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A Month After Release Only 30% Of Final Fantasy XV Players Finished It, Now It's 60%


Regarding the 42% in PSN: is it maybe possible that the internal statistic team is somehow able to estimate the rough number of completionists of offline-players (for example, with questionaries and so on)?
Didn't one developer said once that many japanese players still don't connect their consoles with the internet? This could explain the missing numbers. Or maybe I misremember it.

Of course, it simply could also just be that SE makes it look better then it really is. 42% is high regardless.


Neo Member
It might be because I lurk so much but FFXV seems to trigger so many people on Neogaf. Im happy FFXV has been so successful and im hoping we get a Noctis Returns at some point.
Still waiting on them to at least get most of the DLC out before I continue. I only made it to chapter 2, and too much stuff has come out for me to go back to it yet. Can't wait though for when I do.
i pre ordered the gold/deluxe/whatever edition digitally, played for about an hour on release day, said "imma come back to this game, it looks fun" and haven't touched it since except for a brief few hours when I visited the christmas holiday thing.

I think I'll enjoy the game, I wanna get to it, I recently finished FF12:Zodiac Age so I know what kinda game I'll be getting into, but for some reason since I own it digitally I just push off playing it until I finish a few other physical games first. Like right now balls deep in Yakuza 0 and loving it.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
42% is high regardless.

It really is. I'm usually shocked when an ending trophy earns above 20%.

I think last I checked, Witcher 3 was hovering in the 30% range on PS4 which was quite pleasing and higher than I expected(DLC was sub 10% for both packs though)


Regarding the 42% in PSN: is it maybe possible that the internal statistic team is somehow able to estimate the rough number of completionists of offline-players (for example, with questionaries and so on)?
Didn't one developer said once that many japanese players still don't connect their consoles with the internet? This could explain the missing numbers. Or maybe I misremember it.

Of course, it simply could also just be that SE makes it look better then it really is. 42% is high regardless.

It's more likely that Tabata's full of shit, he made a lot of misleading or straight up false statements leading up to release.
I'm looking forward to adding to that statistic.
Last time I played it was back in November. Is the game more complete now?

The only substantial thing they added to the main story was an extra section to Chapter 13 which you can select from the menu. It's another 30ish minutes and adds some more context to certain things.

The rest of the updates include stuff like Timed Hunts, more music for the car, the ability to actually drive the car and go off-roading and breaking the level cap.


I doubt their numbers are at all derived from Trophies/achievements. Hell, I imagine the PSN trophy numbers would be completely different anyway if you didn't have to manually sync trophies.


It's on my list, but I gotta finish Persona 5, Zelda and Horizon first so it may be a while. And Mario Odyssey will barge in there too.


I finished it on the first month, but while I'd like to revisit the game after all those updates and DLCs, I feel it's not really worth it.
I don't wanna know the number of people who finished Automata, but only Ending A :/ That's almost like quitting Wild Arms 1 after its fake credits
at the funeral
a few hours in or I don't know, quitting FFVII after leaving Midgar :D

And real talk, I honestly might have not continued playing Automata either if I hadn't read on GAF and in reviews how integral "replaying" is in this game since I'm usually not the type to get every ending in games (I hate it when games have several ending and I didn't get the "true" ending in my first playthrough, ugh). But maaan, the way Automata did it was so cool; okay, maybe Route B could've been handled differently, though maybe the way it is was the point of it. If I had quit after Ending A it would've felt really unsatisfying and during the ending scene
I felt something was off the whole time and it didn't feel like a real happy ending

EDIT: Apparently the trophy rarities for Automata (actually Ending E) and Persona 5 on PSN are:

Well I was expecting lower percentages so It's great to see that at least 1/3 of people that bought those JRPG had the will to actually play them to finish, considering that Nier is tricky regarding its endings and Persona 5 is a really long game.

And yes, I share your point about not being able to get a true ending in a first playtrough. With so many games in my backlog I usally don't care for games that had several endings unless I really like them. (A negative case for me is Shin Megami Tensei IV for example)
In the case of Nier Automata I knew were I was getting into because I played the original years ago (And had to fight with myself to play it again to see the rest of routes/endings).
However, as much as I love the game I still think that route B should have more differences. I feel a lot of people were bummed because of that and stopped playing.
thanks for the numbers, tabata, but i'm going with this :) ...

42% on psn is still pretty damn good, and that ignores people who don't connect their consoles to the internet and the xbox one version. Even if you want to argue that maybe increases the % a small amount you still get close to 50% of people who finished ff15. How many other open world or jrpgs have that level of completion?
I got to the last (?) chapter and went back to the past for more sidequests. Got bored and dropped it. By now I've thoroughly forgotten how to play it.


90% of my game time is driving for 10 minutes to start a quest, only to drive another 10 minutes to the quest location and having to wait for the right 'time' and then driving back another 10 minutes to complete the quest, then going to a hotel to get xp ... rinse and repeat
You know you can fast-travel to outposts/parking spots/etc., right (obviously with 40-90 seconds or so of loading time)? :D

To be fair, I always felt the Map UI design is bad and obtuse at parts; it didn't make it clear that you had to select "Map Point" in the Automatic Drive menu first and then manually select a point close to your desired quest/hunt location to fast-travel to because if you enter the Automatic Mode menu it lets you already move around the cursor, but you can't actually manually select points on the map and if you press X it just enters the default menu point "Parking Spots" on the left side which then opens a list of known parking spots to fast-travel to. It's unintuitive because being able to move around the cursor on the map when you enter the menu makes you think you could just quickly select a map point now and select fast-travel like in other games, like Witcher 3.


Generally I think they should make fast-travel possible regardless of where your car is at currently. It just adds an unnecessary layer of menus and loading times when having to warp back to your car first through the R3 menu, then open the Automatic Drive menu, then select Map Point, then select the place you want to fast-travel to.

Yes, but only after finishing the game.
No, during the game too. After chapter 9 you can go back to the open-world part by calling the dog Umbra at any rest area in the later chapters and then to "go back" to the future go to the hotel in Altissia and talk to one of the hotel desk dudes to call the dog again (btw, it's not actually time travel but just a way of "revisiting your past memories" or something, lol).



Gold Member
42% on psn is still pretty damn good, and that ignores people who don't connect their consoles to the internet and the xbox one version. Even if you want to argue that maybe increases the % a small amount you still get close to 50% of people who finished ff15. How many other open world or jrpgs have that level of completion?

didn't say it's not pretty damn good. just pointing out that 42 (which, as we all know, is the answer to the question 'what is the meaning of life, the universe, & everything?') isn't 60 :) ...


Hmm, it did come out at the start of December though, yes? I and a lot of others got it closer to or on Christmas, if not as a gift then at least because of the sales that showed up since. And with only like a week or two to play... yeah, we'd beat it afterwards, which I did do.


It's a pretty huge number actually, considering how people consume their games nowadays, even if it's just 20 hours.
It means they can bank on spin-offs/DLCs since they already hooked a lot of people.


I'm a big FF fan but yea I just cannot find any energy to get into FFXV. I only barely finished chapter 1 and did some of the Chocobo/Mog festival stuff and thats it. Got into Persona 5, Zelda and KH 2.8 and now i'm in FFXII ZA. I'm really finding it hard to bring myself to come back to this and play it and that makes me sad as a FF fan.

Chris R

Now I want to play it, I was avoiding it because I didn’t have time to sink into a huge JRPG

If you go and try to do every single side quest you can easily get up there.

I did maybe 20 side quests, saw that they were all pretty much standard side quest fare or worse and not at all worth my time since I don't enjoy the games combat and just plowed through the game after that.

Once you are past Chapter 3 the game's pace really picks up.


60% sounds WAY too high. Bloodborne had a ~20% completion rate, IIRC, and that would have been bought by a crowd that knew exactly what they were getting themselves into (--> more motivated to finish).
I finished the game without really realizing it was the end. It was very unsatisfying and very unlike a typical end game FF. I just beat it weeks ago and honestly I can't even remember the ending. I can recall past FFs with ease.


You know you can fast-travel to outposts/parking spots/etc., right (obviously with 40-90 seconds or so of loading time)? :D

To be fair, I always felt the Map UI design is bad and obtuse at parts; it didn't make it clear that you had to select "Map Point" in the Automatic Drive menu first and then manually select a point close to your desired quest/hunt location to fast-travel to because if you enter the Automatic Mode menu it lets you already move around the cursor, but you can't actually manually select points on the map and if you press X it just enters the default menu point "Parking Spots" on the left side which then opens a list of known parking spots to fast-travel to. It's unintuitive because being able to move around the cursor on the map when you enter the menu makes you think you could just quickly select a map point now and select fast-travel like in other games, like Witcher 3.

I've done this, it's so aggravating, especially since the load times are ridiculously long.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Copy pasting this from what I've posted in an older thread (Aug 2):

It's also interesting to see how many people finished X games, like for example, based on PSN Profiles:

- 64.95% of the people who played FFXV and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Homecoming trophy).
- 51.06% of the people who played FFXIII-2 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Epic Finisher trophy).
- 39.90% of the people who played LR:FFXIII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the A Legend from Times Past trophy).
- 39.65% of the people who played FFXIII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Instrument of Change trophy).
- 33.36% of the people who played FFVII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the A Feat of Meteoric Proportions trophy).
- 29.57% of the people who played FFX and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the The Eternal Calm trophy).
- 25.01% of the people who played FF Type-0 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the What Lies Beyond trophy).
- 16.90% of the people who played FFX-2 and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Machine of War trophy).
- 11.56% of the people who played FFXII and uploaded their profiles completed the game (getting the Wings of My Own trophy).

When did final fantasy games get so short?

They aren't extremely lengthy like Dragon Quest post VI. FFX, without rushing and doing several side quests, took me around 32 hours to beat.


Ive got it but havent started it, is the patching for the game done yet?, I know the game got a ton of backlash at the beginning for lacking stuff, and that there has been some patches with added storycontent.
I got so bored in the last chapters I think I missed the "amazing ending" I've seen a lot of GAFfers mention.

Either that or it didn't phase me at all.
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