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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I want Sansa to castrate Littlefinger and give him the Reek treatment. She'll need some support to take him on though, maybe the Blackfish will come looking for her?

q_q said:
I'd hate to see a Littlefinger POV. He's like the Joker, if you tell us what he's thinking it removes a lot of his mystique.

I feel the same way. I think it would be nice for the Vale to get fleshed out more beyond Sansa's POV, that's why I suggested Littlefinger.
I liked Litlefinger too, but once he started trying to seduce Sansa I quit rooting for him.

PhoenixDark said:
It depends on who Robb named his heir. If he naturalizes Jon and names him a Stark and heir, Jon will have the best claim. Personally I don't think he named Jon though.

I wonder if LF will be able to convince Sansa to oppose her brother's claim, assuming Rickon leaves Skagos alive and raises the banners

Who would he have named if it wasn't Jon? As far as he knew both Rickon and Bran were dead. The only other sibling he had knowledge of was Sansa, so I guess it could be her. If that is the case then I can definitely see Littlefinger managing to convince her to dispute her brother's claim. It would be better if it was Jon though. That way there would be 3 Starks competing to be seated in Winterfell: Jon, Sansa, and Rickon.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Littlefinger is a dick but he killed Catelyn's moron sister so that's okay.


LegendofJoe said:
I liked Litlefinger too, but once he started trying to seduce Sansa I quit rooting for him.

Who would he have named if it wasn't Jon? As far as he knew both Rickon and Bran were dead. The only sibling he had knowledge of was Sansa, so I guess it could be her. If that is the case then I can definitely see Littlefinger managing to convince her to dispute her brother's claim.

No he definitely named Jon the heir. He thought Bran and Rickon were dead and had no clue where Sansa and Arya are and if they are even free. Not to mention he viewed Jon as a brother. Although we never figured whatever happened to that letter as Jon should have gotten it by night.

All I want in Book 7 is for Jon to deal with the Others then wipe out the Boltons, Freys, and Lannisters in one big swoop.

LegendofJoe said:
I liked Litlefinger too, but once he started trying to seduce Sansa I quit rooting for him.

Who would he have named if it wasn't Jon? As far as he knew both Rickon and Bran were dead. The only other sibling he had knowledge of was Sansa, so I guess it could be her. If that is the case then I can definitely see Littlefinger managing to convince her to dispute her brother's claim. It would be better if it was Jon though. That way there would be 3 Starks competing to be seated in Winterfell: Jon, Sansa, and Rickon.

Rickon is way too young to compete for the seat and the people who would support him would go to Jon if he actually declared.

What I could see happening is Jon with Tyrion vs Sansa with Littlefinger. :D
Jarmel said:
Rickon is way too young to compete for the seat and the people who would support him would go to Jon if he actually declared.

What I could see happening is Jon with Tyrion vs Sansa with Littlefinger. :D

Now that I think about it I definitely can't see Jon competing with his brother or sister for Winterfell, it's just not in his character. He is going to be Azor Ahai anyway so being Lord of the North is small fries for him. I do wonder though if Littlefinger is orchestrating an alliance with the Boltons, wouldn't that be a shocker?
My problem with Jon being the heir is that Robb tended to side with his mother after their various behind-closed-doors disputes. And I don't think Martin would make us wait so long for the news just to make it so obvious either.

The hole in the argument is that there's not really a well known candidate to be the heir outside of Jon. Catelyn proposed a Royce though, which would complicate LF's plans.


LegendofJoe said:
Now that I think about it I definitely can't see Jon competing with his brother or sister for Winterfell, it's just not in his character. He is going to be Azor Ahai anyway so being Lord of the North is small fries for him. I do wonder though if Littlefinger is orchestrating an alliance with the Boltons, wouldn't that be a shocker?
I doubt that would work. He would need to offer more than the Lannisters to win the Boltons'/Freys' allegiance. I don't think he can do that.


LegendofJoe said:
I liked Litlefinger too, but once he started trying to seduce Sansa I quit rooting for him.

Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed seems to be the philosophy in Westeros. She's a grown-ass woman by their society's standards.
PhoenixDark said:
My problem with Jon being the heir is that Robb tended to side with his mother after their various behind-closed-doors disputes. And I don't think Martin would make us wait so long for the news just to make it so obvious either.

The hole in the argument is that there's not really a well known candidate to be the heir outside of Jon. Catelyn proposed a Royce though, which would complicate LF's plans.

Yeah, I'm pretty much convinced that Jon wasn't named the heir. There wouldn't have been any need to keep it hidden if he had named Jon.
q_q said:
I doubt that would work. He would need to offer more than the Lannisters to win the Boltons'/Freys' allegiance. I don't think he can do that.

As fas as KL knows Littefinger is still allied with them. Littlefinger could form a separate alliance with Bolton to provide him a true Stark heir after he's lost fake Arya.

Puddles said:
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed seems to be the philosophy in Westeros. She's a grown-ass woman by their society's standards.

Littlefinger took advantage of his power over her. Going after her is akin to pedophilia to me, I don't care what the standards in Westeros are.


Puddles said:
I always got the impression that people could only be resurrected within a few days of their actual death. Someone like Drogo, who is only a skeleton at this point, probably couldn't be resurrected.

The theory goes Drogo's spirit warged into Drogon at the moment of his death. Which would presumably also mean Viserys and Rhaego could be resurrected at GRRM's whim, too. It's an awful idea, but it does indeed seem like Mirri Maz Duur's prophesy in a GoT is being fuifilled.


LegendofJoe said:
As fas as KL knows Littefinger is still allied with them. Littlefinger could form a separate alliance with Bolton to provide him a true Stark heir after he's lost fake Arya.

Littlefinger took advantage of his power over her. Going after her is akin to pedophilia to me, I don't care what the standards in Westeros are.

Sansa is a dumb board. She doesn't deserve any better than Littlefinger.

LF should marry her and turn her to the dark side, which we all know she is turning to anyway.

Eteric Rice

tino said:
Sansa is a dumb board. She doesn't deserve any better than Littlefinger.

LF should marry her and turn her to the dark side, which we all know she is turning to anyway.

Eh, Sansa is getting wiser. Her fairy tale idea of the world was shattered, and now she's trying to get by. She's probably going to do a lot of growing up from here on out. And I suspect she's about to smarten up on Littlefinger, since he wants to kill the kid. Sansa may have been an annoying bitch, but she's not heartless.

As for Jon inheriting Winterfell. I wonder if that crow got shot down? And if so, who has said letter?

Either way, what if Catelyn showed up to inherit Winterfell? I mean, even though she's undead and all. I suspect that everyone would just call her an abomination and try to kill her again.

I think Sansa has the best claim, though. She's the oldest, but I'm not sure if that's how it works.


well Bran has the best claim to Winterfell by the laws in Westeros.

it would be
Uncle Benjen
if Jon Snow is legitimized he would have the best claim.
yacobod said:
well Bran has the best claim to Winterfell by the laws in Westeros.

it would be
Uncle Benjen
if Jon Snow is legitimized he would have the best claim.

Benjen threw away his claim when he took the black, though. Same for Jon (he could get released by his vows from a King, based on what Stannis was saying, but Jon would probably want to stay with the Watch).

Judging by what Catelyn said to Robb when he was talking about his will, the next heirs after Arya would be the descendents of Rickard's aunt.
Can we settle this now -- why do people believe that GRRM described Dany's thighs as 'slick with blood' think that this means she has dysentery or the bloody flux? I instantly saw it as her having her period, i.e., proving she's not barren.


ZephyrFate said:
Can we settle this now -- why do people believe that GRRM described Dany's thighs as 'slick with blood' think that this means she has dysentery or the bloody flux? I instantly saw it as her having her period, i.e., proving she's not barren.

I think that's what happened too, but I don't like that it was pulled out of thin air like that. Dany hasn't had a period in like two years, but the subject has never come up in a single Dany chapter until now? Especially since it would have made the case for Dany being barren stronger, with the only evidence before being Mirri Maz Duur's prophesy.


Do people still care about who will become the lord of Winterfell. I sure don't. I want Lord Fat to become the King of the North.
tino said:
Do people still care about who will become the lord of Winterfell. I sure don't. I want Lord Fat to become the King of the North.

What a badass. And I loved Wylla tellin' it like it is at court. Seems like a good match for Rickon heh


Cornballer said:
- EW.com interview: George R.R. Martin on 'Dance With Dragons' shocking twist (Spoilers)

Lots of very interesting answers in here about events towards the end of ADwD. GRRM hints at a number of things that people have been assuming.

The one thing I was confess to being frustrated by is the first Tyion chapter you set up this expectation that he’s going to meet Dany, and I got excited. Then about 600 pages later I’m realizing, “OK, that’s not gonna happen, at least not in this book.”

Martin: Yeah, it’s the “kind of bring ‘em together but don’t give them the confirmation.” In some ways it’s not so different than the sexual tension in TV shows — are Catherine and Vincent [on Beauty and the Beast] finally going to kiss? Same philosophy. This is the kind of stuff I wrestle with. I could have ended the next chapter: Tyrion gets off the boat and there’s Dany. But the journey itself has its own interest.
Who told him that?


GURM should go ahead and spoil the cliffhangers for the next novel, no sense in waiting for a book that may never be released. Why torture everyone?
Cornballer said:
- EW.com interview: George R.R. Martin on 'Dance With Dragons' shocking twist (Spoilers)

Lots of very interesting answers in here about events towards the end of ADwD. GRRM hints at a number of things that people have been assuming.

So pretty much Jon isn't dead (he doesn't confirm either way, but I take that as pretty close to confirmation that Jon survives in some manner) and Mance is hiding in the crypts neath Winterfell (this I always figured cause Mance is fucking Bale the Bard come again and as others have pointed out I'm sure Ramsay would have sent some Mance or Stannis skin with his letter), sweet.


ZephyrFate said:
Can we settle this now -- why do people believe that GRRM described Dany's thighs as 'slick with blood' think that this means she has dysentery or the bloody flux? I instantly saw it as her having her period, i.e., proving she's not barren.

I thought she was having a miscarriage during that section--she would have known if it was her "moon blood", and if I recall correctly, she thinks to herself that it is too soon for her moon blood to come.

Edited to add:

From Dany's last chapter: "The sight of so much red frightened her. Moon blood, it’s only my moon blood, but she did not remember ever having such a heavy flow. Could it be the water? If it was the water, she was doomed. She had to drink or die of thirst." Barren or not, I don't think her menstrual cycle ever stopped.


Unconfirmed Member
How many chapters of the next book are done? Only a couple?

I seem to remember him saying that he moved some Ironborn chapters that were finished to Winds.


Dany was having a miscarriage there - she specifically questions how many months it's been since she's had her moon blood.

That scene also fulfilled Mirri Maaz Duur's prophecy, IMO.

"When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east," said Mirri Maz Duur. "When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."

Sun rises in the west and sets in the east = Quentyn Martell's death (his sigil is the sun, came from Dorne in the west and died in the east).

When the seas go dry
= drought in the Dothraki sea? She kept pointing out how that stream was down to barely any water.

When the mountains blow in the wind like leaves = Dragons burning the pyramids in Meereen.

When your womb quickens again and you bear a living child = She was pregnant before she at the berries and lost the child.

Then he will return = It wasn't Drogo who returned but rather Drogon.


sazabirules said:
How many chapters of the next book are done? Only a couple?

Well, we know 200 pages from ADWD were moved to Winds at the very end of the process in order to get the damn thing published. I don't think we know if that includes stuff like the Sansa chapter that was moved over to Winds earlier in the process.

I'm hoping for a "short" 3 year wait for the next book. With GRRM not starting back on ASOIAF until next year (and stuff like Dunk and Egg, Wildcards, the show, etc., also on his plate) 3 years might be overly optimistic.


So the greenseer talks of souls staying with animals, we see warg-ing going on, maybe Drogo went into Drogon....

Are you guys thinking what I am thinking? Ned Stark the father of warg pack at the moment of decap goes into..... idk....King of the Dire Wolves?



A few quick reveals I thought were interesting:

- Arya warging into a cat to see while she was blind.
- Is Tyrion really a Targ? He seemed to be immune from greyscale and the pale mare, and it was revealed that Aerys was in love with Joanna Lannister. He's also obsessed with dragons.
- Three-eyed crow = Bloodraven. Awesomeness.
- Arya using a poisoned coin when she knew the target chews each coin to make sure it's real.
- Jon fulfilling the Azor Ahai prophecy with his "death." Bleeding red star = blood on Ser Patrek (red headed with star sigil), smoke coming out of Jon's wound, salt = tears from Bowen Marsh.
- Aegon = the mummer's dragon? Is he a fake, or is Varys the mummer?
- Manderly baking the missing Freys into the pies, and feeding them to the other Freys like the Rat King.
- Theon being castrated by Ramsay Bolton...poor guy.
- Abel = Bael = Mance. I knew Abel was Mance, but I didn't catch the Bael reference. Well played.
- Hodor = Ser Duncan + Old Nan's grand child?

...did I miss any?


bunbun777 said:
So the greenseer talks of souls staying with animals, we see warg-ing going on, maybe Drogo went into Drogon....

Are you guys thinking what I am thinking? Ned Stark the father of warg pack at the moment of decap goes into..... idk....King of the Dire Wolves?

Except Drogo was already dead before Drogon was born.


q_q said:
Except Drogo was already dead before Drogon was born.

Well he was zombiefied until the burning-- at which point did the eggs hatch? Dany thought the sacrifice was for the eggs so his death = their hatching?

-edit-- nope she smothered him--- so hmmmmmmm.


Clipjoint said:
- Theon being castrated by Ramsay Bolton...poor guy.
People keep saying this but I didn't get that. The only thing was one sentence I saw that vaguely referred to something that maybe could have been his dick. Plus Ramsay asks if Jeyne makes Theon's dick hard. I suppose that could be him taunting Theon but it doesn't seem to imply in and of itself that he castrated him. I feel like Martin would have made it more explicit if it had happened. Unless he did and I missed it, which is a possibility.

- Hodor = Ser Duncan + Old Nan's grand child?
I also must have missed this. Where was it implied? Cool if true.


I think Bran has a vision where a very tall knight kisses a brown-haired woman in the godwoods - that could be Dunk? I'll need to check that passage out, it's all a bit of a blur for me.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?

GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

Other than the Melisandre chapter you can't get any more confirmation than this, Jon Snow is far from out of the picture.


I guessed that Mel is going to bring him back to life. It'll bind him to her cause, whether he likes it or not. It's either that or The George decides to put his trollface on and brings Jon back as a full warg in Ghost.

Him just surviving a slash to the throat, a stab in the gut and a knife in the back is a bit too unbelievable.


Dresden said:
I guessed that Mel is going to bring him back to life. It'll bind him to her cause, whether he likes it or not. It's either that or The George decides to put his trollface on and brings Jon back as a full warg in Ghost.

Him just surviving a slash to the throat, a stab in the gut and a knife in the back is a bit too unbelievable.
Keep in mind though the slash to the neck was shallow and missed his throat because Jon dodged it at the last minute.


May contain jokes =>
Clipjoint said:
Dany was having a miscarriage there - she specifically questions how many months it's been since she's had her moon blood.

That scene also fulfilled Mirri Maaz Duur's prophecy, IMO.

Sun rises in the west and sets in the east = Quentyn Martell's death (his sigil is the sun, came from Dorne in the west and died in the east).

When the seas go dry
= drought in the Dothraki sea? She kept pointing out how that stream was down to barely any water.

When the mountains blow in the wind like leaves = Dragons burning the pyramids in Meereen.

When your womb quickens again and you bear a living child = She was pregnant before she at the berries and lost the child.

Then he will return = It wasn't Drogo who returned but rather Drogon.

I like the idea of MMD's prophecy coming true but the only one that's a bit of a stretch is the mountains one. Doesn't really fit.

And despite the complaining people have done about resurrections I'd actually fully welcome a real return of Drogo at this point. No idea how it would happen but it could make Dany's storyline so much better.
q_q said:
Keep in mind though the slash to the neck was shallow and missed his throat because Jon dodged it at the last minute.

Yeah, as long as the strike between the shoulder blades didn't hit the spine the only blow that is seemingly fatal is the one to the gut.


LegendofJoe said:
Yeah, as long as the strike between the shoulder blades didn't hit the spine the only blow that is seemingly fatal is the one to the gut.
There was a fourth one somewhere and presumably even more than that. The nights watch seemed intent on doing it's job properly.


LegendofJoe said:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?

GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

Other than the Melisandre chapter you can't get any more confirmation than this, Jon Snow is far from out of the picture.

I lolz at anyone who thought Jon was dead.


I really hope GRRM is trolling us and when the Great Other enters the picture, all the characters he's been bringing back from the dead become his thralls. Because if there isn't some sort of subversion going on here he's undermining one of the qualities that made this series great. It doesn't affect me in the least anymore when a character dies because I either assume it's a trick or they'll be brought back from the dead.
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