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51% of Republican voters feel that Trump represents their values better than Ryan.

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The Deplorables are the Republican base. The people that just want lower taxes and fewer regulations are just for the white nationalist ride.

When asked which leader better represents their view what the Republican Party should stand for, 51 percent of likely voters who are or lean Republican picked Trump, while 33 percent picked Ryan and 15 percent said they weren’t sure.

Still feel dirty that I fell for that compassionate conservatism pitch when I was 18. Still get calls and emails because I was registered Republican.
What values? They don't have any. Therefore, I agree with them.


Does Pence look like he is made of plastic to you Gaf?


Paul Ryan for the rest of his time as Speaker:



This was once the party that freed the slaves.

If they had to make the choice in the modern era, I got serious doubts they would.
In before someone pulls the "not everything is so black and white" card on the deplorables.

I even agree, don't get me wrong...poo comes in different colors and nuances. But it's still poo at the end of the day.
This is pretty telling too:

When asked in the latest Bloomberg Politics poll who should be the face of the party nationally in the event of a Hillary Clinton victory, likely voters who are or lean Republican splintered down a list of five options.

A plurality, 27 percent, picked vice presidential nominee Mike Pence. Trump got 24 percent, ahead of Texas Senator Ted Cruz at 19 percent, House Speaker Paul Ryan at 15 percent, and Ohio Governor John Kasich at 10 percent.

The crazies are in charge.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Yes, it really is about manic, paranoid white nationalism. I appreciate that some conservatives who see themselves as the sane ones are offended at the broad brush of republican = lunatic bigots. But at a certain point you've got to wake up and acknowledge what thirty years of the Southern Strategy has resulted in.

This has always been about leveraging paranoia over protecting The White Lands. The party built a massive media empire spanning print, radio, television, and internet devoted to bringing the lunatic fringe into the mainstream.

And this is what you get. When people keep asking, how can Trump possibly be running for president, the answer is simple. A majority of people who identify as republicans are terrible. That terrible.


“The cold stars shone in mockery, and the bare trees waved their branches above me; now and then the sweet voice of a bird burst forth amidst the universal stillness. All, save I, were at rest or in enjoyment; I, like the arch-fiend, bore a hell within me, and finding myself unsympathized with, wished to tear up the trees, spread havoc and destruction around me, and then to have sat down and enjoyed the ruin."

--The Monster, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Either this number is really shewed one way or another, or the amount of identified Republicans in the country has, overall, gotten pretty low, when you consider how low Trump is sinking in the polls.


Either this number is really shewed one way or another, or the amount of identified Republicans in the country has, overall, gotten pretty low, when you consider how low Trump is sinking in the polls.
GOP's been bleeding members for a generation due to Dubya.

Trump's making it two generations.

Not Spaceghost

Either this number is really shewed one way or another, or the amount of identified Republicans in the country has, overall, gotten pretty low, when you consider how low Trump is sinking in the polls.

That's what I was thinking considering my anecdotal evidence is that almost every die hard republican I know in MD has hard switched to blue.

More like 51% of remaining republicans.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
not shocking at all

Trump is that light that exposed this country's so-called conservatives and and religious community


The good thing is after this election they can no longer pretend to be anything other than the white nationalist party


Sad. Trump is truly a disgrace and half of the Republican party is going down with this ship. I can't stand Paul Ryan though and his inability to lead the GOP throughout the craziness makes me dislike him even more. I don't feel bad for him. I am sad that we have a political party that is falling apart at the seams in leadership with no one currently able to handle the power vacuum.
There is a reason he got the nomination. It's not like he was hiding who he was during the primaries.

Republicans nominated exactly who they wanted.
Either this number is really shewed one way or another, or the amount of identified Republicans in the country has, overall, gotten pretty low, when you consider how low Trump is sinking in the polls.

Basically we are seeing a snowball effect where more and more moderate conservatives and business type conservatives leave the party, causing the Tea Party Deplorables and Christian Conservative types to have more control of the party, which causes even more moderates and business types to leave the party, etc.

Democrats will have a lock on both the liberals and the moderates for a generation unless the GOP starts rejecting at least the Deplorables ASAP.

Like the GOP better hope that they don't end up with another Trump as their 2020 nominee or they are never winning the White House again for at least another 24 years.

And just so people understand how dire this is for them, think about what happens if those 33% that side with Ryan decide to leave the GOP. If we assume that 50 of the voters republican, then that would mean losing 16.67% of the voting population.
Sad. Trump is truly a disgrace and half of the Republican party is going down with this ship. I can't stand Paul Ryan though and his inability to lead the GOP throughout the craziness makes me dislike him even more. I don't feel bad for him. I am sad that we have a political party that is falling apart at the seams in leadership with no one currently able to handle the power vacuum.

That's not something that should be blamed on him, no one can control that group of people. It's why no one wanted the job. The party had to beg him to take the position.


That just means the party needs to change to accommodate the demands of the people that Trump brought over/the party had. Demands like wanting no bad trade agreements, strong immigration, law and order and such.

The only thing this deplorables name calling bullshit causes is further divide the country.


Ryan had to know that he was sacrificing himself to take up the big chair. A selfless thing, if so. I mean, he's passed budgets without defunding planned parenthood or repealing Obamacare. He'd never make it through a primary at this rate, and he's lucky to even have the local incumbency halo effect to help him keep his seat at all.
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