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2014 Microsoft E3 Conference


Sony conferences are deathly boring. They're so dire.

Despite the CGfest, I was pretty impressed by Microsoft's presser. Lots of games, no charts, no sales, no movies, no TV, just the games.

If there is one thing Sony could learn from Microsoft, it's the format and delivery of their press conferences.

Microsoft actually make E3... watchable!

I couldnt disagree more. It was CG trailers and demos of third party games that I can watch on YouTube. Its going to be hard for Sony to not beat that show.


GiantBomb mentioned that the Dance central game will use the content from the previous games. It seems like just a front end for dancing. No story or crap, just some cool dances.


So, can we all agree at this point that ntkrnl wasn't a controlled leak?

I mean its pretty obvious to most people, but he announced the E3 conference 5 months early... who would deliberately leak that?

Most likely.

Seem like they wanted to see how it would be played in the hardcore gaming forum.
How? In what way do I sound deeply hurt? I said it's pretty gross.

If Someone from Microsoft retweeted a snide comment about a competitors product, I'd think it was pretty gross too.

So many of you are so wrapped up in everything being a console warz comment that nobody can say anything without someone suggesting that I'm deeply hurt or thinking I have some bias. This system war bullshit is absolutely the worst and I think it's gross when companies actively engaging in it or supporting it via retweets, especially when last heard their competitors aren't.

I know that but I'm glad several people decided to tell me just in case.

It was retweeted by Shuhei Yoshida.
It's all fun and games. Damn, stop being so serious and sucking away the fun for the rest of us.


From a business standpoint, this was very underwhelming. There's nothing here that can change the trajectory of the consoles going into 2015.


hopefully after this confress xbox fans can stop the "everything is exclusive!" bullshit. A reveal and 2 E3s have gone by and still no megaton moneyhated exclusive.
Yep. All that talk last year that cloud is so much more than dedicated servers, improves graphics and it's like having 40,000 Xboxes, not a peep this year. Surprising for them to abandon both that and Kinect altogether.

The after show with the panel including Major Nelson had Phil Spencer talk about the cloud and Crackdown. He mentioned about all the destruction happening in the game.


Thought Microsoft had a great conference. Showed a lot of content. While a lot of the heavy hitters were multi plats, it looks like they are still investing in early DLC.

Was a little disappointed in the Platinum reveal. Just wasn't what I was expecting. Perhaps when we know more about it, that'll change my opinion.

Overall, well done Microsoft.



A great, bullshit free, conference.

Sunset Overdrive was the highlight of the show for me...and I'm not even a fan of shooters.

Kinda underwhelmed by what little I saw of Scalebound, I hope it's not some kind of Monster Hunter-style game.


Truly impressed by the MS conference. Lots of CG but also lots of gameplay. Great delivery format. Scalebound, crackdown, SO are some solid exclusive IPs. Halo collection is now a must-have for me as I've missed a lot of those halo games in previous gen. I liked what I saw from Forza and Fable too. What surprised me the most is the sheer diversity of games in their portfolio. Good times ahead as an Xbox owner.


Gold Member
Missed the Conference because I'm at work, but from the summaries I read and trailers I watched, not a bad show by any means. Definitely piling up reasons to get an X1, but I'm still waiting for that "must have" game or a price drop to 350/299 ranges. Perhaps if they have a sweet bundle at 399. Good on MS for the games focus this time though.


Loved the halo stuff
I'm so so happy. Although it's really going to mess with my destiny time!

Great conference although the lack of kinect made it very apparent that such day one purchasers like myself paid for a gimmick that'll most likely fade to black.

Also shenmue 3? Where art thou?
So, can we all agree at this point that ntkrnl wasn't a controlled leak?

I mean its pretty obvious to most people, but he announced the E3 conference 5 months early... who would deliberately leak that?

I'm more convinced now than ever it was a controlled leak. It was stage managed to try and keep some excitement going. FWIW I think it worked, it got people excited, sure it spoilt many of the announcement "surprises", but we can only imagine how much lower the XBone sales would have been to date had the leak and subsequent news articles not occurred.


So I DVR'd the Xbox Conference and just got time to watch it. I fast-forwarded through most of it.

There wasn't a really big megaton and the games showcased really didn't grab me. It seems that every game shown that was running seemed choppy or had noticeable aliasing meaning that games were running at a lower resolution. It's sad to see the lack of Kinect and seems that Devs are just going to give up on the product. The only thing that I got from this conference was Halo and exclusive/first content for Xbox.

I'm not going to lie, when Xbox One was announced I was pretty interested in the media aspect of the device and what Kinect could do with media. The lack of Kinect at the conference and now having the Kinect-less SKU makes me less interested on what I wanted from Xbox. As for the games, Halo isn't enough for me to get on the platform (even though I really want Halo 2 multi) and their exclusive games just don't seem to grab me.
For a game reveal or for a game that's coming out in 2015+ I really don't care about CG. CG is there because it can give you an idea for what a game is when it's early in development, and announce it in a more exciting way than just saying "In 2016 we're going to release NEW GAME and it's going to have cool gameplay."

CG can give you a concept for a game quickly, when actual gameplay may not be able to be shown for another year.

I think of the AC2 CG trailer. You know it's CG, but it introduces you to the main character, the setting, the antagonist, and what you're going to do... Assassinate people. It worked.


Great show.

I'm more excited about MS's exclusives than Sony's...but I'll probably pick up the mufti-plats for PS4 though. So yea...barring any surprises by Sony tonight (Uncharted 4 is about the only thing I'm interested in) I think MS will take the games crown again this E3

Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 1-4, Crackfuckingdown? How can anybody claim that gaming is their hobby and turn their noses up at that lineup? Don't understand it myself.


I like Phil, he gets it. Although he did not sell me on XB1 today, make no mistake the brand will cultivate more support under his control.
He has the right attitude and character for gamers.
Phil gets an A for fixing the brand, and the conference gets a B from me.


Sure you know.

You should stop being so over sensitive. It's not like MS has never made jabs at the competition. Strangely, nobody cared back then.

Dig out that Aaron Greenberg tweet about the PS4 reveal. I wonder if that will be considered rude now.
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