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3DS Retail Deals

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I don't think Animal Crossing is as much of a system seller elsewhere as it is in Japan.

Almost assuredly not, although it'd at least take the burden off of Paper Mario being the sole new Nintendo game for the system this holiday.

Plus, Wild World sold something like 10 million copies worldwide. The series is no slouch on handhelds.


Unconfirmed Member
Getting a 3DS again always feels pointless when 90% of the games I'd want to play are DS games. I already have a DSi, and I adore it. I feel like Nintendo's 3DS line up has been incredibly uninteresting. The only games that have gotten me really excited are SM3DL, Kid Icarus, and Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. Mario Kart 7 is really good, too, but doesn't exactly excite me. 2D Zelda, 2D Metroid, new Advanced Wars, new Yoshi's Island, Kirby Canvas Curse 2 -- those are games that I'd get hyped about.

With all that said, I'll probably get the MK7 XL bundle before Christmas, haha.


Hmm after seeing the black friday sales, I wonder will this force NOA to release more 3ds/xl colors and bundles

Miles X

Your first hint that 3DS wasn't doing great was months ago when Nintendo themselves said the 3DS wasn't doing great.

It was still doing respectable numbers. I thought Nintendo were cutting the price because wasn't living up to their expectations with it being in line with DS, turns out it's just doing abysmal in itself. I still can't believe 3DS is only going to jump 100% MoM when the rest are going to be up like 400% - 600%
The XL has to drop price after the holidays, right? No way they would keep a 70$ difference between the two.

Probably. This is how I imagine the prices to look next year

169- XL
Around 150 for the new Lite that will likely launch next year that will replace the regular.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
No price drop on the only good model? That blows. 3DS original is a terrible system.

I don't play my 3DS much, but every time I do, I'm reminded that I really like the hardware. I mean, it's pretty ugly, but the screen is awesome and I love the controls.
It's not like the situation isn't salvageable, the fact they've delayed all the interesting titles (Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2) into 2013 shows this. 2012 has essentially been Mario Year for the 3DS, featuring Kid Icarus. Variety is the spice of life. Hopefully when they spill some beans on Zelda 3D (and hopefully other first party titles), we'll see more interest.

But it is fixable. They just need to take the eShop a little more seriously, get some layman apps on there (Hi YouTube!) and give us the 3D movies they promised at E3 2010. Honestly, why has that not happened yet? I thought they had a deal with Disney/WB? Despite your views on 3D, you've got to admit it's something that only the 3DS (and a select number of smartphones) can offer.



My launch 3DS is still mostly collecting dust, though my kid's having fun playing the new Kingdom Hearts.

Both devices just seem so outdated to me now, having spent so much time on my iPhone. Not going to debate the minuses of gaming on iOS, but it's just nice to have everything in one device I can easily carry around with me in my front pocket. Plus, it's hard to reconcile $30-40 a pop when I can spend $10 and have 10 games to fool around with. My guess is, folks like me are the reason Nintendo feels the need for another price drop.
I hear ya, man. Who needs games that have things like CONTROLS and DEPTH, when I can just drag my finger across my phone every seven seconds?
Nintendo's earnings report for next quarter is gonna be re-donkulous. I love how people still manage to complain about Nintendo by complaining about the XL's price while the XL has only been on the market for a couple of months. 139.99 for the original is gonna send it into insta-buy territory for parents this winter, Wii U is guranteed to sell out regardless and Nintendo actually has the software(new and old) needed to propel good holiday sales.
The XL has to drop price after the holidays, right? No way they would keep a 70$ difference between the two.
It'll probably go to the old 3DS pricepoint ($169.99) next spring. Right in time for Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion & Fire Emblem.

What Nintendo really needs to do is introduce Player's Choice asap so they can drop MSRPs on older game product to $19.99 without devaluing their brand.
It'll probably go to the old 3DS pricepoint ($169.99) next spring. Right in time for Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion & Fire Emblem.

What Nintendo really needs to do is introduce Player's Choice asap so they can drop MSRPs on older game product to $19.99 without devaluing their brand.

I would say player's choice does devalue the brand? However if it's introduced later on in the life cycle then it's fine. I still feel it's too early to do that. And they only do it on titles that aren't selling insanely. They will keep Mario Kart 7 at 39.99 for a long long time. Heck Mario Kart DS is still full price.
Portable Animal Crossings sell an obnoxious amount.

I know for a fact City Folk was one of the Wii's "best-seller" range alongside Galaxy and Brawl. And Wild World sold obscene amounts, outside of Japan too.

In other words, it's foolish not to release it in the West this holiday. I'll make that point 'till I die.


Not going to debate the minuses of gaming on iOS, but it's just nice to have everything in one device I can easily carry around with me in my front pocket.
So sad that this is the attitude that makes handhelds struggle. "It's not better, but it fits my front pocket".


I know for a fact City Folk was one of the Wii's "best-seller" range alongside Galaxy and Brawl. And Wild World sold obscene amounts, outside of Japan too.

In other words, it's foolish not to release it in the West this holiday. I'll make that point 'till I die.

It didn't have Mario in the title, so NoA/E think it won't sell. I'm still bitter, I want Animal Crossing! :(
Getting a 3DS again always feels pointless when 90% of the games I'd want to play are DS games. I already have a DSi, and I adore it. I feel like Nintendo's 3DS line up has been incredibly uninteresting. The only games that have gotten me really excited are SM3DL, Kid Icarus, and Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. Mario Kart 7 is really good, too, but doesn't exactly excite me. 2D Zelda, 2D Metroid, new Advanced Wars, new Yoshi's Island, Kirby Canvas Curse 2 -- those are games that I'd get hyped about.

With all that said, I'll probably get the MK7 XL bundle before Christmas, haha.

You can still play all of those great DS games on your 3DS. But now you can play all of the future 3DS games too. There are a lot of good games coming after the holidays like Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon, and Animal Crossing. I expect Zelda and Metroid to eventually get announced as well. No sense in waiting, especially at the new price point


Unconfirmed Member
Uh, no?

Considering the 3ds is STILL priced above the universal 99 sweet spot
You misspelled unrealistic.

You can still play all of those great DS games on your 3DS. But now you can play all of the future 3DS games too. There are a lot of good games coming after the holidays like Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon, and Animal Crossing. I expect Zelda and Metroid to eventually get announced as well. No sense in waiting, especially at the new price point
I don't care about any of those games you listed, but yeah, your point still makes sense. I just wish there were some 3DS games for me to get really excited about. I still haven't had my own copy of Kid Icarus, though, so that'd be cool to get. How easy is it to play without the stand? (I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms with that question, heh.)
Hopefully they start picking up pace again. It's crazy to think that even Luigi's Mansion is still not out yet. First first-party hits are slow and the shop is worse. Literally no reason to hold hostage the ambassador GBA games. But knowing Nintendo at their current state, they'll release one GBA game every 4-7 weeks.


It's over 100 dollars cheaper than the direct competitor.

Although "aggressive" is the wrong word. "Desperate" might be more accurate, if the recent sales numbers are any indication.

lol I wasn't even thinking about the Vita. Sony's a non-factor compared to mobile gaming :/
I would say player's choice does devalue the brand? However if it's introduced later on in the life cycle then it's fine. I still feel it's too early to do that. And they only do it on titles that aren't selling insanely. They will keep Mario Kart 7 at 39.99 for a long long time. Heck Mario Kart DS is still full price.
Mario and Pokémon games generally are fine full price, as are other marquee products on occasion like Zelda or Kid Icarus. It's the other stuff (Pilotwings, Star Fox, Nintendogs, Steel Diver, etc) that could do with an official drop. This goes for their eShop prices too.

PC helps not devalue the brand because it's a distinct budget label. It's different from simply dropping prices on games as is, and still creates an additionsl consumer base and culture without damaging new game pricepoints (by bringing the expectation they're temporary).


I hear ya, man. Who needs games that have things like CONTROLS and DEPTH, when I can just drag my finger across my phone every seven seconds?

Oh come on, don't be ignorant. There are iOS games with depth as there are 3DS games so shallow that they shouldn't cost more than your typical iOS buck.

Traditionally, complex games aren't what moves handhelds, though. There is Pokemon, of course, but apart of the kids audience most people are looking for more easy experiences on the go. Especially the older audience Nintendo successfully went after with the DS, are the ones who aren't likely to buy another dedicated handheld device. The "Touch Generation" line has increasingly been made redundant by cheap iOS apps and so far Nintendo hasn't found a compensation for it.

It's quite telling that, a year and a half on the market, the 3DS still hasn't really found a unique identity. Nintendo put out Mario, Mario and Mario but there's still no unique must-have software generating interest. 3DS is still sorely lacking its Wii Sports or Brain Training.
This is the bare minimum of what Nintendo needs to do, but it at least signifies that NOA is getting some pressure to start taking the 3DS more seriously. Software flood and game prices down to DS level need to be the next step. The market is not exactly sending an ambiguous message here.
Will buy at this price. I had a launch one but sold it after a rather long game drought.

I would be pretty pissed if i bought one in november though. I know prices change and all but a price drop halfway through the holiday shopping season seems destined to make some folks mad. Not that I care though as I'm not those folks.


Unconfirmed Member
Is implementing a universal price drop on software really as easy as people are making it out to be? When was the last time that happened?


Two drops in 18 months. Weird. There are three motivations behind it, from what I can guess:

1) The 3DS, while selling well enough, isn't meeting their expectations for this Christmas season.
2) The Wii U launch isn't causing as much of a PR stir as they were hoping, so they're trying to keep their name on top.
3) Nintendo wants to absolutely bury the Vita just after it had a strong November in terms of titles, sales, and PS+ integration.
Based on what LOL?
Is implementing a universal price drop on software really as easy as people are making it out to be? When was the last time that happened?

I don't know if there have been any across-the-board price drops, but if I remember right Nintendo began pricing a lot of the DS's first-party titles at 35 dollars instead of the 40 that a lot of games around launch started at. I could be wrong, though.


And this is what I was waiting for; I wasn't going to pay $200 for an XL without at least a game bundled with it.

My wait has been vindicated.
I HATE that I bought a 3DS at launch. I've been shafted so badly that my insides are beginning to hurt.

Quit bitchin'. I spent 6 hours flying around that one volcano in Pilotwings too. We move on.

The console price isn't the problem (for me, at least). The problem is them trying to sell games for $40 in 2012 when I can get Angry Birds for a dollar and GTA III for five dollars on my phone. I'm not trying to say they offer the same gaming experience, but the times are changing.

$40 is definitely too much, but you getting a flash game and a poorly controlled PS2 game for a pittance means nothing. They don't offer the same gaming experience. At all.
The console price isn't the problem (for me, at least). The problem is them trying to sell games for $40 in 2012 when I can get Angry Birds for a dollar and GTA III for five dollars on my phone. I'm not trying to say they offer the same gaming experience, but the times are changing.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
This is the price it should have launched at, pricing portable console at $250 or $200 when comparable itouches, Galaxy, Nexus, and other hardware have more functionality and power is insane.


It'll probably go to the old 3DS pricepoint ($169.99) next spring. Right in time for Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion & Fire Emblem.

What Nintendo really needs to do is introduce Player's Choice asap so they can drop MSRPs on older game product to $19.99 without devaluing their brand.

Nintendo is so desperate not to devalue their brands with cheap prices that they might devalue them with expensive ones instead. It goes both ways, but I'm not sure if Nintendo realizes it.

There is no reason to argue about it: The perception what a reasonable mobile game is supposed to cost has rapidly decreased over the last few years. It's getting more and more difficult to convince people to pay 40 bucks for a mobile game, when they don't feel that Angry Birds is a 40 times lesser experience.

I'm of course not saying that Nintendo should price their games at 10 dollars and call it a day, that's not only an unrealistic scenario but also a stupid one. However, they definitely need to introduce flexible prices based on the content of the individual game. Titles such as Steel Diver or Pilotwings never should have been more than 20 dollars and both should be offered in the eShop for 10 now. Core titles such as Kid Icarus or Ocarina of Time, which just aren't the kind of evergreen games Nintendo is so proud of, shouldn't stay at 40 dollars for their entire lifetime either. What's the benefit of that? The games are keeping their "value" but instead simply no one is buying them anymore? Smart move.

In general, I think that nothing but their top software should be priced over 30 bucks if they want to stay competetive. Though, I don't see Nintendo cutting the standard price by 10 bucks, sadly. Instead they will be okay with people increasingly just not looking at their games anymore, because they are perceived as too expensive.

I don't think that adding a half-hearted Player's Choice line as seen on the Wii would be improving the situation at all, though. Offering 2 or 3 year old games most people don't really care for anymore for half the price isn't what I regard as a good incentive.

I might add that I'm living in Europe and when I speak of 40$, I'm thinking with the mind of someone who has to pay 40€ (roughly 50USD) for Nintendo's games. I'm not making much of a difference though, since I think that the perception of 40 bucks is nevertheless more or less the same in the US than it is in Europe. We've been treated with USD=EUR for all of our life, after all.
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