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80s horror movies

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Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
All of the Elm Street covers are beautiful. I have made love to all of the posters and have the paper cuts to prove it.

80s horror makes me hard.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Thanks for the heads-up! Snagged one :). It's weird that they're only doing 5,000 copies.

This is the first time they've even pressed that many. They normally only do 3,000 and this will still only be their fourth title to sell out before the ship date (the others being Christine, Night of the Living Dead 1990, and Body Double) out of over 100 titles.
Was down to 1,500 left Friday evening. Tracking to sell out tonight.


Ok, help me find this movie. I only watched a few scenes on tv, so i dont really know if its actually a comedy movie.
AND i watched this very brief scenes while it aired on local tv, meaning dubbed in portuguese

here it goes

- its a zombie movie
- group of teen survivors escaping zombie infested town
- the group finds a police car and use the radio to ask for a safe place. Zombie in the hospital answer the call and reply in a grunty voice "come to the hospital"
- Movie ends on a bridge
-On the bridge the group uses water from the rain(?) on the street and a power cable to electrocute all zombies simultaneously
-While the zombies fry, camera shows a zombie dressed as thriller's Michael Jackson, also getting electrocuted, but kinda like dancing

I maybe have a few details wrong. Its the most i can remember. Always wanted to really watch this movie

Which movie is this?
Ok, help me find this movie. I only watched a few scenes on tv, so i dont really know if its actually a comedy movie.
AND i watched this very brief scenes while it aired on local tv, meaning dubbed in portuguese

here it goes

- its a zombie movie
- group of teen survivors escaping zombie infested town
- the group finds a police car and use the radio to ask for a safe place. Zombie in the hospital answer the call and reply in a grunty voice "come to the hospital"
- Movie ends on a bridge
-On the bridge the group uses water from the rain(?) on the street and a power cable to electrocute all zombies simultaneously
-While the zombies fry, camera shows a zombie dressed as thriller's Michael Jackson, also getting electrocuted, but kinda like dancing

I maybe have a few details wrong. Its the most i can remember. Always wanted to really watch this movie

Which movie is this?

Sounds like it could be Return of the Living Dead Part II.

Zombie MJ


This is the first time they've even pressed that many. They normally only do 3,000 and this will still only be their fourth title to sell out before the ship date (the others being Christine, Night of the Living Dead 1990, and Body Double) out of over 100 titles.
Was down to 1,500 left Friday evening. Tracking to sell out tonight.

I had a big order already in the cart, and that news blurb on Friday forced me to pull the trigger. It sucks that they didn't limit it to one per customer from the very start, since you know damn well what those guys who bought three are doing, but Twilight Time does seem to finally be wising up to the demand of 80s horror on Blu. Hopefully, they've got similar plans in place for next year when they do their new Fright Night release.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned these classics..



Both are "must watch" horror movies.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I had a big order already in the cart, and that news blurb on Friday forced me to pull the trigger. It sucks that they didn't limit it to one per customer from the very start, since you know damn well what those guys who bought three are doing, but Twilight Time does seem to finally be wising up to the demand of 80s horror on Blu. Hopefully, they've got similar plans in place for next year when they do their new Fright Night release.

I think that it would have been gone within a couple weeks even limited to 1 from the beginning. Even the first 5,000 of that obscenely expensive LE of Nightbreed sold out fairly fast and there's a mass-market release of the main attraction in that set.
I wouldn't be surprised if Journey to the Center of the Earth went faster than Fright Night, no matter what they do. There will probably be a lot of double-dipping because it's a new 4K scan, and there are still no releases of it overseas.
I had a big order already in the cart, and that news blurb on Friday forced me to pull the trigger. It sucks that they didn't limit it to one per customer from the very start, since you know damn well what those guys who bought three are doing, but Twilight Time does seem to finally be wising up to the demand of 80s horror on Blu. Hopefully, they've got similar plans in place for next year when they do their new Fright Night release.

Whaaaat? Fright Night re-release? Do you know if they're going to add extras or anything?

I really, really hate Twilight Times business practices so I don't want to support them at all (I skipped the Blob even though I wanted it) but I don't know if I can resist Fright Night.
I apologize for the resurrection but this really is the best thread dedicated to 80s trash horror, and as such I've been sourcing it for priceless recommendations over the past year. I'd love to share a few others I've found since they were new to me even after all this time, so they might be new to you as well.

Basically I discovered Arrow Video doing the dark gods' work.

Death Spa makes for an incredible experience by itself, and wows as a double feature with another exercise horror flick called Killer Workout. I heartily recommend both, they're easily better than say, April Fool's Day. How Did This Get Made even tackled Spa, which is where I heard it first.

Blood Rage aka the best Thanksgiving slasher you've never seen. A legitimately weird and wild film that impresses even today. Special effects by Terminator 2 crew. Promises to deliver the line "it's not cranberry sauce" more than three times.

All three feature copious nudity, violence, casual drug use, and HILARITY. They're also made with a lot of evident love and heart, as everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves. Great, inventive gore too.


Death Spa makes for an incredible experience by itself, and wows as a double feature with another exercise horror flick called Killer Workout. I heartily recommend both, they're easily better than say, April Fool's Day. How Did This Get Made even tackled Spa, which is where I heard it first.

Death spa is fantastic. Everyone should watch it

Will check the other recomendations
Yep, this was a fun thread. I've revisited a couple recently I'd like to share:


Slaughter High was better than I was expecting. It also has some tragedy behind it as the guy who played Marty killed himself just after the movie was released. It also stars a 36 year old Caroline Munro playing a teenager.


Viggo Mortensen's debut film and directed by Renny Harlin. Really entertaining film, has some great death scenes.


Vamp basically pre-dated From Dusk Till Dawn by about 10 years. A classic in my book, and Grace Jones scared the shit out of me as a kid in this film.


Maybe my favorite Giallo ever.


Leprechaun is worth watching for young Jennifer Anniston. She plays the best frustrated teenaged daughter in a horror movie in it, and it's also cheesy as fuck.

Edit: nevermind, shit was from the 90's


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
In October, I watched Demons and Night of the Demons and highly recommend both.

Also FYI boys and ghouls, next Friday is the 13th.


I guess this is the place to discuss it. Is anyone else familiar with Eyes of Fire? Imagine if The Witch had been directed by, like, Ken Russell or someone back in 1983. It's wack and it's awesome.

The poster is also fucking awesome.

I finally watched Hellraiser and it was amazing. Are any of the sequels on that level?

Hellraiser 2 - about on the same level as the first film

Hellraiser 3 - starts strong, quickly goes into bad b-movie horror territory

Hellraiser Bloodlines - not a bad film, but it was shredded to death by the studios and not the same film it set out to be

Hellraiser Inferno - The last good sequel

Avoid the rest of them like the plague. Especially the last one that came out.


The 80's had the drive-in double feature so the first movie shown was usually some low budget film. It was also the first time a movie could go direct to video. So how do you cheaply fill the video shelves? Low budget horror. Lots of creative leeway given as long as it was relatively cheap to make, and that led to some real gems.
The Serpent and the Rainbow was such a great film on so many levels -- I really wish that Wes Craven would've done more things outside his comfort zone
I found it more a thriller than horror. =)))))))))

Horror isn't really a genre, it is more of a theme. What most people think of as horror is really just a thriller with supernatural/fantastical elements. The difference between horror and thriller is that fantastical element.

Horror and thriller go hand in hand. Look back on the history of slashers.. Psycho, the Italian Giallo's of the 60s and 70s, to Black Christmas and Halloween and even Scream. A film like Se7en is one or two steps away from being a full 'horror' movie. There is also the fact that when critics find a horror movie they like they try to justify it by saying it really isn't horror- like with Silence Of The Lambs. Sorry, there are cannibals and people who wear other people's skin, its a horror movie.

The horror theme can encompass many genres which is why I think horror is less of a genre and more of a theme. For example, Hellraiser is a love triangle story with a horror theme/supernatural elements, Bone Tomahawk is a western with a horror theme, and so on. That is why horror comedies work so well.

Sorry, kind of went on a rant.


This thread reminds me how sad it is that Netflix has lost a bunch of these 1980s horror movies. They had a TON to watch.
I very much love 80's horror films, lots of great memories came flooding back looking at images in this thread.

For me, A Nightmare on Elm Street will always be my favourite horror. I think it's because I saw it when I was 10 on VHS and it scared the absolute shit out of me! Freddie Krueger is a fucking outstanding horror character, and the asshole gets you when you are asleep, so you can never escape him. Genius idea. The original film is brilliantly clever and is still effective today.

Bought the boxset recently on Blu Ray and yep theres a few not so great sequels, but I still love them all.

The Fog too, so damn good.
Society (1989)
The Arrow release includes a DVD and Blu with copious interview material, including Screaming Mad George.

anyone remember watching joe bob briggs on TNT? Monstervision
Yes and I still find his shtick pretty funny, never thought I'd "miss" early cable television. My favorite part was how incredibly snarky he was, and when we detailed how much you (the viewer) were missing thanks to the censors. Funny enough you linked his Friday the 13th coverage, as shitty USA Network tape rips were my first owned copies before I convinced a neighbor to start buying them for me.

can you tell us about it? like what genre of horror
It's cheap, it's 16mm ish, and it's like a drive-in teenager bubble gum romp with some creatures. Should be a lot of fun and hopefully interesting in the sense that its not done so often. Could also be summarized as a 28 Days Later knockoff.

Maybe my favorite Giallo ever.
Tenebre is my favorite Giallo too so high five mon frere! (I don't know the feminine equivalent if you're a Jacky instead of a Jack.)
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