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9 new Crysis screen shots!

dejan said:
60fps my ass.
When there are visible frame rate drops on an official trailer, you know them be some heavy system requirements.
And just to be clear on this, I am talking about running the game in at least 1600x1200 with everything maxed out, as well as at least 4x AA and 8x AF. It's a given the game will scale down to run on non ridiculous rigs, but considering the game itself *will* be mediocre at best, not wanting to run this maxed out and experience the awesomeness that is the new Cryengine for yourself seems like a waste.
Teknopathetic said:
Snowy Jungle still impresses the most.
Same, but I'm not sure why. I think I just love the idea of a frozen jungle. Something so alien but still somewhat familiar is kindof cool.

I still don't understand how exactly this manages to be SO enormously far ahead of EVERYTHING else (I mean...the characters look significantly better than characters in the latest fighting games). No announced PC games even come close either. For the most part console games are looking better than PC games right now....but then theres Crysis. Hopefully I'll have the dough to do a significant upgrade before this hits.


I'm gonna try to force my 6600gt and overclocked athlon xp to run this game. My girlfriend's 3200+, 2gig RAM, 6800Ultra setup might be able to get medium settings smoothly (at 1024x768). That's about what I would expect anyways.

Here's hoping for a demo just so we can tell for sure.


can the ps3/x360 even handle this game at all?
thats probably the best looking real-time graphics i have ever seen.


nitewulf said:
can the ps3/x360 even handle this game at all?
thats probably the best looking real-time graphics i have ever seen.

I'll bet they could come pretty close, at least by the final game generations. But I wouldn't expect anything better to come out of their chipsets, if even that.

We could always be surprised though.
MickeyKnox said:
60fps my ass.
When there are visible frame rate drops on an official trailer, you know them be some heavy system requirements.
And just to be clear on this, I am talking about running the game in at least 1600x1200 with everything maxed out, as well as at least 4x AA and 8x AF. It's a given the game will scale down to run on non ridiculous rigs, but considering the game itself *will* be mediocre at best, not wanting to run this maxed out and experience the awesomeness that is the new Cryengine for yourself seems like a waste.

I don't understand how you can say the game will be mediocre at best. Far Cry had some pretty great ideas and it was the company's first freakin game, unfortunately the second half just wasn't particularly good. I suppose if you assume they learned NOTHING about game design, I could understand your statement, but from all indications, and from all the hands on impressions, the game is quite fun.

To say it "*will* be mediocre at best" is not only writing the game off too soon, but also going against alot of things people that have played it have had to say about it.


SpacLock said:
next-gen is going to spoil so many people with it graphics.

fix'd. more than some already are.

but this looks awesome, too bad only a few will be able to play it like that.


i don't know if something's wrong with me, but so far i'm just not impressed with this game. maybe it's cause everything about it looks so "Farcry". does have great graphics though.

is this game first and third person?
unreal engine am cry

i wonder how much of that is cryengine2 and how much is DX10.

also, how will it work on "next gen" consoles? downgrade total? or not so much?
seattle6418 said:
unreal engine am cry

i wonder how much of that is cryengine2 and how much is DX10.

also, how will it work on "next gen" consoles? downgrade total? or not so much?

Well, dx10 doesn't do the work for you. They had to make the engine anyway. It gives you more abilities and options but it's still up to the dev's to develop the engine.
ummm, weve seen many vids of the game. yes it looks great, really damn great...no it does not put every other next gen to shame. Shadowing is so damn good though



v1cious said:
they have already said tons of times that this game can't be done on a console.
Yes, cause they know everything about deving for next-gen consoles, especially at this stage.
Tieno said:
Yes, cause they know everything about deving for next-gen consoles, especially at this stage.
Considering the technical prowess they've shown so far, I would be inclined to believe whatever they say.


there is no doubt that these pictures are gorgeous. very impressive. yet - they still don't look like photographs to me. What is it going to take to approach reality 1:1?


SeatBelts said:
This better be coming to the ps3!

Crytek would be stupid to release it as PC-only. Especially with all the downloading and the high system specs, I expect the sales to be rather average. And definitely not covering the huge development cost.



My 7800 just exploded!!!

I dont care... I am gonna buy a new comp for this game. OMG its freaking beautiful and amazing. AMAZING!!! AHHAHAHAHAHA..... YES.

dextran said:
there is no doubt that these pictures are gorgeous. very impressive. yet - they still don't look like photographs to me. What is it going to take to approach reality 1:1?

Considering even the best cg is still only capable of fooling people who know very little about computer graphics, true photo realism is still a very very long way off.


Tieno said:
Yes, cause they know everything about deving for next-gen consoles, especially at this stage.

Don't mock the gods.

Crytek are the gods of tech. Behold their power, or face their wrath, and should you thee be smith'ed for your vicious and zealous commentz.


Tieno said:
Yes, cause they know everything about deving for next-gen consoles, especially at this stage.

Depends how you interpret what they mean by that. They aren't necesarily saying they don't think a game that looks as good as crysis will be seen on the 360/PS3, maybe just that their engine would be impossible to port
"Depends how you interpret what they mean by that. They aren't necesarily saying they don't think a game that looks as good as crysis will be seen on the 360/PS3, maybe just that their engine would be impossible to port"

Incorrect, as Crytek has been working on porting CryEngine 2 to consoles for quite awhile now. Crytek is saying, as it is now, Crysis is impossible on consoles.


Teknopathetic said:
"Depends how you interpret what they mean by that. They aren't necesarily saying they don't think a game that looks as good as crysis will be seen on the 360/PS3, maybe just that their engine would be impossible to port"

Incorrect, as Crytek has been working on porting CryEngine 2 to consoles for quite awhile now. Crytek is saying, as it is now, Crysis is impossible on consoles.



the unified lighting system seems to good for next gen systems, and the scale of architecture and physics seem to be a step ahead as well. hell every thing casts a shadow, and teh shadow changes depending on lightsource. im not so sure the graphics depicted in the trailer can be done by the consoles, honestly.
X26 said:
Depends how you interpret what they mean by that. They aren't necesarily saying they don't think a game that looks as good as crysis will be seen on the 360/PS3, maybe just that their engine would be impossible to port

They're actually porting the engine and have been for some time. They're marketing it as a PC/360/PS3 game engine.

I think when they say it can't be done on consoles, they're speaking to ram limitations. 512mb is alot for a console, but this is gonna take 2gb atleast to really make it sing. Some of that is tied up in OS functions on a PC, I know, but I don't think you could squeeze the environments into 512mb without chopping it into peices. So a straight port is probably not possible. I'm almost positive we'll get some sort of Crysis: Instincts at some point on the consoles, and it will probably be significantly more linear and confined, like the Xbox version of Far Cry was.


You have to differentiate between the engine and its visuals and the game. Visuals close to that are certainly possible on the next-gen consoles. Visuals that detailed combined with the scope and open-endedness of Crysis the game - if it is anything like its prequel - will be much harder if not impossible. It's mostly a question of RAM IMHO.



there is joy in sucking dick
The texture work will probably be too much for consoles too, seeing as how the 8800 series and various ATI cards are coming equipped with their own 512 worth of high speed RAM. Factor in System RAM too and you got the varied and wonderful texture work your seeing in the pictures.


Xbox 360, PS3....... Wii?

I don't want to upgrade my PC for ONE game, i only really play my PC for shooters anyway, and they are moved to Xbox 360 now.

Come on Crytek, give us the GOODS
BlueTsunami said:
The texture work will probably be too much for consoles too, seeing as how the 8800 series and various ATI cards are coming equipped with their own 512 worth of high speed RAM. Factor in System RAM too and you got the varied and wonderful texture work your seeing in the pictures.
Pretty much.


Operations said:
Considering the technical prowess they've shown so far, I would be inclined to believe whatever they say.
Ok, I don't. To me it sounds like petting PC users.
"Ok, I don't. To me it sounds like petting PC users."

Considering how lucrative the middleware business on consoles is (and just like at Epic for proof), you're telling me they'd rather rub PC gamers the right way than showing/telling developers "It *is* possible to make a game look like this on consoles with our engine"?

Tieno said:
Ok, I don't. To me it sounds like petting PC users.
Seeing that they're marketing their engine as a console engine as well, it's not in their best interest to downplay it's abilities on the console. I don't think they'd say it was impossible on a console unless they actually meant it.

That being said...consider what they mean by "impossible". They're likely referring to a perfect conversion. There are of course ways to make it run on a console. Stripping out features and dumbing down the graphics, you could make it run on an N64 if you tried hard enough...but would it really be worth it?

A perfect conversion won't happen. Theres just no room for it. But I don't think they're saying that there is no chance anything similar can be done on a console.
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