


Unconfirmed Member
So does this mean that the Mass Effect guy (forgot his name) who hasn't been to E3 in 8 years will appear on stage for Sony? Or does Bioware have their own booth or conference?


when are these companies going to realize that CGI doesn't do shit for gamers anymore? seriously, just stop and show us some alpha gameplay or something.
Excellent in only games and fast but...

-We knew about Halo.
-We knew about Forza.
-We knew about Crackdown
-We knew about Phantom Dust
-We knew about Platinum game.

No surprises here...
Keep in mind most people outside of neogaf wont have known much or any of this.
Well that was crushingly drab. Microsoft is starting to look more and more like Nintendo, only they don't have quite the same type of legendary properties to lean on. Yet... they do.


Are you people fucking serious complaining about CG? Is this your first E3? They showed gameplay for games that are coming out this year and even some next year. CG is nothing new for these things so I can't fathom why it is a big deal when MS does it.


when are these companies going to realize that CGI doesn't do shit for gamers anymore? seriously, just stop and show us some alpha gameplay or something.

Yes, show Alpha gameplay so it can be picked apart and which may not even resemble the product itself in the end.


I was a little disappointed with Microsoft's conference. Nothing really big as far as first-party goes. And Conker's return is in Project Spark? Fuck you, MS.

And the handling of Halo was poor. How about showing what Halo 2's campaign looked like running instead of just that one mp map? And no Halo 5 gameplay still?

What was the "Big third-party exclusive"? That stupid CG trailer from Platinum?


COD Advanced Warfare looked amazing, though. Was very surprised how great it looked,
it was all about the games , and they showed trailers for days.

Didn't like how alot of games shown wasn't exclusive. The indie games montage was epic tho.

My highlight was Ori and halo. By far. Had me hooked at that point.

They lost me at Project Spark. Sounded cool last e3 ....looked like a hot mess when they scaled back showing all the different levels you could create. Looked low res and awful.

Not a good look.

I didn't mind them showing cgi trailers , i really didn't but it bugged me when they had people on stage and it was obvious they weren't playing , or when dev had controller in hand and was shooting but had no hud or targeting reticule.



Gamespot way to watch on ipad for me, spike tv/gt was killing me.

Love new tomb raider and AC unity.

Witcher was sweet too.

Division could be great: are the other players coop or AI?


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Pretty standard. A boring level. The drama feels hammy as fuck. Where was Spacey? (2 out of 5)

Forza 5 DLC - Uhmm... one new track. I'm not a fan of real life racing and I don't know the track. I proper context it might have been cool. (1 out of 5)

Forza Horizon 2 - Good, I guess. Putting it up a week before Driveclub is fun. Now the forums will be ablaze come late September. (3 out of 5)

Sunset Overdrive - Really good trailer. Hopefully it's a good game. The demo was okay. The gameplay feels a bit silly. (3 out of 5)

Dragon Age - I'll love the game but this trailer gave me nothing. It seemed so sloppy. Hopefully we'll get more at EA soon. (2 out of 5)

Project Spark - Please change the name! Please! It's a horrible name. Just keep "Spark" and you're done for the day. The trailer was okay. Conker is a nice addition. "We've stopped making Rare-games and so can you!" (3 out of 5)

The Rise of the Tomb Raider - Horrible trailer. Can we have Lara tell a joke in this one? I know what angle you're playing but she's not that traumatized. At the end of the last game she was kind of enjoying killing. (2 out of 5)

Scalebound - Devil May Cry meets Monster Hunter... This is not how you get to be profitable Platinum! Focus on one style and do it great. I don't know. I felt this was all over the place. I'm going on record stating it'll be an underperforming game which will get mixed-to-bad reviews and be adored on GAF and rightfully so. Personally I'll just won't like it and I'll cry myself to sleep twice. (1 out of 5)

Crackdown - I take it you play as the bad guy. You basicly ruin most of the downtown area and killing thousands of civilians. It looks stupid. (2 out of 5)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - What's up with bad titles? Anyway: the gameplay seems solid enough. Can we all just agree that this game series is better without Desmond and the Scooby-gang? Please, Ubi. Remove the framing device and let the period speak for itself. (4 out of 5)

Evolve - I was left feeling nothing. I have nothing to say. Wasn't even boring. (2 out of 5)

Fable Legends - Without Peter this game might actually be somewhat playable. Innovative? Nope. 4 vs 1 gameplay? Yup. Utterly boring? Yes. Should we rather play Orcs Must Die? Yes. (2 out of 5)

Dead Rising 3 DLC - Okay, seems pretty stupid and fun. I guess it wants to be stupid and fun. Let the people have stupid and fun. (2 out of 5)

Inside - Really fucking awesome! This is what I want to play. Best of show. (4 out of 5)

Phantom Dust - Seems boring as hell. Seems so uninspired. Why not just make a new IP? (2 out of 5)

Ori - Really interesting. These games seem a bit a dime a dozen but come on: we love them! (3 out of 5)

Division - Boring and utterly gorgeous. The constant talking was annoying. (3 out of 5)

Halo - I'd like to play it... but wouldn't it be better to release them over the course of the year? Anyway: 100 maps. 1080p 60fps. Seems like what people want. (3 ouf of 5)

Indie montage - Some really interesting stuff in here. Didn't pick up on half of it. But there's some great stuff in here. The "Cupheads"-stuff, I think it's called was a nice looking game. (4 out of 5)

Overall: 3 out of 5. Games games games. Nothing surprising. We knew about everything in advance except the timed exclusive DLC.


What I'd really like to know is, did they actually have anything in development for Kinect before they decided to get rid of it last month and have all Kinect-related projects been cancelled now?


Talk about a let down, this is why you don't get hyped over a conference.

For all the big hoopla over Phil Spencer, I was expecting Microsoft to really come out swinging. I thought it was going to rain exclusives, but uh...outside of Scalebound there was nothing new to get excited over.
Fable Legends did nothing for me really, nor does a remake of a Halo I had to force myself to finish. I guess it's telling that Bungie's multiplayer is the one people want to play as 343 can't cut it I guess.
Crackdown we'll be seeing again next year. Probably thrown in there just to add an exclusive to the show.

Don't mean to sound bitter, but I let myself fall for the Phil Spencer jibber jabber. On the contrary I'm not excited at all for any other conferences, so that's good. Sony and Nintendo should easily clean Microsoft's clock this year as far as announcements go. This morning I was excited to buy an X1. Now I'm sorta eh, no rush. We'll see.


Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 1-4, Crackfuckingdown? How can anybody claim that gaming is their hobby and turn their noses up at that lineup? Don't understand it myself.
So if you don't like driving games or shooters, and are very wary of another Crackdown after the lame first sequel, you don't like video games, period? Interesting analysis.


No Kinect and no cloud, tv, etc. bullshit. MS gets 5 points just for that. The other 2 come from the actual content of the conference.

7/10. Slightly above average, but nothing here sold me on the system. No gamechangers. It was a thoroughly safe conference.


The best game announced for me has been the new tomb raider, i've loved the reboot on PC, the new one seems great, it's a shame it'll be ready only for holiday 2015
when are these companies going to realize that CGI doesn't do shit for gamers anymore? seriously, just stop and show us some alpha gameplay or something.

The problem comes in when companies don't have much to announce in the near future. Hence CGI trailers are used to announce games that may come years later to give a sense of a more robust lineup.

Really they should learn from Ubisoft. The Division an Watch Dogs had colossal reveals due to showing gameplay that wowed many. Though that gameplay was not entirely representative the point still is gameplay is key.


No it didn't. The very original trailer was in-engine.

So you actually believe a developer saying it was running in-engine?

Like most developers, they lie.

Any time I hear in-engine, I think of CGI, everytime I hear running on "so and so console" I think of in-engine or highest detail on PC.


A safe, but boring conference overall. I get that they're still in damage control and can't afford any lollercoaster fuck ups, but the end result wasn't terribly interesting or exciting. Still not sold on an Xbone, but at least Microsoft is headed in the right direction.


Bad Art ™
My impression (I wasn't always paying attention because reality ...) : We got gameplay footage of last year CGI and we got new CGI trailers for the holiday 2015 games.
No new major IP. Nothing new short term (aka release this year).

Solid (lots of games footage) conference but I'm not a Xbox guy ...


I guess MS went with the "no gimmicks" approach. The Kinectless SKU, paywall drop, and everything from the past month would have made for a great show but today was pretty much just a recap.
As long as some gameplay is shown before a game's release, I don't care if there's a lot of CG shown.

Yeah, I'm kinda surprised by all the CG talk. I mean, I like to see actual gameplay, but CG trailers aren't a deal breaker for me

I'll give the conference a solid B. I think it would have been an A- if that gaf insider dude hadn't spoiled most of it.
Not getting the whole CG, CG, CG thing people are talking about. The only games that didn't show gameplay were Phantom Dust, Crackdown, and Platinum's game. Hardly a CG fest.


A solid conference from MS.

But the console still dont have enough intresting exclusive titles, that would justify a purchase for ME.
There are a couple more shows before the holiday shopping season begins.
MS may well have more to show and are holding it back (perhaps Gamescom) which would have more impact then.
Halo....Halos everywhere

That was an alright conf. They pretty much showed games all the way as they said. But nothing was really exciting.

Sony can win E3 easily if they play it right

GTA V - timed exclusive 2014
Proj. Beast
No CG BS trailers

If they do this, it will be over.


It was ok as far as it goes, but I thought this was going to be the big MS fight back and there wasn't anything that really grabbed me.

I'm also expecting a rather conservative Sony presentation so my hype is lower than usual for E3.
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